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Hard Hats, Hard Wood
Hard Hats, Hard Wood
Hard Hats, Hard Wood
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Hard Hats, Hard Wood

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Matthew finds himself irresistibly drawn to the raw masculinity of a group of construction workers, paving the way for a love story that's both steamy and structurally sound.

Release dateMay 17, 2023
Hard Hats, Hard Wood

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    Hard Hats, Hard Wood - Sebastian Davidson

    Hard Hats, Hard Wood

    By Sebastian Davidson

    Matthew walked down the street, the sound of heavy machinery ringing in his ears. He had always been fascinated with construction, and today he had decided to watch a group of workers as they built a new skyscraper. He couldn't take his eyes off them, the way they moved with precision and power. As he stood there, lost in thought, one of the workers approached him.

    Hey man, are you lost?

    Matthew shook his head, No, I'm just watching. I'm really interested in construction.

    The worker chuckled, Well, you're in the right place then. You should come meet the rest of the guys. They'll show you the ropes.

    As they walked towards the construction site, Matthew couldn't help but feel drawn to the group of men. They were all so different, but they all exuded a raw masculinity that he found intoxicating. He didn't know why, but he felt something stir inside of him.

    When they introduced themselves, Matthew felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. They were all so friendly, and he was surprised at how quickly he felt comfortable around them. They joked and laughed, telling stories about their job and their lives outside of work.

    As the day went on, they began to pack up their tools. One of the workers, Jake, turned to Matthew.

    Hey, you wanna grab a drink with us? We're just gonna hang out and unwind.

    Matthew hesitated for just a moment, but he couldn't resist the invitation. They headed to a nearby bar, and as they sat down, Matthew found himself drawn to one of the workers, a man named Marcus. He was tall and muscular, with a rough edge that Matthew found irresistible.

    As they talked and drank, Matthew couldn't stop thinking about Marcus. He had never felt like this before, this deep physical and emotional attraction to another man. It scared him, but it also excited him.

    When they left the bar, Marcus pulled Matthew aside.

    You wanna come back to my place? he asked, his eyes burning with desire.

    Matthew's heart raced as he hesitated, but in the end, he couldn't resist the pull towards Marcus. They ended up spending the night together, and as Matthew lay in Marcus's arms, he felt like he had finally found something he had been searching for his whole life.

    But as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but wonder what this meant for him. Did he really want to be with a man? What would his family and friends think? He had so many questions, but for now, he just let himself be consumed by the intense attraction he felt for Marcus and the rest of the construction workers.

    Matthew was nervous as he walked up to the address that Marcus had given him. He didn't know what to expect from the party, but he trusted Marcus and was excited to see him again. As he rang the doorbell, he took a deep breath and reminded himself to relax.

    When the door opened, Matthew was greeted by a startling array of familiar faces. The construction workers had brought together a group of their friends from all walks of life. There were men and women, straight and gay, and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

    Marcus was there, and he pulled Matthew into a hug as soon as he saw him. Glad you could make it, he whispered into Matthew's ear. Let's get you a drink.

    Matthew felt a weight lift off his shoulders as Marcus guided him through the crowd. He was still nervous, but he felt like he belonged here. Maybe the workers had been right all along, maybe he didn't have to be ashamed of his attraction to men.

    As the night wore on, Matthew began to relax even more. He chatted with some of the other guests and had a few more drinks. Marcus stayed close, keeping an eye on him.

    Eventually, the party started to wind down, and Matthew found himself alone with Marcus in a quiet corner of the house. Marcus leaned in and kissed him, and Matthew kissed him back eagerly.

    This time, it was different. Matthew wasn't just exploring his sexuality, he was exploring a connection with someone he cared about. He felt safe with Marcus and trusted him completely.

    As they made their way to Marcus's bedroom, Matthew felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. He was about to do something he'd never done before and the implications of that scared him. But Marcus was gentle and patient, and Matthew soon found himself lost in sensations he had never experienced before.

    When it was over, Matthew lay next to Marcus, feeling a sense of peace and contentment he'd never felt before. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that he wanted to spend more time with Marcus and the other construction workers. They had welcomed him into their world, and for the first time in a long time, Matthew felt like he belonged somewhere.

    Matthew woke up the next morning feeling a mixture of euphoria and confusion. He rolled over to find Marcus still sleeping beside him, and he couldn't help but smile at the memories of the previous night. He had never felt so alive and connected to another person before.

    As he got dressed, he couldn't help but wonder what his newfound connection with Marcus meant. Was he really gay? Or was he just exploring his sexuality? And what about the BDSM that the construction workers had introduced him to? Was he really into that, or was it just a passing curiosity?

    When Marcus finally woke up, they decided to grab breakfast together at a nearby diner. As they ate their pancakes and bacon, Marcus looked over at Matthew and asked, So, did you have a good time last night?

    Matthew blushed, feeling a surge of emotions wash over him. Yeah, I did. I really did.

    I'm glad, Marcus said with a smile. You know, you don't have to figure everything out all at once. You can take your time to explore and experiment and see what feels right for you.

    Matthew nodded, feeling grateful for Marcus's understanding. Thanks. I just don't want to lead anyone on or hurt anyone.

    I know, but that's just part of the process. And when you're ready, you'll figure out what you want and who you want.

    As they finished their breakfast, Marcus looked at his watch and said, I have to get going. I have a meeting with the construction crew later today. But I'll see you soon?

    Matthew smiled. Yeah, I'd like that.

    As he watched

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