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First Bass
First Bass
First Bass
Ebook191 pages3 hours

First Bass

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From USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, Renee Lee Fisher comes the final book in her addictive heart-beating rock romance series.


The Rolling Isaac’s have played gigs across the country, with romance finding the band members on the open road. Bass player, Kent, fell for Cecile Brookes at first glance. Unfortunately, her heart is leading her down two different paths. One would steer her straight into Kent’s open arms. The other would shatter his heart as she reunited with her first love. Kent would give anything to make her stay. But he loves her enough to give her the space she needs to decide.

Cecile was reveling in her new love with Kent, when Connor, her first love, walked back into her life. Both want to be with her. Both are good men. How can she possibly choose when more than her heart is at stake? For years she has treasured and protected her virginity. Now, she will give it to the one she chooses to open up to mind, body, and soul.

Will the makeshift family of the band members and their loves grow by one? Or will Kent be left pouring his heartache into his music?

Release dateMay 2, 2023
First Bass

Renee Lee Fisher

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Renee Lee Fisher has the passion to put the pen to the paper and WRITE/CREATE. She is truly a romance junkie who loves to tell stories. She has written a variety of romantic works from novellas to novels. Her belief is that everyone should Indulge in LOVE.The first four of The Heartbeat Series of six planned Romance Novels. ROCK NOTES, LOVE NOTES, MUSIC NOTES, FIRST BEAT are completed and available. FIRST BASS and FIRST TASTE are yet to come.The Crossing Series (The Knot Hole, The Passage and The Muse) will take you on an endearing time travel romance from present day to centuries past.If you love a Suspense Romance - read Derailed. It is a sweet suspense that stands alone.Looking ahead, there will be many more romantic scenarios to come.Renee resides in Eagleville, PA with her loving husband Michael of many years and her cats Leo and Lincoln. She love to travel often and engage in meeting new people who provide her with future inspiration for stories.

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    Book preview

    First Bass - Renee Lee Fisher


    Prologue – How Can This Be?

    For Cecile Brookes, it’s finally a happy time in her life, one that she cherishes. Every day is looking brighter, and working for Madison Rand as her literary agent is always enjoyable and never a task. Being surrounded by very well-known band members of The Rolling Isaacs is amazing, and a major perk is Madison’s husband, Max Rand, aka Rand, is the lead vocalist that almost every woman swoons over. The highlight of Cecile’s current status is she’s in a relationship with Kent, the band’s bass guitarist. Everything is going smoothly and she looks forward to each new day … that is until recently.

    Cecile’s petite hands are pressing intently on the clear glass of the sliding door of Kent’s place on the property of Madison and Rand. All her strength mustered from within hold her fingers firm, although the reality is shattering her inside. She thought she was comfortable with her heart and with her man, Kent … until today when unbelievable circumstances altered her mind. She tried so hard to remain stoic and strong in her glass reflection, not to sway. However, what shifted her was a huge pull in another direction or a blip, in one brief moment. What matters is her heart was offered a choice, one that she never wished for, especially at this time of her life. How could this be possible? Cabe, a long-lost love of hers, is here on the property. The years had passed, and Cecile took her middle name to erase her past and start anew. Her real name, Avery Cecile Brookes, is gone. Now she’s Cecile Brookes, a strong, dedicated literary agent happily working for Madison Rand.

    At the moment, Cecile feels weak, as if there is hardly any strength left in her. Her palms that rest on the glass pane slip downward from the window. Slowly, she lifts them toward her face to wipe the tears from her eyes before Kent notices her deepest distraught feelings. Cecile’s cheeks are streaked with sadness and yet her view is absolutely clear. She tucks blonde strands of her hair behind her ears, and once again sweeps away more of the fallen droplets.

    You don’t mind if I work on some music? Kent’s deep voice inquires behind her.

    Go head, I’m just taking in the beautiful view outside. It never gets old seeing the massive, renovated barn, the house, and everything else on this large property Madison and Rand have accomplished. Her current stunned observation, though, is clearly of Connor leaving the property and driving away. He was out of her life for years. Then, without reason, he suddenly appeared in front of her earlier. How could he now be the friend of Madison and Rand? How could he be here? How could they have happened to run into one another? She didn’t want this fated reunion … or did she? Too many past memories are now rushing through her head.

    Madison always spoke highly about Connor the contractor. He was the one doing the renovations on Madison and Rand’s property. She ran into him in New York when he and Thomas, who was Madison’s ex-husband, went there to surprise Madison. Also, Thomas tried to use some influence for his coworker, Connor, to get back with Cecile, but timing had not panned out in the men’s favor. Cecile listened to Connor for one long evening but didn’t resolve any moving forward with him them letting the past remain just that.

