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Dominating The Straight Bodyguard
Dominating The Straight Bodyguard
Dominating The Straight Bodyguard
Ebook24 pages22 minutes

Dominating The Straight Bodyguard

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Alexei is a straight bodyguard who is assigned to protect a high-level Russian oligarch. While he can protect the oligarch, he can't protect his own heart, and soon finds himself dominated by Yuri - unprotected.

Release dateMay 2, 2023
Dominating The Straight Bodyguard

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    Book preview

    Dominating The Straight Bodyguard - Skylar Svetlana

     Dominating The Straight Bodyguard

    By Skylar Svetlana


    The bodyguard, Alexei, stood outside the oligarch's mansion, keeping watch for any potential threats. He had been tasked with ensuring his client's safety and he took his job very seriously.

    He noticed the oligarch, Yuri, walking towards him with a group of his friends. Alexei tensed up – he didn't like when Yuri was in danger.

    Alexei, it's a beautiful day today, don't you think? Yuri said with a smile as he approached.

    Yes, sir. It's a good day to be on guard duty, Alexei replied, trying to maintain his professional demeanor.

    You can call me Yuri, you know. We've been working together for a while now, Yuri said, and Alexei felt a twinge of something he couldn't quite identify.

    I prefer to keep things formal, sir, Alexei replied, trying to focus on his job.

    You're a good man, Alexei. I appreciate your dedication, Yuri said, clapping Alexei on the back before walking away.

    As Alexei watched Yuri walk away, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about this job. He had never felt drawn to a client before, but there was something about Yuri that made him feel…things.

    He couldn't afford to be distracted, though. He needed to keep Yuri safe, no matter what.

    As they boarded their private jet to Moscow, Alexei tried to push aside his growing feelings for Yuri. He was here to do a job and his feelings couldn't get in the way of his duty.

    Yuri, on the other hand, seemed relaxed and carefree. Alexei, my friend, he said, clapping the bodyguard on the back. This trip will be good for you. You seem a bit tense lately.

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