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Never Look Back
Never Look Back
Never Look Back
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Never Look Back

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Never Look Back is the second book of the Minnow Squad Trilogy. In their attempt to find answers about their past and circumstances that had physically and mentally changed them forever, they go full circle, returning to Vietnam. While part of the team pursues those answers back in the jungle, the others take on the mission of helping a friend free her father from international kidnappers. As their efforts take them from the US to Europe, the number of comrades grows along with the specialized assets needed by these older fighters for the underdogs.

Back in Vietnam, the squad is faced with securing their acceptance within the criminal empire known as "The Dragon." Each in their own way, they become interictal members of this sinister family. Attacks against the family from outside and within are dealt with and uncovers the involvement of many players from several countries.

With action at every turn, the book builds to an unforeseen conclusion, which only opens the door for the conclusion of the trilogy.

Release dateMay 13, 2023
Never Look Back

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    Never Look Back - D. R. Richards


    Never Look Back

    D. R. Richards

    Copyright © 2023 D.R. Richards

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88793-135-7 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88793-147-0 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    About the Author


    Near the end of the Vietnam conflict

    The sky was dark from the high clouds that obscured the stars from the ground. There was no moon to give us away, which was why we all preferred night operations when conditions were like this. No moon, no low clouds to force our transport to fly low, exposing us to ground fire or detection.

    This was only our second package recovery since joining Mom and his specialized unit. I was the team leader but understood that I would need to earn that level of respect as any leader should. Our small squad was made up of myself and three others. We seemed to connect immediately, both as an operational unit and as friends.

    The one female member was a little guarded and not so fast to warm up to the rest of us. Women in combat were exceptionally rare and required approval from everyone up to the Joint Chiefs. She had no doubt made an impression on Mom. Each member was selected for their own special expertise and special personal values. If she was placed on our team, we all agreed she was meant to be there. Mom never made a mistake; just ask him. He found something in all his men, and women, that set them aside from all the others.

    The mission of his band of misfits and hardened soldiers was to try and make up for all the stupid mistakes made by the brass in Washington. Over the years, they owed a lot to those that put their lives on the line to help the US in its half-assed effort to free the South. Interpreters, informants, special operatives, and others were told that there was no way the mighty USA could be beaten. They freely helped in every way they could because they knew the great Americans would free them from the North. Now some people in Washington felt an obligation to those that were being betrayed as they tucked tails and ran.

    Originally formed to aid in the rescue of downed pilots, the unit had been reassigned to more political missions. Fewer missions were being flown over Vietnam at that point, so it made us more available for noncombat missions. The recovery of assets that had supported the US forces over the years were now targets of the North as it took control of all of Vietnam. Some were just local politicians who supported the US or businesspeople or common people who had put their lives on the line for a free South Vietnam.

    Steve Austin was combat tested and had served two tours in Vietnam and was about to start his third. Most wanted out as soon as they could, but Steve said he would not let them have the last say. One week before his scheduled rotation back to the US, he took a sniper round in the shoulder. Nothing serious, and he was told it could be taken care of when he got back.

    Nope was his response. Take me to HQ so I can re-up now.

    The second time, he was sitting in a jeep waiting in line at the airport gate to board his plane home. A young Vietnamese woman walked up to the jeep in line ahead of him and threw a grenade into it. He saw it in time to bail out of the jeep before the detonation. When his senses cleared, he got up and started tending to the wounded. He saw the woman dead on the side of the road where the blast caught up with her.

    Once he made sure the wounded were taken care of, he grabbed his M16 out of the jeep and started walking down the road.

    Where are you going, soldier? someone yelled to him.

    I'm headed back to my unit. This shit must end.

    The soldier that yelled to him was a dark-skinned master sergeant in the Green Berets, sitting in the driver's seat next to a full bird colonel (Mom and Chief). Mom introduced him to us in the hangar the day he arrived. Get to know this joker because he just joined the family. Joker fit well with his sense of humor, which always kept us smiling, if not outright laughing.

