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Heroes Rising: The Challenge
Heroes Rising: The Challenge
Heroes Rising: The Challenge
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Heroes Rising: The Challenge

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This historical fantasy, set in dynamic New York City…the island of Crete…and the Greek mythical Mount Olympus, continues. Adam Paolo and his brother Nick are still thrust into battle with demons to protect themselves, the crystal and their loved ones. All the gods and goddesses that reside on Mount Olympus are their constant companions and family. Hades continues to be the boys’ nemesis and sooner or later Adam and Nick will face him in battle. As the story unfolds three great love stories are told. So, the exciting adventure novel goes on as “The Challenge”, part 1, ‘The Quest’, and Part 2, ‘New Beginnings’.
Release dateApr 12, 2023
Heroes Rising: The Challenge

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    Book preview

    Heroes Rising - P. J. Vigiletti

    PART I



    H ere I stand in front of you two, frozen solid incompetent, evil ones. Neclion and Melinoe were sealed up in this cave wall by Adam, a mere mortal, who turned out to be a demi-god with magical powers, at that. How do I release you from your frozen tomb? Is Adam the only one who can free you? I doubt that he will. Don’t you worry, there must be a way. I’ll find it. Hades babbled on to himself. The great owl landed next to Hades. He transformed into his human form Ascalaphus, and stood next to Hades. All was silent. You could hear the sounds of majestic wings as Thanatos also approached. He lit on a rock on the other side of Hades. He folded down his wings which stopped the whirling current of air that was caused by his approach. Hades, Ascalaphus and Thanatos stood silent. They stared at their two frozen comrades.

    What do you think, Hades? Ascalaphus asked.

    I am trying to figure out if there is someone else that can free those two idiots of mine.

    Hades, I’m sure glad they can’t hear what you called them or can they? Ascalaphus mocked."

    Don’t worry, they can’t hear through all that ice, Thanatos commented.

    Thanatos, my, it’s good to see you. The last I heard you were defeated by Adam, and was sent to Mount Olympus for safe keeping. How did you manage to escape? Hades inquired.

    It was Zeus. He came to me and said, ‘Thanatos, be-gone from here. Go back to your place in the pitiful realm you came from. I don’t want the likes of you cluttering up my beautiful Mountain.’

    That would be just like Zeus to do that. You ought to be glad that he released you. Living on Mount Olympus is great for everyone but demons from the underworld, Hades commented.

    Why don’t we just blow-torch the ice and melt it?

    Back to the problem at hand. That won’t work, Ascalaphus, because they were entombed by Adam’s magical powers. Nothing short of magic will undo it, Hades pondered. Leave me, both of you. Let me think, he paced awhile. Then in a puff of smoke, transcended to Mount Olympus.

    He stood in the middle of the rotunda and glanced around to make sure no one was about. Zeus, my brother, I need to speak with you, Hades called.

    Now what are you up to? Zeus bellowed as he approached Hades.

    I need your help to free Neclion and Melinoe.

    "You do? What makes you think I can free them, even if I wanted to?

    Somebody needs to free them. After all, I think they have learned their lesson not to continue their evil doings, especially toward Nick and Adam. I would ask Adam to free them since he put them there, but I don’t think he would do that. As far as asking Nick to use his magic crystal, well, that won’t work either. He won’t let me touch it. My last hope is you.

    Zeus picked up his lightning bolt staff. Walked to his great golden throne, and slowly sat down. He pondered for a moment.

    Father, you are not thinking about helping his plight to free those two monsters, Pandia asked worriedly as she entered the temple.

    Hmmmm, my dear child, I thought you were lurking about…….no, my dear, I can’t help Hades.

    Hades, I am sorry, but if you can’t get Adam to agree, then we will see what else can be done.

    Baaaaah! Hades yelled. Then in a mound of fire and smoke disappeared back to the underworld.

    Father, that wasn’t very nice.

    Why Pandia, whatever do you mean?

    You could have just said no to Hades, instead of asking him to do an impossible task.

    I can be so cruel sometimes, he cackled.

    Pandia stood there and shook her head. She feared that Hades would not give up. He would eventually find a way to free Melinoe and Neclion.

    Hades sat on his throne. He felt defeated.

    Hades, you’re back. Did you have any luck with Zeus? Ascalaphus asked.

    I didn’t.

