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Terry and Jen
Terry and Jen
Terry and Jen
Ebook272 pages4 hours

Terry and Jen

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About this ebook

Terry Nolan, young and ambitious, rejects college scholarships to enter the world of organized crime. Soon, he's employed by Arnold Rothstein and Lucky Luciano, while being involved in the murders of Dutch Schultz, Mad Dog Coll and other notorious gangsters of that violent era.
Jen Walker, a lovely Oklahoma ranch girl, left home to join the chorus line of sizzling hot dancers in Texas Guinan's famous night club where she rose to become the club's hostess.
When Jen takes a wealthy polo player as her second lover, the sparks ignite a firestorm that sweeps over Broadway.
Release dateMay 4, 2023
Terry and Jen

Paul Pumpian

The author has enjoyed an extremely varied writing career. Once he had completed occupation duty in Germany, he entered UNC where he majored in Communication. Successful publicity work in New York led him to Las Vegas as PR Director of the Flamingo Hotel. He's also held that position for every night club on Hollywood's Sunset Strip. He's written for stand-up comedians, been on the writing staffs of numerous TV Shows and spent 24 years contributing to the "Blondie" comic strip. He and his late wife showed and bred many World and National Appaloosa Horses.

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    Terry and Jen - Paul Pumpian


    As young Sean Nolan left the Administration Building on Ellis Island, a sudden chill in the morning air caused him to clutch his shabby jacket a bit tighter. He had barely taken a few steps on the soil of his newly adopted country when he was approached by a large, beefy gent who greeted him with a warm smile and a hearty handshake. This man, Arthur Rafferty, was among the contingent sent by Tammany Hall to greet the newcomers. Tammany, the most powerful political machine in the country, had known in advance that today’s arrivals would be primarily Irish and dispatched their cadre of Irish representatives to greet them. Never missing a trick, Tammany would also send representatives from every other ethnic group on their majority days, as well.

    In an act guaranteed to cement their new relationship, Rafferty pressed five crisp, dollar bills into Sean’s hand and informed the new American that he was now among friends from the Democratic Party. These are the folks who will enable him to vote on Election Day as many times as possible—even before adhering to that pesky formality of becoming a citizen. Though Rafferty had come to New York many years ago, he reverted to his Irish brogue when speaking to the immigrants.

    Would you be wantin’ a good American job, me boy?

    Aye, I would, that.

    And what be your trade?

    I been workin’ the docks since I was a lad of fifteen.

    I can see from the muscle you’ve earned that you’re no slacker. My organization, the Tammany Hall, has ties with those fine gentlemen who run the docks both here and in New Jersey, so we’re sure to find work for you.

    These fine gentlemen (often known as The Boys) who ran the New York and New Jersey docks, were deeply embedded in organized crime. They lorded over the corrupt unions and inhaled money from every facet of the waterfront industry.

    Rafferty made one phone call and Sean was on his way to Hoboken. After a brief interview his stevedore credentials were accepted and he was told to report for work the following day. The Union boss insisted that he take his lodging in a nearby apartment house featuring one-room bachelor quarters. This building, no surprise, was financed by mob money.

    The Boys quickly learned that they had a true gem on their hands. Sean, an alpha male, quickly inspired the entire crew to a greater work ethic by setting his own example. Those who failed to comply, found him re-arranging their features with his ready fists. When three unhappy crewmen had their fill of Sean they decided it was in their best interest to eliminate this overbearing workaholic. Fortunately, The Boys learned of this plan and quickly thwarted the effort. Two of the perpetrators were badly battered and sent packing, while the ringleader found permanent rest beneath a New Jersey swamp.

    Sean’s leadership qualities accelerated his rise to the position of Chief Foreman, where he became adept at exacting the most work from smaller crews—stuffing even more money into The Boys’ pockets. The State Inspectors who came sniffing around for the perks that are expected by men in their position found Sean to be a willing accomplice. He kept those worthies in his hip pocket by catering to their most pressing needs whether they were financial, alcoholic or carnal. Most important of all, he knew how to make himself scarce when The Boys were conducting a manner of business where witnesses were undesirable.

    With his increased income, Sean found a charming house situated on a grassy lot with a traditional white picket fence. The Boys held his mortgage, charging him less than their normal vig. (vig, is abbreviated from vigorish, a word that originated in the Yiddish language, meaning interest on a loan).

    Now he was ready to start his family.

