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The Crypto Curse: From Riches to Ruin and Back Again
The Crypto Curse: From Riches to Ruin and Back Again
The Crypto Curse: From Riches to Ruin and Back Again
Ebook31 pages24 minutes

The Crypto Curse: From Riches to Ruin and Back Again

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"The Crypto Curse: From Riches to Ruin and Back Again":


In "The Crypto Curse: From Riches to Ruin and Back Again," readers join John on a hilarious journey through the world of crypto trading. John is a trader who jumps headfirst into the world of digital currencies, but he quickly discovers that he has no idea what he's doing. Despite his best efforts, he makes mistake after mistake and soon finds himself on the brink of ruin.


As John's life spirals out of control, he meets a colorful cast of characters, from fellow traders to government regulators. With each chapter, John's antics become more ridiculous, and the situations he finds himself in more absurd.


But even as he hits rock bottom, John never gives up. He keeps fighting, making bad jokes, and trying to navigate the complex world of crypto trading. And in the end, he just might find a way to turn his fortunes around.


"The Crypto Curse" is a comedic novel that will entertain readers, whether they are seasoned traders or just looking for a good laugh. With its relatable protagonist and hilarious situations, "The Crypto Curse" is sure to be a hit with anyone who has ever tried their hand at crypto trading or is interested in the world of digital currencies.

Release dateMay 4, 2023
The Crypto Curse: From Riches to Ruin and Back Again

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    Book preview

    The Crypto Curse - Zatoshi Komodo

    **Chapter 1: The First Trade (But Not the Last Mistake)**

    John had heard about Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies that people were trading. He thought it was time to jump on the bandwagon and make a quick buck. But he had no idea what he was doing.

    John signed up for a crypto exchange and started scrolling through the endless list of coins. He couldn't make sense of any of them. This one is called Dogecoin? What the heck is a Dogecoin? he muttered to himself.

    Eventually, John settled on an altcoin that had a cool name and a flashy logo. He couldn't pronounce it, but he didn't care. He was ready to trade.

    He clicked the buy button and watched as his money disappeared into the void. Did I just make a huge mistake? he thought.

    The price of the altcoin started to climb, and John got excited. He felt like he was on top of the world. I'm a crypto genius! he exclaimed.

    But the euphoria was short-lived. The price of the altcoin started to plummet, and John started to panic. He had no idea what to do. He tried to sell, but he couldn't figure out how.

    As the price continued to drop, John started to sweat. He was losing money fast, and he had no way to stop it. This is it. I'm going to be broke, he thought.

    Eventually, John managed to sell his altcoin, but he had lost most of his investment. He felt like a complete idiot. Why did I think I could do this? he groaned.

    But John was determined not to give up. He knew that he had made mistakes, but he was convinced that he could learn from them. I'm going to figure this out, he said to himself.

    As he went to bed that night, John couldn't help but laugh at his own stupidity. He had no idea what he was doing, but he was having fun trying. And who knows?

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