    Why don’t we go ask the black bubbling pool. Maybe it can guide us.

    Ascalaphus, that is one great idea. Let’s go! Hades grabbed Ascalaphus by the hand and went to the pool of water.

    Adam sat at the kitchen table. He stared into the cup of coffee that was in front of him. His index finger circled the rim of the cup and eventually slipped into the coffee. He kept his frozen stare as he put his finger in his mouth to suck the coffee off his finger.

    Nick sat down in the chair right across from Adam. He watched him stare into space.

    Adam, are you alright? Adam didn’t answer but just kept his frozen stare. Adam, Adam, are you alright? Nick yelled

    What? What? Nick, I’m sorry I was just thinking.

    Yeah right! You want to tell me what you were thinking?

    Nick, I was thinking about Zeus’ proposal. Do you realize that if we live on Mount Olympus, we have to give up our apartment. You would be home schooled. I don’t know what kind of friends you will have, if any…

    I have been thinking the same thing, Adam. Do you know, that ever since we found out who we are, I haven’t been in school for quite some time now?

    That just slipped my mind. You are now officially home schooled. I guess we can use all the gods of Olympus to teach you.

    That’s great, Adam, but for now, could we think about moving? Let’s make a list of pros and cons.

    Nicky, the word is movin, what kind of Bronxite are you? Let me get this straight, you want to do pros and cons when dealing with the gods?

    Yeah right!

    That might not be a bad idea, but not now. I have a headache. I’m going to take a shower to calm myself and then lie down for a while. If my boss calls make sure you wake me. I still need to go to work or we won’t eat.

    Right, Nick waited for Adam to go into his bedroom. He listened for the shower to be turned on. He continued to sit in the kitchen. "Come to think of it, if we lived on Mount Olympus, where would we live? I guess the gods of Olympus could home school me, certainly not Adam. I might have to home school HIM." Nick laughed when he said that. "There’s so much more. Will Adam still work as a special repair man for the monuments? If he doesn’t, where will we get our money? For what will we use our powers? Gosh now I’m getting a headache."

    Nick picked himself up, peeled off his clothes down to his underwear and ran into Adam’s bedroom. He jumped into Adam’s bed and quickly pulled the covers up over his head to hide from Adam. It wasn’t very long before Nick heard the shower turn off. Silence filled the air for a moment. The bathroom door opened. Adam stepped into the bedroom stark naked. He proceeded to dry his hair with a large yellow towel that brightened up the bedroom. The sound of the train was heard off in the distance. Adam walked over to the window, dropped the towel, held out his arms to greet the train. The train sped by the window. Adam shouted. Well take a good look! You speed by every day and I have to cover up. But not today! I feel great! So, take a good look.

    Adam! Nick yelled as he threw off the covers he hid under."

    Nicky, I didn’t know you were there, Adam said embarrassed. He picked up the towel and quickly wrapped it around himself to cover up. "Sorry, Nicky. What are you doing in my bed?

    I was just waiting for you to finish your shower. I thought we could take a nap together.

    You thought wrong. Go take a nap in your own bed. Now scat!

    Nick quickly ran out of the bedroom. Adam removed his towel and let it drop to the floor. He climbed into bed and pulled the covers up over his head.

    Ascalaphus I need to ask the bubbling pool of water some very important questions. I believe, if my memory serves me right, it’s down that cave, Hades pointed.

    They started to walk in the direction of the bubbling pool.

    Hades, it’s not far from here, but be cautious. Remember, we are about to pass the living quarters of Cerberus. We don’t want to wake him, warned Ascalaphus.

    I know. I am not in the mood to deal with him right now.

    They quietly tip-toed passed the entrance to Cerberus’s cave.

    There! There it is, the great, black, bubbling pool of water. Now, what should I ask? Hades pondered.

    Don’t tell me you forgot? You need to ask how to get Neclion and Melinoe out of the wall. Although I don’t know why you would want to release Melinoe. She’s such a monster. I never really liked her.

    Now, now, Ascalaphus, be nice. Well, here goes.

    Thanatos who came to see what the answer would be, yelled from the back of the cave. Hades, stop! You need to put both hands in the water and twirl them around, then ask the question.

    Right. Here goes, Hades put both his hands in the black water and twirled them around. The bubbling water began to swirl around faster and faster.

