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Unabridged Legend of the Angry One
Unabridged Legend of the Angry One
Unabridged Legend of the Angry One
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Unabridged Legend of the Angry One

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The complete story of the Legend of the Angry One's tale told by a Terrain native of planet Terra who's known with multiple naming identities before settling down on a name. This story is a stand by alone tale.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateMay 20, 2023
Unabridged Legend of the Angry One

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    Unabridged Legend of the Angry One - Beth Hoyer

    Unabridged Legend of the Angry One

    Edenia series Terra

    By Beth Hoyer 2023

    Hey tree pole! You go punch him! yelled twins in unison to be egging other younglings to target the Angry One who said Leave me alone.

    He was walking in the city carrying a basket of breads he ordered by the Sun Lords religious men of cloth You’re to get your own nourishment to explore the city yourself.

    He obeyed to get his own nourishment walking to the monastery intending to eat the food. The four younglings came upon him and made fun of his reed thin size tall in height by joke of tree pole.

    The twins were saying Tree pole hah you go punch him!

    The Angry One snarled Leave me alone I’m not doing anything to you!

    The younglings refused to listen to the Angry One instead one from behind pushed him onto the ground he eating dirt into his mouth. He had dropped the basket which other younglings picked up and began eating the breads piled into there.

    You to punch the dumbbell! twins continued to encourage the pusher to punch the Angry One who rolled around onto his back saying Leave me alone I’ve done nothing to you!

    The younglings refused to listen to his begging instead said Punch tree pole the dumbbell won’t fight back!

    The pusher began raining blows onto the Angry One who yelled Don’t hurt me!

    The pusher finding nothing amusing from punching the Angry One said This is dullsville I’m out of here!

    The youngling ran off leaving another youngling including the twins that were the loudmouths encouraging the Angry One’s suffering to their laughing amusement.

    The twins stewed Blast it!

    The Angry One raised his form up but one of the younglings landed a punch into his forehead making him groan Haw!

    The youngling shrugged Who cares?

    The youngling began punching and kicking the Angry One with one of the twins doing the same.

    The twin that wasn’t hitting remained standing snickering That’s it punch him! Kick him in the seat! Punch his face!

    An older male by grey shoulder length hair arrived into view with a roar That’s an enough!

    The male without a winded status lifted up one of the younglings by the back of the shirt that yelled What the depths?!

    The old man deposed the youngling off to the side that got the twins widen eyed shocked seeing him.

    The twins with glares said Stay out of this old man!

    The male refused by saying This isn’t proper to treat someone of your own peers like this behavior so stop that!

    The twins refused to budge instead held up fists and said Fight us old man you’re useless for fighting.

    The male said This isn’t proper for younglings like you to fight your elders.

    The younglings refused to listen instead began attacking him with hands in fists punching and legs kicking at him. The male using trained combative art dubbed karate fought them off including grabbing one by the shirt to dangle his feet demonstrating his strong strength to the younglings.

    One of the younglings in response seeing he couldn’t defeat the male ran off Ah!

    He sounded of terror with scared attitude sensed from him.

    The twins in response said You’ll regret this old man for we’ll see you join the god of the underworld for this inference.

    The male said I already am in the underworld so spare me that talk.

    The twins one of them tried to raise a fist to punch but the other twin got the male’s hidden message Don’t fight not proper! grabbed his brother and shook his head no.

    The twins by silent communication between them mentally came to agreement.

    The one that got wits said Stay away from us old man!

    The male said Granted provided I don’t catch you doing this behavior again.

    The twin that caught wits grabbed his twin and yanked him away who the brother made a rude sign and ran off with him. The Angry One had bloody lips and bruised eyed look as he sat up groaning witnessing the exchange. The male went to him and with force grabbed his hand lifting him up to stand without his asking for help.

    The male firmly said Show me where your residence is I’ll visit your parental raisers and explain this situation.

    The Angry One spoke weak voice I live in the monastery as raised by the Sun Lords of Winter.

    The male said Well lead the way and I’ll explain everything.

    He obeyed to show the monastery accompanied by the male.

    The monk in orange robes outside sweeping the steps as seeing the Angry One said You’re late!

