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The Art of Poetry
The Art of Poetry
The Art of Poetry
Ebook223 pages1 hour

The Art of Poetry

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About this ebook

The book titled “The Art of Poetry” is a signal of one woman’s journey, homage, and humbleness. This body of works and their varying styles and sounds are meant to capture anyone who needs the lines of these poems, and the emotions that they break apart. These words are from one woman and over the course of 30 years, come to you to soothe, delight, calm, reach, and entertain you. This work is not meant to flatter the author, but to entrance the most lavish of senses. This collection of words and phrases provide a range of thought and extension to one’s senses and feelings. Hopefully, this body of poetic work will lead many into their most favorite one poem. The end of a long day is the intent of these words, to soothe, to calm, and to penetrate what ails the heart, mind, body, and reader’s soul.
Release dateMay 18, 2023
The Art of Poetry

Mordestia M. York

The author of “The Art of Poetry” is one Mordestia M. York. She currently resides in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area and is 46 years of age. She has one grown daughter and a host of loved ones. Ms. York’s background includes a BA in History and a minor in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Arizona Global Campus. She is credited and featured in the works of such authors as the late Cassie Edwards, having 5 poems inside of five of the “Savage Series” books. Ms. York is credited as a craftswoman, lover of books, and artwork, and creating short stories in her spare time.

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    The Art of Poetry - Mordestia M. York

    Copyright © 2023 Mordestia M. York.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means,

    graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by

    any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author

    except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5297-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5298-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5299-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023908182

    iUniverse rev. date:  05/17/2023

    This Book is Dedicated to

    the Following People

    To my mother Gisele Wilson who has inspired my strength, compassion, love, and support all my life I love you.

    To Russell Knetzger and his wife Barb Knetzger, thank you for your friendship, your sharing of the faith that God instilled within you, your knowledge, and your mentorship, I will forever be grateful. To my daughter Gisele York, you are a special and bright light that even during my darkest days my love for you pulls me through to freedom. To my brother George Wilson, your humbleness and quiet nature leaves so very much to be desired, and these things are what I love and treasure about you, the most dear brother. Never scared or afraid of hard work and commitment to any task set before you I love you.

    To Dr. Gregory Bushman, I will say Good Talks we have had and thank you.

    Most Lovingly, my Mama Dear Ethel Herman I want you to know how much your love and kindness has meant to me during this process and all my life. You are sister to my grandmother, who is the core of these writings that I present. I thank you so much for your love and presence in my life.

    To my grandmother who I am named for what I love truly and with these words I pray they are conveyed to all who read this. Mordestia Black, you were a woman of much kindness and love to give. I treasure the memories that you left behind. Without them, I would be naked and light. Through you, I became capable and strong, but also not forgetting the love that I enjoyed. How precious of a gem you were. No one shined brightest than you.


    A Chief’s Prayer to the Heavens

    A Lifetime

    The Lover

    A Lover’s Dream Catcher

    The Mating Moon

    A Passionate Heart

    A Story for Makala

    A Thing of Beauty She Is

    Walking along a River’s Edge

    Angel by My Side

    Animal Spirit

    Are Thy Words Set in Stone?

    As I Look into the Mirror

    The Fire

    My Feet beneath the Sand


    The Breaking of Day

    The Dancing of the Trees

    Blazing Horse

    Blue Flame

    The Dream Catcher of the Buffalo


    Into the Night

    Captured by Love




    Daddy’s Rose

    Dear Brother

    Dear God

    To My Mom

    Deer Walker

    Dennis and I




    Distant Dream Catcher

    Dream Away

    Dear Dream Catcher

    Spirit of the Dream Catcher

    Dream Catchers

    Dream Dancer

    Dreamless Dream Catcher

    Dreams of a Red Man

    Dreams of a Warrior


    Falcon Moon

    Into the Distance

    Intentional Encounters

    Foot Trails along the Earth

    Only One Night

    Georgia Peach

    Gray Raven

    Happy Holidays

    Mother’s Day

    Heavenly Father

    How Do I Love Thee?


    I Climbed the Mountain

    Gazing Outside

    I Ran through the Forest

    A World Peaceful

    I Rise

    My Love


    Deep Down


    Seeing His Glory

    Within the Flowers

    I Yearn

    If I Had the Chance

    I Stopped and Stared


    In This Light

    Indian Rain

    Intimate Fires


    Lakota Sunrise


    Love’s Constant Forever

    Maiden’s Dream Catcher

    Misty Blue



    Moon and Sun

    Moonlight Wolf

    Morning Star

    Moving Mountains

    Can You See?

    My Dream Catcher

    A People

    Soft Whispers

    He Comes

    Mystical Dream Catcher

    Native Dream Catcher

    Native Song

    Caught by Surprise

    Night Wing

    Noble Warrior


    Pale Rider

    Passions Flame

    Pretty Baby

    Promise Me

    Raven Heart


    Red Rock






    Running Fox (Lakota)

    Running Fox


    Savage Abandon

    Savage Darkness

    Savage Dreamer

    Savage Glory

    Savage Heart

    Savage Intrigue

    Savage Lies

    Savage Nights

    Savage Quest

    Savage Rage

    Savage Skies

    Savage Storm

    Savage Touch

    Savage Wind

    Savage Wrongs

    Shadow Bear

    Shadows in the Night




    Water’s Edge

    Shooting Star

    Sight Unseen

    They Dance

    Snake Eyes

    So Deserving


    Somber Seas

    Spirit Guide Woman

    Spirit Walker

    Stand Still

    An Old Friend

    Step Aside

    Stolen Thunder


    I Am

    Lover to Lover

    Such a Proud Man

    Sun Fire

    Taking the Time

    The Bear

    The Grieving

    The Indian Dreamer

    The Plain River

    The Storyteller

    The Traveler

    The Walk in the Park That Day

    The Wild Within


    A Storm Comes


    Through the Eyes


    Thunder Warrior


    Tree Décor

    Trick or Treat


    Blazing Passion

    High on the Hill

    War Bear

    Warrior Dreams


    Who I Am


    Wings of Glory

    Wolf Calling

    Wolf Eyes

    Yellow Moon

    The Scene

    Long Shore

    A Warrior and His Steed

    A Chief’s Prayer to the Heavens

    I, Chief,

    Leader of my people

    With the buffalo at my side,

    Stand on this rock so high

    So you can truly hear this prayer.

    Send the hand of this mighty warrior

    To me, I beg of you.

    Lighten your spirits,

    And make the buffalo plentiful.

    A chief’s prayer.


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