    Hades, quick, ask your question, Thanatos instructed him.

    Whirling, black, pool of water, how can we free Neclion and Melinoe from their frozen tomb in the wall of the cave? But we don’t want to ask Adam to do it.

    Good coverage. Now pull your hands out of the water, Thanatos continued his instructions.

    Psst Thanatos! You think Hades would know all of this being master of the underworld, Ascalaphus whispered.

    Ya think? Hades is so busy letting everyone else do his dirty work that he doesn’t know how to do these things himself.

    Everyone look! Hades exclaimed. The water is shooting up to the ceiling. It’s forming letters. Let me see if I can read the message. It says………one of the ways to free them is to call upon the witch. Her name is Hazel and she can undo any curse."

    Watch out Hades! The letters are spiraling down into the water, Ascalaphus yelled.

    The water splashed over everyone as the letters hit the water and disappeared.

    Ascalaphus, turn into your owl form. Go find this witch Hazel. I haven’t heard from her in centuries. Now go! Fly away, Hades ordered.

    My dear Hades, the black pool always has more than one answer. You may need more information from the pool, especially if we can’t find Hazel.

    It’s so good to see you again, Persephone. You still look like the queen of the underworld. I like the change in your gown. Bright red suits you better than that pale, salmon color you wore last time. Your torch is not lit. Your crown, it’s different.

    I traded my old crown for one dotted with beautiful jewels.

    Persephone, you say the pool always has more than one answer? Tell me more, Hades persisted.

    Go ahead. Put your hands back into the pool of water, twirl your hands, and ask again. But this time, ask for all the possible answers to your question.

    Persephone touched Hades on the cheek and departed.

    Thanatos, stand by while I do this again.

    Hades sunk both hands into the black pool of water right up to his elbows this time, and asked. Whirling, black, pool of water, how can I free Neclion and Melinoe from their frozen tomb in the wall of the cave without Adam’s power to do it? Please give me all the possible ways to do this.

    The water spun all around, faster and faster until it formed a tall column of water. Hades and Thanatos stepped back against the wall of the cave in fear of what might happen. Higher rose the water. Then with great force exploded all over the cave. This time there were no letters to be found or to be read. The water settled back down into the pool.

    What happened? Where’s my answers? Hades shouted.

    Maybe it’s all asked out.

    Ha, ha, ha. Great laughter was heard from the pool of water. Don’t be silly, Thanatos, I never run dry of answers. It’s just that this time there are too many answers to spell it out in words. So here goes.

    You don’t have such a pretty voice, pool of water, or whoever you are. It’s sounds so eerie, like an old, cackling, witch.

    Do you want the answers or not? screamed the pool.

    Thanatos, don’t insult her. We want the answers.

    Are you sure the pool of water is a she? Thanatos cackled.

    Thanatos, just shut up. Go ahead pool. I apologize for Thanatos.

    Thank you, Hades. Now here goes. Here are three other ways you can use if the witch fails. One, Nick must bring back to life two monuments. Two, fire Nick’s crystal at the two idiots frozen in the wall. Three, now listen carefully to this one. Adam needs to be dead!!!!

    Thanatos chimed in. That has been tried many times and failed.

    That’s your problem not mine. I have a suggestion for you. Find the goddess Lamia

    Hades and Thanatos gasped. They knew that Lamia was one of the most-evil demons in the underworld. The story goes that Lamia was the queen of Libya. Zeus loved Lamia and had a long affair with her. When Hera, Zeus’ wife, found out about the affair, she murdered all of Lamia’s children. This caused Lamia to turn into a monster. Her metamorphosis came suddenly. No one knew how it came about. Some said Lamia turned into a monster from grief over the deaths of her children. Lamia also developed a vicious appetite for blood. She became known as the vampire whose favorite past time was to suck the blood out of men.

    Black, water pool, how is Lamia supposed to help us? Hades asked.

    No answer came. After a moment of silence, Thanatos chimed in. Hades, you asked another question without your hands in the pool. Stick your hands back in the pool and ask the question again.

    Right, I forgot, Hades plunged his hands into the pool. How will Lamia help us free Neclion and Melinoe?

    Send her to find Adam. She will seduce him with her charms. Charms that no man can resist. Then she will suck the life out of him which will free your two evil demons. The water ceased spinning. Then became calm. Written across the black water of the pool was. I gave you all the answers you need.