    He assigned each of us nicknames and used his fondness for TV shows as a pool to choose from. I became Skipper because of my position as the leader and the fact that I often wore an old dirty seaman's hat. He pulled me aside and told me he had planned on calling me Gilligan but felt it would be disrespectful.

    Don't prove me wrong, he said with a laugh as he walked off.

    My place in the family had been secured by Mom's love for my cousin, who had given his life to save his and several others in a bunker at a forward base. He walked up to me as I headed back to the car after the funeral.

    Son, I know you because your cousin spoke constantly about you. Your orders are open, and you control your future. He smiled at me. If you return to that place, let me know. I'd be honored and proud to serve alongside you. So that's why I was here.

    Soon it became Author's turn to have the name Archie bestowed on him. It happened shortly after he broke two support grunts' noses when one made the mistake of calling him Boy. At first, he balked at the nickname but soon realized the justice in him being called Archie after the Archie Bunker from TV. He even started calling new arrivals screwups and meatheads after Archie's beloved son-in-law. It did not matter what race or gender you were, you were destined to be a meathead till he saw fit to lift his pronouncement.

    He ended up with us when Mom sat on his court-martial proceedings. Apparently, Arch had assaulted a first lieutenant who was on his first day as a squad leader in the country on a soft recon patrol. They had entered a small Vietnamese village that had been all but destroyed by a squad from the North. They had murdered all the so-called sympathizers. Several children held the bodies of their dead family members while crying uncontrollably.

    The first lieutenant ordered his men to form up and move on. Arch questioned his order, saying, We can't just leave these kids alone here.

    The LT grabbed his arm. "These brats are not our problem. These people reproduce like rabbits. I'm sure you can relate to that." The lieutenant woke up just in time to be pushed into the chopper.

    Rubbing his throbbing chin, he looked across the field and saw Archie sitting in another chopper with all the children. Needless to say, Mom felt there were extenuating circumstances, and along with the other members of the court-martial board, they found him not guilty.

    Mom addressed the first lieutenant when he protested the board's findings. Son, be glad the sergeant and the squad brought you home. I wouldn't have. He immediately brought Arch to our little piece of heaven to avoid any pushback from HQ.

    Samantha was, as I said, withdrawn at times but was beginning to open up to us. She would often twitch her nose when she objected to a comment or was expressing her opinion. In a heartbeat, Steve had pronounced her to be Sam. "She's like that lady on Bewitched, the way she twitches her nose."

    We all knew we didn't want her putting angry spells on us—she needed to save them for the enemy.

    Mom had met her when he extracted her and what was left of her unit near a small church at the base of a mountain. She and her unit of ten had been sent there to help the local evangelical group set up a congregational village, complete with communications, clean water, and medical supplies.

    Most of her group was made up of logistical people with little combat experience. Three combat-tested Marines were the security team. They had only been on the ground for about six hours when they were set upon by motor and small arms fire. The attacking unit was set against this little village being built. Two marines were killed right off, and the rest of the group had taken shelter in the old stone house on the outskirts of the village. They were taking constant fire, and several more were wounded.

    The locals all had run into the jungle with no regard for their new so-called friends.

    Sam had grown up in Chicago where the gangs ruled. She had fought and was hurt growing up too many times to count. She had learned to never look to anyone for help and made her own luck. She sat there and looked around, picked up an unused M16, and filled her pockets with ammo and grenades from one of the dead Marines.

    What are you doing? the remaining security member shouted.

    I never sit back and wait to be a victim. When I go out the back, cover me. Take the rest to the LZ and get everyone out of here.

    He started to disagree. You're their best chance to get out of here, don't worry, I'll catch up, and out the window, she dove.

    As Mom began to lift off, he saw Sam limping toward the chopper. He turned to Chief. Get her on my bird now!