    The Angry One said I’m not late I just ran into trouble.

    The monk said Trouble involving a clumsy crashing into a food booth? I heard about that involving your facial looking like that status.

    The Angry One said It wasn’t that but-

    The male clamped a hand over his mouth and said I’ve currently trained in combative art I like to teach him as a student.

    The monk said This’ll teach you Angry One to avoid being clumsy.

    The Angry One wanted to throw an angry fit in response to that clumsy accusation but the male said I’ll train him well so show me where I can teach him the movements.

    The monk obeyed to show the courtyard open to the air. This is where the male taught the Angry One combative art of karate as dubbed over a thirty suns’ cycle as his body grew to indicate adulthood.

    The male said I’m Sensei Jinks as I wished to refer as for I train you karate.

    The Angry One was said by the Sun Lords of that monastery We dubbed you the Angry One from your always angry attitude.

    Sensei Jinks refused to accept that term instead said I give you the name of Mindbender.

    The Angry One said I accept the name Mindbender.

    The Angry One said Name is Mindbender towards the Sun Lords who said That’ll be your name.

    Sensei Jinks’ left the monastery at the beginning of Mother Sun’s new journey without a word of goodbye for he warned his pupil Mindbender There are others suffering your situation I have to go train as called.

    Mindbender agreed to Sensei Jinks’ leaving without protest or bothered to ask about him instead said I’m to practice the training up as taught I keep it up till I’m have body’s automatic muscle movements to do them by instincts.

    A habit he kept as his body filled out muscular look and height by tallness reached its limits.

    Mindbender once in his newly adult sized body got told by the Sun Lords said You reached the age of choice decide on what to do with your own life. We don’t decide for you.

    He decided to travel around the continental island of Americana said Final frontier for natives to seek their fortune and find a purpose to do.

    The monastery was on an island bordering the continental Americana territory of Cambecca by the oceanic waters that required boats to cross to the mainland.

    Mindbender left the monastery by a monk said You can walk out if you want without asking for permission.

    He at Mother Sun’s new journey rising in the sky from horizon obeyed to take a coin bag of coins money he earned saved up from servitude to the Sun Lords when he was raised by them. Mindbender took the boat to Cambecca he figured he’ll live there as a jack of all tradesman. He refused to give a name to anyone whenever he met on travels by to only silently become a brick wall refusing to talk to anyone giving him greetings.

    Good airs to you. someone said towards him hoping to get him to talk that assumed He’s mute.

    He saluted hand fisted arm diagonal across his chest in greeting with a bow towards people refusing to verbalize words or speak much.

    Mindbender did recognize the insult said towards him You’re a dumbbell for being mute.

    He shrugged that off and walked away without a comment ignoring them than commenting to the person yelled Mute!

    Mindbender didn’t take the idea of assassination job onto a gang of three males robbing travelers taken the pathway a trail location marked to be a location leading from Cambecca’s territory to Canbella till an incident.

    A Sheriff as titled peacekeeper law group of that territory ordered Reward for those ruffians brought to me dead for their crimes.

    The robbing males were able to outwit groups trying to find them in the forest lands of Ella Ville said to be where their home based.

    Mindbender was drinking his lemonade drink in an eatery’s barroom when he met the Sheriff who said like asked like any of the males handed a piece of paper drawing of the triplets then told You find those ruffians and get the reward.

    Mindbender took the paper leaving it onto the counter as he gulped the rest of his drink.

    He was thinking Not my problem.

    He ignored the Sheriff going around handing males pieces of paper and saying his familiar wording. Mindbender figured he’ll leave the town depot and go elsewhere into the forests taking the pathway route to Canbella.

    He went to his horse and rode the mare into Ella Ville forest till his ride indicated Enough I need a rest!

    Mindbender figured he’ll obey set up camp in a clearing to sit resting. He heard plants’ like bushes rumbling in a distance like someone running through them cracking and scraping.

    He ignored that noise till he heard Help me!

    Mindbender heard the noise sounded pleading to look in time to see a female seeing him shouted I’m answering to the name Mali Ball I need your help!

    Mali Ball collapsed in front of him she begged Save me!

