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The Five Kings of Hollow Valley
The Five Kings of Hollow Valley
The Five Kings of Hollow Valley
Ebook96 pages1 hour

The Five Kings of Hollow Valley

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Addelynn is captivated by Aeden when she hears him singing in a bar and discovers they have a mysterious mark on their pelvic bones—the sign of his mate. Together, they embark on a thrilling journey to Hollow Valley, an underground kingdom with its own sky, animals, and villages. She meets Aeden's four mates—Zephyr, Ryōjin, Jaed, and Khalid—and experiences an inexplicable connection to each one. But soon, they discover that the Pendragons have found Hollow Valley, and the five must face danger to protect it. Through love and courage, the five dragons seek to preserve their kingdom.
Release dateApr 16, 2023
The Five Kings of Hollow Valley

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    The Five Kings of Hollow Valley - JM Spence


    I was strolling through the streets of L.A. when I heard the voice of an angel coming from across the street. I followed the siren song to a bar called Ouroboros, whose sign featured a dragon eating its tail, creating an infinity symbol.

    Who is that singing? I asked the man at the door, handing him a ten-dollar bill for entry.

    Her name’s Addelynn; she really knows how to draw a crowd, the man said with a toothy smile.

    As I stepped into the bar, the crowd parted like the red sea, freezing me in my tracks as the most beautiful creature I have ever seen was singing at an impossible note.

    She was tall for a human female, a few inches over six feet, a little too thin with skin the color of freshly fallen snow, and long white hair with purple streaks braided on the sides to create a mohawk. Her purple eyes shone like the purest amethyst in the light. She had an angular face covered in too much makeup for my liking, wearing a short black tank top that revealed her pierced navel, a black tutu, fishnet stockings, and thigh-high leather boots.

    My vision narrowed to only her as she sang. Her lips moved effortlessly as she belted out the words. Her body swayed to the rhythm of the music, accentuating her hip movements. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back, shoulders shrugging as she poured her soul into the song. Her body felt like a magnet, drawing me in with each sway of her hips.

    I found myself moving closer to her, almost against my will. It was as if an invisible force was propelling me closer to the stage where she was performing. The closer I got, the more I could feel the heat emanating from her body. It was as if a fire was burning inside of her, and it was impossible not to be drawn in by it.

    My cock twitched in my pants at the sight of those impossibly long legs. As I moved closer, my eyes zeroed in on the tattoo on her pelvic bone. The symbol was a serpent-like dragon encircling a six-pointed star. My search for this symbol has spanned the entire United States since I was twenty. 

    This girl named Addelynn possesses the same symbol as my four best friends and I, who were born on the same day. This symbol was the mark of my mate…of our mate.

    When we go through the mating ritual, the points of the star will fill in and turn her into a dragon. Dragons can only reproduce in their dragon forms because our human forms cannot handle laying eggs.

    I stood there with my arms crossed as I watched her sing. Her eyes widened when she peered down at me, scanning me from my long dirty blonde hair that was shaved on the sides and bound at the nape of my neck, my full shaggy beard, to my black leather jacket, paired with a black fitted T-shirt, black jeans with holes in the knees and my motorcycle boots. Her lips curled into a naughty smile, then she winked before returning her attention to the crowd.

    I couldn't believe my luck. After years of searching for my soulmate, I had finally found her. She was right in front of me, singing her heart out on stage. I had to meet her, talk to her, and see if the connection I felt was real.

    After her set ended, I waited patiently by the bar, nursing a whiskey as I watched her mingle with the crowd. Whenever someone approached her, she smiled politely, but her eyes never left the door. I knew she was searching for someone, just like I was.

    As the crowd began to thin out, I made my move. I walked up to her, trying not to seem too eager, and introduced myself.

    Hi, I'm Aeden, I said, holding out my hand.

    She looked at me for a moment, her purple eyes scanning me up and down. Then she took my hand, her grip firm and confidence.

    Hello, handsome, I'm Addelynn, she  purred, reaching out to place a hand on my chest, I've never seen you in here before.

    Just got into town this morning, I replied, I was just taking a stroll when I heard your voice.

    Hmm, you have a sexy accent. Is it Scottish? she asked with a tilt of her head, tapping her bottom lip. I growled as I pictured those lips around my throbbing cock.

    I grinned, feeling my cock twitch in my pants again. Something like that.

    Well, Aeden, Addelynn said, her voice becoming huskier. What brings you to L.A.?

    I was just passing through, but I think I might stay a little longer now that I found you, I said, leaning in a little closer to her.

    Addelynn's eyes sparkled as she looked up at me, and I felt like I was falling into a purple abyss. Oh, really? she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

    I nodded, feeling like I was in a dream. Yeah, I think I might have found what I've been looking for.

    Addelynn's smile widened, and she leaned in even closer to me. I think you might have, she said, her lips hovering just inches from mine. She leaned forward so her lips touched the shell of my ear and whispered, My apartment is upstairs; follow me. A low rumbling growl of excitement rolled through me as she hopped from the stage.

    She reached out to grab my hand and pulled me through the crowd, out a back door, and up a fire escape leading to the above apartment. After I opened the door, she barely had it wide enough before I lifted her and slammed her against it.

    I cupped the back of her head and kissed her like a starving man. A low, rumbling- purr rolled up from my chest when she bit my bottom lip. I grabbed the front of her tank top, ripping it in half, then cupped her lace-covered breasts.

    She moaned deeply when I kissed the sensitive part of her throat.

    Can we move this to the bedroom? she asked breathlessly.

    I growled in frustration but pulled away from the door with her still in my arms and carried her down the hall.

    Second door on the left, she said.

    I stepped through the doorway, freezing at the mess of papers and clothes thrown everywhere. I followed the clean trail to the full-size bed, then tossed her onto the bed, making her giggle.

    I kicked off my boots and then pulled off my shirt. When Addelynn went to pull off her boots, I smacked her hand away with a low growl. Let me do it.

    I dropped to my knees, kissing her inner thigh as I pulled the laces on her boots, kissing down her leg as I revealed more of her sexy skin. Then did the same with the other boot.

    I applaud myself for the kind of self-control I had to take it slow; I wanted to taste every inch of her skin. I quickly removed her stockings and the annoying tutu, revealing a black lace thong that matched her bra.

    With a tug, the thong ripped, and then I tossed it to the floor and took in her amazing hairless snow-white pussy. I growled in pleasure as I

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