    Chief ran and scooped her up and carried her into the chopper. The door gunner gave them cover as the two tumbled into the back. Mom looked back. Damn, soldier, you just found a new home.

    Steve claimed the title of 6 after the character on The Six Million Dollar Man. He had no lack of ego or self-worth, so being his given name was Steve Austin, it did seem to fit. He seemed arrogant, but there was not a person on earth you would find better to call a friend. Equally, there was no one to better have your back in combat or at any time.

    At our preflight briefing, he had laid out the operation and its good and bad points. Good: the weather was perfect for a night operation. Bad: no LZ for five clicks from the insertion point. Good: we would not have to walk the five clicks as he had planned a Jack on the beanstalk extraction. Bad: we would be repelling into a very dense jungle with almost no recon. Good: the package was not aware of any North Vietnamese troops in the area. Good: with luck, we would be in and out in less than two hours.

    Mom walked up front and looked at the two Special Forces guards at the door. Without a word, they closed and secured the doors.

    You have heard all the standard preflight bullshit, now here is what you don't know. He walked back and forth in silence then turned to us. This is not a sanctioned operating. In fact, I was ordered to not pursue this.

    He went on to explain how this was personal and our package was a close friend. He knew he did not need to go into detail but was always up-front with us.

    None of you are in any way obligated to participate in this mission. This is my private payback to someone whom our government has determined is not worthy of our help—a woman who has selfishly given her time as well as her brother's life to help these people. He looked around the room. Anyone not wishing to participate, please feel free to leave, but please keep this to yourself for at least twenty-four hours.

    Man, oh, man, we're wasting time! we all shouted together.

    After the briefing, we walked out to the mission choppers and found a place to sit in Mom's bird. Each door had a .50-caliber meat grinder hanging from a harness. They were pulled back so we could enter easily and load our gear. I carried the full beanstalk extraction backpack. 6 carried some extra medical supplies along with his normal assorted ammo and grenades. Sam had extra munitions, and Archie had God-knows-what in his extra-large pack.

    As we settled in, Mom and Kevin took their places in the control seats and fired up engines while finishing the preflight checklist. Mom looked back to see that we were all set, leaving a huge smile on his face.

    Margaret is a real piece of work, so be prepared for anything.

    I've known her for a long time. She is a force to be reckoned with.

    With that, we felt the chopper claw its way into the air and head out, the wind and noise increasing. I looked around at the other three and knew instinctively that I could trust any of them with my life. New members of our family!

    We were approaching the drop-off point and finishing up our weapons and equipment checks when Mom made a hard unexpected bank to the left. Austin almost went out the door, if not for the door gunner grabbing his combat harness. We heard Mom yell back, Sorry! but there was no need to explain. We had all seen the tail flame from the surface-to-air missile as it flew by.

    I looked at the others. Not a good sign if there are people with rockets this close to the drop zone.

    Let's not waste any time, and, 6, no stopping for a beer.

    When we got to the drop zone, Mom gave us the thumbs-up. He looked for any opening in the jungle canopy. Kevin pointed to a small opening in the treetops. It looked to be about thirty feet square. Mom brought the bird to a hover over the small window. We all threw out our repelling lines and let them fall through the opening.

    We moved to the struts. I saluted Mom, and we all dropped off as one. Sliding down our lines, we all had our weapons at the ready in case we just happened to drop into a party. As we hit the ground, we immediately took up firing stances, ready to respond to anyone there to greet us. Our lines were disappearing up through the hole above us as Mom pulled the chopper higher. Once the lines cleared the trees, the door gunners pulled them in.

    Mom came on my radio. Everyone landed in one piece?

    Roger that.

    Okay, I'm headed back to refuel as soon as the overwatch bird gets here.

    Roger that, look out for rockets.

    He came right back with like playing dodgeball back home.

