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God's SCRIPTures
God's SCRIPTures
God's SCRIPTures
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God's SCRIPTures

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The printed word in the Holy Scriptures reveals all the truths that God in His infinite wisdom wants us to know. The Bible tells us that all creation in heaven and on earth is destined to follow a preset plan that is under God's total control. This book explains that preset plan as God's Script.

God's Script reveals several themes that run from Genesis to Revelation. God's Script will show you how you personally have a role in God's eternal mystery drama.

Release dateMay 3, 2023
God's SCRIPTures

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    God's SCRIPTures - Robert F. Dinger


    God's SCRIPTures

    Robert F. Dinger

    ISBN 979-8-88751-468-0 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88751-469-7 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Robert F. Dinger

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Dimensions: Understanding God's Creation

    Understanding God's Creation

    Dispensations: Script Theme

    Script Theme

    The Script: The Big If

    The Big If

    Family Feud Theme: Creation at War with Itself

    Creation at War with Itself


    God's Direct Communication Line to Man

    Themes, Portals, Gates, High Places


    God's Secret Theme Hidden in the Script: How Can Scientists Prove the Bible to Be from God?

    How Can Scientists Prove the Bible to Be from God?

    Name Changes

    God's Wrath or Tribulation


    About the Author


    Why am I writing this book? I believe the printed word in the Holy Bible reveals all the truths that God in His infinite wisdom wants us to know. The Bible tells us that all creation in heaven and on earth is destined to follow a preset plan that is under God's total control. I like to call that preset plan God's Script!

    If believers understand the Script and follow God's plan, we should find that life's events will no longer be a mystery to us or even surprise us as they happen.

    The world has many libraries filled with books written by men over tens of centuries of recorded time. Many of those books are attempts to explain the Holy Bible or Holy Scriptures. Do we really need another book that takes the feeble attempts of the musings of another mere man to explain the seemingly unexplainable?

    God's intelligence is so far above the ability of man's brain to even comprehend the simplest of the basic truths of that very creation that God spoke into being. We serve a sovereign God that can create a complex celestial globe like earth, hang it in open space, then fill it with many diverse living creatures, and plant life, that then interacts in extreme ways.

    A God with such fantastic intelligence and abilities can literally do anything He wants. Surely that God can author a Script in advance for that very creation, as a guide for his created beings to follow. That same God can then make that Script available to the potential cast members throughout heaven and earth.

    The word drama to me indicates a mystery story, where the answer to the mystery is only revealed at the end of the story. The Greek word cosmic is translated in the New Testament to world in the English language. The actual meaning is a government or administrative system.

    Put those two words together, and we have Cosmic Drama as my favorite title of this mystery drama that God's Script reveals to the reader.

    We will learn that in reality, we humans living on earth have been placed under a satanic world order on Dimension Earth, until Jesus Christ comes to set us free.

    The whole creation including heaven, earth, and hell is the stage, where the drama will play out. God's natural and supernatural beings are the cast members performing the Cosmic Drama. God's supernatural cast in heaven has witnessed the Script since it began. The Cosmic Drama thus began in Dimension Heaven before Dimension Earth, as we know it, was even created.

    The end of the mystery is finally explained in Revelation 10:5–7.

    The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised up his hand to heaven and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that are in it, the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in it, that there should be delay no longer, but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets. (Emphasis added)

    Who can claim the promises of the Script?

    There is a popular verse that is so often misquoted by believers and sometimes pastors and even world secular spokesmen. This short Script verse shows how God favors those who follow his plan. Read carefully Romans 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

    Many times we hear this verse quoted while omitting the last part. We cannot claim the benefits of the first part, if we are not performing the last part!

    While meditating on Amos chapter 3, verse 7, God opened my spiritual eyes. The Script says, "Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets."

    Don't you see? God has a plan! His plan is not a secret, but it is a mystery. God wants all His creation to know about His plan. I believe if we call God's plan a Script, God is allowing us to read the Script, see where the Cosmic Drama is heading to a conclusion, and that knowledge will help us make an intelligent decision about how, when, and where we want to take a role in the ongoing drama ourselves. As we begin to understand God's Script, we will see that everyone must make a decision soon about whether we want to be on God's team (good) or Satan's team (evil). You have been born with a sinful nature on Dimension Earth, thanks to the sin of Adam and Eve.

    Adam and Eve made a conscious decision to join Satan's team, and that decision was passed on to all their descendants.

    You must accept the invitation of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross to become born again to get on God's team.

    God spoke through the prophet Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed from lack of Knowledge." The Script is not a secret until we read it and begin to understand what it says to us individually.

    I strongly suggest you read this book about the Script with your personal Bible handy to confirm the passages quoted and to expand your understanding of the verses I quote.

