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Dominating The Straight Groom
Dominating The Straight Groom
Dominating The Straight Groom
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Dominating The Straight Groom

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In the climax of commitment, a groom experiences cold feet, piqued by a saucy invitation to a bachelor's debauchery filled with titillating tales and steamy encounters. Shaken from his marital march by a liquored-up liaison with a long-time confidant, he grapples with the aftershocks of his desires, culminating in a tantalizing tangle of secrets and seduction.

Release dateMay 22, 2023
Dominating The Straight Groom

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    Dominating The Straight Groom - Sebastian Davidson

    Dominating The Straight Groom

    By Sebastian Davidson

    Tom and Katie sat on the couch, flipping through wedding magazines and discussing their plans for the big day.

    I can't believe we're getting married in just a few months, Katie said, a smile on her face.

    I know, Tom replied, looking a bit uneasy.

    What's wrong, Tom? You seem a bit nervous. Is everything okay?

    Tom hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, I'm just having a bit of pre-wedding jitters. This is a big commitment.

    I understand, but I love you and I'm committed to spending the rest of my life with you. We've been together for five years, Tom. I think we're ready for this.

    Tom looked at Katie and felt a sense of calm wash over him. You're right, Katie. I love you too. I guess I'm just a bit nervous about the wedding itself.

    Katie giggled, Well, I promise to make sure everything goes smoothly on the big day. Don't worry, Tom. We'll have the wedding of our dreams.

    Tom smiled and pulled Katie close, kissing her gently on the lips. I'm so lucky to have you.

    As they embraced, Tom couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in the pit of his stomach. He loved Katie, but something was holding him back from fully committing to their marriage.

    Tom sat in his office, staring blankly at the computer screen in front of him. He couldn't concentrate on his work, his mind drifted to his upcoming wedding. He felt a knot in his stomach, a sense of unease that had been growing within him for weeks.

    He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off, that he was making a mistake by marrying Katie.

    Hey man, what's up? It was his colleague and friend, Jake, who had noticed Tom's lack of focus.

    Tom shrugged. Just feeling a little overwhelmed by everything, you know.

    Jake nodded. Yeah, I can imagine. The wedding is a huge deal. But it's a good deal, right? You and Katie are perfect together.

    Tom forced a smile. Yeah, perfect. That's what everyone keeps telling me.

    Jake frowned. What's really going on, Tom? You seem really hesitant about this whole thing.

    Tom hesitated for a moment before admitting, I don't know, Jake. I just don't feel ready for this kind of commitment. I'm scared I'm making a mistake.

    Jake put a reassuring hand on Tom's shoulder. It's normal to feel scared, man. But if you and Katie love each other, there's no reason why you can't make it work.

    Tom sighed. I know, I know. I just can't shake this feeling.

    Jake nodded. Well, you still have a little bit of time before the wedding. Maybe take some time for yourself, do something to clear your head.

    Tom nodded, a small weight lifted off his shoulders. Thanks, Jake. I appreciate it.

    As Jake walked out of the office, Tom couldn't help but think about what he really wanted. Was he really ready for marriage? Or was he just rushing into it because it was the next logical step?

    He knew he had some soul searching to do before he made any final decisions.

    As Tom was sitting at his desk, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He had just told his colleague, Jake, about his doubts regarding his upcoming wedding and he was feeling even more lost than before. He wanted to call off the wedding but he didn't want to disappoint Katie or their families.

    Suddenly, Tom's phone rang and he saw that it was his childhood friend, Dave, calling. He picked up the phone and Dave's cheerful voice came through the line.

    Hey man! Long time no talk, Dave said.

    Tom smiled, happy to hear from his old friend. Yeah, it's been a while. What's up?

    Listen, I know you're getting married soon but I wanted to invite you to my bachelor party. It's going to be epic, I promise, Dave said, excitement clear in his voice.

    Tom's heart sank a little bit at the mention of his wedding. He didn't want to go through with it, but he didn't want to disappoint Dave either. I really appreciate the invite, Dave, but I'm not sure if I can make it.

    What? Come on, man! You're my childhood friend, you have to be there, Dave pleaded.

    Tom sighed, feeling torn between his loyalty to his friend and his fears about the wedding. Alright, alright, I'll try to make it.

    That's the spirit! Dave exclaimed. It's going to be an unforgettable night, trust me. I'll send you the details.

    After hanging up the phone, Tom felt both excited and anxious about the prospect of attending the bachelor party. He knew it was a chance to let loose and have fun, but he also worried about what could happen during the night. What if he did something he regretted?

    But before he could dwell on his fears any longer, his phone rang again. He saw that it was Katie calling and he took a deep breath before answering.

    Hey, Katie, Tom said, trying to sound cheerful.

    Hi, honey. I was just calling to remind you about the meeting with the florist tomorrow, Katie said.

    Tom mentally cursed himself for forgetting about the meeting. Right, right. I'll be there.

    Is everything okay? You sound a little distracted, Katie asked, concern in her voice.

    Tom hesitated for a moment before telling her the truth. I just got invited to Dave's bachelor party and I'm not sure if I should go.

    Katie was silent for a moment before responding. Tom, you're allowed to have fun and do things with your friends. Just make sure that you're safe and responsible, okay?

    Tom felt a small wave of relief wash over him at her response. "Thanks, Katie. I'll keep

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