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The Apple Of God's Eye
The Apple Of God's Eye
The Apple Of God's Eye
Ebook83 pages33 minutes

The Apple Of God's Eye

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Welcome to this unique book, based on the teachings of author Neville Goddard.


This book is specifically based on one chapter from Neville Goddard. We have taken the original chapter and expanded on the key ideas and concepts to give you more information and clarity on the topic.


In this book, you will find a complete original chapter by Neville Goddard, followed by new chapters based on the original text. Our purpose in creating this expansion is to ensure that the main key ideas and concepts are well understood and explained so they can be applied to daily life without any doubts about what they really meant.



"Awakened Imagination" is a book written by Neville Goddard, a spiritual teacher and author who explored the power of imagination and the role it plays in manifesting one's desires. The book is a collection of lectures and essays that delve into the nature of imagination and its impact on our lives.



In the chapter "The Apple of God's Eye" from "Awakened Imagination," Neville Goddard explores the idea of our true identity and our connection to the divine.





The Apple Of God's Eye



Chapter 01: Who Is Neville Goddard And Why Is He Considered "The Apple Of God's Eye"?
Chapter 02: What Is The Significance Of The Phrase "The Apple Of God's Eye" In Neville Goddard's Teachings?
Chapter 03: How Does Neville Goddard Interpret The Biblical Reference To "The Apple Of God's Eye"?
Chapter 04: What Is Awakened Imagination And How Does It Relate To Neville Goddard's Teachings?
Chapter 05: How Can We Use Imagination To Achieve Our Goals, According To Neville Goddard?
Chapter 06: What Role Does Faith Play In Neville Goddard's Teachings?
Chapter 07: How Does Neville Goddard View The Relationship Between Imagination And Reality?
Chapter 08: How Can We Use The Power Of Imagination To Manifest Abundance In Our Lives, According To Neville Goddard?
Chapter 09: How Does Neville Goddard's Teachings On Imagination Differ From Traditional Notions Of Visualization And Positive Thinking?
Chapter 10: What Is The Connection Between Imagination And Spirituality In Neville Goddard's Teachings?
Chapter 11: How Can We Develop Our Imagination To Achieve Greater Success In Life, According To Neville Goddard?
Chapter 12: How Does Neville Goddard View The Concept Of Destiny And Free Will?
Chapter 13: What Is The Relationship Between Imagination And Manifestation In Neville Goddard's Teachings?
Chapter 14: How Can We Use The Power Of Imagination To Heal Our Bodies And Minds, According To Neville Goddard?
Chapter 15: How Does Neville Goddard's Teachings On Imagination Relate To The Law Of Attraction?
Chapter 16: How Can We Use The Power Of Imagination To Create A Better World, According To Neville Goddard?
Chapter 17: How Does Neville Goddard View The Concept Of Time And Its Relationship To Imagination?
Chapter 18: What Is The Relationship Between Imagination And Love In Neville Goddard's Teachings?
Chapter 19: How Can We Use The Power Of Imagination To Overcome Fear And Anxiety, According To Neville Goddard?
Chapter 20: How Does Neville Goddard's Teachings On Imagination Offer A New Perspective On The Nature Of Reality And Human Potential?

Release dateMay 11, 2023
The Apple Of God's Eye

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    Book preview

    The Apple Of God's Eye - Neville Goddard


    Welcome to this unique book, based on the teachings of author Neville Goddard.

    This book is specifically based on one chapter from Neville Goddard. We have taken the original chapter and expanded on the key ideas and concepts to give you more information and clarity on the topic.

    In this book, you will find a complete original chapter by Neville Goddard, followed by new chapters based on the original text. Our purpose in creating this expansion is to ensure that the main key ideas and concepts are well understood and explained so they can be applied to daily life without any doubts about what they really meant.

    This book serves as a guide and companion to the original text. We hope that it will provide you with a deeper understanding of the key ideas and concepts, and offer practical applications to incorporate into your daily life.

    We believe that the teachings of Neville Goddard are timeless and relevant, and this book aims to provide a fresh perspective on his teachings, ensuring that they are accessible to a wider audience.

    Thank you for choosing this book and we hope that it will help you on your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.


    Neville Goddard was a mystic and spiritual teacher who lived from 1905 to 1972. He was born in Barbados and later moved to New York City, where he began to study spiritual and mystical teachings. He also studied the work of psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

    Goddard's main teachings focus on the power of the imagination to create one's reality. He believed that everything in our lives, from our circumstances to our health, is a result of our imaginal acts. He taught that by changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can change our lives and manifest our desires.

    One of Goddard's unique concepts is that of the law of assumption. He believed that whatever we assume to be true about ourselves and our lives, we will experience. This is because our assumptions shape our beliefs, which in turn shape our reality. Goddard taught that by assuming the feeling of our desired outcome, we can bring it into manifestation.

    Another important concept in Goddard's teachings is that of the state akin to sleep. He believed that in order to create our desired reality, we must enter into a relaxed, receptive state similar to sleep. In this state, we can use our imagination to visualize our desires as already manifested, and thus bring them into physical reality.

    Goddard also taught that we are all one consciousness, and that the physical world is an illusion created by our collective consciousness. He believed that by

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