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The Gangster's Gay Virgin
The Gangster's Gay Virgin
The Gangster's Gay Virgin
Ebook128 pages1 hour

The Gangster's Gay Virgin

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In the intricate dance of dominance and submission, a blushing virgin finds himself swept off his feet by a charismatic gangster in a gay club, leading him into a world filled with power, wealth, and dangerous thrills.

Release dateMay 16, 2023
The Gangster's Gay Virgin

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    The Gangster's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The Gangster's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    The music was pounding as the lights flashed and illuminated the dancing crowd. Amongst them was a newcomer, a young man with wide eyes, soaking up the sights and sounds of the club. He had been shy and nervous before he walked in, but the energy of the place seemed to have infected him.

    The young man's name was Marcus, and he was a virgin, barely twenty years old. He had recently come out of the closet to himself, and this was his first time in a gay club. But his nerves were quickly put at ease when a hulking figure approached him on the dance floor.

    Hey there, pretty boy, the stranger said, smiling a toothy grin.

    Marcus felt like a deer caught in the headlights, staring helplessly at the man who towered over him. But there was something magnetic about the stranger that he couldn't resist. He found himself nodding and allowing the man to lead him to a shadowy corner of the club.

    I'm Vlad, the man said, pressing his body up against Marcus's.

    The younger man could feel the other's muscles rippling beneath his tight-fitting shirt.

    Marcus, he said softly, hardly believing what was happening.

    Vlad was not one for small talk, and he soon took charge of the situation. He pulled out a box of cigarettes and offered one to Marcus. The younger man hesitated, not sure if he wanted to smoke, but Vlad insisted, and he eventually gave in.

    As they smoked, Vlad began to question Marcus about his sexual experience. The young man blushed and stumbled over his words as he confessed to being a virgin. Vlad's eyes lit up with interest, and he leaned in close, his breath hot against Marcus's neck.

    Well then, I guess I'm going to be your first, he whispered.

    Marcus was dizzy with excitement and fear as Vlad led him out of the club and into the night. They took a taxi to Vlad's penthouse apartment, which was located in the heart of the city. Marcus could hardly believe his eyes as he looked out over the skyline. He felt like he had entered a world that was beyond his comprehension.

    Once they were inside, Vlad wasted no time in getting started. He pushed Marcus up against the wall and kissed him hard, his hands roaming freely over the younger man's body. Marcus moaned as Vlad's tongue invaded his mouth, overwhelmed by the roughness and intensity of the kiss.

    As they undressed, Marcus couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sight of Vlad's muscular frame. He seemed like a god compared to Marcus, who was slim and boyish. But Vlad didn't seem to mind, and he took hold of Marcus's hand and led him to the bedroom.

    What followed was a night of intense passion, as Vlad took charge and showed Marcus what it meant to be dominated. Marcus was overwhelmed by the feeling of being owned, of being completely at Vlad's mercy. But there was also a sense of trust between them, as Vlad took care to make sure that Marcus was comfortable and safe at every step.

    When it was over, Marcus lay curled up beside Vlad, his head resting on the other's broad chest.

    I've never felt so alive, he whispered.

    Vlad chuckled softly and stroked his hair.

    You ain't seen nothing yet, kid, he said with a grin.

    Marcus smiled back, feeling like he had found something special with this man – something that he would never forget.

    The next evening, Vlad picks Marcus up in his expensive car. The tension between them in the car is palpable. Vlad takes Marcus back to his penthouse, where their previous encounter had taken place.

    Vlad leads Marcus into the bedroom and orders him to undress. Marcus hesitates for a moment, then quickly obeys. Vlad looks Marcus up and down, admiring his smooth, muscular body.

    You look good, boy. Real good. Vlad grunts as he approaches Marcus.

    Marcus feels a rush of excitement, knowing that he's about to be dominated again. Vlad takes control, pushing Marcus down onto the bed and tying his wrists to the headboard.

    You're mine, boy. Mine to do with as I please. Vlad growls, running his hands over Marcus's chest.

    Marcus gasps and feels a wave of pleasure and submission wash over him. He's never felt so alive or in tune with his desires.

    Vlad continues his exploration of Marcus's body, teasing and testing him in ways he's never experienced before. He brings Marcus to the brink of ecstasy, then stops, denying him release.

    You're not allowed to come yet, boy. Vlad sneers. You have to earn that kind of pleasure.

    Marcus is both frustrated and turned on by this denial. He wants to beg, to plead with Vlad to let him climax but knows that he must submit completely to Vlad's control.

    As Vlad continues to push Marcus to his limits, he feels himself falling deeper into this world of domination and submission. He knows that he wants more, that he craves it, and that he's willing to do anything to please Vlad.

    By the end of the night, Marcus is sweaty, spent, and thoroughly dominated. He's never felt so alive or connected to another person before.

    As they lie together in the afterglow, Vlad strokes Marcus's hair and whispers softly to him. You did well, boy. Very well. You're mine now, and I'll take care of you.

    Marcus feels a sense of comfort and warmth from Vlad's words and knows that he's found something special in this relationship. Vlad may be a gangster, but he's also his master, and Marcus wouldn't have it any other way.

    Marcus woke up the next morning feeling both satisfied and confused. The intense experience with Vlad had left him feeling a mix of emotions that he couldn't quite grasp. He was grateful for the attention Vlad had given him, but he was also struggling with the idea of submitting to someone completely.

    As he got dressed, Marcus couldn't help but think about his new identity as Vlad's submissive. It was a label he had never considered before, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to fully embrace it.

    When he walked into the living room, Vlad was already dressed and waiting for him. Good morning, Marcus, he said, giving him a small smile.

    Good morning, Vlad, Marcus replied, feeling nervous.

    I want to talk to you about something, Vlad said, taking a seat on the couch. "I understand that submitting to someone is not an easy thing to do. It goes against

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