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Crack that Whip: XXX Shorts
Crack that Whip: XXX Shorts
Crack that Whip: XXX Shorts
Ebook72 pages1 hour

Crack that Whip: XXX Shorts

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About this ebook

Nicky Lyons the staff photographer at DigitalSCREW online magazine is on assignment with Talisa her co-worker and bestfriend. With her help they find clues and a trail to the wereabouts to Mr. Knotts they go for it.  What follows is Nicky as she hunts down the infamous Mr. Knots of Underground Bondage fame.


PublisherTim Hammill
Release dateMay 7, 2023
Crack that Whip: XXX Shorts

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    Book preview

    Crack that Whip - Jynx Wylding

    Nicky Lyons

    Crack that Whip....

    Chapter 1

    Again standing here in front of my bathroom mirror naked, looking at my perfectly imperfect body. Like I’ve said in the past my left breast is slightly bigger than my right.

    Everything else is the same from side to side. My nipples are perfectly perfect and without blemish the areola is not too big and my nubs are not to long, they hang real nice too. Guys just love my boobs. They are forever sucking and kneading on them rubbing their fingers against them as if they’d turn into some sort of magical genie and grant them three wishes. Most would want a bigger dick and then of course there would be that million dollars (though now due to inflation it’d be ten million) that everyone wants, if it were me I’d ask for twenty million. But all they get is me. I rarely use make-up and the act of fluffing my short hair did the trick on my work look. I scrubbed my teeth and voila I am ready to inspect my backside, not as good as my front side but not bad really.

    Which made me think of the other day when my best BFF and I were chatting about our bodies and what we’d change and guys of course. I thought a nicer ass would be a plus.

    Then Talisa said. I know what I’d ask for, Like I didn’t know what. Mr. Knots, its time to score that dude for the magazine Nicky, a big smile on her face

    I was thinking the samething but really it was because I wanted to get it done and move on not the incredible size of the mans cock or that he ties a mean square knot.

    But Talisa just kept nagging me when are you going to book the man She has it in her mind that she’ll be part of the photo-shoot or at least a fluffer, Lol there lady, don’t get me wrong Talisa has a powerful oral technique and a pair of simply awesome tits. Most guys are putty between her glands; get it putty in her glands. Well...she does a mean tit fuck and loves to get her chest doused in spunk.

    I slowly turned around to see if I had any pimples on my ass and damn it there was the start of a big one right in the center of my left ass cheek. No way could I reach it. Maybe if I listen to Talisa she’d do the honors and pop this sucker, or should I wait a couple of days let it fill up, so Talisa would have a gooshy reward at the end. I smiled at the thought of my wicked mind and done with my daily routine of checking myself out, you know it is really good for my soul to do this. With a smile and a wink I turned myself towards the white door and padded out into the hallway and back into my bedroom to get dressed. There are times (not now with a huge zit on my ass) when I think I really should have a job where clothing is optional, now back in the day I have heard that my boss Mr. Gaines had done some shootings nude. Sort of on a dare, but Bob is a carefree dude. What the hell I thought I’m a carefree dudette so why not. The guys would sprout nice big boners for the camera and me.  I wonder if I could be fired for flaunting my naked body around. I thought that that thought was stupid and dismissed it immediately. After all I work for Digital SCREW magazine where independent thinking and action is encouraged. Of course I’d have to keep my sneakers or at least a pair of flip-flops on so the flash wouldn’t ground out. Maybe a rug in front of me so I could sit cross-legged and show off how close I shave. Now a lot of the guys and girls would like that. I’m thinking this is worth brainstorming over with Talisa during our ride into work.

    I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and all of thinking had gotten me behind, I’d have to hurry if I was to meet Talisa downstairs, she’s my ride to work you know.

    In a flash I dived into a clean pair of panties and pulled on my latest pair of shorts, there are a little small so I have to bounce up and down to squish into them, of course my braless boobs bounced around which made me giggle as I zipped up (I love doing that, Zipping up) snapped the fly. Next was yesterday’s bra and T-shirt that Spencer (my cat) was sleeping on in the middle of my unmade bed. The garments didn’t smell bad so I was dressed. Well not totally I sat and slipped on some short socks not realizing that they were different kinds and put on and lased-up my sneakers, now I was ready. I made my way to my front door and just as I loaded my arms with my everyday tote and my purse that I threw over my shoulder...Then damn it I could hear Talisa’s Mustangs horn blow downstairs in the street.

    I made a mad dash to the elevator my tits swinging and bouncing as I went. The doors of our smallish lift opened and there stood my new next door neighbor. OMG is he something to look at all tall and trim. He stepped out of the elevator and I stepped in, his arm brushed up against my left breast that’s my bigger one. His arm pressed in like, on purpose, well... maybe. He looked down (he was not terrible tall) as we stood there together motionless.

    I looked up into the face of an angel he said. Oh, I ‘am sorry, then blushed red in his adorable face and started too turn away.

    My reply was quick and straight to the point, I am not.

    The doors slid shut as he stood there the beginnings of a grin on his face. The doors wobbled a little as they do then the

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