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Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1 #5 A Hungry Werewolf, Vampire’s Heartache, And Secret Places
Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1 #5 A Hungry Werewolf, Vampire’s Heartache, And Secret Places
Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1 #5 A Hungry Werewolf, Vampire’s Heartache, And Secret Places
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1 #5 A Hungry Werewolf, Vampire’s Heartache, And Secret Places

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About this ebook

The story of Kein (Kīn) continues in the 12th installment of this horror science fiction novella series. Kein's heartbreaking and yet joyous journey continues as a new deadline has been placed on her within the Mortem and new guests have arrived. The Mortem is a deadly game where the contestants are monsters, and humans are just fodder. Kein must gain the impossible or face being marked forever.

No one has won the Mortem, and now Kein is one. She has no chance of surviving unless she can find some allies in the sadistic game. Her journey started in 'Monster of Monsters: Series One Mortem's Basement Level #1 Mortem's Opening' and moves forward at an unrelenting pace.

Light and darkness...

All Kein wanted was to be devoured. As an orphan, she had been told since joining her school that it was very important that a house or clan devour her so when she met a creature promising to devour her, she was confused at first but then she was consoled that someone wanted her.

A world of monsters and vampires and a world of humans...

Loneliness can be a very strong emotion but it can also be a very strong motivator so even when a creature of the darkness invited her to come to her, innocence heeded the call. Kein began an adventure of heartache and joy as she walked the paths of shadow and light. She would discover what it was to be devoured as a dangerous game drew her into a deadly realm of wishes, revenge, hope, desire, love, and terror.

Kumovon elders have arrived in the Mortem at Shukujo's request. A new Resident, a werewolf, has joined the once Residents of Basement Level bringing the collection of Resident as follows, the mummy, spider woman, Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, the Atlantean (a creature similar to the Creature from the Black Lagoon), Frankenstein's monster, and the vampire, Mr. Bayard.

Release dateJun 20, 2023
Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1 #5 A Hungry Werewolf, Vampire’s Heartache, And Secret Places

Kristie Lynn Higgins

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    Book preview

    Monster of Monsters - Kristie Lynn Higgins

    More Series By Kristie Lynn Higgins

    Read and/or listen to the first ebook and/or audiobook for free

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    Chapter One

    Chills Not So Cold

    Time-freeze: Shimekiri Juu Go 9:39 p.m…

    Moments earlier…

    The Endless Ice Realm…

    Requested Item Quest: Of Chills And Woes

    Kein and Blue Cobra were on the first of two quests that they would be jointly working on.  Kein was trying to complete these two quests so that Jinsoku, the lady’s Kumo’uma, would be released.  The lady had put up her spider-horse so that she could leave the Mortem and devour young Kein, but it did not work out as planned.  The lady returned empty-handed and still lost her Kumo’uma.  Kein decided Jinsoku needed to be released, so she made a deal with the help of the new Controller.

    Kein and Blue Cobra proceeded through the Endless Ice Realm inside Salad-rover and arrived at where the Dama Pearl was nestled.  It was still cold in the ice cave, but they wouldn’t freeze to death, so they left the warmth of Salad-rover.

    Kein examined the area the pearl was nestled in and said, This is a nest.  Is the Dama Pearl an egg?

    Blue Cobra replied still feeling the nip of the cold, The Dama Pearl is not an egg.

    Should we be worrying about who made the nest? Kein questioned.

    In the Mortem, we should be cautious of the sticks.  They might turn into serpents, Blue Cobra warned her, and then she ordered her as if it was Kein’s duty to obey her, Now… grab the pearl from the nest.

    Is this one of your three requests? Kein questioned her.

    Yes, now grab the pearl and hand it to me, Blue Cobra commanded.

    Kein stepped closer, wondering if the sticks were serpents, and then she asked Fear, What do you think?  Is it safe to pick it up?

    I can’t see any sort of traps.

    Somewhat reassured by her little sister, Kein slowly reached out her hand and grabbed the Dama Pearl, and then she froze to see what would happen.  She also kept a close eye on the would-be or could-be serpent sticks.  She waited for a whole minute and nothing happened, so she turned and handed the pearl to Blue Cobra.

    We should leave, Blue Cobra said.

    Kein nodded and spoke, I’m with that plan before –

    Some sort of creature roared in the distance, and then it could be heard thundering toward them through the tunnel.  It was still very far away, but the creature was massive enough to cause the floor to tremble with its thunderous running.

    Did I just jinx us? Kein asked.

    You did, baka alnams.

    Should we fight or try to flee? Kein questioned, and then she said, Salad’s pretty sturdy and can withstand–

    Moments earlier…

    The new Controller’s office…

    Controller, who was known to Kein as Headmistress Blindheart, watched as tsuru and the Coach suffered through the cold and worked together as any snake and mongoose could.  She was looking forward to this quest because something new and extra special had been ordered for it.  Controller was just waiting for the right time to trigger it and that moment had come.

    Weapons Removal Handicap initiated, Controller spoke with a hint of gleeful anticipation in her voice over a seemingly invisible intercom system, interrupting Kein.  Tsuru had gained a fine new weapon, but she also needed to see if tsuru could navigate the Mortem without it.

