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I Am the Woman at the Well
I Am the Woman at the Well
I Am the Woman at the Well
Ebook163 pages2 hours

I Am the Woman at the Well

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About this ebook

I Am the Woman at the Well was inspired by the story from the Holy Bible in John 4:1-25. This was a woman who had been with multiple men, none titled as her husband. Even though her lifestyle might have looked like one of a nonbeliever, she was a believer. I believe that like myself, she was looking for someone to notice her and love her flaws and all. I believe Jesus spoke to her because he knew what she needed to hear and that He knew she would share her story "spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Like her, I have had many men in my life and made plenty of wrong choices. I was looking for love without ever acknowledging that Jesus loves me all because I did not see him physically. Yet despite my ungodly behaviors, Jesus spoke with me, forgave me, and gave me a purpose in life. Like the Samaritan woman, I am telling my story about my encounter with Jesus and how he changed my life and continues to change my life.

There are many women out here who are just like this woman and me. They need to know that Jesus is real. He is with you, and he loves you.

Release dateMay 23, 2023
I Am the Woman at the Well

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    I Am the Woman at the Well - Zipporah Lucre


    I Am the Woman at the Well

    Zipporah Lucre

    ISBN 979-8-88751-689-9 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88751-690-5 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Zipporah Lucre

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    I Want to Be the Exception

    Second Chance

    The Move for Better

    I Don't Deserve It, But I'm Asking to Be the Exception Anyway

    A Sinner, Yet Still Protected

    Broken and Bitter

    Hopelessness to Confidence

    There Will Be Trials

    His Love, Grace, and Mercy

    I'm a Work in Progress, Yet He Calls Me His Daughter

    I Am the Exception

    About the Author


    My name is Zipporah Lucre. I was the last born of Gloria Jean Askew-Lucre and Ruben Lucre. I'm writing a story about my life because I believe God gave me a story to tell and trusted me to tell my story. Like the story in the Bible about the woman Jesus spoke with at the well, she ran back to town to tell everyone what had happened between her and Jesus.

    So years ago, I gave my life to Christ and didn't behave in a God-like way, but nevertheless, he was still able to use me, flaws and all. I recall singing a praise and worship song by William McDowell called I Give Myself Away, and it continues to say, So you can use me. Well, at the time, I really meant it, but I didn't know much about God and what happens when you decide to allow God to use you. I thought that when we give ourselves to God, life changes for the better—no more crying from hurt, no more depressed days, just joy and peace. I also thought that when I decide to give my life to Christ, I needed to stop all worldly ways and be a saint.

    Well, I'm here to tell you that yes, it can be joy and peace, and no, you don't have to be a saint. However, once you give your life to Christ, God will begin to mold you, and you'll begin to change from some of your worldly ways, and with that, you'll begin to have more joy and peace in your life.

    I gave my life to Christ at fifteen years old while five months pregnant. It's been twenty-four years, and I'm still no saint and will more than likely never be a saint. However, I am continually growing and becoming the woman God created me to be. The woman I am today is certainly not the woman I was twenty-four years ago, not even the woman I was five years ago. Change doesn't happen overnight; it takes time, and it's our choices that dictate the time. God can do anything. He doesn't have to follow anyone's rule that says you can't have a marriage until you're thirty-five years old or a house until you're thirty years old.

    He allows us the ability to make choices. As you read my story, you'll see what I mean. During these past twenty-four years, I was not a godly woman, but I was a woman who believed in God and talked to God and, at the same time, an immature Christian. By the age of twenty-two, I'd given birth to three kids by three different men, and I gave up one of them to a relative, a step ordered by God.

    I'm not proud to say this, but I also had an abortion after my firstborn. At seventeen years old, I was in a relationship with a drug dealer; at eighteen years old, I was pimped by that drug dealer to do exotic dancing for a short time. Between the age of sixteen and twenty-two, I stayed in physically abusive relationships. For several years, I suffered from depression and had suicidal thoughts.

    For twenty-two years of the twenty-four years, I placed men above God. I did all of this before deciding to give my life to Christ, yet God still spoke to me and used me and delivered me. Throughout all those years, I stayed praying and believing in God. I constantly tried to make wiser choices and made wiser choices. It just took me some time, and sadly during that time, God allowed me to go through what I needed to go through, but it was never more than I could bare.

    I say all this because my story is for someone or some people, and God knows who you are, and He needs you to know that it's never too late. And no matter what you've done, he's waiting with open arms to embrace you and help you. The Bible says he came to heal the brokenhearted. He's still a miracle worker. Receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is only the beginning. Stay in faith, surround yourself with women and men of God, and put God first in all you do. The choice is yours.


    Thanks be unto God. There would be no story without him. I want to next thank my older sister Mika. She has been my rock. She has been there for me repeatedly. She has prayed over me and my kids. She's helped me with my kids. She is the reason why I have a relationship with Christ. My sister is an unbelievable woman of God. She took in two teenage girls while young herself in college and did the best she could. Even to this day, she tries to make sure we stick together. I am so grateful to have her as my sister.

    I want to thank my sister Najwa for always loving me and being there for me. You stepped in to help me with my kids and my crazy life. I remember thinking you were crazy writing scriptures on your bathroom mirror, but I understand now. I have my I Am postages in my bathroom. I'm so grateful for both women of God in my life.

