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A Psalm 91 - Daily Devotional Prayer Journal for the End Times
A Psalm 91 - Daily Devotional Prayer Journal for the End Times
A Psalm 91 - Daily Devotional Prayer Journal for the End Times
Ebook125 pages45 minutes

A Psalm 91 - Daily Devotional Prayer Journal for the End Times

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This book is guaranteed to be a blessing to you. We are now living out the book of Revelation. Bible prophecy is steadily coming to pass.
“A Psalm 91- Daily Devotional Prayer Journal for the End Times” was mandated by God due to the spirit of fear that came to attack the people of God during COVID-19. Fear killed a tremendous number of people just as COVID did, but truth be told the spirit of fear killed most. God wants you to know that you are protected by Him no matter the calamity or pestilence that comes your way. He has already told us about what’s to come in His word. (Study it). He did not give you the spirit of fear, but He gave you love, power, and a sound, mind. Just use your faith and trust Him. He’s not a man, that He should lie. Neither is He the son of man, that He should repent; Has He said and shall He not do it?
As you read this book, allow it to minister to your spirit man(inner man). It is written to encourage, to edify, to build up, and last but not least to give you hope in these challenging times that we are living in today. Once you’ve completed this daily devotional prayer journal in its entirety, you are sure to find yourself elevated spiritually on a higher level than you were prior to reading it. I can assure you that spiritual growth will definitely occur in your everday life.
Looking forward to hearing how this book has inspired you as you allow your mind to be transformed trusting God continually by faith. God be glorified, you be edified, and the enemy be horrified in the name of Jesus I pray.
Release dateApr 27, 2023
A Psalm 91 - Daily Devotional Prayer Journal for the End Times

Nancy Hansley-Larzo

Minister Nancy Hansley-Larzo was born and raised in Vidalia, Georgia, a small town “famous for its sweet onions.” She graduated from Vidalia Comprehensive High School and Georgia Southern University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Education. After teaching for thirty-five-plus years, Nancy retired. She is a licensed, ordained minister (a mere servant of the Lord), and the author of “Helpful Hands for Measuring.”

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    Book preview

    A Psalm 91 - Daily Devotional Prayer Journal for the End Times - Nancy Hansley-Larzo

    © 2023 Nancy Hansley-Larzo. All rights reserved.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version

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    Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik-@enduring

    Illustrator Ronald Jones

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-7149-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-7150-0 (e)

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/27/2023







    Day 1 Psalm 91-Verse 1

    Day 2 Psalm 91-Verse 2

    Day 3 Psalm 91-Verse 3

    Day 4 Psalm 91-Verse 4

    Day 5 Psalm 91-Verses 5 & 6

    Day 6 Psalm 91-Verses 7 & 8

    Day 7 Psalm 91-Verses 9 & 10

    Day 8 Psalm 91-Verses 11 & 12

    Day 9 Psalm 91-Verse 13

    Day 10: Psalm 91-Verses 14, 15, & 16


    Testimonies/Praise Reports

    Praise Reports / Testimonies From Friends


    All praise and thanks be to God for the talent that He has given me to help and serve others especially during these perilous times. The Holy Spirit inspired me to write this much needed daily devotional prayer journal all in one to give hope, to strengthen, and to encourage the people of God.

    In May of 2020, during the early start of the Corona Virus or COVID-19 writing this devotional was a God given assignment. It has been a long time coming. I knew that it would one day be complete. To God be the glory!

    This book is written based on what God has given me to say and His inspired word, the Holy Bible.


    This book is dedicated to my daughters, Carla Carmouche, Royelle Larzo, Brooke Larzo, Taylor Larzo, my sons, Charlmus Johnson II, Roy Larzo III, my son-in-law, Vincent Carmouche, all of my grandchildren, my seed to come, my church family, Chief Apostle Mckinley August Jr., First Lady Rhoda August, the Cathedral of Praise Miracle Center family - Beaumont, TX, my prayer line family, my siblings, and my beautiful loving parents, Pearlie Mae & David Hansley Sr. of Vidalia, Georgia.


    Special thanks to my sisters, Martha Ruth Brown, Gwen Folson, Brenda Spivey, and Carol Hansley for the encouragement that they always give, to my dear sisters in the Lord, Eileen Newman, Jimmie Ford, the author of No Wooden Nickels, Pastor Wendy Smith who would always say to me, Do what God told you to do. Get it done, Minister Larzo. Last but not least, Viola Moreland who always renders help on my behalf when needed.




    Nancy Hansley-Larzo is a true woman of God and aims to please Him. She truly loves God, family, and people. Minister Larzo always encourages everyone to stay with the LORD and to stand on His word no matter what.

    She is a retired teacher of thirty-five plus years, an author, a licensed and ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a prayer warrior, and she spear heads the conference line prayer ministry of Cathedral of Praise Miracle Center.

    In addition to that, Minister Larzo

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