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Made of Honor: Made to Love, #1
Made of Honor: Made to Love, #1
Made of Honor: Made to Love, #1
Ebook280 pages4 hours

Made of Honor: Made to Love, #1

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Michaela "Mickey" Robertson has been in love with her best friend, Jacob, for as long as she could remember.  She was always afraid to express her true feelings in case Jacob never returned them and their friendship would be ruined forever.  Mickey is suddenly thrown for a loop when Jacob announces to her and his entire family that he has proposed to his girlfriend of the last two years.  Mickey is beyond devastated to hear this news.  But things seems to go from bad to worse when Jacob asks Mickey to be his doting Bride-To-Be's Maid of Honor.

PublisherNina Elaunder
Release dateMay 23, 2023
Made of Honor: Made to Love, #1

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    Made of Honor - Nina Elaunder

    Surprise News



    I was suddenly shaken out of my soundly slumber by the sounds of my singing cell phone to the tune of Toni Basil’s ‘Hey Mickey’. Groaning in tired frustration, I reached out, from my extremely comfortable comforter and blindly searched for the stupid thing on my nightstand that was right next to my bed.  I reluctantly pulled myself up, staring down at the cracked device, before sliding the face up. As my eyes finally focused on what the hell I was looking at, I realized I just received a text message from Jacob.


    Get up & come 2 my house now. Have awesome news 2 tell u.

    What?!  I screamed loudly in my head.  Jacob was back in town?  He wasn't supposed to be home for another couple of weeks.  When did he get here, and why?

    In confusion, I quickly typed Jake a message in a reply.


    K, be there in 15.

    I rolled my canary yellow comforter down my body and immediately stood up from my bed.  Sluggishly, I made my way toward my personal bathroom and let out a heavy yawn, before peering at my appearance in the mirror.  Whoa, Michaela, you really need to lay off the all-night grading sessions.  Sighing deeply, I desperately tried to rake my fingers through my reddish brown, unruly mess of curly hair, a few times before just giving up and pulling all of it into a messy ponytail.  That was my literal go-to hairstyle when I was feeling lazy.  And lately I was always feeling lazy.

    I let out another yawn and then a small giggle when I felt tickling at the top of my feet.  I looked down to find my rescue dog, a one year old Lhasa Apso puppy, which I named Penelope, walking across my feet. I smiled wide, bending over to pick her up into my arms.

    P, what are you doing?  I cooed, receiving a lick on the cheek as a response. Well, you’re just going to have to stay out here, baby. Mama’s got to get ready to go to Jacob’s. I placed a kiss on top of her head and set her back on the floor outside of the bathroom. She let out a tiny bark and then immediately scurried away.  I continued my task of getting ready.

    From: Jake

    Where r u? Every 1 is here.

    To: Jake

    I’m here. Just parked.

    I quickly hit the send button on my phone, before hopping out of my car, that I parked directly behind Jacob’s white convertible Mustang.  Nervously, I made my way up the driveway.  I had no idea why I was nervous in the first place.  It wasn’t like this was my first time ever seeing Jacob.  He’s been my best friend for almost 20 years now.  We’ve seen each other at our best and at our worst.  But for some strange reason that I couldn’t explain, I had the feeling something was about to change.

    And boy was it about to.

    I hadn’t even made it all the way to the door, before it was immediately yanked open.  Now standing before me, dressed in a white, button down dress shirt and a pair of khaki dress slacks was my best friend in the entire world, Jacob Thomas.  But to the world he was Jake T, the lead guitarist of the mildly successful pop punk rock band, Vicious Sabotage.  To me though, he was just Jake. 

    For all the years that I had known Jake, he’d never been interested in wearing anything that remotely made him feel like he was going to church.  He was usually a jeans, Chucks, and t-shirt kind of guy.  So, to see him so dressed up was extremely surprising.  Though the most surprising thing about his appearance wasn't what he was wearing, it was the smile on his face.  He was smiling from ear-to-ear, and his bright blue eyes were twinkling with contentment.

    What had gotten into him?

    Jake then hastily made his way towards me, quickly pulling me into a huge embrace, his arms holding me tight.  And just like a normal habit, I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his enticing scent.

    God, I missed him.