    The Endless Ice Realm…

    The ice cave…

    What does that mean? Kein asked as alarms sounded over the intercom and were so loud it was hard for her to hear herself.

    Blue Cobra grabbed her dagger as if protecting it while she froze in place, and she explained loudly, It means one of us is about to be defanged or de…  Are they even able to take the Scorpioid child from you?  I always heard it would kill you unless–

    What do you mean? Kein questioned in a shout.  Someone’s going to try and take Fear from me?

    Kein looked all around the ice cave as the alarms continued to sound, and then she focused her worry on the could-be serpent sticks.  Would they attack as Blue Cobra suggested?  She backed up toward Blue Cobra, putting some distance between her and the nest, but the sound of splashing drew her attention behind them to the tiny piece of the ocean lapping a small shore.  A tentacle had reached out of the Waters of Woe, and before she knew it, the tentacle snatched the Salata and dragged him into the wailing liquid.  It happened so quickly that he did not have a chance to react and was gone.  Bubbles rose to the surface of the waters as he was drugged deep into its depths.

    Salad! Kein screamed as she rushed toward the sandy shore.  She still didn’t know what was going on.

    The alarms stopped as Blue Cobra grabbed her before she ran off and said, That thing is not our enemy.  It was only a means to eliminate one of your weapons.  The one we must face is still running through the ice tunnel toward us.

    Kein glanced over her shoulder at the ice tunnel as the ground still trembled with the huge beast's thunderous advance.  Now that the alarms had stopped, they could once again hear its enraged roars.

    Your beast will be returned to you if you survive…  Now… Blue Cobra spoke.  We have no choice but to face whatever is coming.  Draw your weapon.

    What weapon? Kein asked as if she should have a dagger like her.

    Blue Cobra drew her blade as she answered, The one that you wield so menially.

    I have no idea what you’re talking about, Kein stated as she turned and stood side-by-side with her.

    Jeijei, she means me, Fear spoke.

    Fear’s not a weapon but my sister, Kein angrily told Blue Cobra, and then she directed her next statement at her sister in a calmer voice, But kawbra is correct…  We need to get ready.

    On it, Fear stated as she pulled her child arms into the realm she lived in within Kein’s back, and then her six-foot reddish-orange Scorpioid tail appeared.  It was covered in silver-color metal bracing.  A scythe was at the end of the tail instead of a stinger, and the scythe was three feet long.  Fear flicked her tail, and the scythe grew to six feet long.  She placed the blade in front of her sister, preparing to defend her.

    Kein glanced at Blue Cobra and questioned her, What sort of weapons do you have besides your dagger?

    I am Almulk Kawbra, as you like to call me, so what sort of weapons do you think I have, alnams?

    Venom.  Is it in your claws like Kumovons? Kein inquired.

    I will keep that information to myself for now, Blue Cobra replied as she smiled a fangy grin.

    Kein put some distance between Blue Cobra and herself so that whatever was coming to hunt them would have to decide on which enemy to attack and maybe that would give them some time to attack first.  The beast continued to thunder through the ice tunnel, and as it neared it roared again.  Kein prepared herself for a battle against some unknown huge beast.

    Chapter Two

    The Huge Beast Is Here

    Time-freeze: Shimekiri Juu Go 9:39 p.m…

    The Endless Ice Realm…

    Requested Item Quest: Of Chills And Woes

    The sound of the beast running through the ice tunnel grew louder and louder.  Light broke ahead of the beast as if it was fleeing from the monster, and the light that consisted of oranges and reds glimmered off the ice crystals covering the walls.  The beast roared one more time, and then it turned a corner and came into view.  It raced for them.  Both females just stood there waiting for the beast to act first, but it came to a stop right before leaving the ice tunnel.  Flames completely consumed the beast, not that it was on fire but that it was one with the fire, and the beast was large, very large, the size of an elephant.

    Huh… Kein spoke as more of a comment than a question.

    What is it? Blue Cobra inquired of her.

    Isn’t that thing a mongoose… a mongoose with six tails? Kein asked.

    Blue Cobra peered at it as the beast just stared back at them, and then she answered, I do not think so.

    Are you sure? Kein questioned, and then she stated, It looks exactly like a mongoose.

    I do not see the resemblance, Blue Cobra spoke.

    Do you even know what a mongoose looks like? Kein asked.

    I…  Of course, I do, Blue Cobra snapped at her.

    You don’t, Kein spoke, and then she gasped as she faced her and accused her as if what she had done was a tremendous crime, You don’t know what a mongoose looks like and yet you call me one.

    I do not need to know what a mongoose looks like to know it is the enemy of the cobra, Blue Cobra snapped at her again.

    I guess… but still…  You should know what something is before you call me by that name, Kein stated, turned, and faced their enemy.  Huh… she spoke once more as more of a comment than a question.

    What is it now? Blue Cobra inquired.

    I think someone is picking on you or picking on me or picking on both of us, Kein replied.

    What do you mean? Blue Cobra questioned.

    Why else would they send a flaming mongoose? Kein asked.  Is it some sort of message?

    It is a beast we must slay to win this quest, Blue Cobra answered.  "It

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