    We started down the barely visible trail toward the pickup point. In the jungle, trails were often hard to make out. Only the well-used footpaths could be located easily, and they often were full of booby traps and other surprises. We preferred off-trail travel whenever possible. Our first choice was always a stream to walk in as it hid our tracks and flowed in the path of least resistance. There was a place where two small streams met and became one.

    I gave Sam and Archie the hand signals to move ahead and be our point. They checked both sides as well as in front as we moved through the jungle. Austin dropped back to watch our rear for any movement to help avoid any possible attack from the back. When we reached the second fork, there was no one to be seen.

    Then a muffled groan of a woman came from behind a pile of fallen trees. We slowly and quietly surrounded the point where the sound came from. I hoped we were not too late and the groan was not from the wounded woman who had been there waiting for us. As I reached the tree, I gave the signal to collapse our circle on the hiding place.

    I jumped over the downed tree, expecting the worst but not expecting what I found. There was this woman on her knees with her hands between this young girl's legs.

    Oh my god! we heard Sam exclaim. She's giving birth right here and right now.

    I motioned for Archie and Austin to form a perimeter. The young girl was biting down on a wad of cloth to help keep her from screaming and drawing attention.

    Margaret, I assume.

    She did not look up. No time for introductions, Sonny.

    Go over with your noisy friends and play GI Joe. Let this nice lady here help me. You don't need to be watching this.

    I completely agreed, nodded to Sam, and went out to join the others.

    What the hell are we going to do with a baby and an extra woman? Archie asked.

    I'm not sure!

    Guess we will double up the mother and use my backpack for the baby. I don't want anyone just trying to hold on to it in case things get dicey.

    We discussed the lineup for the beanstalk and agreed on everyone's position and assignment. The chopper could handle the weight as well as the cable for the extraction line. It was the idea of hanging in the air with a possible crying baby that made me uneasy.

    Just then, the actual cry of a baby made it all so much more real.

    Better push out further, guys, in case someone hears that cry and decides to check.

    I walked over and watched as they wrapped the baby in an old blanket and gave it to the mother. I guess we have two more passengers?

    I got a nasty scowl from all three women.

    No kidding, you're a lot smarter than you look, Margaret spat out.

    I was pissed, so I decided to set the ground rules right up-front. Listen, woman, we came here to rescue you. I've already set a plan into action. If you don't like it, stay your ass right here. We are leaving in ten minutes. If you would like to join us, shut up and do what you are told. I looked at Sam. Umbilical cord tied off and cut?

    No, she responded.

    Make it happen now, the baby is riding with me.

    Margaret started to object until I explained it would be the safest way for the baby. This is not a damn democratic moment. I'm the boss, and you're just lucky I am.

    She looked at Sam who nodded in agreement.

    The going back to the extraction point was slow with the new mother needing to be almost carried, which was expected. She was tough though, doing her best to walk and keep the baby silent. Several times, the baby did cry out, and she immediately placed her nipple in its mouth.

    Just keep looking forward, boys, it's nothing you haven't seen before. Sam laughed. I'm not sure you all look like bottle babies to me.

    I took Margaret's harness out of my pack along with the beanstalk. The beanstalk was a heavy gage rope with a large ring weaved into the end of it. Down along its length, we had secured five additional rings approximately eight feet apart.

    I told Margaret to get her harness on. Nope, Kim is going to wear it.

    I started to get upset, but rather than argue, I agreed and told her she would ride with 6. I clicked my radio three times, then one time so Archie and Austin knew to get back from checking the surrounding area.

    As they came out of the darkness, we could hear a shot in the distance, either someone got stupid or they were signaling someone. The baby was in my pack wrapped in the blanket and, thankfully, was quiet. I put it on backward, and Sam tied the straps together so it could not slip off. It was predawn and getting lighter as we were just about to enter the small opening where we started when my radio came alive.

    I'm back, kids, ready to go home?

    Perfect timing like usual. I hesitated then spoke, Mom, we kind of got a situation down here. We now have an extra one and one-eighth passengers.