    I missed you so much, Mickey.  Jake muttered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.  He then pulled away from me, still smiling from ear-to-ear, before planting a chaste kiss on the side of my cheek.

    Me too.  I told him, the smile on my face matching his.  I could feel my heart beat racing faster in my chest, and I never wanted this feeling to end.

    What the hell took you so long?  I texted you almost an hour ago.

    I rolled my eyes in annoyance.  You do realize I had to drive in morning traffic from the city, right?

    Jake just laughed and pulled me in for another hug.  This is what I imagined Heaven felt like, being in his arms.  There were times that I wish I could hold onto him forever.  But we all knew that that wasn't possible.

    Once we let go, I looked at him in his beautiful eyes. What's with the get up, Thomas?  I pointed out his attire, and he looked down, his cheeks growing a deep shade of red.  Even he knew that I knew, that he looked absolutely ridiculous.  And what the hell are you doing here?  Aren’t you, like, supposed to be across the country somewhere being some huge rock-star?  And what is the awesome news that you dragged me out of my bed for?

    Again, he laughed now at my rambling of questions.  I knew that he knew that I was nervous.  Because I could get pretty rambly.  Did I mention how much I missed himYou’ll see.  Was the only thing he said, before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the house.

    As soon as I stepped foot into his childhood home, which was about 3 houses down from mine, I was warmly greeted by mostly all of Jacob’s relatives.  We’re talking, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even some first cousins.

    The first official face I recognized was Isaac Thomas, or Zack, one of Jake’s younger brothers.  He was actually the youngest of all three Thomas boys, but definitely the most sensible.  While Jacob’s passion was for life in the clouds, and Elijah’s was...I couldn’t even tell you, Zack’s passion was much, much closer to earth.  He was definitely the smartest of the three brothers, and had his picks of the best of Ivy League schools in the country.  There had been a running joke in the Thomas family that Zack would become President one day.

    The youngest Thomas had been making his way out of the kitchen with a diet soda firmly in his right hand. Or was it permanently?  Because every time I saw him, he always had one handy.  Heavy bags sat underneath his steel blue eyes, and it looked like the weight of the world was weighing heavy on his shoulders.  Sometimes I felt really bad for him.

    Hey, Mickey, Zack breathed, pulling me into a one arm hug.

    Hey, Zacky, I hugged him back, how are you?

    He sighed heavily, taking a small sip of his drink, before letting out an exasperated, tired.

    "I can see that." I joked, and he gave me an evil glare.

    "Thanks, a lot."  He spat in a sarcastic tone, giving my arm a playful pat, before walking away. 

    What did I say?

    Don't worry about him, Jacob, who had been standing behind me the whole time, threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.  He's been a little bitch lately since he and his girlfriend broke up.  He'll be fine, he kissed my temple and continued to drag me along.

    We finally made it to the family room, where the majority of Jacob’s other family members and his parents were lingering around.

    The nerves started growing deeper in the pit of my stomach about this news Jacob was about to spring on us.  Jake, seriously, what is going on?  I asked again, eying my surroundings, feeling uncomfortably underdressed. Jacob then turned his head toward me, his blue eyes still twinkling.  What is this big news?  I whined impatiently.

    You’re so damn impatient.  You will find out just like everyone else.  He smiled, squeezing my shoulder.  What is going on?  I really needed to know.

    I kept my attention focused on the other family members when I noticed that she was also here.  She was talking to Claire Thomas, Jacob’s mother, over in the corner of the living room in front of the mantle of the fireplace.  She looked absolutely beautiful in her white, knee length spaghetti-strapped sundress, probably expensive, that highlighted her flawless, creamy skin. Her beautiful, dark brown tendrils were pulled up into a high bun, with a few wisps surrounding her gorgeous heart-shaped face.  Her bright brown eyes seemed to dance with contentment, as she continued to animatedly talk with Jake’s mom.

    Yep, I was definitely feeling underdressed and now just a bit insecure.  Sighing heavily, I took a look down at myself.  Rushing here to the Thomas residence, I found my favorite pair of ripped Levi’s, that I’ve had since I was sixteen, in my dirty clothes hamper and quickly threw them on.  Followed by my blue and yellow "This Is Prolly My Awesomest Shirt" t-shirt that I bought at my favorite thrift store last year.  My hair was still in the same messy ponytail I had put it in earlier and gelled it down the best I could.  I also didn’t even bother to put in my contacts this morning. 