    Now again he appears right here! Fate had him living just one town over. That was entirely too close for Cecile who was trying to move on with her life. It was uncanny how he happened to become friends with her friend Madison, simply bizarre on the scale of coincidences.

    Kent lightly strings his bass guitar to a random tune. He’s been promising to write Cecile a song one day. Her ears listen to the chords as background music, while she drifts back to all the times Connor professed his love. It appears that Cabe, aka Connor Allen Benjamin Evans, also wanted to start anew and was going back to his real name, Connor. Cecile knew him as Cabe when they were in love. It was clear they both moved on with their names from when they were a couple, but one thing was unchangeable … they were one another’s first love. A feeling that would always bond them at the heart.

    Both men were gorgeous, sexy, charming, and talented. Kent is musically and bodily gifted, and she’s proud to be his girlfriend. In his strong embrace she feels safe, loved, and happy. On the other hand, once long ago she shared a warm cuddle from Connor’s arms. His handsome face, along with his charm, initially captivated her. These two men keep their hair very tight to their head, one just a shade lighter than the other. Obviously, they both love her deeply. One past and one presently. Her head nods slightly. Maybe to the music she is hearing. Then again, possibly to knowing that somehow this whole situation of two men can never end happily for one of them.

    She knows they both have feelings for her. But she doesn’t wish for them to need her, she longs for them to like or love her forever. Cecile hopes to be enough for one man for the rest of her life. Once she kidded with Kent, I want you to want me.

    Kent let out a huge laugh. Oh, cutie pie, I have desired you since the first time I felt you in my arms. I have you emotionally and lovingly now … the sexual will come. Then I will never let you out of my hold. His grin was hopeful. His wink flirtatious. His heart in such a good place.


    Chapter One – First Love Is Gone

    Life as a virgin is rare these days, and yet still it is one virtue that Cecile has held onto. In her own mind she will offer herself to the man she feels is deserving of her heart and soul. She came close to giving herself to Cabe, her boyfriend long ago. His real name was Connor, but back then he chose to go by the name of Cabe. He had told her there were too many Connors and Cabe was unique. He derived it from each initial of his full name, Connor Allen Benjamin Evens. In comparison, Kent’s full name is quite simple—Kent Carr.

    Thinking back to that time, she recalls Cabe being the most popular single young guy in their town, and he was her boyfriend. He seemed to be very understanding of Cecile’s stand on virginity and accepting her waiting. That was until one evening it changed.

    His compassionate understanding was gone; it seemed in a moment to have evaporated. Cecile and Cabe had planned an evening that finally she was going to give herself fully to him. As she stripped from her pale green sundress, that soon fell to her ankles, she wiggled her panties downward. Cecile nervously walked toward his naked body waiting on the bed for her.

    Suddenly, she reversed her feet, grabbed her clothes, and swiftly redressed.

    Cabe, I love you, but it doesn’t feel like the right time. I am so sorry. I know you thought this was going to be our night. Cecile knew that her being a virgin drew a hard line in the sand, one that she would know when to cross over.

    Enough times she and Cabe had come close … a hardened dick and then the pain of no release. It was a constant agony he experienced. This night was once again a painful reminder that no sex with his girlfriend was going to occur.

    I can’t keep doing this. I get so close to having you, then I am quickly halted. Cabe stood, now fully clothed, then promptly left her there. He needed a strong drink and someone to take care of his needs. Anyone that would offer themselves. His hand was not going to take of the task that night as it had many before.

    Sometimes bad decisions turn into horrible results that neither person can foresee. Cabe leaving Cecile was one of those occurrences. To leave heated and upset didn’t solve the problem for him and Cecile, it only escalated to a higher level when he stormed away.

    Stopping his fiery red pickup truck, which was shiny from a recent wax and detail, he turned the steering wheel into the very first open bar. Once he parked, Cabe quickly entered and ordered any brand of beer. Then another, which soon was followed by a shot of whiskey. He downed too many drinks to soothe his soul. His fast fix to get drunk was then comforted by the female who approached him. Her short, black denim skirt had him salivating at her long, toned legs. Her tight fitting, deep purple halter top left nothing to the imagination.

    Hello, I’m Missy and you look like you could use some company. Her hands gently touched his arm as she took the seat close to him.

    Hey, I’m Cabe, and you read my mind. His eyes were fixed on her chest. Her perky tits seemed to be an offering to him.

