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The Russian Mob's Gay Virgin
The Russian Mob's Gay Virgin
The Russian Mob's Gay Virgin
Ebook106 pages1 hour

The Russian Mob's Gay Virgin

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In a dance of danger and desire, mobster Boris finds himself entangled with naïve Alexei, even though their fiery romance is forbidden by the Russian mob.

Release dateMay 15, 2023
The Russian Mob's Gay Virgin

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    The Russian Mob's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The Russian Mob's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    The dimly lit club was filled with the smell of smoke and sweat as Boris made his way to the back room. He was well known among the Russian mob as a ruthless leader, always ready to do what it took to maintain control. His reputation preceded him, and many trembled in fear at the mere mention of his name.

    As he entered the room, his eyes scanned the crowd until they landed on a young man who was standing nervously in the corner. Alexei was shy and unassuming, his large brown eyes darting around the room as if he was afraid of being noticed. Boris couldn't help but be drawn to him, and he found himself making his way over to the young man.

    Can I help you? Alexei asked, his voice trembling.

    Boris was taken aback by the sound of his voice. It was soft and innocent, in stark contrast to the harsh reality of the world they lived in.

    I think you can, Boris replied, his eyes wandering over the young man's slender frame.

    Alexei blushed under Boris' intense gaze, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and desire.

    What do you want from me? he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

    Boris leaned in close, his breath hot on Alexei's neck.

    I want you to work for me, he said, his voice low and seductive. I think you could be very useful to me.

    Alexei's eyes widened in surprise, but he found himself nodding his head anyway.

    Okay, he said, his voice barely audible.

    Boris smiled, pleased with his new acquisition.

    I'll be in touch, he said, as he turned and walked away.

    As he left the club, Boris couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about Alexei. He didn't know what it was, but he was determined to find out.

    Boris called his assistant to arrange for Alexei to come in for an interview. When Alexei arrived, Boris was surprised by his nervous stuttering and how Alexei wouldn't make eye contact with him.

    So, tell me a little about yourself, Boris said, trying to put Alexei at ease.

    I-I just finished school, Alexei stuttered. I'm looking for work, and I heard about this job through a friend.

    Boris raised an eyebrow. What kind of job do you think this is?

    U-um, it's an assistant position? Alexei guessed.

    Boris leaned back in his chair. This is a job within the Russian mob, Alexei. It's not for the faint of heart.

    Alexei's eyes widened with shock. I-I didn't know that.

    Boris shrugged. Well, now you do. Are you still interested?

    Alexei hesitated for a moment before nodding. Yes, I need the money, he said softly.

    Boris nodded. All right, you're hired. You'll start tomorrow. We'll see how you handle it.

    Over the next few weeks, Boris trained Alexei on the nuances of their business. Alexei was a fast learner, and Boris was impressed with his attention to detail. But there was something about Alexei that Boris couldn't quite put his finger on.

    One day, as Boris and Alexei were going over some important documents, Alexei fumbled over a word.

    Boris noticed the slight stutter and asked, Are you nervous?

    Alexei blushed. I-I'm just not used to being around someone as powerful as you, he admitted.

    Boris chuckled. You have nothing to be afraid of, Alexei. I'm just a man like any other.

    Alexei looked up at Boris for the first time since he arrived. You're not like any other man I've met, he whispered.

    Boris raised an eyebrow. Oh? Is that so?

    Alexei nodded and then quickly looked back down at the documents.

    Boris couldn't stop thinking about Alexei after that conversation. There was something about the young man that intrigued him. Boris liked the idea of having someone like Alexei around, someone who was vulnerable and needed him.

    As the weeks went on, their relationship developed into something more than just an employer-employee dynamic. They spent more time together outside of work, going to dinners and even taking a trip out of town.

    One night, after their return from a trip, Boris walked Alexei to his apartment. They stood outside of his door, and Boris leaned in closer to Alexei.

    Alexei, Boris said in a low voice. I can't take it anymore.

    Alexei looked up at him, confused. Take what?

    Boris didn't say anything. Instead, he grabbed Alexei's face and kissed him deeply.

    Alexei was surprised at first but then responded eagerly. They broke apart finally, gasping for breath.

    I-I didn't know, Alexei whispered. I didn't know you felt the same way.

    Boris pulled him close. I've wanted to kiss you since the first day we met, Alexei. I just didn't know how to tell you.

    Their relationship grew stronger from that moment on. Boris was protective of Alexei, and Alexei craved Boris' attention and affection. They were both walking a dangerous line, but neither of them could bring themselves to care.

    As they lay in bed together that night, Boris whispered, I think I've found something I didn't even know I was looking for.

    What's that? Alexei asked, snuggling closer to him.

    You, Boris said simply. I've found you.

    Boris sat at his desk, staring at the file in front of him. His rival, Sergei, had been making aggressive moves that threatened Boris' position as leader of the Moscow mob. Boris knew he had to act quickly, but he also knew

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