    It was two years after Sean’s arrival when Kate Donnegan, seventeen years old and fresh as an Irish meadow after a summer rain, arrived at Ellis Island. She was promptly guided to an agency that specialized in supplying excellent Irish maids to homes of the wealthy. The agency put her through a demanding course in the intricacies of that position with the provision that once she had been placed, the agency would deduct a healthy bite of her wages. If she proved to be a difficult hire, the agency had other ways of recovering the time and money they had invested in her.

    Kate’s second interview was successful and she became upstairs maid in the 5th Avenue mansion of a brilliant young stock broker, his society bred wife and their two teen age daughters. She was now part of a staff that also consisted of a downstairs maid, a butler, a chauffeur and a chef. She and the other maid shared one room and bath on an upper floor, while the butler and the chauffeur were assigned to another. The chef and one helper shared a room and bath nearest to the kitchen. The help ate together in the kitchen after the family had completed their meals in the spacious dining room. These live-in servants were each allowed one weekday off for their personal affairs and were told to serve (with no additional pay) at the household’s lavish functions. They were, however, allowed to have their way with the exotic party leftovers once the guests had gone home.

    Kate noticed that while the man of the house would only speak to her on matters pertaining to her duties, she began to sense his eyes continually searching her ripe, young body. When he was sure they were alone, he would reach out and playfully pat her saucy buttocks. In time, the pats progressed to a squeeze and then to a persistently inquisitive finger.

    It that period, it was a common practice for men of wealth to jolly their female servants with no fear of retribution. These men attended the same parties and theatres, belonged to the same exclusive clubs, went to the races and played cards together. If a maid had the temerity to lodge a complaint it would be occupational suicide as being blackballed by one would result in being blackballed by all. If the complaint became a legal matter it was even worse for the victim as all of these men were well connected in the court system.

    When Kate tearfully unveiled her problem to older, more experienced maids, their unanimous response was, Be happy you’ve a roof over your head, food in your belly an’ foldin’ money in your purse. Just grit your teeth ‘til some lad asks for your hand in marriage. Then you’ll be free to start your own family.

    It was on the following St. Patrick’s Day when Sean and Kate, two young people anxious for marriage, found themselves drawn together by the mystique of this Gaelic holiday. Many employers in the area had given their Irish help the day off to celebrate, but this generosity was merely a sham. All parties were aware that if this privilege hadn’t been offered those crazy Micks would have taken the day off anyway— regardless of the consequences. Once Sean and Kate had spent quality time together, wedding plans quickly followed.

    The day that Kate resigned from her job, she took the opportunity to berate the man of the house for his shameful actions and as a fitting touch, she ended her soliloquy with the back of her hand to his reddened cheek.

    The Boys gave them an all expense paid, three-day honeymoon to Atlantic City, where son Terry was conceived on their wedding night. Kate’s extremely difficult pregnancy preceded an agonizing labor and when her pains became unbearable, Sean brushed the midwife aside and rushed her to the hospital. Only a physician’s skill and God’s will were able to spare the lives of mother and infant.

    A day later, Sean was called to his wife’s bedside where they were told that she would never bear another child. Kate sobbed and clung to her screeching baby boy while Sean flopped into a nearby chair and dabbed at his eyes. When Kate’s grief had succumbed to this harsh reality, she kissed young Terrence and proclaimed, He might be me only one, but I’ll see to it that he’s a great one. Our boy will be the first of both our families to earn a college diploma.


    Terry walked before his first birthday and was solving tricky arithmetic problems well before his sixth. At the age of 12, the extremely bright and precocious youngster was chosen to be an altar boy by the family’s parish priest.

    One week into his new assignment, the priest took Terry aside and seized his shoulder in a vice-like grip I want to see ye on a very important matter, me boy. Tell this to no one and bring yerself to me study in ten minutes.

    When Terry entered the quiet majesty of his priest’s study, he received the shock of his young life. There, leaning against the desk, stood his most eminent authority— pants nestled in a puddle at his feet, while sporting a massive erection. The words he spoke to the boy left no question as to his intentions, I trust you’ve never seen one of these when they’re in full bloom, m’lad, so bring yerself over here and I’ll show you the wonderful things one can do with it.

    A shiver swiftly passed through Terry’s body, a knot welled up in his stomach and tiny drops of sweat began beading on his forehead. While he was curious as to what the priest had in mind, his heart told him that this moment was wrong—terribly wrong. But what was he to do? Kate idolized the man and had danced with joy when he bypassed a number of other youngsters to make her offspring his newest altar boy.

