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The Savior, the Flood, and the Beast: Three Plays
The Savior, the Flood, and the Beast: Three Plays
The Savior, the Flood, and the Beast: Three Plays
Ebook147 pages1 hour

The Savior, the Flood, and the Beast: Three Plays

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About this ebook

The Savior, the Flood, and the Beast, are three different plays all with various themes.

The Savior, or The Carpenter, is about a young Carpenter, working in the porn industry for his brother, who ends up falling for the lead porn star, but his brother becomes secretly jealous of their affair. To the point that he won't let he

Release dateApr 21, 2023
The Savior, the Flood, and the Beast: Three Plays

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    The Savior, the Flood, and the Beast - Louis T Bruno


    The Savior: The Carpenter

    Int. A carpenter is pounding nails in a piece of wood. Moans fill the other room. He works as lonely as he should be. Moans of a woman he can’t have.

    A producer of the film is talking to the side, trying to figure out small little details. Talking amongst themselves.

    The Carpenter still works without end.

    The little group of people stand, and they glance at each other.

    Barry Mendelson:

    Who’s the hunk?

    Carol Faulk:

    Just some carpenter. He needed work.

    Barry Mendelson:

    Want to put him in a scene?

    Joaqim Delgado (scoffs):

    Don’t fuck the help.

    Barry Mendelson:

    He’s not help. He doesn’t need any help.

    They all go silent. The Carpenter still works alone, and he completes his work easily enough. He starts helping another group, and they welcome him in.

    Barry Mendelson:

    He’s a good worker. Catches on quickly.

    Carol is silent.

    Carol Faulk:

    I think he’s straight, so leave him alone.

    Joaqim Delgado:

    This is hilarious. He can’t keep his dick in his pants. You don’t want to be Meetood. We don’t need lawsuits here. We come here for work, not pleasure.

    Barry Mendelson (licking his lips):

    Speak for yourself

    Carol Faulk:

    Fuck out of here for now. Let’s go to lunch.

    Barry Mendelson:

    I think I might ask your carpenter friend.

    Carol Faulk just stared him down, icily.

    Joaqin Delgado:

    Come on man, let’s get out of here.

    They both laugh and walk away.

    Carol Faulk stares down at his notes, trying to make sure everything on his schedule fits.

    The PA, Vera Cruz, walks over to him.

    Vera Cruz:

    Hey boss, Tammy’s here for your three o clock.

    Carol Faulk:

    Okay. Is Brad here?

    Vera Cruz (sighing):

    You know it all with Brad, he just wants to come and go as he pleases.

    Carol Faulk:

    Yeah, fucking Brad.

    Vera Cruz stares at the Carpenter:

    How about him?

    Carol Faulk:

    That’s my brother.

    Vera Cruz (wide eyed, glanced over and then back):

    Not putting him in front of the camera? You don’t do that with just anyone.

    Carol Faulk:

    That’s my kid brother, okay.

    Vera Cruz (she eyes him):

    Is he single?

    Carol Faulk:

    Kid brother is off limits. He’s not gay. Joaqim just wanted to hump him, and I was this close to punching him. He just likes to be by himself.

    Vera Cruz:

    Yeah, he looks a little…

    Carol Faulk stares her down, and she tweak her voice.

    Vera Cruz:


    Carol Faulk (nodded):

    Yeah, he is a good kid.

    Vera Cruz:

    Then why bring him here?

    Carol Faulk (shooing her away with the clipboard):

    Find someone else. Call Joe, he always needs work.

    Carol Faulk just stands and he’s counting all the threads of the blankets he has to use for the beds.

    Vera Cruz (she comes back):

    The next batch of sheets are going to arrive in about twenty minutes.

    Carol Faulk:

    That’s why I hired you.

    The PA glances back at the Carpenter.

    Vera Cruz;

    He’s cute.

    Carol Faulk:

    Don’t start.

    Vera Cruz:

    You never told me you had a brother.

    Carol Faulk:

    Not here I don’t. You say anything, you’re fired.


    Okay. Lord knows you have to keep a few secrets in this business.

    Carol Faulk:

    Yeah, no shit.

    People are walking around the set, and the Carpenter keeps moving, helping anyone who needs help.

    Tammy walks by, and she hugs Carol Faulk. She’s tall, blonde, fake breasts, someone who most girls would envy but also pity. Like she has humility.


    Where’s Bruce?

    Carol Faulk:

    You know, probably off somewhere…


    Fucking Craton addict. Why don’t you fire him?

