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Love and the Floppy Musketeer Hat: Story Orgy Stories, #7
Love and the Floppy Musketeer Hat: Story Orgy Stories, #7
Love and the Floppy Musketeer Hat: Story Orgy Stories, #7
Ebook184 pages2 hours

Love and the Floppy Musketeer Hat: Story Orgy Stories, #7

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About this ebook

Romance can blossom in any genre: contemporary, suspense, fantasy, or paranormal. Hank Edwards has dusted off eleven of his favorite Story Orgy tales and gathered them into a brand new collection.


For those new to Hank's work, the Story Orgy was a group of authors who crafted stories based on writing prompts. Some of Hank's stories from that time period are already available, such as With This Ring, Mistletoe at Midnight, or Cross Country Foreplay. The stories in this collection have only appeared once on Hank's blog, so if you've been following his work for a while, hopefully you'll enjoy revisiting these freshly edited gems. But if you weren't a Story Orgy follower, kick back and read about love showing up in a wide variety of places.

PublisherHank Edwards
Release dateMay 15, 2023
Love and the Floppy Musketeer Hat: Story Orgy Stories, #7

Hank Edwards

Hank Edwards has been writing gay erotic fiction for more than twenty years. He has written over two dozen novels and even more short stories. His writing crosses many sub-genres, including romance, rom-com, contemporary, paranormal, suspense, mystery, and wacky comedy. Find out more at

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    Love and the Floppy Musketeer Hat - Hank Edwards


    Advanced Biology sucked.

    Ash thumped his forehead down onto the open text book before him and let out a deep sigh. He was going to fail this midterm exam, and then he would fail the final, and then he would need to figure out a new major. Again!

    It's tough, isn't it?

    The deep voice brought Ash's head up fast, and he found himself looking at the tall, strong body of none other than Mike Sutton, up and coming baseball star.

    Ash blinked and heard a dull-sounding Huh? come out of his mouth before he could stop it.

    Mike grinned. Advanced Biology. It's a bitch. May as well be written in Taiwanese. He pulled out the chair across from Ash and sat down. Mike Sutton.

    Ash nodded, staring at Mike in dumbfounded amazement.

    Mike's grin widened to a smile. And you're Ashton Bancroft, right?

    Ash, he corrected automatically, blushing. My friends call me Ash.

    Well, good to know I'm considered a friend.

    Ash looked at the students studying around them. No one was paying them any attention, all were absorbed in their own studying nightmares. He turned back to Mike. We've never talked before, but I've seen you. I mean, seen you around. In class, of course. And, you know, in the dorm.

    Mike nodded and gestured to the book. How's the studying coming?

    Ash grimaced. Not well.

    Want to team up and cram together?

    The image popping into Ash's mind had nothing to do with studying and a lot to do with biology, but before he knew it, he had agreed.

    Let's go back to my dorm room, Mike suggested as he stood. He towered over Ash, the table, and pretty much everything else in the library. My roommate's spending the night with his girlfriend, so we won't be interrupted.

    Ash jumped to his feet and nearly dropped his textbook and notes in his haste to stuff his belongings in his backpack. He grabbed his phone and disconnected the earbuds, hurriedly winding up the cord while trying to hide the bulge of his erection behind the back of the chair. After a second look to make sure he hadn't overlooked anything, he slung his backpack onto his shoulders and faced Mike.

    I'm ready.

    Mike studied him a moment, a half-smile curling up one corner of his luscious mouth. Yeah, you sure are.

    Ash had no idea what to make of that statement, but he put it out of his mind as Mike strode off and Ash hurried to keep up.

    As they walked across campus, passing through the lengthening shadows of buildings and trees in the setting sun, Mike slowed his pace to allow Ash to walk beside him.

    What kind of music were you listening to? Mike asked.