    Of course, God does not want His greatest creation (humankind) destroyed. God's master plan (Script) has been preserved over thousands of years so we could learn about His plan. We call it the Holy Bible or Holy Scriptures or in a term for better understanding—God's Script. If we desire to be part of the action, shouldn't we first want to become familiar with the Script? The whole creation is the stage, and God's supernatural and natural creations are the cast. Sadly most of mankind doesn't even know they are involved, but they are content to be oblivious bystanders of the chaotic happenings all around them. God has preserved the Script to bless humankind with answers to all of life's questions. Many believers don't even know what questions to ask. Sometimes we don't even know what we don't know!

    I sincerely hope and pray that as you become familiar with God's Script, you might decide to make a decision for yourself about how you fit into God's plan for your life.

    When we view the Script as God's plan for all creation, we can witness that God is following His plan.

    According to Hebrews 12:2, "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."

    God is the Master Author. In this book about the Script, whenever we mention the term God, we mean Yahweh, the Triune God, which includes God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. These names are interchangeable. Jesus performs as the Director of the Cosmic Drama and also as Casting Manager.

    Much of mankind on earth is only beginning to be aware of their own involvement in the Cosmic Drama. This book is my attempt to make the Holy Bible (God's SCRIPT) more understandable and available to everyone. The Script is not meant to be a scholarly tome, but rather I want the Script to be a guide for the beginning Bible student. I hope the Script will give the reader a new way of understanding Bible truths from a different perspective.

    Now that we know that God is the Master Author (Creator), and that He has a Script (plan). We need to understand some of the words in the Script, so we can see where the Script is leading us.

    We all have an individual worldview based on our previous experiences in life. Remember that Jesus was persecuted by the Bible experts of His day. They were the commentators, preachers, and academic scholars of religious thought. They thought they were the guardians of theological and scriptural truth. Yet their mistaken biblical interpretation, their dogma, their prejudices, and their traditional teachings about the awaited Messiah totally obscured the revelation when Messiah Jesus (Yahweh) stood before them in the flesh. These religious experts even accused Jesus of being demon-possessed and delusional. Then they arranged for the beating and crucifixion of the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. This was done close to the temple of God after they had convinced themselves that they were doing God a favor. They didn't realize they were serving Satan's plan, yet all their actions were in God's Script from the beginning. It is time for us to put aside that worldview entrenched in our minds so we don't fall for any deceptions that Satan has taught us so far in our life. Satan knows the Script inside and out. He just doesn't want us to understand it.

    There are some code words in the Script that often cause us to misinterpret the true message. Just mistranslating the Script from the original Hebrew and Greek and eventually English can cause the exact words used to totally change the message. The original persons translating may have been the best Hebrew scholars of their day, but sometimes they were guessing about the real meaning of some of the words. Modern scholars have learned much more about the ancient Hebrew language, but the old translations are deeply entrenched in modern theological and academic circles.

    Some words in the Script need definitions.

    Patria (Greek) as used in Paul's prayer to the Ephesians 3:15, "I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name." Paul, a well-trained Pharisee, is saying that God has two families—one in heaven and one on earth. Both families are created beings, intelligent, free-willed, and made in His image. Jewish Rabbis explained this passage as the upper family (angels) and the lower family (Israel). The angels were created to be God's family in heaven. Believers were adopted into God's earthly family through Jesus. In essence, our life here on earth is a test to prepare us for escalation into the heavenly family. As long as we live here in the earthly family, we can freely choose which family/team with whom we will align ourselves.

    If God has two families, one in heaven and one on earth, could it be possible that Satan also has two families, one in the spiritual dimension and one on earth?

    Jehovah (Yahweh); Hebrew. Used for God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Whenever God or Lord is used in the Script, it means the Triune God as one entity, acting as one.

    God's Script reveals God's plan for His creation, and even Satan is following God's plan, as God knew he would. God authored the Script before the creation even began. and He is the Director of the Cosmic Drama. The Script directs the drama all the way from before the Garden of Eden in Genesis to the end-times and the Final Judgment in Revelation. God's Script will continue to happen just as God originally wrote in the Script. God's plan includes the preservation of the Script until all creation can hear the Good News in the Script.

    Man's egotistical attempt to understand God's creation he calls science. Yet the very meaning of the word science is to measure. Note: God created all things, visible (earth and the physical universe) and the invisible (heaven and hell, which includes spiritual beings). The invisible creation cannot be measured by man's instruments. Therefore, science cannot explain the invisible spiritual creation, and those men trained in the sciences cannot claim to be experts in the spiritual creation. But many skeptical scientists are constantly proving the Bible to be correct in recorded historical events and geographical locations.

    The Script is divided into several broad categories: history, prophecy, practical living through God's laws and commandments, justice along with blessing and curses.

    History. If the subject has event already happened, it is history (His story).

    Prophecy. If the subject event has not yet happened, it will be history at some future time.

    Laws for practical living. If it is not prophetic, it most likely has a common-sense lesson on how to please God and to live peacefully with the rest of mankind.

    Laws and commandments.

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