    I'm thankful for Fredda, a woman of God sent in our lives to give us the feel of having a mother around and a grandmother for our kids. Fredda, you've been a blessing in my life.

    To the woman's family who obeyed God and got me out of the shelter, thank you. To the lady from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who was my case worker with DHS who helped me and welcomed me and my daughter into her family, and to her coworker who offered to give me his car to help me. You all did not know me, but I pray blessings over you all and your families. Thank you. To workers in the Arlington, Texas, shelter who helped me with my kids, thank you so much. To my sister's friend Ann, thank you for opening your home to me. To Avery, our family friend, thank you for trying to be the man in my son's life and a good friend to me. To my nieces and nephew, thank you for loving me regardless of my flaws. Your hugs always fill me with joy.

    I have a special thanks to my daughter and my son. Thank you both for loving me so much. Thank you both for being there for me when I was down. You both have made me become a better person. I didn't know how to appreciate the love you all gave me and still give me, and I'm sorry for any time I've ever hurt you with my words. I'm so thankful to have you both. You guys are amazing and are a gift from God. Thank you!

    To my daughter, you have been around for a while now and have become my best friend. We have had many trials, but we have allowed our love to overcome them. I'm proud to have you as my daughter and friend. I love you very much, and that will never change. Remember my stories of what God has done and keeps doing because he can do the same for you. Forgive and seek God.

    To my son, we have had many trials, and it's hard being a woman trying to raise a man by myself. I remember saying, God, it's your turn. I had so many times when I didn't know what to do with you. Now the man you are today is by God's grace. I'm proud of you. I love you very much, and that will never change. Remember to continue to ask God to help you become the man he wants you to be. Seek God in all that you do.

    I don't know you all personally, but I want to thank Bishop T. D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Dr. Conway Edwards, Joyce Meyer, and Dr. Dharius Daniels. I am so glad I found all of you. God is using you in great ways. I know the Lord speaks through you, but it's the choice you all make each time to choose to speak his word that makes me say, Thank you. I am a living witness that you are making a difference in the lives of so many people. Thank you so much for all that you do—your books, podcast, YouTube, IG, FB, devotionals, and much more. We are listening, watching, and reading. I needed you all in my life just as much as I needed my sisters.

    To my exes, I know we had our trials, and I hope you all can forgive me for anything I did that might have hurt you. It has taken years and some less than a year, but I forgive you all and believe that things were meant to go the way they went. I pray that each of you find love in your life and become better mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    To the son I gave birth to but gave up by order of the Lord, I hope we can get to know each other and share our stories. I believe you have a great purpose and pray that you accept God in your early life and discover your purpose sooner than later.

    Chapter 1

    I Want to Be the Exception

    I didn't have the same upbringing as most of the people I knew, so I spent a lot of my time in my head daydreaming about family and friends I wish I had. I remember walking home from school laughing at the stories I had in my head as if I had friends walking with me. I remember going home to an empty house and looking around wondering what it felt like to come home to a mom or dad; sometimes the thought of having both parents would put a smile on my face that would soon turn to tears.

    It wasn't that I didn't have friends and family; it was because I was always moving from one home to the next. No, I wasn't an orphan. I was just a young girl who lost her mother at the age of seven, and no one was prepared for that. The family tried to take my sisters and me in, but taking in three kids is a lot for almost anyone. I had three older brothers who even tried, but they weren't ready for this type of responsibility and the emotional trauma three girls were dealing with from losing their mother.

    I will admit; I was a handful. Fran is the middle sister; she's two years older than me and was the quite respectful one who would read a lot of books, and Mika is nine years older than me and was focused on school and her own social life. My brothers are about twenty years older than me, and they're each a year apart. They all lived in different states.

    Tony lived in Alabama. He's a preacher with a family of his own. It was at his church where we held my mother's funeral. Tee lived in Las Vegas. He was the athletic guy. He almost got signed on to the Lakers but injured his knee while in tryouts. He was the bachelor, kind of reminded me of Keith Sweat. John lived in California and worked on music and was a lady's man. There was also Mika's close friend Tyrone; he was around when my mother was alive. I consider him family. He was like a big brother to me. Tyrone always kept a smile on his face and seemed full of energy. He took me and Fran in for the summer and was willing to step in and help raise us after my mother passed away.

    I really enjoyed living with him, but my family didn't like the idea of someone nonrelated and a man raising two young girls. Before my mother died, while she was in the hospital dying of AIDS, my aunt Cathy, who lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma, took us in. Then we moved to Alabama with my brother Tony. After staying with him, we moved back to New York, our place of birth, and a few of our other aunts and uncles took us in.

    I appreciate the effort that was put in because I at least knew I had aunts and uncles and even older brothers who wanted to do their best in helping. But for a young girl, moving around never allowed me to have a stable relationship. I always found myself making friends and getting to know their families and then leaving to the next home in a different state.

    By the time I was thirteen years old, my older sister Mika took my sister Fran and me in. We left New York and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. My father wasn't fit to raise my sisters and me because of his addiction to alcohol, but he made sure to financially help when he could and call to check on us every so often. He wasn't a terrible man; he just wasn't the father/dad I needed.

    My sister did a great job raising us even with working

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