    Carol Faulk:

    Our streamers like him.


    He can’t hold a hard on anymore.

    Carol Faulk:

    That’s pretty blunt.


    He gives off that creep vibe. I didn’t want to work with him anyway.

    Carol Faulk (stopped flipping through his schedule and shook his head):

    Is there anyone you will work with? We have Joe.


    We don’t click that much.

    Carol Faulk:

    Something wrong?


    Tried to rape me the last time.

    Carol Faulk:



    He was hanging around my apartment. Tried to break in the last time.

    Carol Faulk:

    Jesus Christ, did you call the cops?


    When I told him, and had the cops on speaker, he walked away. I just never told anyone until now.

    Carol Faulk:

    Jesus, we’ll make a note of that. I wish you would have told me that.


    You forgot, babe.

    Carol Faulk shook his head:

    Yeah, I probably did. The backers are on my ass. They’re pissed with the streams.


    You can blame your stable, not me.

    Carol Faulk:

    The men, after you fuck them, can’t fuck after that.


    I set a very high standard.

    Carol Faulk:

    You steal souls, not just fuck them.


    I get results, babe.

    Tammy glances around and she sees the Carpenter.

    Tammy (a spark in her eye):

    How about him?

    Carol Faulk:


    Tammy (chuckling):

    I have seen him this entire week. He doesn’t look at me. He seems quiet.

    Carol Faulk:

    He’s a new guy.


    Now him, he looks fresh.

    Carol Faulk:



    I’m serious. This is me talking here. He doesn’t look like every broke dick gay for pay fag. He seems untouched.

    Carol Faulk:

    We don’t fuck the help.


    Does he pay taxes?

    Carol Faulk:



    Then he deserves to have his dick sucked. It’s the least I can do.

    Carol Faulk:

    The least you can do is just follow the rules.

    Tammy (laughing):

    You’re kind of protective of him.

    Carol Faulk:

    I’m just trying to run a business, and help us make some money.


    I’m # 1 on Pornhub.

    Carol Faulk:

    That might not be for long.

    Tammy read the iPad with Carol Faulk. A picture of a rival porn star appeared.


    Oh, Cheri. That bitch. She does gang bangs for 500. That’s not right.

    Carol Faulk:

    At least she’s seen.


    Every man I fuck is quality. My pussy breaks men or makes them go insane.

    Carol Faulk:

    I know. The men don’t live long either.

    Tammy (scoffs):

    Fuck you for bringing that up.

    Carol Faulk:

    It must be a blessing and a curse. To be the only talented woman in the field, but every man that enters you, can’t let you go.


    I make men out of little boys, and you pretend like my personal life is of importance to you. Take it back or I walk.

    Carol Faulk:

    Okay, sorry.

    Tammy cooled off, a little irritated.


    Call me when the talent arrives.

    Tammy walks outside, and she covers her face. She takes a deep breath. The California sun blinds her. She’s staring into the parking lot. She looks to the right, and the Carpenter is smoking a cigarette.

    When Tammy looks him in the eye and is flustered. She can’t seem to look at him, but she walks over. She holds out her hand, and introduces herself.


    I’m Tammy Pierson.

    The Carpenter:

    I know who you are.


    I have been trying to talk to you all week.

    The Carpenter blows the cigarette smoke right of Tammy.

    The Carpenter:

    That’s because the producer said not to talk to you.


    Why should you listen to him?

    The Carpenter:

    He pays my bills that’s why. I don’t have that much talent.


    Don’t say those things. Why are you like this?

    The Carpenter:

    I have to accept reality.

    Tammy took the cigarette out of his mouth and inhaled.


    Who told you that?

    The Carpenter:

    My boss.

    Tammy nodded, and smoked his cigarette in front of him. He pulled out another cigarette and lit it.


    Come over my place later.

    The Carpenter:



    Are you playing hard to get? Most men would want to be with me.

    The Carpenter:

    Did you ever think that you’re making this too easy?


    Well played. How about dinner?

    The Carpenter:

    Haven’t seen a movie in a long time.


    How about tomorrow? At the Cinorama.

    The Carpenter:

    I hope you can keep your hands off me.

    Tammy (laughs):

    I think I can control myself.

    The Carpenter:

    We’ll see.

    The Carpenter walked back into the building, and the day went on as usual.

    Ext. Tammy is walking up to the theater after she gets out of the Uber, and she walks with a little uncertainty.

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