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The Road Less Travel: The Road Warrior: Life as a Road Chapter
The Road Less Travel: The Road Warrior: Life as a Road Chapter
The Road Less Travel: The Road Warrior: Life as a Road Chapter
Ebook185 pages3 hours

The Road Less Travel: The Road Warrior: Life as a Road Chapter

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I try to tell people be real with yourself with real problems in a real world itself. It's real but don't let your guard down, not for one bit and that road that you are traveling on is just around the corner just a few steps through your soul. A close encounter comes, you have a burning passion inside of y

Release dateMay 17, 2023
The Road Less Travel: The Road Warrior: Life as a Road Chapter

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    The Road Less Travel - Anthony Lee


    The Road Less Travel: The Road Warrior

    Life as a road chapter


    All scriptures are all in King James version

    It’s always midnight somewhere.



    Copyright © 2022 Anthony Ruben Lee

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case

    of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    All scriptures are all in King James version.

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    Cover design words by Marvin Quines

    Front & back cover design images by Anthony Ruben Lee


    This book is dedicated to those who are struggling within themselves in their mind, body, and soul during their Christian walk, having fears of the unknown. You are not alone. Jesus Christ is with you in every step of the way till your breaking point starts. I tell you that you are the light of the world, that you have a message to give to them. With the real me in this book, with words from heaven, and with my first book going public, there will be mixed emotions. Some will love it; some will not. Who cares, when you are hearing from God from a different side you will appreciate.

    Thank you, dad for teaching me the ways of Christ and your Love and understanding and wisdom forever your son, my dad, forever HECTOR J. LARIZ

    And for my mother also for your love and for believing in me every step of the way your drive and determination forever your son, my mother forever DEBORAH LEE LARIZ


    I know that I am living the Christian way still having hell on earth this was not in my job description and that kind of devil like this always a step ahead of the game of me he thinks I know something that he does not know yet ok.

    The devil keeps on throwing those stones at me you see that I have been clean by the blood of Jesus that you are giving me hell I just want you to think that going the other way with this I am going to flap the scrip on you.

    That I am going to where you tempted my Jesus in the desert wilderness for forty days and nights, but you been tempting a lot of people these days pushing them to the edge of a cliff making them fall into sin depending on the person how far they want to go some learn quicker than others do.

    And that other side they are losing their minds to Satan I am not losing my mind and in thinking that I am writing about you yes, but I am really getting healing from my addictions the more I write the more I get free from mind games from you.

    That I am paying attention for once in my life standing up and destroying the enemies plans very few people knows what’s going on in this jungle world that we are living in we keep on slapping ourselves in the face just to realizes that the devil was doing the slapping the puppet master in some body’s mind making a nest in many roadblocks.

    And are getting tired of doing it yourself and know what you are walking away what for because of the battle that sat down on your lap or the sample fact that you are alone, and nobody is helping no thinking self you need some color in your eyes to live it up your life always thinking black and white thoughts in your mind.

    No more lies no more throwing stuff across the room throwing all kinds of guilt, shame, depression, cutting yourself just to see the blood come out of you felling low as dirt that’s how you feel right now when you die that’s where the body are going back to the dirt where it where it came from.

    Sometimes it feels like you are losing breath losing your scent of direction nowhere to turn to always walking into strange, weird off places streets that you never been on always jumping into car’s pack up trucks eighteen wheelers and trains going from state to state never staying in one place to long saying to yourself I was born for the road.

    God should have told me that I was going to be moving around like this none stop do not blame God for your missed up choices you wanted to

    be there way did you walk in that bar tonight the devil spoke to you in the back of your mind or ear saying you only have one life to live if you ever reach.

    That Plato the climax in your life at that time let me know how does that feel I like birds singing when I have my bed windows open it is one of the first signs of spring if you can wake up with a smile on your face saying God I think you for letting me see another day to see and feel the sun on my face.

    Now that life taking every moment if it was your last day on earth and the day wears on like leaves falling off a tree you think that last leaves is your break throw hoping wishing griping your clothes harder with sweaty hands getting hyper just for nothing you are living in a grown-up body.

    But you are still the kid inside people look at you strange that something that you never seen are never had before wow young at heart you cannot beat that living a longer life no stress not having a double standard life crises all the time always straight and focus on the task at hand speaking of the task at hand if you can relate with me here.

    I know I am the only one had to grow up fast not enjoying your childhood the way you should the responsibly came to fast to you had to learn as go taking about home improvements with mix feels flying around.

    Your soul is crying from the inside out thinking to myself can people really see my pain roaring inside of me in my face some things you can’t learn them in day or week or a month but for years and years.