    She looked like she was running into bushes that tore her from her ripped clothes that made him said I’ll get you to town where you can get help but that’s not my business.

    He took Mali Ball to the route to the town depot for medical help when his horse with her collapsed from a noise of a gunshot. The noise turned out to be a newly invented by Americans’ gun weapon of one projectile fired from the three males that tracked her. Mali Ball acted scared when his horse collapsed recognizing the noise of a gun he didn’t know at the time. The males arrived onto their horses one fired the gun weapon at the ground he recognized it as a weapon.

    One of them with a sneering attitude said Get on the horse you woman.

    The male gestured for her to obey but she refused backing up clutching Mindbender’s arm ironclad like No I’m not doing that.

    One of the males aimed their weapon at him and fired that knocked him backwards to a still position. Mali Ball’s screams of terror haunted him as one of the males grabbed her onto his horse and rode away.

    Mindbender during his status of stillness unable to move saw a door wooden slats style form into his mind with Aikido language wordings as said Mindbender the Berserker.

    He with a hand mentally opened the door sliding it open this followed by knowledge of the mental mind telekinetic abilities of the Berserker downloaded into his mind he recognized how to use them.

    Berserker forwards projectile out. he commanded mentally from the information.

    This followed by his eyes flaring golden colored their First Ones’ eyed look but changing colors from black to that color whenever he had the Berserker in control. Mindbender felt something in his chest like a projectile sitting onto the skin as Mother Sun took a rest when he woke up to move. He found Mother Sun was completely rested the night vision of purple for objects and pinks for living beings flared into his eyes. He discovered he had the night vision easily which didn’t matter if his Berserker’s side was in control or not. Mindbender removed the object from his chest examining the projectile was made out of metallic silver shaped like a round cylinder in smallness size. He examined where one of the males’ fired their weapon to find a similar projectile. He tossed them aside and went to attend to his horse he found was deceased with items he had onto the saddle taken off by the males.

    Mindbender felt rage anger hitting him roared Rah fly!

    The ground around him went up into a spinning tornado like storm as mysteriously found by travelers to the area who said Deity lord finger of the god’s anger.

    Mindbender roared angrily losing to his rage that caused a clearly like damaged area travelers found later on. The tornado didn’t last long instead he calmed himself down and figured he’ll find the males and personally assassinate them.

    Fly stop. He mentally commanded issuing the tornado like storm to quit as he obeyed as a voice screaming at him Keep the Berserker in control!

    Mindbender obeyed to let the Berserker in control as he with practice of tracking living beings that are four footed that aren’t humanoid bipeds. He using his newly mental abilities managed to track the camp where the males where keeping themselves in a clearing by lighted solar powered battery lighters illuminating the area. He saw Mali Ball herself tied up lying on her side with eyes open looking still like dead to the world while wearing ropes on her wrists. He sensed she was dead by her own body naturally killed her, the males clueless of her death’s status assumed she was shocked speechless. Mindbender wanted to charge the males to attack but his training by Sensei Jinks as referred came to mind made him hold himself back.

    Wait and be patient there’ll be an opening for an attack. That training lesson he was taught by Sensei Jinks.

    He jumped climbing a tree acrobatically he observed didn’t have ropy sound alarms to signal intruder’s arrival. Mindbender observed the males keeping a watch when he could attack when they indicated them sleeping. Mindbender didn’t have long to wait as one of the males sat up like keeping watch. He climbed down the tree and slowly with alertness made his way to the camp. It’s at the bushes hiding by a rosebush plant a Meritanian identified later he used mental hands’ movements to make objects around the camp hit the awaken guard.

    The guard kept rubbing his back snarling Enough!

    Mindbender using mental movements got one of the objects from the sleepers hit the guard onto the back of the head who roared That’s an enough of that joke so stop that!

    The sleeping males hearing their companion’s noises woke up sputtering What the depths?! said one while the other said What are you talking about?! I’m sleeping!

    The guard lifted up the gun weapon that was hit onto the back of his head snarling Stop the joke of throwing things at me with this thing!

    The one not identified as the thrower said Handle this by yourself I need my sleep.

