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Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem’s Basement Level #3 And Let The Real Games Begin: Gold Star Edition
Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem’s Basement Level #3 And Let The Real Games Begin: Gold Star Edition
Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem’s Basement Level #3 And Let The Real Games Begin: Gold Star Edition
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Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem’s Basement Level #3 And Let The Real Games Begin: Gold Star Edition

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All Kein wanted was to be devoured...

As an orphan, she had been told since joining her school that it was very important that a house or clan devour her so when she met a creature promising to devour her, she was confused at first, but then she was consoled that someone wanted her. A world of monsters and vampires and a world of humans. Loneliness can be a very strong emotion. Read the first two stories at no cost. Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem’s Basement Level #1 Mortem's Opening & Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem’s Basement Level #2 Mortem's Contestant.

Gold Star Edition: Monster of Monsters is celebrating over 5 years of monstrously good fun and finding family and friends in this action packed adventure as Kein tries to survive a deadly game filled with monsters and secrets. This special edition includes a glossary.

Monster of Monsters:
Series One Mortem’s Basement Level
#1 Mortem's Opening
#2 Mortem's Contestant
#3 And Let The Real Games Begin
#4 A Bargain Has Been Struck...
#5 Secrets Told And Secrets Unfold
#6 Vampires, Dragons, and Mummies... Oh My!
#7 The Outsider, Chimera Rises

Enter a deadly game were one's greatest wish can be full-filled if they win the Mortem, but no one has ever won the Mortem. Survival horror... What would you do to obtain your greatest desires?

Loneliness can be a very strong emotion, but it can also be a very strong motivator so even when a creature of the darkness invited her to come to her, innocence heeded the call. Kein began an adventure of heartache and joy as she walked the paths of shadow and light. She would discover what it was to be devoured as a dangerous game drew her into a deadly realm of wishes, revenge, hope, desire, love, & terror.

Release dateMay 8, 2024
Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem’s Basement Level #3 And Let The Real Games Begin: Gold Star Edition

Kristie Lynn Higgins

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    Book preview

    Monster of Monsters - Kristie Lynn Higgins

    More Series By Kristie Lynn Higgins

    Read and/or listen to the first ebook and/or audiobook for free

    Shades of Gray (apocalyptic science fiction)

    Beauty Of The Beast (fantasy action adventure)

    AaBack’s Grimm: Dark Fantasy Fairy Tale

    AabiLynn’s Dragon Rite (fantasy adventure)

    Chapter One

    Hanging By A Thread

    3:26 a.m. on the third day of Kein's Probation Period...

    The Kumovon’s lair...

    Please don't!  I don't want the nightmare to happen, not again! Kein shouted as she hung by her bound wrists within the Kumovon's feeding chamber, surrounded by hundreds of human bodies encased in cocoons, and then she whispered to herself, Don't be afraid...  It's okay.  Don't be afraid.  I'm here...  I'll protect you.  Visions of death surrounded her in the present and the past, and Kein begged with her whole heart, Please... don't do anything to Shukujo.

    Much earlier...

    Before the end of day chime of the second day of Kein's Probation Period...

    Deep within her lair, Shukujo paced in front of the large roaring fire within her hearth chamber.  She didn't like the interaction she witnessed with Labaron and Kein within the vampire's parlor, and Shukujo wasn't pleased with herself that she had helped the human with the Atlantean, even though it had been unintentional, by telling her to write her own story.

    There was a static buzz, and then her Coach's feed appeared above the fireplace mantle within what had been a large mirror with intricate carvings of Kumovons.  He held his metal cane by its green serpent's head grip as it rested on his desk, and she noticed the large gold ring on his right hand's middle finger which bore his family's crest of a wolf's head eating a bat.

    You are more agitated than normal, Green Serpent stated, and then he asked, Does the contestant bother you that much?

    She does, Shukujo shouted out, and then she calmed herself and spoke, I never thought I would have to put up with one of their kind again.  Opening does not come around that often, and humans rarely win.  I still cannot believe she has survived this long on her own.

    Aside from your hatred of humans, Green Serpent began.  Your past association with the Hanta may become a hindrance here in the Mortem.  You need to get rid of this human before she and what she represents becomes an Albatross to you.