    Hurry, hurry, lad, the priest called out while he jiggled the organ back and forth as if beckoning to the boy. It’s not nice to keep the old timer here, waiting. With his entire body on edge now, Terry began his slow, shuffling walk toward the imposing figure. The masculine courage he inherited from his father wouldn’t allow him to flee this terrible situation, but what was he to do? He was only inches away from the priest now— so close that he could feel the heat of the man’s breath on his face—and it was at this moment when a twelve year old became the bold and impetuous Terry Nolan that he would be for the rest of his life. Gritting his teeth, he moved one half step closer took a deep breath and drove the toe of his shoe squarely into the man’s crotch. The priest, taken completely by surprise, uttered a wail of pain and fell to the floor in agony. Terry looked down at his writhing victim without a glimmer of emotion and walked slowly from the room. Though he remained an altar boy for another year, neither he or the priest ever said a word to each other or to anyone else about the incident.

    The handsome youngster battered his way into puberty like a fullback, excelling in everything that he attempted. By the age of 15 he stood six feet tall, weighed a hundred and eighty pounds and moved with the grace of a natural athlete. He was the class leader in every school he attended and the dream catch of every teen-age girl who came near him. Several of the more impetuous ones willingly gave him their all in hopes of snagging this grand prize for their own—but found themselves weeping with remorse when he was off and running to his next conquest. Schoolyard bullies who tried to bring Mr. Perfection down a few pegs quickly regretted their decision. Sean had often taken his youngster into their back yard to educate him in the manly art and he proved to be an extremely apt pupil.

    On his sixteenth birthday, Sean taught Terry how to drive the family car and he put this knowledge to good use. After school he’d head for the docks, take the car from Sean’s private parking spot and drive around to the area’s poolrooms where, the handling of a cue came easily to him as every other facet of his life. A natural actor, he portrayed the innocent schoolboy to hustle the older players. Some sore losers took umbrage at being victimized by this canny deception, but the fortunate ones only displayed their displeasure vocally. He’d have the car back in place long before Sean left for home and the old man was never the wiser

    Dwarfing all of Terry’s other accomplishments was a mind that enabled him to laugh his way through every form of mathematics hurled at him. Word of his outstanding ability spread throughout the school system and by his senior year, scholarships were offered by a number of prestigious universities.

    It was now a certainty that Kate’s dream of Terry earning a college diploma was to become a reality. She visualized it hanging on the wall opposite her bed so it would be the first thing she saw upon opening her eyes in the morning.

    In Kate’s loving eyes, her Terry could do no wrong. On one occasion the mother of a girl he had bedded and then ignored, came to the Nolan door with her weeping offspring. If the saddened mother had expected tea and sympathy from Kate, she was to be sadly disappointed. How dare ye come to me door blamin’ me boy for bein’ a boy, Kate snapped, wagging her finger in the mother’s face. If ye didn’t teach yer darlin’ daughter to keep her legs closed shut ‘til the weddin’ night, it’s your problem. Now I have dinner to fix and no more time for idle prattle. Good day to the both of yez.

    That night, she wagged that same finger in Terry’s face demanding an explanation, though they both knew that she would melt, the moment he took her in his arms and planted a kiss on her cheek.

    After Terry’s high school graduation at the top of his class, Kate busied herself in studying the various scholarships that had been offered—completely unaware that her brilliant boy had been making plans of his own. On his frequent visits to Manhattan, Terry had been captivated by the bright lights and frenetic pace of Broadway. He thrilled to the jazz music and looked longingly through the windows of elegant restaurants and bars where well-dressed diners were enjoying the good life. It was the mob guys he envied most. His heart beat faster at the sight of those sharply dressed gents who carried thick wads of cash in their gold money clips and spent it freely on the magnificent women clinging to their arms. Broadway, he decided, would be his future source of education where he’d major in criminal finance. His only problem was how to break this distressing news to Kate.

    His opportunity came one evening when the trio had finished dinner and were told by Kate to remain at the table for an important announcement. Asking for their attention, she held an official looking document high over her head and proclaimed, I’ve made me choice and it’s Rutgers that wins the grand prize of Terrence Nolan. (She always referred to him by his christened name when she was especially proud of him.) Rutgers has been around since 1766 so I’m sayin’ it must be good as any of those uppity New England schools—and most likely even better. Not only that, it’s closer to home an’ that way I can see me darlin’ angel more often. Now son, once you get there….

    Terry, aware that it was now or never, looked directly into his mother’s eyes and spoke with an unfamiliar tremolo in his voice. Mom, there’s something I have to tell you. I’m not going to college.

    Kate, interrupted in mid-sentence, stared at Terry with her eyes wide and jaw drooping. Wh-what’s that you say?