    Ascalaphus is off finding witch Hazel. Getting the crystal is near impossible. We can’t wait for a child to bring two statues to life. So, I guess the next best thing to do is call for Lamia, which I really hate doing.

    Why Hades, is she really a monster? asked Thanatos

    What do you think of a person that eats children and sucks the blood out of men? I would call that a real monster.

    She eats children too? Thanatos asked in amazement.

    Yes, but that’s another story, we won’t go into right now, Hades cut off Thanatos.

    A swishing sound is heard from the roof of the cave. Hypnos, where did you come from? asked Hades.

    I have been flying above you, listening to everything, The wings on his head and feet slowly lowered him to the floor of the cave.

    Hypnos, why are you naked? asked Thanatos.

    Thanatos, Hypnos is always naked. The last time we met, I asked him to cover himself, but it looks like he didn’t listen to me.

    Sorry, Hades, but I didn’t bring anything to cover myself this time.

    Never mind Hypnos, do you have anything to add about Lamia?

    I really am afraid for you to call upon Lamia, Hypnos remarked

    Hypnos, tell me why you don’t want us to use her, especially if the witch Hazel should fail? I think we need to try both of them.

    Hades, what does Lamia look like? Is she very ugly? Thanatos interrupted.

    Hypnos, please enlighten Thanatos.

    Lamia is the most beautiful woman you will ever see. All of the features of her face are just perfect. She is stunning with her long black hair, violet eyes and lips that are red as rubies. But the beauty stops at her slim, curved waist.

    Go on, Thanatos said.

    Her torso is hideous. It’s a snake from her waist down, slithering to about 7 feet beyond her. She can wrap it around anyone and crush the life out of them. To sum it up, she is a monster who is bewitchingly beautiful. You can use her to seduce Adam and either crush the life out of him or suck his blood. But remember, Adam is no mere mortal anymore. He is a very powerful demi-god.

    Thank you, Hypnos.

    You’re welcome, Hades. Best of luck to you. You know, you are playing with fire, Hypnos said then flew out of the cave.

    Doesn’t that man ever put clothes on?

    Hi Persephone, what’s up?

    Nothing really Hades, I just came in to see how things are going.

    We’re waiting for Hazel the witch to appear and trying to contact Lamia. Wait a minute, Persephone, you know where every demon lives. Could you contact Lamia?

    I will, but I hope you know what you are doing. She is nothing short of horrible. Wait a minute Hades, what if Hazel accomplishes the deed? Then, you won’t need Lamia.

    Yes, I do need Lamia to get rid of Adam once and for all, Hades rubbed his hands and cast an evil smile. Wait a minute! Adam is not going to be fooled by a beautiful woman with a snake body. He will know she is a demon.

    Persephone shook her head. My dear Hades, Lamia can shape shift into anything she wants, which includes changing her snake like body into a body of a woman. You slay me. You are the king of the underworld and you don’t know much about the demons that lurk about, Persephone said then left.

    Vicki what are you doing?

    Come here Pandia, look what’s going on in the underworld.

    What? What are they up to?

    They are going to get two demons who could possibly free Neclion and Melinoe.

    Vicki, don’t worry, let them try. We have the power of the gods to take care of them. Besides, now we have your beloved boys to help us.

    You also heard what Adam said about me, about how he loves me?

    My dear Vicki, you have been telling everyone on Mount Olympus what he said.

    What do you think I should do about it?

    Nothing, my dear, just let him make the first move, let him come to you. You worry too much.

    Thanks, Pandia. I just want to hang out a bit. I will be with you shortly.

    Pandia left the great hall. Vicki shut down the vision of the underworld and turned on a vision of the boys in their apartment. She watched Nicky fiddle with the crystal as he sat on his bed. Do I dare look into what Adam is doing in his bedroom? I guess it won’t do any harm, she said to herself and waved her hand. There was Adam in his bed with the covers pulled up to his neck. She continued to watch. Soon, Adam stirred and sat up. The covers dropped to his waist as he stretched which caused his muscles to ripple. Isn’t he beautiful? she called out loud.

    Isn’t who beautiful? bellowed Zeus.

    Ahhhh… Vicki became tongue tied.

