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Dominating The Straight British Werewolf
Dominating The Straight British Werewolf
Dominating The Straight British Werewolf
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Dominating The Straight British Werewolf

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When Liam, a British werewolf, attacks a human on a London street and is caught in the act, he develops unexpected feelings for the human and struggles with confusing desires and impulses.

Release dateMay 17, 2023
Dominating The Straight British Werewolf

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    Dominating The Straight British Werewolf - Sebastian Davidson

    Dominating The Straight British Werewolf

    By Sebastian Davidson

    Liam woke up with a start. His body was aching, and he could feel his muscles tightening up. It was time for him to transform. He knew it was about to happen, but he still wasn't ready. He could hear the howling of his peers from the pack, calling him to join them out in the woods.

    As he got up from his bed, he saw his reflection in the mirror. He was a 6-foot-tall wolf with fur as black as the night. His eyes were the color of amber, and they glowed in the dark. He shook his head and went to the door, pushing it open with his muzzle.

    The first thing he noticed was the smell. The scent of humans was strong, and it was driving him crazy. He could hear their conversations and laughter in the distance. He knew that they were going to be his prey.

    He ran faster and faster, fueled by his instincts and his hunger. He was getting closer, and he felt his heart rate increasing with each step. Suddenly, he heard a voice.

    Hey! What are you doing here?

    Liam stopped in his tracks and looked up. He saw a man with brown hair and blue eyes, staring at him with surprise.

    Did you just talk? the man asked.

    Liam didn't know what to do. He was supposed to attack the man, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he just stood there, looking at him.

    The man took a step forward, and Liam growled, warning him to stay back. But the man didn't seem afraid. He just looked at him with curiosity.

    It's okay, the man said softly. I won't hurt you. What's your name?

    Liam didn't understand. Why wasn't the man afraid of him? He was a wolf, after all. He could kill him in an instant.

    What are you? the man asked.

    Liam didn't know what to say. He was just a werewolf, but he couldn't explain that to the man.

    The man smiled and reached out his hand. Come on, he said. Let's go for a walk.

    Liam hesitated at first, but he felt a pull towards the man. He smelled different than other humans, and it was enticing. He took a step forward and sniffed him.

    The man laughed and scratched the back of his ears. You're a werewolf, aren't you? he said.

    Liam was surprised. How did the man know?

    It's okay, the man said. I won't tell anyone. I'm Tom, by the way. What's your name?

    Liam, he said, surprising himself that he could speak.

    Tom smiled. Nice to meet you, Liam. Do you want to come with me?

    Liam knew it was a bad idea, but he couldn't resist. He nodded his head, and they walked away together, leaving the pack and his instincts behind.

    As they walked, Tom told him about his life in London, his job, his friends, and his family. Liam listened with fascination, never having talked to a human before.

    When they reached the park, Tom sat on a bench, and Liam sat down next to him. Tom took out a sandwich from his backpack and offered it to Liam.

    Here, he said. You look hungry.

    Liam was surprised. He had never eaten human food before. But he was curious, so he took a bite. It was delicious, and he licked his lips, wanting more.

    Tom laughed. You like it, huh? Here, take the rest.

    Liam couldn't believe it. He was sitting in a park, eating a sandwich with a human. It was like he was in a dream.

    As they finished eating, Tom leaned in and kissed him. Liam was startled at first, but then he felt something that he had never felt before. It was a feeling of warmth and comfort, and he realized that he was in love with Tom.

    I love you, Liam said, surprising himself.

    Tom smiled. I love you too, Liam.

    And in that moment, everything changed for Liam. He didn't want to be a werewolf anymore. He wanted to be with Tom and live a normal life. But he knew it was impossible. He had to decide whether he wanted to be a part of the pack or to leave everything behind for love.

    Liam's heart was heavy as he roamed the dark streets of London with his pack. He had a lot on his mind, and his mind kept racing with thoughts of Tom. He kept thinking about the way Tom looked at him with those warm, welcoming eyes. He couldn't believe that a human could be so kind. He was slowly falling for Tom. He wished he could be with him, but he knew deep down inside that it could never be. He was a werewolf, and Tom was human.

    Suddenly, Liam's pack came to an abrupt halt. They had found their prey. Liam's heart ached as he realized that they were about to attack an innocent human. He tried to control his urges, but the scent was too intoxicating. His wolf took over, and he had no choice but to follow his pack's lead.

    As they approached the man, Liam noticed that the man looked familiar. It was Tom! It was the same human that had shown him kindness not too long ago. Liam's heart began to race with fear and anger. How could he attack someone he had grown to care so much about?

    Liam's pack began to circle around Tom, slowly closing in on him. Liam could see the fear in Tom's eyes, and he knew that he had to act quickly. He needed to save Tom from his pack before it was too late.

    Stop! Liam shouted, hoping that his pack would listen to him. But they were too far gone, and they refused to back down.

    Liam growled as he watched his pack start to attack Tom. He knew that he couldn't just stand there and watch as Tom was torn apart. He had to act fast. He lunged towards his pack, hoping to push them away from Tom.

    Get off him! Liam snarled, his voice rising with anger.

    His pack turned on him, growling and snarling as they tried to push him out of the way. But Liam was

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