    He barked back, Damn it, I don't need to know the details. Nothing surprises me when Margaret is involved.

    I told him to give us ten and then told Sam to shine the intense spotlight she had up through the opening in the trees.

    Mom answered quickly, Got it.

    We stretched the beanstalk along the ground. I turned around, and Sam hooked me in and tested the clasp then hooked her own harness. Then came the new mother wearing the harness we had brought for Margaret, then it was Austin's and Margaret's turn. Austin put his arms around Margaret, and then Archie tied a rope around them.

    Don't worry, lady, no woman has ever slipped from 6's grip.

    There is always a first time, she responded with a scowl, and that shut 6 up.

    We could hear voices coming our way when the line from the chopper appeared from the treetops.

    See it, Skipper? Mom asked.

    Got it, but we are about to have some unwanted guests.

    Archie grabbed the line as it came down and hooked it into the ring on the end of the beanstalk. I looked at Archie and gave him a thumbs-up. He had a huge smile as he buckled in. Yes, Mom, take us home.

    The rope started to grow tight as the chopper gained altitude. Soon, Sam was dangling with the mother, with the next person behind, and so on down the line. Archie was the anchor, and he kept us in line and straight.

    Soon, he was headed up through the canopy with the rest of us. As he reached the opening at the top, he could see troops come into the small clearing, looking up and pointing, and then they raised their guns.

    Arch pulled the priming cord and dropped his pack down through the hole. Mom kept gaining altitude and started heading away from the area. Arch sprayed the new party crashers with fully automatic fire, driving them to the ground. There was a deafening explosion that lit up the jungle under us, like a huge light had come on below the trees. For a hundred yards in all directions around the canopy hole, it was a mixture of bright light and smoke.

    We were headed to the LZ where Mom would set us down and land so we could finish our trip in style. It had to look so odd with the helicopter flying with six people and a baby dangling from a rope underneath.

    Margaret was getting nervous, and Austin reached between them to check the rope.

    That's my tit, buster!

    Can't blame a guy for trying. He smiled.

    As we descended on the LZ, we each unhooked as we touched down. Archie ran up to help me and the new mother to get free. We all stepped back to the tree line and waited for Mom to set down. Once on the ground, we all got in and buckled up.

    Margaret leaned into the cabin and gave Mom a big kiss on the lips when he turned to greet her. Not sure, but we all thought Mom turned bright red before he turned back. The flight back was uneventful. We all watched the young mother enjoy holding and cuddling her baby. Margaret would give us all dirty looks if we stared at the nursing mother for too long.

    Once on the ground, back at the doghouse, we were quickly met by some medical people who ushered the new mom and her baby away.

    Mom jumped out and walked back with us as Kevin handled the shutdown. We walked to the side of the runway to a tent with no sides which had several picnic tables set up for people to relax and talk. In the center of the table was a large cooler full of beer and ice.

    Mom started by sitting down next to Margaret and brushing the tangled mass of hair from her cheek. She looked at him, not as a lover but as she would the brother she had lost so recently. She looked at us all and tears began to slowly run down her face. Her brother gave his life so she, LoLin, and her baby could escape. After they had contacted the embassy, they were told there were no assets available to extract them. They were told that they should make their way to the nearest base, some hundred miles away. They had started the trip, but LoLin had gone into labor where we had found them.

    Her brother told them to stay there, and he would get a word to Jack Fowley and see if he could help. He made contact with a handheld emergency radio he was given by a downed airman. He just sent the message over and over, giving the coordinates of where Margaret and the mother were hiding. He asked that the information be given to Colonel Fowley with the message, Last hope, brother.

    The VC patrol saw him on the hill and began chasing him. He took off in the opposite direction of his sister and led them higher on the hill. Margaret told us she heard several shots and then a burst of automatic fire. She looked at Mom, and he just lowered his head. I know Jackie boy, he died out there saving us.

    We all sat quietly for a while when Mom broke the ice. Well, sister, you enjoy your ride?

