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Reasons The Jewish Leaders Wanted To Kill Jesus
Reasons The Jewish Leaders Wanted To Kill Jesus
Reasons The Jewish Leaders Wanted To Kill Jesus
Ebook19 pages16 minutes

Reasons The Jewish Leaders Wanted To Kill Jesus

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About this ebook

The description is in the title. All information is from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

PublisherA.D. Gardner
Release dateMay 2, 2023
Reasons The Jewish Leaders Wanted To Kill Jesus

A.D. Gardner

I don’t have any social media accounts. If you get a message, other than from my email, saying it’s from me, it’s not me. It is fake. Please report it as fake. When I do create social media accounts, the links to my social media will all be here on this exact page you are reading right now. About me: I've experienced poverty and homelessness on few occasions, thus came to understand the plight of those in need of help or guidance. So many programs out there do help the homeless to a certain degree. Some programs are useless because they don’t reach the people. They expect the people to look for them. Or maybe they expect people with social disabilities to do something they don’t understand how to do. I didn’t speak to anyone other than my parents or very close family, until I was halfway through first grade. I have always been terrified of social interaction. I didn’t know until recently that I’ve been struggling with autism my entire life. It wasn’t a thing back when I was a kid. I was just the weird hermit girl that was too scared to talk. I remember being on the school bus and the driver forgot to drop me off at my house. I was supposed to be dropped off first, but when she had dropped off all the kids, she noticed I was sitting in my seat all red faced with tears pouring out of my eyes. I was too afraid to talk to let her know she forgot me. That is because I was autistic. But who knew?  I just had a weird social disability that no one understood until recent years. I still struggle with adult autism, so please don’t ask me for any book signings that involve being in the public. Back to the point I was making earlier: These programs that try to help people get jobs to get out of poverty are useless to people with autism, or any disabilities actually. But almost everyone is capable of growing their own food if they have the resources to do so. We need to all become self-sustainable. I don’t mean money-wise. I mean we all need the right and the freedom to grow our own food, enough food to support our families. I imagine sky-scraper apartments with windows being replaced with solar panels, and every third floor is for two floors to grow food with plant lights. I have many ideas for solving the food stamp and money problems. Too many to discuss here. Anyone interested in helping me fix these issues, please email me at

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    Reasons The Jewish Leaders Wanted To Kill Jesus - A.D. Gardner

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    See copyright notice at the end of this booklet.


    It was against the law to pick food to eat on the Sabbath Day. Jesus and his disciples often ignored laws that made absolutely no sense, such as this one. The Jewish Leaders wanted to kill them for picking food on the wrong day of the week.

    Jesus was walking through the corn on the Sabbath Day. His disciples were hungry, so they picked some ears of corn and began to eat them. When the Pharisees saw them, they said, Look. Your disciples are breaking the law. You aren't supposed to pick corn on the Sabbath Day. Jesus said to them, "Have you not read what David did when he and those with him were hungry? He went into the House of God and ate the shewbread, that was reserved specifically for the priests. That was breaking the law. - Matthew 12:1-4   Eternal Words Of Jesus Study Bible


    The Jewish Leaders wanted to kill Jesus because Jesus healed someone on the wrong day of the week.

    And when he left, he went into the Synagogue. In there was a man with a crippled hand. The Pharisees asked Jesus, Isn't it against the law to heal someone on the Sabbath Day? They

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