    An albatross..?  What do you mean?

    The albatross is an ocean bird, but the word can also mean a burden that's like a curse.  There's a story about a ship in which an albatross is following across the ocean and is considered good luck, but one of the mariners shoots the bird and brings a curse upon the ship.  The crew later hangs the albatross around the mariner's neck to symbolize his guilt in killing the bird.

    A grim story, Shukujo told him.

    It's one of my favorites to tell the young vampires of my house.

    Interesting bedtime stories you tell your eternal grandchildren.

    They are, but let's get back to what we were talking about, he said.

    I will consider your advice, but plans take time and resources, she replied, and then she asked, Could it be that you have contacted me because you would like to help me alleviate my irritation?

    You know your Coach well, Green Serpent told her.  I would like to offer my assistance in granting one of your very small wishes but first, let us have some privacy from the other Residents and Coaches.  I'll activate a restricted feed.  He pressed a button on his desk and said, No one can hear us now.

    What wish are you wanting to grant me? she questioned.

    Your wish to kill the human, he replied.  I am going to eliminate the barrier that has caused you to share your space instead of making it the human's tomb.

    She told him, I could simply change where I place my Kumo'sakai myself.

    You could move the white borderline, but I hear that it is lengthy and energy-consuming, he said.  My idea is quick and takes no effort on your part, and I will earn quite a large sum of money if you succeed.

    Go on.  How do you plan on doing that?

    Green Serpent asked her, How does a kidnapping sound to you?

    I think I understand now.  I will still need one thing if I am to have any fun with my baka.

    What do you need?

    I need the Blight Stinger, Shukujo answered.  The human has some sort of curse or enchantment that allows her to manipulate my Kumovon children.  I would like to eliminate this advantage that she has over me.

    The human seemed so normal, he stated.  I wonder where she got such a curse.  No matter...  She will not be around long enough for us to worry about it.  He fiddled with his cane as he said, I understand why you want the Blight Stinger.  If you wear it, it will nullify any curse or enchantment against you or your Kumovon children, but I should warn you...  The Blight Stinger still holds the power of the Scorpioids.  You will be able to sense and see things about your prey.  A bond will be formed so make sure not to fall into the snare of compassion or understanding.

    I know all about the wretched Scorpioids.  They are one of the Kumovons' greatest enemies outside of the Hanta.  The blood-tinged silver dagger I have can attest to the Scorpioid I killed.

    The Scorpioid you killed in the Mortem was more like facing one of your Kumo'usagi.  How would you fare against an actual Scorpioid?

    We will find out the day I slay one, Shukujo told him, and then she asked, Can you acquire the Blight Stinger for me?

    King Ammon is currently in possession of it.  It will cost me dearly if I acquire it for you, Green Serpent told her.  I would require your life in payment if you should fail to kill the human.

    Shukujo paced before the fireplace, and then she stopped and said, I believe I know a baka who can get it for me.  She has been so desperately wanting to get something for me.  I will send Thirteen to her with a note.  She moved to an end table that had paper and pen, and she started on the note as she asked, What about the Kumo'sakai?  You said you had a way to eliminate that obstacle.

    I do, Green Serpent replied.  I will send one of my minions to assist you with that.

    Sometime later and shortly after the end of day chime of the second day of the Probation Period...

    Kein just left Shukujo's lair after giving her the Blight Stinger and stood in the hallway as she wondered aloud, Where exactly did she want me to go?  She heard a child crying, and Kein called out as she headed in the direction of the cries, Hello.

    She entered the one hallway that she had never gone through, and it was much darker than the other hallways.  The crying became louder, and she thought she heard the gruff voice of a child speaking.

    Where are you?  Why haven't you come for me?  Where are you?

    Kein came upon a cage, and the werewolf pup was inside.

    Why are you in here? she asked as she stooped and looked in.

    He turned, saw her, then charged the bars, and tried to snap at her.  Kein fell back, startled by his attack.  He yelped when he hit the bars.

