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FIND YOUR MOJO: Escape the Pit of Forfeited Success & Wealth
FIND YOUR MOJO: Escape the Pit of Forfeited Success & Wealth
FIND YOUR MOJO: Escape the Pit of Forfeited Success & Wealth
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FIND YOUR MOJO: Escape the Pit of Forfeited Success & Wealth

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The book, "Find your mojo" takes you on a quest for discovery of your unique formula for success, the one set aside for you alone. It's premised on the fact that everyone came to earth with a definite purpose, reason for being made. It's your imprinted and unique contribution to our common existence and your ticket to a good life. The author, Ni

Release dateApr 17, 2023
FIND YOUR MOJO: Escape the Pit of Forfeited Success & Wealth

Niwdog Asira

Ordained a deacon in 1994, Godwin Arisa was a worship leader for 12 years, and served as Vice Chair of the board of deacons, and occasional featured speaker during Sunday services. All of this began following an encounter with a power he never knew existed. Godwin is an ex-co-founder and pastor of, International Church of the Nazarene, Richardson, Texas. He's an accountant by profession, and a father of three adult children. At this time in his life, Godwin is focusing his energies into writing, teaching, and speaking about things learned in pursuit of the truths that all things revolve around what the creator has already done. According to him, the core of this message is that because he made everything in love, God has positioned everyone to succeed in any area of need when you follow his blueprint.


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    FIND YOUR MOJO - Niwdog Asira


    How ever they got there, it isn’t hard to recognize successful people. They run businesses that are a lifeline to many people, and impact society positively with what they do across all fields of human endeavor everywhere in the world. They also live in big houses in safe neighborhoods, drive expensive vehicles, sit in suits that double as offices, afford whatever they want to have that money can buy. Maybe you’ve heard it said, but success is not relative, it has universal recognition in our world. The one common thread among all such people is that they keyed into their mojo, the essence of their being. They latched onto their element and it took them the rest of the way. They do not sell sugared water, whereby they are laboring as impostors in their own lives, engaged in things that do not align with their natural competencies in the hope of finding success. This book, Find your Mojo takes you a discovery of the life work that is unique to you, the link to your success and perhaps wealth. Everyone is designed with their unique formula for success. It’s your finger print for access to a good life.


    Whether you’re selling a product or service or your skill, you present yourself to be doing something good for other people and you. But, have you ever considered if you are selling what you should be selling? A well-known and great creative genius once posed this question to a street vendor, Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world? – Steve Jobs. Remember him, the man who started Apple computer and electronics, and significantly changed our world by it? When I read about this, his question seemed to haunt me for a while. Really, it forced me to ask uncomfortable questions of myself. Such questions like – am I selling sugared water? What value have I added to my world, especially to the lives of those who are also in my world? Not an easy thought to have, right? Well, maybe you are not interested in changing the whole world as Steve Jobs, but for most of us, it’s a sure bet that you would want to change your world, your circle of existence, your family fortunes and those of generations behind you. And if that’s not you, then check your pulse. You may be alive but not interested in living your best life. Your life should be fulfilling its purpose. Everyone was brought here to bring something good to the table of people in their world, at the very least. Whatever that something is, it is meant to add more value to what’s already there in a way that make you and others delight in who you are.

    The message of this book came to me as I read and meditated on scripture. It is that the tool for your success, your reason for living in the time you have, your authentic calling and mission, is already in your possession. You already have it. It’s in your DNA, you only need to discover it. You see, in the good book, Moses was at first a very reluctant emissary when God cornered him and asked him to go on a life mission - to lead the children of Israel out of slavery and bondage in Egypt. So, he kept giving God excuses as to why he wasn’t the right man for the job, even as God made him firm promise of a partnership with him in the mission. Still unconvinced of the likelihood of success in getting his people to buy into the idea, Moses came up with an excuse that had to be resolved – what if they do not belief me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’? Moses’s reluctance would fade with one question from God - What is that in your hand? (Exodus 4:2 NIV). In essence, he was saying, Moses, am sending because I know you and have already given you everything you will need to dispose of every opposition you encounter from the beginning to the end of the journey, and in case you forgot, I’ll always be beside you. As a shepherd, Moses always carried a big staff in his hand, and God gave him a glimpse of the potential of the staff in his hand. In that moment, Moses realized that what he already had in his hand would be sufficient for his life mission. This is true of your mission to tap what you have for success in your life.



    Causes of Forfeited Success & Wealth

    "The school warmly congratulate those

    who have passed, and wishes to remind

    those who failed, that it is not failure

    but low aim is crime." (Dr E. Anyaoha)

    The absence of fulfilment in life or failure was never in the plan of your maker for you. It isn’t in the blueprint for your design. Your natural wealth is in your design and intended to propel you to the highest height that is possible for you to attain in life and bless you with its rewards. So, if you’re not reaping the rewards of your natural wealth, you are most likely, aiming low. It is a curse on yourself by yourself or with the help of some other forces you need to get away from or get them away from you. Though not always an easy thing to do, you can make a break from it. More on that later. The struggles to reach the kind of success you are made to have in life has many contributing factors. For a long time, the world, had fewer opportunities available for using what is in your hand. While an excuse, that’s what many people believed and it held them back. At least ninety percent of the world’s societies still have very poorly organized education systems and poor

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