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A Gay Fake Date
A Gay Fake Date
A Gay Fake Date
Ebook116 pages1 hour

A Gay Fake Date

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With a school reunion approaching, two single men need a date - and they decide to take a chance on each other.

Release dateMay 11, 2023
A Gay Fake Date

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    A Gay Fake Date - Sebastian Davidson

    A Gay Fake Date

    By Sebastian Davidson

    It was a hot summer day when Ryan and Ethan met at their local coffee shop. They both had a dilemma looming over their heads: the high school reunion was coming up, and they were both single.

    Ryan looked up from his laptop and spotted Ethan walking in. He couldn't deny that he had always found Ethan attractive, but they never really had the chance to get to know each other when they were in high school.

    Hey, Ethan, Ryan smiled, standing up to greet him.

    Hey, Ryan! Ethan replied, returning the smile.

    They got their usual orders and sat down at a nearby table. Ethan nervously drummed his fingers on the table as they sipped their coffee.

    So, the reunion is coming up, Ryan said, breaking the awkward silence.

    Ethan groaned. Yeah, I'm dreading it. Everyone is going to be there with their significant others, and I'll be the only single one there.

    Ryan nodded in agreement. I know what you mean. I don't want to seem like a loser by going stag.

    Ethan's eyes lit up with an idea. What if...we went together?

    Ryan raised an eyebrow. What do you mean?

    I mean, we pretend to be a couple. That way, we can save face and not have to worry about being alone at the reunion, Ethan explained, his voice gaining excitement.

    Ryan shifted in his seat, considering the idea. I don't know, Ethan. It would be a big charade to keep up for the whole night.

    But think about it, Ethan said, leaning in closer. We can have some fun with it. Pretend we're this perfect couple in front of everyone. It'll be like our own little inside joke.

    Ryan couldn't deny that the idea was tempting. It would take away the pressure of finding a date for the reunion, and it could be a fun adventure. Okay, I'm in. Let's do it.

    They exchanged excited grins and started to make plans for the big night. It was the beginning of a fake dating journey that would ultimately lead them to a real romance.

    Ryan and Ethan finally met up to discuss their plan for pretending to be a couple at the high school reunion. The two had known each other in high school but hadn't really spoken since. They had bumped into each other at a café a few weeks ago, where they commiserated over the upcoming reunion.

    So, what's the plan? Ethan asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

    Well, obviously, we need to sell it, Ryan replied, looking at Ethan.

    Right, but how? Ethan prodded.

    We just have to act like we're into each other, Ryan said.

    Yeah, but what if we're bad actors? Ethan chuckled.

    We'll just have to practice, Ryan said with a grin.

    Ethan nodded. Okay, fair enough. But why did you agree to this?

    Ryan hesitated for a moment before answering. I just don't want to show up to the reunion alone, you know? And I'm tired of the pitying looks from my old classmates.

    Ethan understood where Ryan was coming from. Yeah, I get that. I agreed to this because I don't really want to go through the hassle of finding a real date, Ethan said with a shrug.

    Plus, it could be fun, Ryan added.

    Ethan raised an eyebrow. Fun?

    Yeah, come on. We get to act like we're in a real relationship. It could be like a little adventure, Ryan said, laughing.

    Ethan chuckled. I guess you have a point.

    Ryan smiled, relieved that Ethan was on board with the plan. He had been nervous about asking him.

    So, when do we start fake-dating? Ethan asked.

    Ryan checked his calendar. The reunion is in two weeks. We should probably start practicing as soon as possible.

    Ethan nodded. Agreed.

    The two of them finished their coffee and took a walk in the park. They talked about their lives since high school and discovered they had a lot in common. As they parted ways, Ryan felt a sense of excitement. He was looking forward to seeing where this fake-dating adventure would take him and Ethan.

    Ryan and Ethan made their way into the fancy hotel that had been rented out for their high school reunion. They were both dressed to the nines, Ryan in a crisp black suit and Ethan in a stylish grey blazer. They were both anxious as they made their way inside, trying to keep their nerves from showing on their faces.

    As they walked into the ballroom, they were immediately greeted by a sea of familiar faces. They saw old classmates that they hadn’t seen in years, some of whom they had fond memories of, and some who they couldn’t stand. Ryan and Ethan made their way over to the bar, hoping that a drink would help alleviate their nerves.

    Do you want to go talk to some people? Ethan asked as he sipped his cocktail. We could try to blend in and act like we’re a real couple.

    Ryan nodded, trying to steel his nerves. Sure. Let’s give it a shot.

    They made their way around the room, trying to make small talk with old classmates. Some of them were polite, but distant, while others seemed genuinely happy to see them. Ryan and Ethan tried to act natural as they talked to people, but they couldn’t help but feel like they were putting on a show. They kept an eye on each other, watching for any cues that they were slipping up.

    At one point, they were talking to a group of people from their old math club. They were all talking about their careers and what they had been up to since graduation. Ryan was struggling to keep up with the conversation, feeling out of place and uninterested in their jobs in finance and engineering.

    Ethan noticed Ryan’s discomfort and quickly jumped in. "Actually, Ryan has been doing some really interesting work in the art

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