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The Construction Worker's Gay Virgin
The Construction Worker's Gay Virgin
The Construction Worker's Gay Virgin
Ebook112 pages1 hour

The Construction Worker's Gay Virgin

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Tyler, a construction worker, and Jack, a virgin who'd never swung his hammer in that direction, cement their connection at a bar. Breaking through the brick walls of intolerance, they come out - and in - the other side.

Release dateMay 22, 2023
The Construction Worker's Gay Virgin

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    The Construction Worker's Gay Virgin - Sebastian Davidson

    The Construction Worker's Gay Virgin

    By Sebastian Davidson

    Tyler leaned against the bar, scanning the crowd for someone he could take home for the night. It had been a rough day at the construction site and he needed to blow off some steam. His eyes rested on a young man, completely out of place, nursing a drink at the far end of the bar. Tyler was instantly intrigued.

    He made his way over to the man and leaned against the bar next to him. Mind if I buy you a drink? he asked.

    The man looked up, surprised, but nodded. Sure, thanks.

    They made small talk for a few minutes, but Tyler could tell the man was nervous. He took a chance and leaned in to whisper in his ear, You know, you're really cute. Want to come home with me tonight?

    The man blushed and looked down at the bar. I've never done anything like that before, he admitted.

    Never been with a man before? Tyler asked, surprised.

    No, I haven't, the man said. I'm gay, but I've never had the courage to act on it.

    Tyler smiled, feeling a sense of excitement at the thought of being someone's first. Well, then you're in for a treat.

    The man laughed nervously. I don't even know your name.

    Tyler, he said, holding out his hand.

    The man shook it. Jack.

    Well, Jack, I think we have a lot to explore tonight, Tyler said, taking Jack's hand and leading him out of the bar.

    As they walked to Tyler's truck, Jack couldn't believe what was happening. He had always been too scared to act on his attraction to men, and here he was, about to go home with a beautiful construction worker.

    They climbed into the truck and Tyler started the engine. So, Jack, what do you like? he asked as they pulled away from the curb.

    I don't know, Jack admitted. I've never really thought about it.

    Tyler chuckled. Well, we'll just have to figure it out together. He reached over and took Jack's hand, feeling his heart start to race.

    They arrived at the construction site and Tyler led Jack to his trailer. As soon as they were inside, Tyler wrapped his arms around Jack and kissed him deeply. Jack responded eagerly, feeling a rush of excitement at the new sensation.

    Tyler pulled back and looked at Jack, a smirk on his face. Hungry for more?

    Jack nodded eagerly and Tyler proceeded to show Jack just how good it could feel to be with another man. As they collapsed onto the bed, panting and sweating, Tyler knew that he had found something special in Jack. This wasn't just a one-night stand - he wanted to explore every inch of Jack's body and help him navigate the exciting, yet sometimes confusing, world of being gay.

    Tyler led Jack to his truck parked outside the bar, the cold night air nipping at their skin. Get in, he said, opening the passenger door. Jack hesitated for a moment, his mind buzzing with doubt. But then Tyler reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Trust me, he said with a smile.

    Jack felt a flutter in his stomach as he climbed into the truck, his eyes darting around nervously. Tyler climbed in after him, the smell of oil and sawdust clinging to his clothes. Jack couldn’t help but stare at him, taking in his broad shoulders and rough hands. He felt a flush rise in his cheeks, his own hands shaking slightly.

    I’m not going to hurt you, Tyler said, sensing Jack’s apprehension. I just want to show you something.

    They drove through the city, the hum of the engine and the sound of the tires on the pavement filling the silence between them. Jack tried to relax, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He felt Tyler’s hand reach over and grasp his thigh, the warmth of his touch sending shivers down Jack’s spine.

    Finally, they arrived at a construction site that Tyler was working on. The gates were closed and the site deserted. Tyler led Jack through a side entrance, the dim light of the security lights illuminating the path ahead.

    What are we doing here? Jack asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

    I want to show you something, Tyler said again, leading him through a maze of scaffolding and machinery. They eventually came to a small room tucked away in a corner of the site. Tyler opened the door and gestured for Jack to go inside.

    The room was small and cramped, with a narrow bed pushed up against one wall. Jack looked at Tyler with uncertainty, but Tyler just grinned at him and began to undress.

    Come on, he said, gesturing for Jack to join him.

    With trembling hands, Jack began to undress as well. His heart was pounding in his chest, the adrenaline making him feel alive. Tyler pulled him close, kissing him deeply and exploring his body with his hands.

    It was unlike anything Jack had ever experienced before. Tyler was confident and forceful, dominating him in a way that made him feel wanted and desired. Jack lost himself in the sensations, losing track of time and space.

    When it was over, they lay together on the bed, sweaty and sated. Jack felt a warmth spread through him, the knowledge that he had explored a new part of himself affirming. He looked over at Tyler and smiled.

    Thank you, he said softly.

    Tyler grinned back at him, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Anytime, he said, pulling Jack closer to him. Anytime.

    Jack woke up the next morning feeling conflicted. He had enjoyed what he and Tyler had done the previous night, but now he wasn't sure if he liked it because he was gay or because he just liked Tyler.

    He rolled over to see Tyler still sleeping beside him. Jack watched the rise and

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