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Bad Coach
Bad Coach
Bad Coach
Ebook35 pages19 minutes

Bad Coach

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About this ebook

My college gymnastics coach taught me SO much more than I had expected. Sure, I won some trophies here and there and was returned to the first team but I had a more important trophy on my mind. When he tried to use his position to trick me into doing things he had no idea that he was the one being tricked, and he did everything I wanted.

Release dateMay 17, 2023
Bad Coach

Suzanne St. Louis

I always thought of myself as an innocent type person, until later in life. Having been married once I knew much better what I wanted the second time around and I found him. While being the most wonderful man I have ever met he also opened me up (in more ways than one) to a widely varied, exceedingly satisfying and tremendously wild sex life.I will admit I always did like sex and usually had orgasms, even with my first husband but I now absolutely LOVE everything I do with my new husband. I was always fairly quiet when I was making love and it pretty much always happened in our bed but over the last years I have had sex all over the house, inside, outside, in public places including the side of the road and many other erotic spots.I am now a much more vocal lover and certainly much more fun and I usually cannot wait for us to be together. My writing of erotica came about because of this "blossoming" of my own sexuality. I simply cannot believe how excited I get writing about our exploits and exploits we want to have! I write from my husband's perspective because most all are his stories.I hope you enjoy and come back often.

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    Bad Coach - Suzanne St. Louis


    Suzanne St. Louis


    Copyright 2023 Suzanne St. Louis

    Published by Suzanne St. Louis at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy.

    This book contains adult content and is intended for people over the age of 18. Any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidence.

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    Table of Contents



    Chapter one – Background

    Chapter two – Training

    Chapter three – Crossing The Line

    Chapter four – A Little Kink

    Chapter five – Back Door Action

    About Suzanne St. Louis

    Other books by Suzanne St. Louis


    As always, I must thank my husband Jack for opening my eyes to a new world of sexuality that I had never experienced.

    I now demand what I want, and I get it. We do so many things in our love life now and it is all fun. My stories are fueled by our own experiences that include toys, talk, submission, restraints and just about anything else one can

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