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The Straight To Gay Academy
The Straight To Gay Academy
The Straight To Gay Academy
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The Straight To Gay Academy

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Studying at the Straight To Gay Academy, Alex navigates throbbing love triangles, and forbidden crushes while juggling academics and the occasional skinny dip.


Release dateMay 13, 2023
The Straight To Gay Academy

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    The Straight To Gay Academy - Sebastian Davidson

    The Straight To Gay Academy

    By Sebastian Davidson

    Alex was a bit nervous as he approached the grand entrance to the Academy. He had applied to be part of the prestigious institution on a whim, never thinking he would actually get accepted. But he did, and now he was here, ready to start a new chapter in his life.

    He lugged his heavy suitcase up the stairs and into the dormitory building. As he made his way down the hallway, he couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the grandeur of it all.

    Hey, you must be my new roommate! a voice called out from behind him.

    Alex turned around to see a tall, handsome guy walking towards him with a grin on his face.

    I'm Derek, he said, extending his hand.

    Alex, he replied, shaking Derek's hand.

    Derek took one look at Alex's heavy luggage and offered to help him carry it to their room. Alex gratefully accepted.

    As they walked down the hallway together, Derek explained that he had been at the Academy for a few years now and that this was his last year before graduation. He also mentioned that he was in a relationship with one of their classmates, a guy named Jake.

    Is everyone here gay? Alex couldn't help but ask.

    Derek laughed. No, not everyone. But most of us are. This is an academy that turns straight people into gay people, after all.

    Alex raised an eyebrow. What do you mean, turns straight people into gay people?

    Derek explained that the Academy had a unique method of teaching that involved converting straight people into gay people. It was controversial, but it had worked for many students in the past.

    As they approached their room, Derek opened the door and revealed a cozy, but small, room with two separate beds. Jake was lounging on one of the beds, reading a book.

    Hey, babe, Derek said, walking over to Jake and giving him a quick kiss.

    Alex felt a pang of jealousy as he watched the two of them interact. He had never had a boyfriend before and he was starting to realize just how lonely his life had been up until this point.

    Alex, this is Jake, Derek said, introducing him to his boyfriend.

    Nice to meet you, Jake said, smiling warmly.

    As Derek helped Alex unpack, the three of them made small talk and got to know each other a bit better. Alex couldn't help but feel a bit envious of Derek and Jake's relationship. They seemed so in love and happy together.

    As he finished unpacking, Alex sat down on his bed and took a deep breath. He had no idea what the coming year at the Academy would bring, but he was excited to find out.

    Alex arrived at his first class, nervous but excited to start his education at the Academy. He took a seat at the back of the classroom and tried to blend in with the other students. As he nervously looked around the classroom, he caught the gaze of the professor.

    Hello there, you must be the new student, Alex, the professor said with a warm smile. My name is Professor Benjamin, and I'll be your instructor for this course.

    Alex felt a jolt of electricity run through him as he stared into the professor's deep brown eyes. His hands began to sweat as he fidgeted in his seat.

    Um, yes, hello Professor Benjamin, Alex stuttered.

    The professor continued to look at Alex and gave him a small smile. You seem nervous, Alex. Don't worry, you'll find your footing soon enough. We have a great community here at the Academy, and I'm confident you'll fit right in.

    Alex nodded, relieved that the professor seemed to put him at ease. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the professor's kind demeanor.

    As the class went on, Alex found himself captivated by the Professor's teaching style. He was engaging and interactive, making the lesson feel like a conversation rather than a lecture. Alex found himself raising his hand more than once to ask questions and offer comments. The professor seemed impressed with Alex's eagerness to participate and gave him positive feedback after the class ended.

    As he was leaving, Alex stayed behind to speak with the Professor. I just wanted to thank you for the great lesson today, Professor Benjamin. You're a really great teacher.

    Professor Benjamin smiled and placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. Thank you, Alex. I think you're a really great student too.

    Alex felt a rush of excitement build within him. He couldn't shake the feeling that the professor had taken a special interest in him, but he didn't know if it was just wishful thinking. He made a mental note to pay closer attention to the professor in his next class.

    As Alex left the classroom, he couldn't help but feel like this was just the beginning of something exciting. He had no idea what the future held, but something about the Academy and its unique community of students and faculty captivated him.

    Alex and a few of his classmates had been planning to sneak out past curfew all week. They were dying to explore the nearby town and experience some of the nightlife that they had heard so much about. As they snuck out of their dormitory, they kept their guard up and tried their best to avoid getting caught.

    Once they were out of the academy, they breathed a sigh of relief and started walking towards the town center. The streets were filled with people, music, and lights. It was like nothing Alex had ever seen before. They walked around for a while, taking in all the sights and sounds.

    As they were walking down an alleyway, they heard a commotion and saw a group of people up ahead. They couldn't see what was happening, but it

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