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Exalted or Justified? The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven
Exalted or Justified? The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven
Exalted or Justified? The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven
Ebook31 pages19 minutes

Exalted or Justified? The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven

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About this ebook

Faith is the only way for our salvation in this world in which never before has our existence been plagued by so many illusory mirages controlled by a powerful and satanic minority that seeks the drowsiness of the human species and the slavery and appropriation of its most precious treasure: their immortal souls.
Faith in the risen Jesus Christ, who has overcome the world and who invites us generously to His table, is our only way of salvation.
God makes us just and holy without relying on human laws through faith in His son and His eternal word of redemption, emancipation, and liberation from this dark and imprisoning world.
The justice of our heavenly Father will come to this world and will end the useless pride and the sinful existence of the powerful elite who have oppressed the human race for many generations, but it will be benign and liberating for all those who have believed in Him through faith in His son Jesus Christ and His sanctifying and redeeming grace.
The author believes that in these crucial times, the moment of choice has arrived for all humanity if they want to achieve their liberation from the darkness of this world and that this choice that will take place in each person can only happen within each individual heart and not in his outer world that through the dulling of the senses caused by many carnal desires and a manipulated mental worldview that is constantly presented to him, only seeks the darkening of the human intellect through the demonic hook of intemperance, the consequence of which is the total extinction of his/her sanctifying grace.
It is a movement of the heart towards the will of God that awaits every human being, otherwise, sooner rather than later, he/she will be irretrievably swallowed by the darkness of this world.

Release dateMay 8, 2023
Exalted or Justified? The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven

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    Book preview

    Exalted or Justified? The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven - Fernando Davalos

    Exalted or Justified?

    The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven


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    Copyright © 2023


    Fernando Davalos

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, other than for fair use, without the written consent of the author.

    Table of Contents

    Copyright Page

    Exalted or Justified? The Ways of the World or the Way to Heaven


    The Disarray of Our World. Natural laws, divine laws and in between our fallen nature

    A light is always offered to the conscience of each person to fulfill the call of God

    Just follow the path of grace, which is the light at the end of the tunnel

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    Also By Fernando Davalos

    A painting of a person standing on a boat Description automatically generated with low confidence

    And when a great crowd came together and people from town after town came to him, he said in a parable: "A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell along the path, and was trodden under foot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns grew with it

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