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The Doctor's Gay Virgin
The Doctor's Gay Virgin
The Doctor's Gay Virgin
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The Doctor's Gay Virgin

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Dr. James is working on a straight virgin, when he notices a reaction he can't ignore. This is a gay romance between a doctor and his virgin patient. 

Release dateMay 17, 2023
The Doctor's Gay Virgin

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    The Doctor's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The Doctor's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    Dr. James walked through the hospital ward, checking up on his patients. As he made his way to the end of the hallway, he saw a young man sitting on his bed, staring down at his lap. James couldn't help but notice how nervous and fidgety he looked.

    Good morning, James greeted him with a smile. How are you feeling today?

    The young man looked up, surprised but relieved to see someone finally acknowledge him. Oh, uh, hi. I'm okay, I think. Just a little uncomfortable.

    I see, James nodded. Well, my name is Dr. James. I'll be your physician for the day. What seems to be the problem?

    The young man swallowed hard before answering. Um, it's nothing serious. Just some minor stomach pains.

    I see, James said again. Can you tell me more about the pain? Is it sharp or dull? Is it constant or intermittent?

    As James questioned the young man, he couldn't help but be intrigued and drawn to him. There was something about his meek and shy demeanor that he found endearing.

    Finally, James finished his examination and set out to leave. As he walked to the door, he paused and looked back at the young man. I hope you feel better soon, he said.

    Thank you, Dr. James, the young man replied quietly.

    Wait, what's your name? James asked suddenly, feeling a bit embarrassed that he had neglected to ask earlier.

    John, the young man said.

    John, James repeated. Nice to meet you, John.

    As James walked away, he couldn't help but think about John. There was something about him that piqued his interest. He knew he had to see him again.

    Later that day, James found himself searching through John's file to see when his next appointment was scheduled. When he saw that it was a few days away, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

    He called over the nurse who was in charge of John's case and asked her to schedule a meeting with him right away.

    What's going on, Dr. James? the nurse asked.

    I just want to make sure he's doing okay, James replied, feeling a bit sheepish.

    The nurse gave him a knowing smile before nodding and heading off to schedule the appointment. James couldn't shake the feeling that he was being too forward, but he just couldn't help himself.

    A few minutes later, James found himself standing outside of John's room, trying to gather the courage to go in.

    When he finally stepped inside, John looked up at him with surprise.

    Dr. James? What are you doing here? John asked.

    I just wanted to check up on you personally, James said, trying to keep his voice professional.

    John looked back at him with a mixture of gratitude and anxiety. Oh, um, thank you. That's really nice of you.

    As James examined John, he couldn't help but notice how fragile and delicate he seemed. He wondered if anyone had ever shown him the kind of attention and care that he was currently receiving.

    By the end of the appointment, James felt like he had made a connection with John. He didn't know exactly what the connection was yet, but he knew that it was something worth exploring.

    As he left the room, he decided to take a chance and ask John out.

    John, would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime? he asked, trying to keep his voice nonchalant.

    John looked up at him, startled. Um, sure. I mean, yes. I'd like that.

    Great, James smiled. How about tomorrow at noon? There's a little café just down the street that I think you'll like.

    John nodded nervously. Okay. That sounds good.

    As James walked away, he couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. He had a feeling that this was the start of something special.

    James and John meet at a quaint little café in the heart of the city. John is dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, looking nervous and jittery. James, on the other hand, is wearing a crisp white shirt and black pants, looking cool and confident.

    Hi, John, James greets him with a warm smile.

    Hi, Dr. James, John replies, shifting nervously in his seat.

    No need to be formal, John. You can call me James, James says, trying to put John at ease.

    Okay, James, John says, still looking nervous.

    They order their coffee and sit down at a small table in the corner of the café. James takes a sip of his coffee and leans back in his chair.

    So, John, tell me a little bit about yourself, James says, trying to start a conversation.

    Well, I'm a nurse at the hospital, John replies, his voice barely above a whisper.

    That's great. What do you like to do in your free time? James asks, trying to get to know John better.

    I don't really have much free time. I mostly just read books and watch movies at home, John answers, looking down at his hands.

    James notices how nervous John is and decides to try and make him feel more comfortable.

    Well, John, I have to say, you look very handsome today, James says with a smile.

    John blushes and looks up at James with surprise.

    Thank you, John says, his voice barely above a whisper.

    They finish their coffee and leave the café. As they walk down the street, James notices how John keeps glancing nervously at him.

    Is everything okay, John? James asks, sensing John's discomfort.

    I'm sorry, James. I'm just nervous. I've never been on a date before, John admits, his cheeks turning red.

    James feels a sudden rush of emotion, realizing how much he wants to protect John and make him feel safe.

    Well, don't worry, John. I'll take care of you, James says, putting a reassuring hand on John's shoulder.

    As they stop in front of John's apartment building, James turns to him and asks, Can I kiss you?

    John looks up at James with surprise. I've never been kissed before, James, he admits.

    James feels a sudden rush of tenderness, realizing how special this moment is for John.

    Well, then, it'll have to be a special one,

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