    Shh...  I'm not here to hurt you, she told him as he whined some more.  I heard you crying.  You sound just like a child.  I guess you would, you are only a child.  You must be very scared here in the Mortem all alone.  She stood from her awkward seated position, moved to the wall some distance from the cage, and leaned against it.  You have to be very scared and hungry.

    Werewolf pup growled at her.

    Kein folded her arms, nodded, and said, I'd have to agree...  This place really sucks.  I bet you didn't sign up for this either.

    He growled at her again.

    So you were also forced to play.  I bet your family misses you.

    He growled at her a third time but this growl was a little softer.

    Why were you crying?

    His eyes diverted to the back of his cage, so Kein walked around the cage on the other side of the hallway.

    I see...  They've set your meal far out of your reach.  Are they punishing you for something?  I find that just cruel, so I'll just move it so you can grab it.

    She grabbed the large piece of bloody meat with two of her fingers and dragged it to the cage, and then she tossed it to him and stepped back quickly as the werewolf pup grabbed at it.  He pulled it into his cage and then tore into it.

    There...  Maybe the next time you see me you won't...

    The werewolf pup turned and growled at her even more ferociously than before.

    She made a, I think he wants to eat my face, expression as she stated, I guess not.  It looks like I'll still be running from you.  Kein looked at her bloody fingers as she muttered, I need to find someplace to wash my hands.  I also should probably find a bathroom at some point.  The only good thing about starving to death is that one doesn't have to go.

    She turned to head for Dr. Jekyll's room and almost ran into a man dressed in all black.

    Sorry, I didn't see you... she uttered, then took a few steps back, and said, Umm...  I thought no one else was down here but the Residents.

    He said nothing only smiled at her with a large fangy grin.

    Are you one of Labaron's friends?

    The vampire lifted a black sphere, then threw it on the floor, and purple smoke littered with silver sparkles rolled from it.  The smoke reminded her of what Dr. Jekyll had used against the contestants, so Kein covered her mouth and nose and ran away from the vampire.  The vampire threw another smoke bomb ahead of her and then another one behind her and before Kein could think what she should do next, she lost consciousness.

    The Kumovon’s lair...

    After gaining permission from the female Kumovon, Green Serpent's hired vampire crossed the white borderline, carried Kein past the dungeon castle area, through several tunnels, and then into an area that connected all the chambers where he threw her on the floor.  Shukujo was there waiting on him atop her Kumo'uma.

    Your Coach wanted me to tell you that it is his wish that you do not take too long with yours.  He said that he does not mind that you enjoy it just not to take too long, no more than two or three days.

    Tell Green Serpent I like to take my time with my dinner, she stated.  I should also tell you to hurry back the way you came before I raise my barriers back up.

    The vampire nodded and then left, and the Kumo'uma lifted Kein and carried her with his two front legs.  Shukujo took her to the area of her lair called the feeding chamber where she stored the bodies of her other victims.  The cave was covered in white webbing along with bodies in large cocoons.  Shukujo took Kein and strung her up by her wrists so that the tips of her shoes barely touched the floor.

    You can wake up now, Shukujo told her.

    Some time later...

    Kein realized what had been done to her and where she was as Shukujo explained, Your relocation is a gift from my Coach.  Coaches, for the most part, can be helpful.  Look what mine gifted for me.

    Let me go... Kein yelled as she wriggled to free herself.  I need to leave before–

    Before what?

    Before fear sets in, Kein replied as she struggled against her web bond.

    I believe I am losing my touch if fear has not yet set in, Shukujo told her.  I will just have to rectify that.  What are you afraid of?

    Being here when fear sets in, Kein replied as she looked around to see if there was anything that could assist her in escaping.

    You have such cryptic answers sometimes or is it– Shukujo questioned as she tapped Kein's forehead with her finger, –your brains have been scrambled?

    Please, you have to let me go, Kein pleaded, not so much for herself but for what she was afraid might be coming.

    Now that is more along the lines of what I thought I would hear.  Beg some more.  I like hearing you beg.

    Fear is quiet right now.  The smoke has made fear sleep.

    I think the smoke did a little more than make you sleep.  Are you high?

    It is hard to think, Kein admitted to her.  My head's so cloudy.


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