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Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment
Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment
Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment
Ebook45 pages26 minutes

Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment

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Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment is a book on spirituality. Most of us, mostly the ones, those who are into spirituality or wonders or thinks of spiritual wisdom are the people who tries to understand the meaning behind these words. If a spiritual person says to a another spiritual person that these three words, Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment are same or means the same, then the person won't be wrong in general. Though these three words leads to the same, the meaning of these each words are different, but all three works together and takes us there where we want to reach through these words.

PublisherBikash Saha
Release dateMar 6, 2023
Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment

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    Book preview

    Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment - Bikash Saha

    Note from the Author

    I do not edit what I have written once for the book. I believe if I edit, then the writing may miss its real essence and what I wanted to convey through writing in the first place. So you may find mistakes such as with spelling, upper case and lower case, miss out of words, grammer, etc.

    I hope to improve my writing and make less mistakes as I write more books and can make you happier through my writing.

    Thank you from Bikash Saha


    Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment is a book on spiritual wisdom. Have you heard these words before? These are one of the biggest words, we often come accross in spirituality.

    We understand these three words to be same, but they are different and has different meaning.

    Awakening means awaking. To put it in a spiritual context or understanding, there is a intelligence or mind higher than human’s mind, which we understand as divine. Awakening means when we are awaking to this higher intelligence or mind.

    Liberation means, liberation of thoughts. When your thoughts liberate, meaning, you understand something better than what you have understood previously. To put it in other words, say you are non-vegeterian person, you eat fish, meat, egg, etc. During the phase of awakening, you realized that living beings such as fish, chicken, goat, etc. whose flesh and egg we consume, they have live too and by consuming their flesh and egg, we are not letting them live their life. So you had this wisdom and became a vegeterian person from non-vegeterian, because your thoughts liberated.

    Enlightenment means when you are amazed. A wow feeling. When awakening and liberation happens, you feel amazed that is when Enlightenment happens. We understand Enlightenment as like when Enlightenment happens, the person is liberated. But thats not Enlightenment is, Enlightenment happens many times. It keeps on happening every now and then and is part of our daily life.

    Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment happens together and all three is part of our daily life.

    In life at any age, we seek few questions in us. Everyone of us Questions such as who are we? Though we know that we are human

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