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The Football Team's Gay Virgin
The Football Team's Gay Virgin
The Football Team's Gay Virgin
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The Football Team's Gay Virgin

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In the hot-blooded world of football, a new player has to fit in with the team. He's expecting a little hazing, but what he doesn't expect is an initiation into a whole new world, where dominant football players expect him to prove his worth, inch by inch.

Release dateMay 21, 2023
The Football Team's Gay Virgin

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    The Football Team's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The Football Team's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    The sun was setting over the football field, casting a warm and golden glow across the green turf. The sound of cleats clattering against concrete mingled with the shouts and laughter of the players as they warmed up. Among them was Josh, a tall and muscular young man with short dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He was new to the team, having transferred to this college just a few weeks ago, but he felt confident that he would fit in well.

    As he jogged around the field, stretching his legs and loosening up, Josh surveyed his teammates. They were a diverse group, ranging in height, weight, and ethnicity, but they all shared a deep love of the game. Some of them were huddled together discussing strategy, while others were throwing a ball back and forth. Josh felt a surge of excitement at the thought of playing with them, of being part of something bigger than himself.

    Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a broad-shouldered young man with a friendly smile.

    Hey there, new guy, the man said, extending a hand. I'm Isaac. Welcome to the team.

    Josh shook his hand, feeling a sense of relief at the warmth in Isaac's voice.

    Thanks, he said. I'm Josh. I'm really excited to be here.

    Isaac nodded. Good to hear. We could use some fresh blood, if you know what I mean.

    Josh raised an eyebrow. What do you mean?

    Isaac chuckled. Oh, you'll see. This team doesn't mess around. We're the best in the league, and we don't take any prisoners. You ready to prove yourself?

    Josh felt a flicker of apprehension. He had always loved football, but he had never played at this level before. He was afraid that he might not be good enough, that he might let his new teammates down.

    But he refused to let his fear show. Absolutely, he said, his voice firm. I'm here to win.

    Isaac grinned. That's what I like to hear. Come on, let's warm up together.

    As they jogged around the field, Josh felt a sense of camaraderie with Isaac and the other players. They were all here for the same reason, all driven by the same love of the game. And even though he was still new to the team, he felt like he had found a home.

    As the team began their first practice, Josh felt his excitement quickly turn to nerves. He was not used to being on a team with such skilled players, and he knew he had to bring his A-game if he wanted to make a good impression.

    One player, in particular, seemed to be adding to Josh's nerves. His name was Kyle, and he was a tall, muscular guy who had an intense look in his eyes. Kyle kept eyeing Josh up and down, and it made him feel uncomfortable.

    During a drill, Kyle purposefully bumped into Josh, causing him to fumble the ball. Watch it, newbie, Kyle barked at Josh, his voice filled with aggression.

    Isaac, who was standing nearby, noticed the tension and stepped in to defend Josh. Hey, Kyle, ease up. We're all on the same team here, he said, placing a hand on Josh's shoulder.

    If he can't handle a little bump, he doesn't belong on the field, Kyle retorted, causing Josh to feel even more insecure.

    The rest of practice continued with the tension between the two players growing. Josh found himself making mistakes, and he could tell the coach was starting to lose patience with him. By the end of the practice, Josh had been demoted to the bench.

    Feeling defeated, Josh headed to the locker room. Isaac followed behind and offered some encouragement. Don't worry about Kyle. He's just a bully. You'll get your chance to prove yourself, he said with a reassuring smile.

    Josh took a deep breath and tried to shake off the disappointment. He knew he had to work harder if he wanted to earn a spot on the team. As he changed out of his uniform, he made a mental note to focus on his skills and show everyone that he had what it takes to be a starter.

    The party was in full swing by the time Josh arrived. He had been nervous about attending, but Isaac had convinced him that it would be a good opportunity to meet the rest of the team. Music was blaring and alcohol was flowing freely. Josh scanned the room, looking for familiar faces.

    Isaac was across the room, chatting with a group of guys. He caught Josh's eye and beckoned for him to come over. Josh made his way across the room, his heart racing.

    Josh, this is Ryan, Isaac said as he gestured towards a handsome guy standing next to him. Ryan, this is Josh. He's a new addition to the team.

    Nice to meet you, Josh, Ryan said with a warm smile.

    Nice to meet you too, Josh replied, feeling a bit shy.

    The conversation flowed easily between the three of them as they talked about football, school, and their shared interests. Josh found himself drawn to Ryan's easy-going nature and sense of humor.

    As the night wore on, the group moved out to the backyard where a bonfire had been set up. Ryan grabbed a couple of beers and handed one to Josh.

    So, Josh, tell me about yourself, Ryan said as he took a sip of his beer.

    Josh felt a flush creep up his neck. Well, I'm from a small town in the Midwest. This is my first time in the city. I'm really excited to be on the football team and make new friends.

    Ryan smiled. That's great. I'm from here, born and raised. It can be a bit overwhelming at times, but it's a great city.

    Josh nodded in agreement. He took a sip of his beer, enjoying the warmth of the fire on his face.

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