    Vicki, shut that down right now. We, here in Olympus, do not impose on the privacy of others. Don’t let me catch you doing that again!

    I’m sorry, Zeus, I did spy on the underworld. I found out that they are trying to find a way to release Neclion and Melinoe from their entombment. Is that, OK?

    That’s different. They are the evil gods of the underworld, so it’s alright to spy on them. Keep me informed of the happenings down there.

    Right, I will.

    Hades, here she is, Ascalaphus said. He walked in with a ghastly, ugly, small woman whose face was all wrinkled. She had long, stringy, black hair. It looked like it had been rolled in mud. A large nose adorned her face with quite a few warts. She had a truly horrible face. It was hard to see her body as it was covered up with a long, black cloak that dragged along behind her. However, you still could see how frail she was. She walked slightly bent over, and talked with a cackle, that could scare the feathers off the black ravens that soared around the underworld.

    "Hazel my dear witch, so glad to see you. How are you?’

    Don’t give me any bull, Hades. There must be something big you want or you wouldn’t have dragged me here. I was in the middle of making a delicious stew.

    I’m sure you were, but the stew can wait. Look! Hades pointed to the two frozen demons in the wall.

    Well, well, well, what have we here? That’s Neclion and Melinoe all nicely tied up in the wall. Ha, ha, ha, she cackled.

    Stop cackling Can you free them or not?

    I will try, but what’s in it for me?

    What do you want?

    You never let me be part of your domain, always treated me as an outcast. I want the respect of the underworld, to be a part of your world. You, only you, can make that happen.


    Thanatos, get me a large, black cauldron filled with boiling water. Place it in front of the two demons.

    Thanatos quickly secured a large black cauldron, filled it with water and placed it where Hazel said. Stand back everyone, he ordered. He then raised his hand and shot fire beneath the cauldron. The fire grew hotter and hotter. Soon the water was bubbling and boiling. It’s ready Hazel.

    Thank you, Thanatos. Now, I will need all of these things. Write this down: a fenny snake, an eye of newt, toe of a frog, wool of a bat, and tongue of a dog. Add to that, adder’s fork, a blind worm, a lizard’s leg, a wing from a Howlets and finally the blood of a baboon. I will be resting over in the corner until you gathered what I need.

    Hades, Thanatos and Ascalaphus stood silent as she took her leave and went into a corner of the cave. They looked at each other in dismay at the items Hazel needed for her spell.

    Let me call on Hecate. She is the hunting goddess and can help us find these items.

    Hades, do you really think she will help us?

    Don’t fret Ascalaphus, she owes me a favor. Her hunting abilities and her three, white, hellhounds can sniff out anything. She will do the job. Besides, we already have one of the ingredients right here, a Howlets wing.

    Hades, isn’t that a wing of an owl? Thanatos asked and immediately they all turned to Ascalaphus.

    Ascalaphus quickly understood and turned himself into an owl. Hades pulled a wing from Ascalaphus. Don’t worry, Ascalaphus, it will grow back rather quickly.

    Ascalaphus turned back into his man self. He held up his right arm which now showed a black and blue bruise.

    Hecate, I summon you to come immediately, Hades’ voice echoed throughout the canyons of the underworld."

    Everyone was silent as they waited for Hecate to arrive.

    Remember Hecate can take on many forms. I don’t know which one she will use when she gets here, Hades remarked.

    What kind of different forms are you talking about? both Thanatos and Ascalaphos chimed in.

    Don’t ask, there are too many. Besides you both know about changing forms. You do it.

    We do, but we only change into two forms, not multiple, Thanatos reminded Hades.

    Sshhhhh, I think Hecate’s is coming, Hades hushed them.

    Howling was heard as three, white, hellhounds entered the cave chamber followed by a pretty, nice-looking woman. She was covered from head to toe in long, flowing, teal-colored robes. On the back of her head was a bluish-white veil. Her black hair cascaded down the front of her to the cave floor. In her right hand, she held a crooked staff with a hideous, venomous snake twirled around it.

    Hecate, so nice to see you, Hades greeted her.

    Cut the dog doo-doo, what do you want? She spouted back as her two hellhounds howled so loud it shook the walls of the chamber.

    Remember Hecate, you owe me a favor for the time I saved you and your wretched dogs from that fire pit.

    I remember. Tell me what you want so I can return the favor to you.

