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Dominating The Straight Frat Boy
Dominating The Straight Frat Boy
Dominating The Straight Frat Boy
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Dominating The Straight Frat Boy

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In a daring exploration of love, lust, and identity, a straight frat boy discovers his undeniable attraction to a queer student, plunging them both into a passionate journey of self-discovery and desire. Together, they navigate the tumultuous waters of societal expectations and prejudice, ultimately finding solace in each other's arms as they redefine the boundaries of love.


Release dateMay 22, 2023
Dominating The Straight Frat Boy

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    Dominating The Straight Frat Boy - Skylar Svetlana

    Dominating The Straight Frat Boy

    By Skylar Svetlana

    Alex, walked into the campus library with a pile of textbooks in his arms. As he searched for an empty study table, his eyes locked onto a young man sitting alone in the corner. He was flipping through a thick book with a look of intense concentration on his face. Alex couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

    He decided to approach the stranger, hoping to strike up a conversation. As he got closer, he noticed how stunning the guy was - full lips, high cheekbones, and soft brown eyes. His heart began to race as he introduced himself.

    Hey, I'm Alex. Mind if I sit here?

    The young man looked up from his book and smiled. Not at all. I'm Matt.

    Alex couldn't shake the feeling that he'd seen Matt somewhere before, but he couldn't put his finger on where. As they made small talk, he couldn't help but feel an electric connection between them.

    As they continued to chat, Alex couldn't help but feel a growing attraction to Matt. It was a confusing feeling, as he had always identified as straight. But as he listened to Matt talk passionately about the Queer Student Alliance and his experiences as a gay man on campus, he realized he couldn't ignore his feelings any longer.

    So, Alex, have you ever been to any of the QSA meetings? Matt asked, breaking Alex out of his thoughts.

    No, I haven't. I didn't even know they existed until now, Alex replied sheepishly.

    Well, we meet every Wednesday at 5 pm in the Student Union. You should come check it out sometime, Matt said, flashing him a charming smile.

    Alex couldn't resist the invitation. He felt drawn to Matt's confidence and honesty, and wanted to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community. And if he was being honest with himself, he also wanted to see Matt again.

    As he walked out of the library later that day, he couldn't stop thinking about Matt. What was happening to him? Was he attracted to a guy? Would he have to face his true identity? Alex was filled with so many questions, and he knew that this was only the beginning of a long journey of self-discovery.

    Matt sat nervously in the campus cafeteria, waiting for Alex to arrive. He had been going to the Queer Student Alliance meetings for months now, but he had never felt quite as anxious as he did now. He was finally going to introduce his straight frat boy crush to the group. He had no idea how Alex would react, but he had to take the chance.

    Finally, Alex appeared from across the room, looking slightly out of breath. Hey, he said, taking a seat across from Matt. Sorry I'm late.

    No worries, Matt replied, forcing a smile. Are you ready to go to the meeting?

    Alex nodded, looking around the cafeteria nervously. Matt could see that he was uncomfortable, but he couldn't help but feel a little excited at the prospect of showing Alex a part of himself that he had been hiding for so long.

    As they made their way to the meeting room, Matt tried to break the tension. So, what made you decide to come to the meeting today? he asked.

    Alex shrugged. I don't know, really. I guess I just...I don't know.

    Matt smiled encouragingly. It's okay. You don't have to have all the answers right now.

    Alex nodded, looking relieved. As they approached the meeting room, Matt took a deep breath, knowing that this moment could change everything.

    Inside the room, a handful of students were sitting around a large table, chatting and laughing. Matt walked in confidently, introducing himself and Alex to the group. There were a few curious glances in Alex's direction, but no one made any comment.

    As the meeting began, Matt described the group's mission and purpose, and then opened the floor for discussion. One by one, the students spoke up, sharing their personal experiences with coming out, facing discrimination, and finding acceptance.

    As Matt listened to the stories, he was struck by the sense of community and support that the group provided. Here, surrounded by people who understood his struggles and shared his identity, he felt like he could finally be himself.

    When the meeting finally adjourned, Alex turned to Matt, a thoughtful expression on his face. Thanks for bringing me here today, he said. I had no idea that there were so many people going through the same things that I am.

    Matt felt a surge of gratitude and hope. That's why the group exists, he said. To provide a safe space for people like us. To let us know that we're not alone.

    Alex nodded, looking down at his hands. I guess there's still a lot I don't know, he said softly.

    Matt placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. It's okay. We all start somewhere. The important thing is that you're here, and you're open to learning and growing.

    Looking up at Matt, Alex felt a weight lifted from his chest. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he was on the right path. He didn't know where it would lead him, but he knew that he had found something worth fighting for.

    As the meeting ends, Matt suggests they go for a walk around campus. They stroll through a picturesque courtyard when Matt suddenly stops. Alex, can I kiss you? he asks with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

    Alex freezes, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion. He knows he's attracted to Matt, but he's also never kissed a guy before. "I-I don't know if that's a

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