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My D.B.T. Toolbox
My D.B.T. Toolbox
My D.B.T. Toolbox
Ebook56 pages34 minutes

My D.B.T. Toolbox

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About this ebook

Discover the Life-Changing Power of DBT: Unlock Emotional Mastery and Transform Your Relationships!

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards emotional balance, enhanced relationships, and greater self-awareness? Dive into this comprehensive guide to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and unlock the keys to a more fulfilling life! 

Packed with practical exercises, real-life examples, and expert guidance, this book will empower you with essential skills and tools to tackle life's challenges head-on. Master the art of mindfulness, learn to navigate difficult emotions, and develop effective communication strategies to enhance your relationships with others.

Whether you're new to DBT or seeking to deepen your understanding, this book is your roadmap to emotional mastery and personal growth. Say goodbye to self-doubt, overwhelming emotions, and strained relationships, and embrace a life filled with resilience, self-compassion, and inner peace. Don't miss your chance to transform your life with this eye-opening guide to Dialectical Behavior Therapy!

PublisherJ. Gilbert
Release dateMay 4, 2023
My D.B.T. Toolbox

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    Book preview

    My D.B.T. Toolbox - J. Gilbert

    Table of Contence:

    - Chapter 1: Introduction

    Welcome and book overview

    Disclaimer that this book is not a substitute for therapy

    How to seek out a qualified therapist

    - Chapter 2: Mindfulness

    Overview of mindfulness and its benefits

    Mindful breathing exercise

    Body scan meditation

    Mindful observation exercise

    - Chapter 3: Distress Tolerance

    Overview of distress tolerance and its benefits

    Distract with ACCEPTS: Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts, Sensations

    Self-soothing with the five senses

    Radical acceptance exercise

    - Chapter 4: Emotion Regulation

    Overview of emotion regulation and its benefits

    Identify and label emotions

    Opposite action exercise

    Build positive emotions exercise

    - Chapter 5: Interpersonal Effectiveness

    Overview of interpersonal effectiveness and its benefits

    DEAR MAN: Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear Confident, Negotiate

    GIVE: Gentle, Interested, Validate, Easy Manner

    Fast and assertive communication exercise

    - Chapter 6: Putting it all Together

    Integrating the skills and tools into your daily life

    Strategies for continued practice and growth

    - Chapter 7: Emotional Regulation in Specific Situations

    Overview of emotional regulation in specific situations

    Strategies for regulating emotions at work

    Strategies for regulating emotions in social situations

    Strategies for regulating emotions in romantic relationships

    -Chapter 8: Developing Positive Coping Mechanisms

    Overview of developing positive coping mechanisms

    Identifying negative coping mechanisms

    Strategies for replacing negative coping mechanisms with positive ones

    Building a list of positive coping mechanisms for different situations

    - Chapter 9: Using Mindfulness for Trauma Recovery

    Overview of mindfulness in trauma recovery

    Building a safe space visualization exercise

    Body scan meditation for trauma recovery

    Grounding exercises for managing flashbacks and intrusive thoughts

    - Chapter 10: Self-Compassion and Forgiveness

    Overview of self-compassion and forgiveness

    Loving-kindness meditation exercise

    Self-compassion journaling exercise

    Forgiveness exercise

    - Chapter 12: Building Resilience

    Overview of building resilience

    Identifying personal strengths

    Building a support system

    Creating a plan for handling difficult situations

    - Chapter 13: Emotional Regulation and Addiction Recovery

    Overview of emotional regulation in addiction recovery

    Identifying triggers and developing coping strategies

    Mindfulness meditation for addiction recovery

    Identifying values and using them as motivation for recovery

    -Chapter 14: Improving Sleep and Reducing Anxiety

    Overview of the connection between sleep and anxiety

    Developing a sleep routine and sleep hygiene habits

    Progressive muscle relaxation exercise

    Tips for reducing anxiety before bed

    -Chapter 15: Using DBT Skills for Anxiety and Depression

    Overview of using DBT skills for anxiety and depression

    Identifying negative self-talk and replacing it with positive affirmations

    Creating a positive emotion log

    Tolerating distress with self-soothing techniques

    -Chapter 16: Managing Anger with DBT Skills

    Overview of managing anger with DBT skills

    Identifying anger triggers and developing a plan for managing them

    Mindful breathing exercise for managing anger

    Building a list of positive coping mechanisms for managing anger


    - Chapter 17: Review of DBT Skills and Tools

    Comprehensive review of all DBT skills and tools covered in the book

    Tips for incorporating the skills and tools into your

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