    I need you to get me these things, Hades took the list from Thanatos and handed it to her.

    You got to be kidding, she laughed as she read the list. Hazel, oh witch Hazel, you must be here. This junk is for one of your spells, isn’t it?

    A cackle came from the corner of the cave. I’m here. Go do as you are told or I will put a horrible curse on you and on your dogs, too!

    The hounds lunged forward at Hazel but Hecate pulled them back by their leashes. In a huff, Hecate swung the hounds around, banged her staff on the ground which made the snake hiss fiercely. I will return shortly with all that you asked for shriveled up witch, in a flash she was gone.

    Now we wait, Hades said.

    Hazel, could you tell me what some of these things are? Like, what’s a fenny snake, wool of a bat, eye of newt and an adder’s fork? I guess I know what a worm is but I never heard of a blind one, Thanatos questioned.

    Hazel laughed. One out of every thousand worms are born blind. A fenny snake is a garter snake that lives in the fens, a swampy district of east England. The wool of a bat is a secretion that a bat spews out when it is killed. I need a forked tongue from an adder which is a type of snake. Here’s my favorite, the eye of a Newt. I am sure you know that a Newt is a semi-aquatic amphibian that looks like a combination of a frog and a lizard. They have smooth, moist skins. When mature, they have long, lizard-like tails. I love to poke its eye out.

    Gross! Enough! but thank you for the lesson, I think.

    You’re welcome, Thanatos, she cackled went back to her corner.

    Adam’s cell phone rang continuously. Nicky, will you get that? I left my cell phone in the kitchen, he called from his bedroom.

    But Nick had already jumped out of his bed and gotten the phone. Nick ran into Adam’s bedroom with the phone.

    Adam, it’s your boss.

    Adam jumped out of bed and took the phone from Nick. Thanks Nick.

    Ahem, Nick said as he glanced down at Adam’s nakedness.

    Adam quickly picked up the towel from the floor and wrapped it around his waist.

    Nick climbed on Adam’s bed. He waited until the phone call was finished to find out what Adam’s boss wanted.


    That was….

    Yeah, Adam, I know who that was. I answered the phone remember? Did he call to give you…, another job?

    He did. It is a big one. There might be some traveling. I don’t know if I’m going to take this one, even though the money is good.

    Why? Is it dangerous?

    "No Nicky, it’s just that this is another touchy statue to fix.

    Go on, tell me.

    I’m to repair a chip on Michelangelo’s Statue of David.

    That’s in Florence Italy. We’re going to Italy?

    Adam shrugged.

    Great, Adam. I’m ready. I’ve never been to Italy.

    Calm down, buddy I haven’t said yes, yet.

    Why not? Is it because the statue is hard to repair?

    Yes and no…. I mean I would have to make sure that the repair uses the same ingredients as Michelangelo used.

    How are you going to do that? He built the statue between 1501 and 1505.

    Now, how do you know that?

    Michelangelo is one of my favorite artists. I’ve read all about him. One day, while it was raining, I got bored, so I looked him up. Do you know that his full name is Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni? He was born March 6, 1475 in Caprese, a republic of Florence Italy. He started his great creation when he was 26 and used the most beautiful, white marble to construct David. That’s it! That’s the touchy part! How are you going to get this white marble, the same kind he used?

    Just leave that to me. Remember we know the gods of Olympus. I bet they stock pile the stuff.

    They both laughed together.

    Adam, speaking of Mount Olympus, the gods, Vicki, and your father Apollo and……..

    Stop, Nicky, I have thought about all of them and the proposal Zeus made to us. I think maybe we need to talk to Zeus. I know I said I would let them know our decision but we need to find out about the powers that were given to you before we make a decision. Right now. I’m confused. On one hand, we are members of the gods on Mount Olympus. On the other hand, we need money to live. What about this apartment?

    Uhh…what about it, brother?

    We would have to leave it and live elsewhere. Wherever that is.

    Yeah right, Adam, let’s go into the kitchen. I’ll make you a nice cup of coffee so you can relax for a while.

    Good Idea Nicky, but it’s milk for you.

    Nick led the way to the kitchen lightly speaking under his beneath. "Maybe I can bring David back to life, although I would have to shrink him because he is 14ft tall."


    I ’m back! cried Hecate. I got all the goodies you need, she laid out all the items Hazel requested on one of the large flat rocks nearby.