    Is this a fact or fiction going on in myself all I needed is just a touch

    of love can make the difference bend the law of fascists and just backed off and went the other way in life wondering if I would be still here with that decision left in the air.

    Can you get this the beds of sorrows there are a lot of pillows full of tears and pain how figure out how many times in a year that you have cried or felt a scent of breaking out of your shell you can finally spend some time with Jesus.

    Oh lord guide my soul in the nights of despair being confident about tomorrow no more fears creeping up in my eyes every day I am not a prisoner.

    I know you lord that you are my high tower that the bride of Christ has he’s ring around my heart and soul forever come near me with your light that warm’s my body and pulling back the veil to reveal my true self.

    A soul made perfect take me to that hiding place consume with your power you see there is a fight for your soul every single day that you are living on this earth, so God has the map never too late or too early to make that decision.

    God make’s it happens you only the tool to save some body life forever to unchain you from your addictions who is your life support God, or the world Jesus keeps the fire burning in your soul also will change the outside appearance in time change that was not you that’s the devil’s job to send you to hell with self-reflections whams.

    A place that offers protection and shelter from the storm or a state of mind that provides comfort to the soul that is Jesus calling out to you he wants you for himself arms stretched out toward him with eyes filled with love and compassion.

    You are seeing your own emotions and actions all go out the window and do you like what you see if the room was made of mirrors you closed the book on God but you opened it up to the world you are bring the people of this world to the devil’s darkness he thinks that he has power over us but some us Christians do have a sound mind and a pretty good soul foundation some point of their lives they are not Dum how much bad things has to happen for the world to wake up to the truth now to tell yourself so what road are going on today.

    The More I Pray

    The more joy of the Lord is my strength The more I fight for what is mine

    The more I can stand on his promises The more to let my light shine before men

    The more watching and praying without season The more I love your tender mercies

    The more I want to see Jesus’s face

    You are the water of life so fill me up, Lord this is my prayer to you.

    The More I Pray

    The more I am on fire for the Lord

    The more powerful the hit in the devil’s face The more I swing the sword of righteousness The greater the spiral expectations it is

    The more spiral blessings fall down There will be no more crying

    There will not be any more laws and rules to follow by.

    There will be more freedom to rule and reign with the saints of God.

    The More I Pray The more I decrease The more he increases

    The more I move in his voice

    The more I kill the flesh to revive my soul The more I train myself to be fearless The more I say the Lord is my strength

    To my last breath, the more I want to see Jesus

    The Road Less Travel: The Road Warrior


    Life as a road chapter

    As an inheritance from heaven above and from the Bible, the words have taught our hearts to rise. Ties, with unity to an uncorrupted body under no evil, fading into the clouds so high that all saints of all races are empowered by God. We are kept in his arms of salvation. We walk by faith as strangers here, but Christ shall call us home. The Lord said in his Word in

    Isaiah 61:1-2

    1.The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

    2. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn." Have you become the enemy of the state?

    You have been predestined, purchased, post production, and been remodeled by the Maker’s hand. Is this you, my son, my daughter? My deepest fears in myself leaps out like an empty tunnel screaming from the top of my voice, asking myself, the other half of me has the passion for it but the other side is saying: I do not want to share this just with everyone else I do not have to offer this gift to this certain group of people. The question is can this take me to my breaking point? Do I have a future to look forward to? There are subjects of life that comes up. Where is God calling you? Out of hiding, yes, he is teaching me. He’s a voice that I can yield to my spirit, hungry and thirsty, just like we yield to flesh.

    When he does that to me, I am the true Christian. The true self shows up, comes out. Jesus, he, is keeping me. I am getting better with love of him in my heart. As the years go by, I am still standing on his promises. We see what the devil does. We can foresee the devil. We see what he can do. We are not alone. There are people praying for us, fighting the battle together If one of us gets hurt, the whole-body hurts. We all want to go to the finish line. We keep our arms up, with crushed fist, ready to fight all the time. We need to keep our arms down and let God do the fighting to grasp the Holy Spirit to grasp more fire more zeal for who you are the true self so God can move through you. I’m trying to focus on my prayerful life, focus on my life. Where am I going from here? My small story in this big world that which I’m living in God in all his ways he wants to be with you if you can think about it stop whatever you are doing stop for a second or two in your day Just think to yourself, What is the purpose of my life while life itself is going away right before my eyes, and I am unable to see clearly the


    Anthony Ruben Lee

    changes and series of things that I do not have control of?

    Flipping through the pages and chapters and also episodes of my life and in while thinking back, and I realize God has my pages and chapters and also episodes of my life. Yes, it is good to think about it, but who has plans for your life? I know that it seems so far off from you, so you think that God is not answering your prayers. There is no need to find him. He is there

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