    He rolled over thrusting the blanket over his head. The guard darted towards the one identified as the thrower and threw the gun onto the ground in front of it.

    Mindbender made the gun land firing itself hitting the sleeping one who groaned Ooh!

    The male got up from his bed yelling You idiot!

    The guard said I didn’t do anything! The gun did this!

    The male darted towards the sleeper that Mindbender commanded the one shot by projectile Down!

    The male went to examine the shot sleeper who remained unresponsive making him snarl You idiot you killed him with that gun of yours!

    The guard held up his hands in surrender gesture saying I didn’t mean to do that!

    The male grabbed the gun weapon from the sleeper’s bedroll and darted towards the guard while snarling You’re paying for this!

    The guard said No! No!

    The male shot him point blank range with the projectile by gun.

    Mindbender used the command Down!

    The command was obeyed by the guard collapsing indicated a death status as Mindbender patiently waited as the male threw the gun onto the ground then threw his other gun onto the ground out of disgust sensed.

    He commanded with telekinetically to make the second gun turn firing the male’s foot who groaned Ouch!

    The male limped himself to his bedroll to collapsed onto it groaning This smarts!

    Mindbender waited as the male collapsed from the pain groaning and moaning then he pulled out another handgun’s weapon to fire it point blank range at his chest. He sensed the male deceased himself from the shooting. Mindbender got up and examined the camp undoing the traps and examining the males he commanded Die!

    They died as indicated from both his command and from the projectile weapons fired at them. He went to find the horses two of them finding the third broke off ropes and ran off. The remaining two were panicky pulling their ropes while in a clearing bordering the camp with a lone wagon for traveling carrying items.

    Mindbender willed aside the Berserker by command mentally Berserker away. reforming the door into his mind.

    He went to each of the twinning horses calming them down then went to the camp putting the items onto the horses and cart including the bodies of the deceased onto the wagon then hooked them up to pull.

    Mindbender recalled the sheriff’s office ordered the horses with the reins Giddy up!

    The horses obeyed without questioning him as he rode them to the travelers’ depot camp as the Mother Sun was already starting her journey in the sky. He saw people at his arrival looked at him suspiciously that widen their eyes seeing the deceased in the wagon. He found the Sheriff standing in front of his office’s jail residential housing like waiting for him.

    Mindbender got off the wagon tying the horses to the stand with the crowd gathered watching him they muttering Mute one!

    Mindbender ignored them verbalized as said Situation taken care of. I found her along the way.

    The crowd gasped hearing him speak as the Sheriff went to inspect the wagon’s deceased bodies the male said Yah their, the ruffians I’ve been seeking causing trouble.

    The crowd gasped in response as the Sheriff added Good airs that you found her she was report missing declared disappeared from her horse returned without her. Her family assumed her horse threw her off from spooked status. They’ll be relieved to attend to the remains.

    Mindbender kept his silence as the Sheriff with a glare at the crowd said Move along this isn’t a peep show!

    The crowd obeyed some chattering to themselves Mute one can talk.

    The Sheriff spoke addressing him Come along sir while I see you’re rewarded as oath.

    He obeyed to go inside the residence as the Sheriff got him into a jail cell saying Take a rest you look like your about to drop. I have to make arrangements to make this legal.

    Mindbender obeyed to lie onto the bed of the jail cell sideways shutting his eyes resting finding his body agreed to the stillness position.

    His mind whirled thoughts What should I do next?

    His Holiness said The Angry One’s training by Sensei Jinks got the teacher said You’re like obsessive with the fighting and training of yours. You have potential to become a fighting warrior trained to fight for others like assassins and guardians."

    An Assassin? it was what Mindbender seemingly thought to himself as he lied there.

    This started a Cambecca legend of an assassin targeting law breakers in the territory that got the name of the Angry One later.

    Mindbender did realize from his obsessive habit of practicing the training added I can put to practice what I learned doing this literally with the Berserker.

    This is when the Angry One became known as an assassin as Mindbender made up his mind to become a killer to kill a targeted person which was done. The Sheriff kept his word paid Mindbender the monetary value of the males themselves brought dead with the female Mali Ball’s family paying for finding her remains. The legend began at first to focus onto the ruffians the Sheriff called the law breakers robbing people in Ella Ville the pathway from Cambecca to Canbella than anywhere else.

