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The African Warlord's Gay Virgin
The African Warlord's Gay Virgin
The African Warlord's Gay Virgin
Ebook79 pages1 hour

The African Warlord's Gay Virgin

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In the heart of Africa, an American aid worker falls captive to a powerful warlord, initiating an unexpected plunge into the world of same-sex desires and hidden feelings.


Release dateMay 17, 2023
The African Warlord's Gay Virgin

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    The African Warlord's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The African Warlord's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    The sun was beating down on the dusty streets of the small African village where the American aid worker, Samuel, found himself lost. As he wandered through the cramped alleys, he felt a sensation of unease build up within him. He knew he shouldn't have left the safety of his hotel room without a guide, but he was desperate to get a firsthand look at the poverty and destitution of this troubled land.

    Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him. He turned around to see a group of men dressed in tattered clothes approaching him, their faces twisted in anger and suspicion.

    Who are you? What are you doing here? one of them demanded, brandishing a crude weapon.

    Samuel stuttered and tried to explain his intentions, but the men weren't interested in his excuses. They seized him by the arms and dragged him towards a nearby hut, where they tossed him inside and locked the door.

    For hours, Samuel lay there in the dark, wondering what would become of him. He tried to calm himself down by thinking of his family back home and the life he had left behind, but the fear in his heart was too great to ignore.

    Just when he had given up all hope, he heard a sound at the door. The lock clicked and the door creaked open, revealing a tall man dressed in a flowing robe.

    I understand you are lost, my friend, the man said in a deep, gravelly voice. But fear not, for I am here to help you.

    Samuel felt a shiver run down his spine as the man approached him, his eyes locked onto his own. There was something about his presence that was both intimidating and alluring at the same time.

    Who are you? Samuel asked, his voice trembling.

    I am the warlord of these lands, the man replied, a hint of amusement in his tone. And you are my guest.

    With those words, the warlord took Samuel by the hand and led him out of the hut. As they walked through the village, Samuel felt the eyes of the other men on him, their expressions ranging from curiosity to envy.

    Is it true what they say about you? Samuel asked, unable to resist the taboo.

    What do they say? the warlord replied, a sly smile playing at the corners of his lips.

    That you're...different, Samuel said, fumbling for the right words.

    I am who I am, the warlord said, his voice becoming more serious. And you, my dear Samuel, are about to learn a lot about yourself.

    As they reached the outskirts of the village, Samuel saw a large tent looming in the distance. The warlord led him inside, where he revealed the true extent of his power.

    Here, in my tent, I am king, he said, his eyes gleaming in the soft light. And you, my dear Samuel, are my slave.

    Samuel protested, but the warlord was unyielding. He stripped Samuel of his clothes and began to touch him in ways he had never experienced before. As his body surrendered to the pleasure and pain of the warlord's dominance, Samuel felt a part of himself awaken that he had never known existed.

    As the night wore on, Samuel felt himself falling deeper and deeper into the warlord's spell. He knew that he was in danger, but he also knew that he had found something within himself that he had been searching for his whole life. And with that realization, he surrendered himself completely to the warlord's will.

    Samuel woke up the next morning, still feeling the effects of the warlord's domination from the night before. He couldn't deny the pleasure he had experienced, but he was also confused and conflicted about his newfound sexuality.

    As he emerged from his tent, he saw the warlord waiting for him outside. The warlord's eyes bore into his, and Samuel felt himself becoming aroused again.

    Good morning, Samuel, the warlord said, his voice deep and commanding.

    Good morning, Samuel replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

    The warlord approached him, placing a hand on Samuel's shoulder and guiding him towards his tent. Samuel couldn't resist the warlord's touch, and he followed him willingly.

    Once inside the tent, the warlord pushed Samuel onto the bed and climbed on top of him. He began to kiss Samuel's neck and chest, trailing his fingers down Samuel's torso.

    Samuel moaned as the warlord's hands reached his waistband, pulling his pants down to reveal his erect member. The warlord took Samuel in his mouth, sucking and licking him until Samuel felt like he was about to explode.

    Please, sir, Samuel begged, his body writhing with pleasure.

    But the warlord denied him release, pulling away and climbing off the bed.

    You are not yet ready for release, he said, his voice firm.

    Samuel felt both frustration and longing, his body aching for more.

    Please, sir, I want to serve you, he said, unsure of his own words.

    The warlord smiled down at him, his eyes gleaming with wicked pleasure.

    Very well, Samuel. But you must first learn to surrender to me completely.

    And with that, the warlord took control once again, dominating Samuel in a way he had never experienced before. As Samuel writhed beneath him, he realized that he was beginning to feel something more than just physical pleasure - he was developing feelings for the warlord.

    But he also knew that those feelings were dangerous, and that he had to keep them hidden if he wanted to survive in this strange and violent world.

    Samuel couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt as he sat in the corner of the tent, his hands and ankles bound tightly. He had to escape, had to get out of this place. His mind raced with different escape plans as he tried to loosen his bindings, but nothing seemed to work.

    As he struggled, he heard the warlord enter the tent, his footsteps echoing against the canvas. Samuel tried to hide his panic as the warlord approached him.

    You thought you could escape me? The warlord's voice was low and dangerous as he towered over Samuel.

    I was just trying to...I didn't mean to...please, Samuel stammered,

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