    Ash blushed immediately. His fondness for jazz and big band music had always made him feel like an outsider with other people his age. But Mike's presence beside him had overloaded the circuits to several areas of his brain so he couldn't come up with any current artists. Before he could summon up a generic response about enjoying all types, Ash heard himself saying, I love jazz and big band music, as if listening to their conversation from another room.

    Mike pulled an impressed face. I would not have guessed that. I'm even more intrigued.

    Ash let that comment pass. What with controlling his hard on and not letting out his usual donkey bray of a nervous laugh, he had too much to do to dwell on what gorgeous jock Mike Sutton had meant by his use of the word intrigued.

    Before Ash knew it, they had arrived at Mike's dorm room. The place was small with two single beds on either side of the room, two desks, and posters of sports teams, rock stars, and bikini-clad women posed on kegs. It was also incredibly warm.

    Wow, Ash gasped. It's hot in here.

    Mike closed the door and immediately stripped off his polo shirt to expose his tanned, muscular, hair-covered torso. Yeah, we're up here on the top floor and get hit with the afternoon sun so we roast. He moved to the single window and cranked it open. Nice in the winter, but fucking tough on hot days. My roommate and I usually walk around in our underwear all the time. Mike looked at Ash. You going to be okay studying up here?

    Ash dragged his gaze from the dark nubs of Mike's nipples sitting high on the firm, round swells of his pecs, to his clear green eyes. He gulped as a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his face, but he managed to nod. Yeah. Sure. Fine. Great.

    Care if I strip down?

    Mike unfastened the button of his jeans and raised his eyebrows, that half-smile back again. Ash felt his head swing side to side as if of its own volition. The jeans fell down Mike's strong, sturdy, tree-trunk legs, and he stood before Ash in a pair of white briefs that stretched across the length of his erection.

    I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, Mike admitted with an adorable blush and a shrug. So I get kind of turned on when I strip in front of someone.

    Holy fucking shit, he's beautiful. Ash swallowed past a lump of lust in his throat. I get turned on when you strip in front of me, too.

    Yeah? Mike dropped his eyes to the bulge in Ash's jeans. Prove it.

    Two balls of sweat raced down the side of Ash's face as he fumbled with the buttons of his shirt—why the fuck did he wear a fucking button down shirt to the fucking library?—until he finally peeled it off to expose his own smooth, firm chest. He kicked off his shoes and then pushed down his jeans to stand before Mike fucking hot Sutton in just his own bulging briefs and socks.

    You're pretty hot, Ash, Mike said, reaching down to clutch his erection through his briefs. Hotter than I've thought.

    You... You've thought about me? Ash asked.

    Mike's expression turned serious, and he stepped closer. How about we talk later? Right now, we need to better understand Advanced Biology.

    Mike touched his lips to Ash’s, sending tingles burning along hundreds of thousands of Ash's nerve endings. He didn't know if it was the kiss, the temperature of the dorm room, or both that made his head spin, but he didn't care. He went willingly as Mike pulled him up against his tanned, muscular body. The brush of Mike's chest hair raised gooseflesh on his sweat-damp skin, and the long timber of Mike's cock ground against Ash's, pushing a groan up from somewhere deep in his chest.

    I've been watching you for a long time, Mike said between kisses.

    Me? Ash managed to say.

    Oh, yeah. Mike pulled back and held Ash's face between his large, warm palms, looking into his eyes. I like quiet, mellow guys like you, with a tight, smooth body. Another kiss and Mike slid his hands beneath the waistband of Ash's briefs, grabbed each of his ass cheeks and squeezed.

    Moments later, they’d kicked their briefs aside and their cocks sprang out toward each other, slapping together like swords. Ash wrapped his fingers around Mike's shaft and caught his moan in an open-mouthed kiss. The cock pulsed in his hand as Ash stroked it, spreading the slick pre-cum down the shaft from the meaty head.

    Fuck, that feels good, Mike said, taking Ash's dick in his big hand.