    Hmmmm…..let’s see, fenny snake, eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of a bat, tongue of a dog, Adder’s fork and a worm.

    Hazel poked at the worm to see if it was blind. All here, even the blind worm. You did good Hecate. Is the water in the cauldron boiling?

    It’s ready, Thanatos said.

    Good, now step back. Let me do my thing, she cackled as she grabbed a huge metal spoon. One by one she tossed the items into the boiling water. She vigorously stirred the pot. "Here goes my spell which should free your demon friends from the wall. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble."

    Stop! yelled Hades. That’s no spell! You are reciting the lines spoken by the three witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Act IV Scene 1.

    Excuse me. I didn’t know I was in the presence of a scholar. It works. When something works, I use it. So, sit down, shut up and let me do my thing She started her incantation over. Stirring the boiling water, she called out.

    "Double, double toil and trouble;

    Fire burn and caldron bubble.

    Fillet of a fenny snake,

    In the caldron boil and bake;

    Eye of newt and toe of frog,

    Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

    Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,

    Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,

    For a charm of powerful trouble,

    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

    Double, double toil and trouble;

    Fire burn and caldron bubble.

    Cool it with a baboon’s blood

    Stop! Where is the baboon’s blood? I can’t go on without it."

    Hecate, where is the baboon’s blood? Hades frantically asked.

    Uhhhh………, Hecate was tongue tied. Her hellhounds lifted their heads and howled.

    Here, said Ascalaphus. I got the baboon’s blood. I flew off to get it when I saw it wasn’t here.

    Thanks, now give it to me quick before the potion is spoiled, Hazel grabbed the blood then poured it into the caldron of boiling water. She quickly continued the chant.

    "Fire burn and caldron bubble.

    Cool it with a baboon’s blood,

    Then the charm is firm and good."

    Hazel, are you sure that is the correct spell from Shakespeare? I seem to remember it being much longer, Hades said which caused everyone to laugh.

    It’s all I need for my spell to work. Neclion! Melinoe! Get out of there, she commanded.

    That’s it? Neclion, Melinoe get out of there?

    Oh, ye of little faith, just wait, Hazel cackled as she disappeared in a puff of smoke and fire.

    The cave wall that housed Neclion and Melinoe started shaking. Tremors surround the two frozen demons and shook them violently.

    Adam sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee. Suddenly he clutched his chest in pain. He dropped his coffee cup and it splattered all over the floor.

    Adam, what’s wrong? Nick yelled.

    I don’t know but I don’t feel so good.

    A burst of water shot out from Neclion’s tomb. It threw Neclion to the floor. Adam cringed in terrible pain.

    Brother what’s happening to you. Should I call 911? Nick was frightened now.

    Another burst of water shot out from Melinoe’s tomb. It threw her to the floor. Both demons were writhing on the floor soaked to the gills.

    Adam moaned as his pain got worse. He fell to the kitchen floor in tremendous pain.

    Vicki, Vicki, help me! Nick called. In a flash, she was at Adam’s side. She held him in her arms.

    Vicki, what’s wrong with him? Why is he in pain?

    I don’t know, Nicky, I don’t know, she cried.

    I know, said a man in a bright light standing at the entrance to the kitchen.

    Apollo, it’s you. What’s going on? Vicki cried.

    Nick ran to Apollo and threw his arms around him. What’s wrong with Adam?

    Neclion and Melinoe have been freed from their frozen state in the cave wall. Adam used his powers to put them there. Their release caused Adam to feel the pain of the breakdown of the power he used to entomb them. Just let him be for a moment. His pain will subside. His powers will be restored. Come, Vicki we need to get back to Olympus. Adam will be alright.

    Apollo, you mean that Neclion and Melinoe are free? How did that happen? I thought only Adam’s power could free them?

    My dear Vicki, in the world of spells there are many ways to do things. They found a way to get around Adam’s powerful force. If my suspicious are correct, this feels like the work of the witch, Hazel. Come, let’s go, Apollo took Vicki’s hand and they transcelerated to Mount Olympus.

    Nick sat on the floor and waited for his brother to get better.

    Welcome back, my two stupid demons. You couldn’t even take on a small boy and one man.

    Hades, how did you get us out?

