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The Lacrosse Team's Gay Virgin
The Lacrosse Team's Gay Virgin
The Lacrosse Team's Gay Virgin
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The Lacrosse Team's Gay Virgin

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In the testosterone-fuelled world of lacrosse, a gay virgin finds himself caught in a dance of forbidden romance with a straight teammate, their secret revealed in the steamy shower rooms.

Release dateMay 13, 2023
The Lacrosse Team's Gay Virgin

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    The Lacrosse Team's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The Lacrosse Team's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    It was the first day of lacrosse tryouts and the field was swarmed with guys, all trying to show off their skills. Among them was Max, a shy and reserved young man, who was nervously fidgeting with his lacrosse stick. He was an exceptional athlete but had never played lacrosse before, unlike most of the other guys on the field.

    As he looked on, a group of guys caught his attention. They were laughing and teasing each other, and Max couldn't help but notice that they seemed different from the rest of the guys there. They were all wearing rainbow shoelaces and had rainbow armbands on their arms.

    Max was immediately intrigued when he saw them and moved closer to get a better look. One of them, a tall guy with short blonde hair, caught Max's eye and smiled at him. Max looked away, suddenly feeling embarrassed about staring.

    Hey, you! The blonde guy shouted, pointing at Max. Come join us, don't be shy!

    Max hesitated for a moment before walking over to the group. They welcomed him with open arms, and he quickly learned that they were a group of gay and straight guys who were passionate about playing lacrosse.

    As the tryouts continued, Max was amazed at how inclusive and accepting the team was, despite their differences. They all shared a common love for the game, and that was all that mattered.

    After the tryouts ended, the team gathered around their coach for a pep talk. Max stood at the back of the group, observing them all intently.

    Welcome to the team, everyone, the coach said. I see a lot of potential here. Let's work together to make this the best season yet.

    Max felt a sense of excitement wash over him. He couldn't believe he was a part of such an amazing group of guys.

    As they began their first practice, Max struggled to keep up with the other guys. They were all so skilled and experienced, and Max felt like he was lagging behind.

    The blonde guy from earlier noticed Max's struggles and walked over to him. Hey, don't worry about it, he said with a reassuring smile. We've all been there. Just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it.

    Max felt a sense of relief wash over him. He was grateful that he had found a team who not only accepted him for who he was but also supported him in every way possible.

    During the break, Max sat on the bleachers, watching his new teammates joke around and tease each other. He had never felt more included in his life.

    As the team finished up their practice, the blonde guy walked up to Max. By the way, he said, extending his hand. My name's Jackson. What's yours?

    Max felt his heart skip a beat as he took Jackson's hand. He knew that he was starting to develop feelings for this guy, and he couldn't wait to see where this would lead.

    As the lacrosse team gathered on the field for their first official practice, Max felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had been looking forward to this moment for weeks, but he also knew that he had a lot of work to do to keep up with his teammates.

    As they began their warm-up drills, Max was struck by the intensity of the practice. The coach, a burly man with a no-nonsense demeanor, barked out instructions, and the players responded with quick, precision movements. Max struggled to keep pace, stumbling awkwardly as he tried to mimic their motions.

    One of the players, a tall and broad-shouldered guy named Wyatt, appeared to take notice of Max's struggles. He shot him a sympathetic smile, but Max could sense a tension brewing between the straight and gay players on the team.

    As they moved onto scrimmage, Max found himself squaring off against Jackson, the guy he had been crushing on since he joined the team. They circled each other warily, eyeing one another up and down. Max could feel himself blushing as Jackson's intense gaze bore down on him.

    You'll have to do better than that if you want to beat me, Jackson taunted, shooting Max a cocky grin.

    Max felt a surge of frustration boiling inside him. He knew that Jackson was teasing him, but he couldn't help but take it to heart. He felt like he was constantly under a microscope, being evaluated and judged by his teammates.

    As the scrimmage continued, Max found himself struggling to keep up with the pace of the game. He fumbled passes and missed easy shots, all while Wyatt and the other Wyatts looked on with growing impatience.

    At the end of practice, Max trudged off the field, feeling defeated and dejected. He knew that he was a long way from earning the respect of his teammates, let alone the affections of Jackson.

    As he walked back to his dorm room, Max couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't belong. He felt like an outsider, a solitary gay boy trying to navigate a straight man's world. But even as he wallowed in despair, he knew that he couldn't give up. He had to keep trying, keep pushing himself to be the best lacrosse player he could be.

    Max went into the locker room, his thoughts racing. He couldn't believe how difficult the practice was. He had never played lacrosse before, but he didn't think it would be this tough. He saw Jackson and Wyatt changing next to each other and he felt a twinge of jealousy. He wanted to be close to Jackson like that, to have him care about him and want to talk to him.

    Wyatt noticed Max's downcast expression. Hey, man, you did a good job out there, he said, clapping Max on the back.

    Max turned his head to look at Wyatt. Thanks, he said, his voice sounding flat to his own ears. But I know I have a long way to go.

    Wyatt shrugged. "We all do, dude. It's not easy playing against these guys, especially when they have so much experience.

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