    They kissed and stroked each other until Ash felt himself getting close and moved his hips back so his cock slipped from Mike's hand. He kissed Mike again, then got on his knees, trying not to think as he opened wide and put his mouth around Mike's cock. The salty tang of sweat and the sharp zest of pre-cum burst across his tongue like fireworks.

    Oh, yes, Mike said after a gasp. Fuck yeah, suck my cock.

    Ash closed his eyes and followed orders. He wrapped one hand around the base of Mike's shaft and tugged on his balls—he fucking shaves his balls, oh my God, I'm about to come myself!—as he sucked him hard and fast. Mike leaned back, fists by his tight, muscular thighs and sweat running down his chest.

    I'm close, but not yet, Mike gasped. Ash, stop.

    Reluctantly, Ash slowed and let the rock hard prick fall from between his swollen lips.

    I want to suck you, Mike said, grabbing Ash beneath his arms, fingers digging into the damp hollows of his armpits as he pulled him to his feet. Over here, on my bed.

    Mike pulled down the sheets of the bed beneath the concert and sports posters and stretched out on his side. Let's sixty-nine.

    Ash took a moment to drink in the sight of the man: all six-foot-five inches of varsity baseball muscle, with size eleven feet, and a dick to match.

    You lay with your face by my dick, and we'll suck each other, Mike explained, obviously taking Ash's hesitation for naïveté about what was involved in the position he had suggested.

    Yeah, I know, Ash said. I was just looking at you for a moment.

    Look later. Mike stroked the long, hard length of his dick. I'm ready to blow.

    That was all Ash needed to hear. He lay on his side with his feet under Mike's pillow and again put his mouth over the hard, hot slab of meat. Mike grabbed Ash's dick at the root and took his whole length in one swallow. A burst of light seemed to explode behind Ash's eyelids and his body bucked, pushing him even deeper into the damp, tight heat of Mike's mouth.

    Ash had had his cock sucked once before, but not like this. Back home, behind the single screen movie theater in his one-flashing-stoplight town, he and Gary White had one night exchanged blow jobs. Gary's technique had been much different—worse, it had been a lot worse—than Mike's, and now Ash understood what the big deal was when other guys talked about blow jobs.

    And the best part was, Mike Sutton's cock didn't taste like Old Spice aftershave the way Gary's had. Ash still didn't know what that was about, and he really didn't care.

    The slurp and stroke of their shared sucking brought each of them to a quick climax. Ash was the first to go, feeling the familiar spark and tingle start deep in his gut and then zip up the length of his dick. He huffed out a breath and grunted a warning, thinking Mike would take him out of his mouth. But Mike surprised him by clamping his lips tight around the shaft.

    Ash thought he heard the wet pop of his first shot even though his cock was buried deep in Mike's throat. As Mike nursed the cum from him, Ash sucked Mike's prick harder, hungrier. A deep, animal grunt was the only warning he had before Mike's dick bucked against his tongue and his mouth was filled with hot, thick cum. Ash savored the taste, swirled it around Mike's cock where it laid hard and hot along his tongue, and then let it slide down his throat.

    Like oysters, only better because it's fucking gorgeous Mike Sutton's cum!

    Mike sat up, his amazing abs tightening as he reached to pull Ash toward him for a cum-swapping kiss.

    I knew you'd be hot in bed, Mike said.

    To be honest, I never thought I would be, Ash replied.

    Mike raised an eyebrow and Ash's cock twitched.

    You haven't been with a man before? Mike asked.

    Ash shrugged and, feeling himself blush, looked down at his hand resting on Mike's thigh, amazed at how casual he was lying there nude with such a beautiful man. I gave and received a blow job before with a guy back home, but that's all.

    Mike leaned in for another kiss and whispered in his ear, Baby, you are so going to ace Advanced Biology.


    That was all the note said, and it irked Salvador. He stared at Giles's handwriting a little longer, then crumpled up the note and dropped it over the balcony railing. He watched the ball of paper

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