    Another round for me, and get this pretty girl anything she wants, Cabe hollered at the bartender.

    I want you. She whispered those words into his right ear.

    Cabe’s dick instantly rose to attention, and he felt Missy place her hand firmly over his jeans to rub his crotch. His dick had pained him all night, but now he knew relief was to come, and boy would he cum. A full-blown load of pent-up sexual frustration for sure. After downing their drinks in record time, Cabe tossed a wad of cash on the bar. He quickly tugged her along with him out of the bar, to where they could be alone and he could plunge his dick deep inside of her.

    What happened next was nothing satisfying. Missy went down deeply between his opened jeans while they were driving and Cabe swerved his shiny red Ford truck into the oncoming lane. He drove drunk on the roadway toward the closest motel. There he was anxious to have sex that evening with Cecile but would settle for it with this girl. He quickly gained control of the wheel, and luckily there were no other cars coming at him. His release was so powerful that he groaned in pleasure as he pressed her head tighter to his cock and drove one handed. Then he felt immense pain on impact. His truck crashed into a thick tree before flipping off it, leaving them both trapped upside down.

    Cabe survived. He had some injuries, one of which was a large, deep gash on his shoulder that bled badly. After his recovery, he was hit with a DUI. His reputation suffered when news of what occurred spread. He also lost not only his wrecked truck that was a complete loss, but any chance of ever being with Cecile.

    Missy was injured badly, thrown from the vehicle since she was not wearing a seat belt during the moments her mouth was going up and down, sucking on Cabe, unaware of his reckless driving. Missy recovered in the months that followed, but never heard from Cabe again. That one-night stand didn’t even have one night. It was just a few hours, then mayhem.

    For Cecile it was a dagger that ripped through her innocent, youthful heart. Although she remained in her hometown for some time, it tormented her that he left her that night and instantly latched onto any female. When they would run into one another, she observed the pain in his eyes for what he did. It tore her up. She blamed herself for not giving herself to him, then was relieved she saved herself from him because of his poor judgement.

    It was then she got an opportunity to move to Pennsylvania to start her career. She uprooted herself from the town, leaving her past behind and allowing her heart to heal.

    She had come so close to running the bases fully with Cabe, whom she loved. Unfortunately, she never got past first base.

    Now dating the bass player, perhaps he will become her very first. Cecile and Kent have already pushed the boundaries with him pleasuring her often and her going down on him, but to completely make love and allow him to enter her has been off limits until she feels the time is right. When the timing is right, she knows he’ll be her first bass, since he is in fact a bass player and hopefully the one that will take her virginity.

    Deep down, Cecile knows that she’ll get past her personal barriers that she mentally placed around her body. The day would come for each of those roadblocks to open widely for their love, intimacy, and intense sex with this gorgeous bass player.

    There is something special with Kent. She’s confident he is her person. Nothing can halt their relationship … unless something unforeseen comes between them.


    Chapter Two – Meeting the Bass Player

    Kent’s presence on stage was very musically impressive. However, when he jumped from the stage and spun Cecile around, meeting her briefly, not only did she take in account how fit he was, but through the twirling she felt complete confidence in his grasp. She smiled the entire time. Her past feelings of any man were gone as she whirled ’round and ’round in circles, and her heart flipped over, making her hopeful with a newfound happiness that she had not had in a long time.

    That was a while back, although the happiness is still felt within her heart to date.

    Both her dear friends, Madison and Jillian, have created their happy ever afters, and now have children to shower with an abundance of love. For Cecile it’s apparent hers will be Kent, her happy ending … that’s until Conner showed up. Something has to give—she can’t continue to have feelings for both. It’s not fair to her nor them, yet Kent thinks he’s the only one in her heart. It’s ping pong daily playing in her head, Connor or Kent, Kent or Connor, and back again.

    Cecile is thankful for all that has come her way since she arrived in Pennsylvania.

    She was welcomed swiftly into the position of becoming Madison’s literary agent. Then to have met the bass guitar player of the band that Madison’s now husband leads was pretty awesome. Kent was originally from the town of Clarke Summit, Pennsylvania, several hours from where he resides now. She came to know him via Madison’s matchmaking. Cecile learned his original path was that of the military. But when he met up with his fellow bandmates, they formed The Rolling Isaacs, and he traded in a future of holding a gun to that of the comfort of the bass guitar in his hands. It fit him nicely. A strong hold and captivating sound he produced.

    From the moment Cecile met Kent she felt purpose. Her view on life is that you wait for things—to buy your first car, to get a

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