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Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 in 1): Overcome Food Addiction And Emotional Eating Using Self-Hypnotic Gastric Band, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 in 1): Overcome Food Addiction And Emotional Eating Using Self-Hypnotic Gastric Band, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 in 1): Overcome Food Addiction And Emotional Eating Using Self-Hypnotic Gastric Band, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations
Ebook160 pages1 hour

Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 in 1): Overcome Food Addiction And Emotional Eating Using Self-Hypnotic Gastric Band, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations

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Introducing The 10+ Hour Collection Of Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations To Help You Lose Weight Naturally, Develop Healthy Habits & Start Truly Loving Your Body!

Release dateMay 16, 2023
Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 in 1): Overcome Food Addiction And Emotional Eating Using Self-Hypnotic Gastric Band, Guided Meditations & Positive Affirmations

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    Book preview

    Extreme Rapid Weight Loss Hypnosis For Women (2 in 1) - Jennifer Smith

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Imagine Yourself as a Fitter Woman

    Cut Down Portion Size

    Body Scan Meditation

    Explore a Variety of Foods

    Develop Healthy Eating Habits

    Overcome Junk Food Addiction

    Overcome Emotional Eating

    Rewiring Your Brain for a Healthy Lifestyle

    Overcome Sugar Addiction

    Inner Strength and Power 

    Maintain Weight Loss

    Stop Eating Emotionally

    Affirmations for Extreme Weight Loss

    Positive Affirmations for Losing Weight

    Table of Contents

    Get Rid of Sugar Addiction

    Strengthen the Belief in Yourself 

    Body Confidence

    Develop Mindful Eating Habits

    Mindful Breathing

    Overcome Sugar Addiction

    Move Your Body More

    Lose Weight Naturally

    Rapid Fat Burn

    Eat Healthy Foods Mindfully

    Eat Less and Enjoy Your Food More

    Develop Healthy Eating Habits

    Meditation to Promote Mindful Eating

    Lose Weight Successfully

    Self-Affirmations for Losing Weight Naturally

    Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

    Affirmtions for Rapid Weight Loss

    Self-Affirmations for Rapid Fat Burn

    Imagine Yourself as a Fitter Woman

    Find a comfortable seat and allow yourself to relax. Drift lower and lower, descending into a peaceful mental state. You are also twice as receptive to what I have to say when you are at peace. I’ll give you a moment to relax fully.

    Pause for 10 seconds

    Everyone around you thinks you are a wonderful person with outstanding traits who is attractive on the inside and out. You are a content woman with a captivating personality.


    As you become more fit and beautiful, your magnetism and attractiveness multiply.

    And these recommendations will assist you in getting fitter because, after all, that's what you want.

    Now, please use your imagination to see yourself on a lovely garden path made of cobblestones.


    As you become aware of it, you start to take in your surroundings—the trees, the plants, the birds—and you start to feel more at ease. You see up front that the path leads to a little cottage.

    I'll count down from five to zero, and when I get to zero, you'll be at the door.

    5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

    In front of you is the door to the cottage. The door may have a handle or door knob, and you open it carefully before realizing how lovely and cozy this cabin is.


    You also see a large mirror on the wall in front of you as you enter the space. Both the mirror and you are stunning. You realize that you are considerably thinner and fitter when you look in the mirror and that you are wearing the clothes you really want to wear at your goal weight.

    Consider your own physique from every angle, noting how your various body parts have shrunk and improved in shape. You are dressed in the clothes that you have been wanting to wear for a while, and you feel slimmer right now.


    It's a special day today. The day you seem even more appealing, charming, and stunning after you have already lost further weight.

    You have the ability to interpret your own feelings, so I'm curious how the woman you see in the mirror is feeling. Are you possessing a high sense of self-worth and esteem? Every perspective shows off your glowing skin and youthful appearance.

    Please pay special attention to this as I pause for a bit.

    Pause (15 seconds)

    Get a sense of how you feel about that lifestyle now that you have lived a healthy lifestyle for 5 years, eating less food and exercising frequently.

    Do you think this kind of lifestyle has made you wiser?


    And now that you've seen both lifestyles, do you think you're ready to decide which one will provide you the most happiness, positivity, hope, confidence, and self-worth?


    You will select the road that is best for you when I count from 3 to 1. The route that will lead you to prosperity, happiness, and self-assurance.