    I said I’m not going to college. Now please, Mom, hear me out. I’ve spent 12 years in public school. If I go to college it’s another four and if I go after my Masters Degree it’s two more after that. Eighteen years in those stuffy classrooms would kill me Mom and I truly mean that. It’d suck all the life outta me—and for what? So I could be a high school math teacher? And oh boy, maybe someday I could be a college professor. You know how much a college professor makes in a whole year? A lottta guys in the rackets can clear that in a couple weeks.

    Now that Terry had begun his message the words sprayed from his lips like bullets from a machine gun. Kate, her face becoming ashen, remained slumped in her chair shaking her head sadly while this boy she loved so dearly, continued to destroy the dream of her life with each successive word.

    You gotta understand, Mom, I’m near eighteen but I’ve the mind and body of a man well in his 20’s. There’s money bein’ made on Broadway, big money, fast money an’ I want in on it.

    You hear that woman, roared Sean. Our boy is passin’ up a free education to be a gangster.

    And what’s wrong with that, Pop? he snapped back at Sean. The Boys have done pretty good for this family.

    Aye, they have that, but here’s what ye don’t know. Their lives ain’t all milk and honey—an’ what’s even worse, is the ways in which they die. I’ve seen some butchered up so bad, their own mothers wouldn’t know ’em.

    Kate held back long as she could, but Sean’s biting words finally sent the tears coursing down her cheeks—tears that were accompanied by deep, wracking sobs. Sean tried to put a comforting arm around her shoulder, but she brushed it off and stood glaring at her son from across the table.

    Hear me, boy, she said in a surprisingly calm tone, and hear me good. I want that college diploma from ye more than anything else in the world. It’s what I’ve lived for since that doctor cut ye outta me achin’ body. Now can ye look me straight in the eye and say you’ll deny it to me?"

    He rose and walked toward her with his customary smile of confidence, but this time she was having none of it, stopping his advance with the outstretched flats of both hands. There’ll be no hugging and kissing from me now—or never again until you promise me you’ll go off to Rutgers and bring home that diploma for me bedroom wall.

    Terry, shaken by his mother’s challenge, paused to evaluate his situation. A person’s life is in reality, a series of decisions and he was now facing the most important one of his life. Quickly, his mind conjured up the vision of himself in a crowded classroom where the blackboard behind him was filled with mathematic symbols. He’s wearing horned rim glasses now, his hair shows flecks of gray and his clothes are rumpled and colorless. Suddenly, his mental scene switched to a smoky hotel room where he and several hard looking men in shirtsleeves and shoulder holsters have gathered around a table. Lovely women decorate the room and they all appear delighted at the stacks of cash on the table before them. His mind had given him such an intense picture of that room he could actually smell the blend of smoke, sweat and perfume. The decision for Terry had now become a no-brainer. His future would lie in the world of the gangster. I’m sorry, Mom, he said, reaching out to her again and finding his arms slapped down firmly. I’ve done all the schoolin’ I’m gonna to do.

    Kate looked at him with a glare that sent her eyes boring through him. All right, boy, you’ve had your say and now I’ll have mine. I’m going to me bedroom and the next time I step out from there I want ye to be gone. Not for a day or a week, but out from under me roof—forever. Do ye hear me—forever! Then, with Sean’s arm around her, she turned and walked stiffly from the room. On their way, Sean turned back just once to shake his head sadly at the boy he had raised and loved. Then they were in the bedroom, where the sound of its slamming door pierced Terry like a knife. Without taking a change of clothes, toilet articles or additional funds, he strode from the only home he had ever known.

    A few hours later, he was seated at a Manhattan bar. He’d made his choice and now he was prepared to live with it. Finishing his drink with one gulp, he left the bar and strolled up 6th Avenue toward 54th Street and his destiny.


    In 1888, Matt and Mary Walker were living on a rented rundown Missouri farm with their pre-teen son Bart and infant son Billy. Though Matt was an outstanding horse trainer, the property was too small to make his work profitable and their future was bleak

    But then, there was good news in the wind. President Benjamin Harrison had purchased 2 million acres of Oklahoma Territory land from the Sac, Fox, Pottawatomie and Shawnee tribes who resided there. He announced that he would open it up to settlement on April 22,1889 and in 1907 this Oklahoma Territory would become a State. Each new settler was allowed to claim up to 160 acres of land and if they developed it while living there, the property would become theirs. This Presidential generosity offered impoverished people the unique opportunity of beginning a new life on their own land.

    As a young man, Matt had worked on the Tejon Ranch in the Buttonwillow Area of Kern County, California where he was one of the few gringos (Anglos) who worked there as vaqueros (cowboys). Theirs was a dangerous, demanding profession where the hours were long and the pay, minimal. Yet, it was the life they had chosen and none among them would

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