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Loving Your Children: How to Raise Healthy Children with Love
Loving Your Children: How to Raise Healthy Children with Love
Loving Your Children: How to Raise Healthy Children with Love
Ebook175 pages1 hour

Loving Your Children: How to Raise Healthy Children with Love

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This book contains valuable information that will allow the reader to understand the significant influence. Love has a role in raising healthy children physically, mentally, and spiritually.
To date, few books deal with the theme of parental Love in the relationships of parents and children; this parental Love, whether given unconditionally or truthfully, has a significant impact on the well-being of children.
It exposes the harmful effects of "heartbreak" or lack of Love in relationships between parents and children. It will open your eyes so that you can distinguish between actions of Love and "heartbreak."
Many parents believe that some rigorous measures against their children will make them vital to face life's adversities; nothing false, since most of the time, these actions only cause them humiliation and pain, beating their Self-esteem and turning them into fearful, sickly, rebellious or faint-hearted children.
As a parent, you must understand the value of your children, and this book will make you reason your children are the most valuable thing you have in your life.
In addition, it contains a compilation of examples and experiences with which you may identify; These will make you decide to raise your children with Love and not give them the same life that maybe your parents gave you: more attention - less abuse, more understanding - less pressure, more Love- less fear.
Therefore, the opportunity to raise healthy and happy children is here - in this book - in which you will find the opportunity to learn how to achieve it; it's just that you tell yourself to read it and follow its recommendations, and start a new life raising healthy children with your Love.
I have asked countless parents if they love their children, and the answer has been a definite "yes." Yet these parents prove otherwise in many situations since these are full of unmistakable signs of great "heartbreak" toward their children.
As parents, we must learn to love our children with a genuine Love that allows them to grow up healthy: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Raising healthy children requires parents to LOVE their children from birth until they become teenagers.
I developed this book based on theories, quotes, and experiences collected over many years. You will also find practical examples and action plans to help you understand and improve your performance in loving your children.
The opportunity to raise healthy and happy children is here in this book. You will find the opportunity to learn how to achieve it; it will only happen if you decide to read it, follow the recommendations, and start a new life raising healthy children with your Love.
In simple terms, this book addresses key issues for Raising Healthy Children with Love.
Why Love Our Children?
The Value of Our Children
Respecting Our Children
Loss of Self-Esteem
Love Them More Every Day
Continuous Improvement
Hugs, Caresses, and More Hugs
Responsibility and Love
Mortal Passions Enemies of Love
Very Useful Advice
I Was Also One of Them

About the author:

Adolfo Gustavo Bernal, a career professional, came to occupy high-level administrative positions in several countries with world-renowned industrial firms.
Adolfo Gustavo was the third of a family of six children. He remembers that his childhood was difficult because of a lack of "affection" This thirst for affection was always in his mind, and he proposed to do what was necessary so that his children had a better emotional life within the family.
This restlessness and the courses in relationships and human behavior he took led him to find that Love plays a primordial role in people's health.
After several years of research and the constant concern to understand why Love is so vital in the health and well-being of children? Finally, he collected all this information and author a book on th

Release dateMay 4, 2023
Loving Your Children: How to Raise Healthy Children with Love

Adolfo Gustavo Bernal

Adolfo Gustavo Bernal es un profesionista de carrera que llego a ocupar puestos administrativos de alto nivel en varios países y con firmas industriales de renombre mundial. Debido a sus responsabilidades y su necesidad de interactuar con efectividad con todo el personal a su cargo, fue necesario que tomara una gran cantidad de seminarios y cursos sobre teorías de relaciones humanas y psicología de la conducta.Adolfo Gustavo fue el tercer hijo de una familia de seis hijos y recuerda que su infancia fue algo difícil por falta de “afecto” Esta sed de afecto estuvo siempre en su mente y se propuso hacer lo necesario para que sus hijos tuvieran una mejor vida afectiva en el seno de la familia.Esta inquietud y los cursos en relaciones y conducta humana lo llevaron a encontrar que el Amor juega un papel primordial en la salud de las personas. Tras varios años de investigación y la constante inquietud de entender porque el Amor es tan importante en la salud y bienestar de los hijos, se decidió recopilar todo esta información y escribir un libro sobre este tema.Su habilidad para hablar en público y su continuo interés en seguir investigando y difundiendo los inmensos beneficios del Amor filial, le han permitido dar conferencias sobre este tema a varios grupos de padres de familia.

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    Loving Your Children - Adolfo Gustavo Bernal





    Loving Your Children

    How To Raise Healthy Children with Love

    Original title: Amando A Tus Hijos – Como Criar Hijos Sanos Con Amor

    © 2007 Adolfo Gustavo Bernal Chávez

    Translated by: Adolfo Gustavo Bernal

    1st English Edition - 2023

    All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, or recorded in or transmitted by an information retrieval system, in any form or by any means, be it mechanical, photochemical, electronic, magnetic, electro-optic, by photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    I dedicate this book to God,

    our father and creator.

    who gave us his Love,

    the most valuable of treasures,

    without asking for anything in return.

    I also dedicate this book.

    to my: parents, children,

    and grandchildren.

    as well as all the children of the world,

    who only deserve to be loved.



    I. LOVE














    Dear reader, do you want to become an outstanding parent? Then, in this book, you will find the key to becoming one of them.

    First, thank you for the opportunity you are giving me to share some beneficial essential information on how to become an outstanding and successful parent through raising healthy children with the magic of Love.