    3, 2, and 1.


    You have chosen your path.

    You can now awake from your relaxation and continue your day.

    Cut Down Portion Size

    Travel back in time to your childhood and feel yourself getting younger and younger as you approach your teen years. Then, go even further back to when you were maybe ten, nine, or seven. Then, drift back to when you were five, maybe four. Then, back to when you ate less than you do now. You might even go as far back as when you were just two because your stomach was so much smaller because you ate so little.

    Feel all of that right now.


    I wonder whether you can contact that earlier version of yourself. Simply attempt to subconsciously connect in any manner you can. Remember, your subconscious has all the answers; therefore, reach out to your youthful self right now. Make an effort to identify with the sensation of eating a tiny bit of food, leaving portions on your plate, and then removing it from your plate feeling satiated.


    Now, construct a bridge connecting that period with the present and cross it. Imagine moving toward the present in baby stages. Maybe have a look below; that's you right now. Consider your appearance, your body type, and the size you find uncomfortable. You are suddenly conscious of having a small stomach, just like you did as an infant, as you move along the bridge. You can only consume enough food to fill you up. You have a small stomach. Perhaps the size of a cricket ball, and it just need that little food to satisfy it.

    (10-second pause)

    Return to the present by going over the bridge. Returning to the present moment, here and now. Feel your stomach growing to its normal size. Sense it. Experience it and realize that moving forward, you will only be able to consume the necessary quantity of food to maintain yourself. You'll eat just the proper amount of food that you need in order to lose weight and get back in shape.


    Try to picture yourself sitting at the dinner table with a tray of food in front of you and ask yourself, Will I be able to finish all of this?


    Start eating right away. Take some of the delectable meal in your hands, and chew it thoroughly. Take perhaps fifteen to twenty bites of food and enjoy them.


    It appears fit and flat because your stomach has now shrunk to the size of a cricket ball. Because you simply consume what is necessary and nothing more, your belly fat starts to disappear as the days pass and you can feel it getting thinner and more defined. With these smaller eating servings, you feel full. You feel better about yourself every new day. Lethargy is gradually being replaced by rising energy levels. There are other things you can do. You see that your enthusiasm for your routine is growing. You have a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.


    Why don't you look into the future right now? What thoughts come to mind? Think about where you'll be in six months. You shed a ton of additional weight. You not only appear lot more toned and fit, but you are also healthier.

    Your skin is shining, and your face is radiant. You are dressed in all the lovely clothes you wished you could fit into. You now own the ideal body you have long sought.


    After then, you receive a call. Someone with whom you haven't spoken recently. They invite you to a dinner date. You go to their home by donning one of your favorite dresses.


    You approach their door and knock on their door. When the door opens, they look at you with shock. They cannot help but exhale and exclaim, Oh my God! What's going on with you? Wow! You appear fantastic.

    And you modestly but firmly respond, Thank you.

    As the two of you move toward the dining room and sit at the table, you enter their house, grinning and conversing happily. Dinner is delivered to you. You turn your attention back to the food on your plate, which is presented to you in just the correct number of amounts for your small stomach to comfortably hold and digest. Eat the food and chew it slowly while you do so. Have fifteen to twenty little bites. Once you've eaten and enjoyed it, you're satisfied.


    You will soon realize that your hunger has significantly decreased. Large dinners are no longer permitted. Simply put, you can't complete them. All that food is unnecessary for your body. Avoid eating such meals.

    Now your mind is completely under your control. Your body and health are entirely in your hands.


    These instructions are now deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind, and as each day, night, and hour passes, your resolve to follow them grows stronger.

    Body Scan Meditation

    Body scanning promotes calm and enables you to observe each body part objectively.

    So let's start by tuning into the top of your head and taking note of what is happening for you right now. The hair and skin on one's head. Simply and without making any judgments, observe what you see in your immediate physical experience. Simply be aware of any feelings that may arise in your thoughts and pay attention to them.

    Observe the temperature over your forehead after a brief pause. Bring your awareness there. Perhaps you are cold or hot, or perhaps you have a scowl between your brows. If so, just pay attention and keep what you notice.

    Bringing your attention even closer to your eyes, you should also watch how they move. Simply pay attention to how your eyeballs are moving.


    Turn your attention to your ears and pay attention to any sensation coming from the nearby hair, possibly from

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