    This started the saying warning among the natives as said Watch out for the Angry One if you break the law for he’s obsessed targeting you as criminal law breakers. This warning was said to be towards people in the territory of Cambecca including into other locations.

    There was an attitude from law breakers Who cares? He’s a legend he can’t do anything to me! they changed their attitude when Mindbender was detected radar focused onto them Ugh he’s the legend!

    His Holiness paused to sip another cup of liquid then continued his tale. Mindbender was traveling into the city of Torrid the capital of Cambecca for Ella Ville forest had become useless to hunt for criminals who aren’t using that area anymore. He went to the barroom an inn in a multiple like bedrooms residence building in the city is where he heard of the bank robbers among patrons. The overheard talk in the barroom of patrons grumbling talk trio of robbers managed to rob Human One Bank stealing their money.

    The trio seen barging into the Human One Bank with handguns firing yelling Hand over the money or else!

    The bankers’ two females obeyed despite fearful for their lives. One of the trio said once had the money in bag sex on the brain attitude.

    He was an idiot said Let’s take the females with us!

    The other said No I’m not taking them, money is all I cared!

    The third said Whatever who cares do whatever you want.

    The one that spoke the money command fired the gun at the idiot that spoke the kidnapping the females’ command who slumped to the ground groaning.

    The one who fired the weapon said Women are useless wrecking up everything so let’s get out of here and leave this idiot here to fend for his own self!

    His companion agreed said More money for me!

    The robbers darted out by horses galloping away.

    The female bankers went to the shot one who spoke Victoria Falls.

    He slumped over surrendering to death which the Mounties were sent to the bank to report to them Bank robbed with one of the robbers shooting their companion that said Victoria Falls.

    Victoria Falls was a water fountain area in the middle of Torrid the city to the confusion of the Mounties that thought Whatever he’s babbling about?

    They met failure trying to track the remaining robbers which their Commander ordered This bank’s robbing is to be spread by word of mouth with pictorial drawing of the robbers to be found handed to the available male to hunt for them and bring them to justice.

    One of the Mounties meeting Mindbender at that inn’s barroom handed him a piece of paper with drawing of the twinning robbers that made his senses blare warning.

    I know those two somewhere I’m not sure of where. He thought to himself.

    The Mounties’ guard said Find them and bring them to justice and figure out the wording saying Victoria Falls as said by their shot deceased companion before he surrendered to the God of the Underworld.

    Victoria Falls as recalled wasn’t the name of the water fountain in the park of the city but in a forest location where lovers wanted to speak oaths of binding would speak and dunk them underneath the watery falling water. He took the picture and drank down his lemonade going to his room for the city was in curfew lockdown refusing to let travelers travel around during the nighttime of Mother Sun not shining in the sky.

    Mindbender once Mother Sun shined a new journey went to the innkeeper saying A fresh horse to travel is that allowed?

    The innkeeper said Sir as long as you return the horse back to the inn.

    He held up the picture of the robbers and said This is what I’m doing.

    The innkeeper said I give you good airs for seeking them.

    He obeyed to take the horse from the stable and traveled to the surrounding forests’ area on the outskirts of the city taking a route to the cliffhanger area where water would spill into a pool identified Love’s Dove Falls nicknamed Victoria Falls.

    His horse midway on the way to an area of the falls sounded whinnied No I’m not going further.

    Mindbender recognized the horse was pointing out Something’s wrong for me to walk.

    He got off the horse and examined the ground finding a trap for stepping into it would lock around an ankle of a humanoid or break a foot for a horse. He figured the horse’s duty was done riding tied her to a tree she munched onto a rosebush plant a Meritanian ignoring him. Horses have become habitually pointers of Meritanians by chewing onto their leaves to point the plant out to humanoids. Mindbender carefully with examination onto the ground and elsewhere above him found traps in a location that indicated habituation. He smelled an eater’s smoke within vicinity including sounded loudly like laughter. Mindbender picked his way around the traps to the clearing finding two males seated at on a fallen tree in the area with campground’s setting for camping counting money from a bag labeled Human One Bank.