    It was that crazy loon, Hazel. Her Shakespearian spell did it. Neclion, do you think that I was going to sit around and let you and Melinoe stay frozen. You underestimate my ingenuity.

    Thank you, Hades for getting us free. Now I will be ready to get my revenge on that Adam and his pain of a brother, Neclion threatened.

    Right now, you and Melinoe go dry off. We will talk later about what your next missions are. Remember, you can’t get out of the underworld that easily anymore. We need to depend on that Nicky boy to bring some more statues to life to get us out of here.

    "Hades, what about Liberty Lady? She is alive and a human now. Won’t that be a way for us to get out? Neclion asked.

    I’m working on that, but I must be cautious. Zeus may be angry at the fact that you two are free. I need to calm his ruffled feathers. Besides, this is my domain so Zeus very rarely interferes with the domain of his gods. Now, just let me worry about all of this.

    Hades, what about Lamia? Isn’t she still coming here?

    Ascalaphus, you’re right! I forgot about her. Do me a favor, fly around and see what you can find out about Lamia.

    Nick helped Adam up off the floor. Adam, are you OK? Do you want to go rest awhile?

    I’m fine, my head just needs to clear. Let me sit her for a while. Is there any more coffee left from before?

    There is still some left in the pot, but it’s been sitting so it’s probably cold. I’ll just heat it, Nick poured the coffee from the coffee pot into a smaller sauce pot. Then turned on the burner.

    Nick, that’s OK, don’t bother. I’m feeling better now.

    It’s no bother, it will be hot in a few minutes.

    Nick waited for the coffee to get hot and then poured Adam some coffee.

    Here’s your cup, do you want cream or sugar?

    Just black this time, I need a strong fix of caffeine.

    "Adam, we only use de-caffeinated coffee. Did you forget?’

    Yeah right, I did forget. By the way, what happened to me?

    Let me quote from what Apollo said.

    "Wait a minute, Apollo was here?

    He was. Vicki was too, but they left when they saw you were OK.

    Great….go on.

    Apollo said Neclion and Melinoe have been freed from their frozen state in the cave wall. Where you put them with your power. Their release caused you to feel the pain of the breakdown of the power you used to entomb them. Then he said just to leave you alone. Your pain would subside and your powers would be restored. Then they left.

    Did Vicki say anything?

    Not really, she was just so worried. She cried a little while she held you.

    Great! Now I feel embarrassed.

    Don’t be embarrassed, Nick said as he refilled is cup to the brim.

    Thanks buddy. Nick, I am going to take that job in Italy. It will do us good to get away.

    Goody! Nick grabbed the crystal in his pocket.

    Hades sat on his throne in his special chamber in the underworld. He was surrounded by Neclion, Melinoe, Ascalaphus, and Thanatos. They were celebrating the return of Neclion and Melinoe. Hypos joined them. This time he covered his lower extremities. An ugly, bearded man slithered in to join the party.

    Charon, so glad you could join us. You’re still wearing that stupid hat. You could at least wash your tunic once in a while.

    Bah, Hades, same old charmer, Charon said.

    Are there any more visitors lurking about? If so, do come and join us so we can get this celebration underway. Cerberus, give us a howling start. But stay in your domain. We wouldn’t want you to burn us up.

    Cerberus heard Hades’ call. All three heads roared and spewed fire out of their mouths.

    Good, now we are ready.

    Hades, were you not going to wait for me?

    My dear Persephone, of course, we couldn’t start without our queen.

    Flattery will get you nowhere. Besides, I didn’t come here to join your festivities. I came to tell you that something is happening in the chamber where Neclion and Melinoe were entombed. You might want to check it out.

    Ascalaphus and Thanatos come with me. Everyone else just wait here. Persephone led the way.

    "Melinoe, where are you going?’

    I am going with them. Do you think I want to miss the action if there is something going on? Come on Neclion, come with me or are you too chicken.

    Neclion and Melinoe followed the others just far enough behind so Hades wouldn’t know they were there.

    They all entered the chamber where Neclion and Melinoe were freed. Black beetles frantically scurried across the ground of the cave. The walls shook and dust flew everywhere. Suddenly, the ground cracked wide open. Fire and ice shot out of the huge crevice. Then, a beautiful woman slowly emerged. She had long, black hair that fell to her waist. A golden bra, shaped like leaves, adorned her

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