    My particular interest in working on this book was understanding and learning what else I could do as a parent to improve the chances that my children will grow up happy and healthy. The information I gathered and share now with you in this book will help you understand we can raise happy and healthy children if we strive to give them a life full of Love.

    Many books talk about Love, but I only found a few dedicated to parental Love, the true Love all parents should give their children, and the fantastic benefits you can get for their overall well-being.

    If I ask the following question to any parent: do you love your children? Most of them will answer with a definitive yes. So, what would be your answer?

    If we analyze most of the actions that parents perform with or for their children, we find that very few of them derive from the unconditional Love that a parent must have for them; some of these actions have the sole purpose of satisfying personal motives or perhaps, most times, these are predetermined actions that some parents believe they must do for them.

    Those acts that only show a lack of Love on behalf of parents for their children were the main reasons that led me to author this book; I wanted to gather enough information to help parents understand why and how to love their children, their benefits, and the great satisfactions achieved with it.

    I intended to draft this book with simple words and the most significant number of examples and experiences that will ease understanding of different related topics.

    It is sad to see so many children suffer because of this lack of Love from their parents and spend so many years of their childhood and adolescence longing for this Love. This lack of paternal Love is essential for their physical and mental well-being.

    My determined interest in finding how to raise healthy and happy children led me to understand that the only way to ensure that our children grow up healthy and happy is to love our children with True Love.

    Many of us believe we know enough about giving our children True Love. However, to love our children is not something that we know how when we have the grace of becoming parents; we need to go through a learning process that will help us understand the positive effects that our Love has in our children’s lives, as well as the negative impact that the lack of it can cause to them.

    To provide the irreplaceable Love that our children deserve, we need to learn more about True Love, which is essential for them to grow happy and healthy; we all need to know to love them more and better every day and every moment of their lives.

    If you look around and pay close attention to how most parents interact with their children, you see that their manifestations of Love are often lesser than those that cause them affliction and pain.

    I congratulate you if you are reading this book and intend to read it thoroughly. It is because you have a genuine interest in learning to love your children and will dedicate the time to improve the quality of the fatherly Love you want to offer them. Once you have achieved this goal, you will appreciate the immense benefits that your decision will bring to your children’s lives.

    Let me congratulate you again for having the honesty and courage to recognize that you still have a few things to learn about the parental Love your children deserve from you.

    Loving your children more and better will give you wide-ranging satisfaction, and soon you will notice all the benefits reflected in your children: physical, mental, and spiritual health. In addition, you will discover a renovated harmony in your family, which will bring you, your spouse, and your child immense happiness never felt before.

    You will understand the why and how to love your children. I am sure there are things already of your knowledge, and you only need to reaffirm them in your mind; it is time for you to apply this knowledge to your daily activities until it becomes a habit.

    There are many things to learn about the importance of the True Love we offer our children. However, parents’ most significant difficulty is having the humility, courage, devotion, and perseverance required to Love their children to grow happy and healthy unconditionally.

    The intended plan of this book is to give basic principles that will allow you to start a unique new stage in your life, where you will be ready and willing to show your children your priceless Unconditional Love.

    There is much to learn.


    I. LOVE

    Love is the greatest gift God has given us.


    Love is the key ingredient in the life of a human being; it is the crucial element of perfect human coexistence. Love is life's essence, allowing individuals to feel free and happy. It can inspire, stimulate, and encourage our personal growth to healthy development.

    Love motivates individuals to live a harmonious relationship with their environment and the people that are part of their life; therefore, Love is the essential factor needed to offer the best of us to one another.

    As a parent, our Love will cover our children in a cloak of peace, joy, hope, kindness, personal acceptance, and many constructive feelings. As children grow surrounded by Love, they will create positive emotions that will benefit them to become happy, caring, healthy, and self-confident.

    These children will also develop a stronger sense of stability in their physical, emotional, and spiritual status. Love is an extraordinary sensation. So many words have been said, so many thoughts have been written, yet it is still challenging to describe.

    This book helps individuals find the many concepts and reflections related to Love. These concepts will eventually confirm why Love is so fundamental in our lives.

    The act of loving is an act of self-evolution, even when the purpose of the act is someone else's growth.

    M. Scott Peck

    As you move through this book, we often acknowledge the importance of Love in our children's lives. This book will explain how genuine Love is in our lives and its capability to inspire a life filled with happiness and well-being. In addition, parents will perceive a significant amount of satisfaction by raising their children within the boundaries of Love.

    Loving your children is always within your reach. Love is within you; it is in your heart, around you, and in many other places.

    Love is in:

    The sincere smile you give to your children.

    The timely act of forgiving their faults.

    A kiss or a pat on the back.

    A genuine hug or a tender caress.

    The unconditional and absolute support you give your children.

    Your words of encouragement and support you give to them

    Avoiding humiliating them.

    Avoid harming them physically or verbally.

    Being an understanding parent

    Love is a spiritual energy that vibrates within the soul of the one that loves the loved one. As an individual receives this energy, it will generate many positive feelings, such as peace, happiness, security, trust, and gratitude.

    I will never stop reiterating the importance of Love and how it is such a fundamental element in raising healthy children.


    As parents, the most important feeling we can offer our children is Love. We should not question if giving Love in abundance to our children is the most important thing for them; without a doubt, it is the most important. Our children should always receive unconditional Love; we must never forget that it is not a choice but an obligation.

    To love our children is a responsibility we get by becoming a parent. As parents, we are bound to supply a roof over their heads, food on the table, clothing, and education, amongst other important things, but giving them our Love is our most important responsibility. Therefore, parents should always love their children.


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