    That female is a tree pole no boobs and not worth my suns! said one male laughing as Mindbender jerked hearing his voice of shock I heard his voice from somewhere.

    The other male counting money said Who cares? Women are witches for breeding.

    He exhaled a breath hearing the voice sounded familiar to him as he focused onto the males to notice they looked like he saw them before for they were twins from appearances.

    Mindbender kept squatting waiting and listening for attack as he used Sensei Jinks’ teaching One must be patient before attack.

    He willed forwards the Berserker as if needing to use that ability in control and waited as the male counting money said I got to go take a leak.

    He got up adjusting his pants and went to a plant in the clearing as the other male pulled out a handgun and got up sneaking towards the one at the rosebush.

    There was a twig snapping sound Mindbender heard as the male at the plant said Be quiet! while spinning around with widen eyes seeing his fellow companion holding up the handgun to fire at him.

    The male yelled What the depths are you doing?!

    His companion fired the handgun at him which he collapsed groaning Son of a gun tricked by an old man!

    Mindbender stiffened hearing the words old man to recognize belonged to one of the younglings that attacked him as a youngster that caused Sensei Jinks’ interference. It’s recalled the twins that ordered young Mindbender’s attack were out of sight no where to be found after a fighting battle with them Sensei Jinks interrupted their fight to take him away. Mindbender met the younglings and used his trained in combative art meeting them again to fight them in another battle.

    He did on a break of Sensei Jinks’ teaching found the twins and companion youngling and fought them both in a battle saying You did this to me you deserve this joke!

    Sensei Jinks arrived grabbing him wrapping arms around him yanking him away while ordering the twins and companion You to leave, my student need to learn a lesson involving humility.

    The twins with companion obeyed and escaped the island as heard as rumored they reached age of choice left to elsewhere. It’s recalled that Mindbender kept trying to find the twins and companion to fight them again despite Sensei Jinks frowned heavily on that fighting status. Mindbender shook his head of his reverie to watch as the male that shot his companion pulled out another handgun. The male twisted around firing the projectile of the handgun marksmanship aimed at him like seeing him through the bushes.

    Mindbender held up a hand saying Shield hover!

    He found the projectile hovered in front of him as the male said Peeping tom idiot.

    He mentally commanded Throw forwards.

    The projectile hit the male onto the shoulder who turned aside in time to avoid the projected into chest as a wound.

    The male dropped the handgun groaning Ouch that smarts!

    The male pulled out a long knife with his free hand and darted towards him as he got up walking out of the bushes into the clearing confident he could easily knock down. Mindbender found the ground erupt around him with a net like rope trap raising him above the sky dangling him net clinging to his body with part of the rope wrapped around his neck.

    I’m too confident with arrogance. He thought as the male with the knife snickered There that’ll take care of yah.

    Mindbender forced himself to calm using commands Throw back!

    He found the net pinning his body dropping off leaving the rope around his neck he wisely grabbed with both hands to avoid choking to death.

    He pulled himself up despite male down below snarled Impossible move!

    Mindbender using brute strength and upper body managed to get up the rope till it wasn’t tight around his neck by friction which he removed. He adjusted the ropes in his hands then swung down feet aimed at the shocked male that widen eyed look as he arrowed towards his chest with booted foot. The feet hit the male firm onto the chest who fell backwards groaning oh as Mindbender acrobatically flipped over him to land onto a crouch nearby. He was careful of traps in the clearing his eyes closer to the ground detected another ropy like trap if he moved his foot wrong way. Mindbender glared at the male that scrambled up a fast move that picked up his knife and threw it at him. He used the hover command and threw the knife back onto the male that hit home into the man’s other shoulder that wasn’t injured.

    Ouch no! the male yelled groaning of pain and began crawling towards a fallen handgun nearby him.

    Mindbender forced himself to slowly walk to the male till both reached each other. He saw the male managed to reach the handgun to grab it but his shoulders’ pain was making his grips shaky that fired it. The male slumped over dead handgun still in his hand firing end point at his own chest by accidentally shooting

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