    Austin and I looked at each other, not knowing what we had just heard. Austin was turning red, remembering the accidental tit squeeze and his macho response.

    When Margaret stood up, brushed away her tears, and walked over to Austin. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. What's the matter, boys? Never seen a flying nun before?

    Mom smiled. Minnow team, I'd like you to meet Sister Margaret O'Hara, my sister-in-law.

    Chapter 1

    Washington, DC, present day

    Having successfully developed our places within Chung's Dragon Enterprises, our efforts turned to how we got there. It was obvious they were the now grown children we had successfully extracted from the old factory so many years ago. Their parents, now dead, ran a huge criminal empire that encompassed drugs and many other criminal enterprises.

    We knew they had help from the CIA in attempting to cover up their family's staged deaths. It was Russ Martin and others from the CIA that had orchestrated the attack on us and the look-alike peasant farm family. They and others had died that day in the jungle while the four of us had been made to look like KIA for our protection by Mom, our commander.

    All of us had been injured severely that day and had been placed in various parts of the country for our recovery process. It had been done in such a way that we would never know of the others' survival or have any chance of meeting up to discuss how we had been used as pawns. But as chance would have it, Steve and I did meet. Once we had the unit back together, we looked to Mom for his help in researching our past.

    First, we needed to know how the Chungs were still connected to the conspiracy and, most importantly, why was the CIA still actively involved with them. The actions by the CIA in Mexico made it very clear that they were now hunting us, out of fear of what we knew or might discover. So once again, we died in battle, this time, at the hands of drug smugglers in the backcountry of Mexico. Now we were embedded in Chung's empire, including Chief's son, Mark. Mom and Steve were the outside support team and coordinated the operation to find the answers we needed. With new allies added along the way, we hoped to learn the truth of why we were almost sacrificed by whom and for what.

    Marine 1 had landed

    As the Chungs boarded the aircraft, we tried not to look too surprised or shocked at what we had just witnessed. Our eyes silently showed a mixture of questions as well as fear. The ride back to DC was a long quiet one.

    The Chungs' limo took Sam and Archie back to their apartments shortly after Marine 1 had left the area. Not wanting to look too familiar with each other, they both sat silently—Archie acting as if he were napping and Sam was busy on her laptop.

    After they were dropped off, they both went through their normal ritual to make sure the neighbors knew they were home. They made lots of noise, opened and closed doors, etc. Both swept their rooms for listening or recording devices. They put the TV on just loud enough for someone passing their doors to hear if they tried hard. Both took showers and dressed in clean clothes and then headed to catch their Uber pickup.

    Sam went to a four-star restaurant in the village she loved and ordered just a drink. Archie went to a rib joint just outside town and had some sweet tea. They each waited for 6 to pick them up and bring them to the War Wagon.

    I was already back in town, so I made my way to the twenty-four-hour dinner and had a coffee. Mom had ordered five steak dinners from a local steak house, and I picked them up on my way in.

    Once inside our headquarters, we each grabbed dinner and found a place to sit and dig in. At first, it was just dinner talk until we were almost done.

    Finally, Sam said, I can't keep quiet any longer. Do you guys know why we have the weekend off?

    I just cut another piece of steak. We figured you guys would fill us in when you were ready.

    Archie looked concerned. We have the weekend off because the Chungs went camping.

    Mom chuckled. That's nice although we didn't know about their camp.

    Not theirs—a friend's, apparently.

    I became concerned because there were tears in Sam's eyes.

    David, they went to Camp David.

    Mom looked stunned. What, how?

    Sam was openly crying now, so I pulled my chair over to her and took her in my arms. Archie went on the explain how that morning, there was a big show to send off the Chungs and how Marine 1 made a pass and landed at the compound with all the staff assembled to watch. A marine general had come down the steps, in full dress uniform, and welcomed the Chungs along with Nguyen on board.

    After they took off, we grabbed some stuff and headed back here.

    He's in on it. Our own president tried to kill us. We're all dead and just haven't laid down yet. Sam sobbed.

    I held her and tried to console her, wondering if she was right. It was dead quiet in the room except for an annoying beep on Sam's phone. She did look at it and then put it back, acknowledging she had received the alert.

    Everything okay? I asked.

    She put on a half-assed smile. The Wizard needs a conference ASAP.

    Mom was running his hands through his imaginary hair. This makes no sense. President Farmer wasn't even around all those years ago. How could he be involved now?

    Sam looked up at him. I don't know, Mom, but that was his carriage that took them to the ball.

    We all decided to take some time to digest the news and the steaks. I took Sam back in and placed her on her bunk, then laid down next to her, and pulled her tight. It will be fine, Sam. We just need to figure out what's going on.

    She looked up and kissed my cheek. I'll be good as long as I'm with you, Skipper. She took my hand and placed it on her breast. I'm just scared for the first time in my life.


    Steve and Archie were spitballing ideas and thoughts on how this could include the president. Mom was doing some thinking and drinking as he sat in the oversize driver's seat.

    No one got any sleep, and at 3:00 a.m., we all met again in the control area. There was fresh coffee and some sweet rolls from the convenience store that 6 had purchased the day before.

    Well, does anyone have an idea of where we go from here?

    The players have changed just a bit was my opening statement.

    Altogether, they said, You think?

    Mom stood up. We have to keep moving ahead until we know the whole story. You guys are in solid and are becoming trusted members of the Chung network. He stopped and took a long hit of coffee. This has become a campaign and not just an operation. It will take lots of time to sort all this out and end it. It seems apparent we cannot end this quickly or easily.

    He explained that it was time for each of us to reexamine our place in this and decide if we were willing to take it to whatever conclusion that lies ahead. We had all started this knowing the CIA was involved but wanted to do whatever we could to get back to a somewhat normal life. All that had now changed with the new players.

    Take your time to think this over. We have a huge War Chest and can easily expand on it if we want. If anyone wants to go hide and try to start over, it belongs to us all.

    We looked around, wondering what each was thinking. A few million would go a long way toward a new life, but it would be an underground life. Mom walked through our group and picked up a bottle of scotch. For him, it was a no-brainer; he would see this through to whatever end it brought.

    I'm too old to hide and cower in the shadows. So is my family. Martha and I will not ask Susan to spend the rest of her life in fear. He poured a shot.

    Archie was next. I truly believe the Lord kept me alive and set me on this path. He wants me to stand up for those who cannot do it themselves. He reached up and took a shot from Mom's bottle.

    Austin took it from Archie's hand. "Steve Austin, The Six Million Dollar Man, runs from no one, not even a president."

    We all laughed. Mom poured another shot for Archie and then one more.

    Sam looked at me with those reddening blue eyes. We both knew where we had to be. We wanted a life, hopefully together, where we could just relax and enjoy each other's company.

    Got two more of those?


    The next morning, Archie took Mom to the airport to catch a flight back to what Austin had named the Bat Cave. He needed to let his family know as well as the Smiths about the new wrinkle in things. Mr. Smith was a true patriot despite his profession as one of the top two weapon dealers in the world. His help had been invaluable starting in Mexico right up to the current day. Mom and he had formed an immediate bond as more than just friends. Martha, Mom's wife, had also become very close friends with Mrs. Smith, which was why having her and their daughter Susan staying with them was a natural progression. Mom wanted the Smiths to have the option to distance themselves from us as well as he needed to look for his own family's long-term arrangements. Either way, he missed his wife, Martha, and their daughter, Susan, and felt they deserved a say in what would happen next.

    When Archie got back, he and Austin opted for an overnight trip to the shore to clean out their heads and eat some fresh crab.

    Sam and I would hold down the fort. Sam had a short cryptic conversation with the main man, the Wizard of Oz. She told him they needed to have

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