    Yup, I was definitely feeling insecure.

    She was the girl I envied and hated all at the same time.  She had the one thing that I had wanted since I was fifteen years old. 

    Jacob’s heart.

    I'd never forget the day that I met her.  It was about two years ago, when Jacob decided to introduce me to his new girlfriend of the month.  Back then Jacob had a reputation of hooking up with anything with an extra set of lips.  She was wearing something expensive, of course, I was wearing a ratty band tee and a pair of my old high school gym shorts.  She smiled and gracefully shook my hand.  I face-planted and nearly took out a man's entire flower stand in the middle of the park.

    Ah, memories!

    But who knew Jacob's girlfriend of the month back then would still be relevant now in the present...two whole years later?

    Not me.

    Now speaking of Jacob, he finally let go of my hand and made his way toward her.  But he stopped and turned to give me a wink and another beautiful smile.  The butterflies immediately started to do the conga in the pit of my stomach, as I then watched, in complete slow motion, him walking over to her.  He immediately grabbed her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it, before locking their fingers together.  Those butterflies dancing in my stomach immediately stopped and were quickly replaced with a stabbing pain of jealousy. I swallowed thickly, trying to contain my composure. 

    Don't cry, Mickey.  Do not cry.

    So, you finally showed, huh? 

    In the middle of my internal mental breakdown, I felt an arm being thrown across my shoulder that was accompanied by a deep, masculine voice.  A voice I knew too well.

    I turned my head to find a pair of bright green eyes now staring at me.  What do you want, Eli?  I scoffed, questioning the middle of the Thomas brothers, Elijah.  Also known as the pain in my ass.

    Along with being the middle brother, Elijah was the most annoying of the brothers.  And just like the drama Queen that he was, he proceeded to sigh in dramatic fashion.  "I just want to know why Jake and Zacky get some lovin’, but Eli gets nothing?  I’m hurt, Mickey.  Real hurt."  He playfully pouted, grabbing at his chest for extra emphasis.

    See, a dramatic pain in the ass.

    You know I love you, Eli.  I spat monotonously, patting his stubbled cheek.

    So, can I ask you a real question?  His tone was now serious, and I turned to look at him inquisitively. What’s up with your hair, dude?  He then smirked, ruffling my unruly ponytail.

    On instinct, my elbow connected hard to his ribcage, making sure he knew better than to touch my hair without my permission.

    Eli then grabbed at his side, softly wincing in pain, before letting out a delayed, "Oww." 

    Served him right.

    Now it was my turn to sigh, running an insecure hand across my ponytail.  Look, I was being rushed to come here for your stupid brother, and I didn't have time to fix my hair, okay.  I then turned to look at him with a glare.  "And you should know by now not to put your grubby fingers on my hair, Eli."

    Eli cheesed hard, showing all of his perfect teeth, before shrugging.  Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    Ugh, I huffed, folding my arms across my chest in defiance, I literally just got here and you're already being a pain in the ass.

    "Surprisingly, you're not the first person to tell me that today.  Even mom’s told me more times that I could count that she should have named me Pain In The Ass Thomas when I was born, but thought Elijah was easier to spell on the birth certificate.  He then gave another nonchalant shrug.  And besides, it keeps everyone on their toes."

    I shut my eyes, holding my lips together to suppress a giggle.  This wasn't fair, I was supposed to be mad at him.  Anyway, do you know what this news that Jake has?

    Elijah shrugged once more. I have no idea.  I am just as clueless as you are.  I do wish that he would get this show on the road, though.  I've got some good sleep to catch up on.

    Finally, Elijah had said something right.

    Can I have everyone’s attention please? I heard the sound of Jacob’s voice and turned my head to see him now standing in the middle of the family room. Everyone had quieted down, except for Elijah, who hissed a loud cheer.  I watched Jacob shoot a glare at his little brother, before clearing his throat and taking a deep breath. I know everybody wants to know why I called you all here this morning. Well, I watched as he looked back at her, who was now sharing the same sparkling smile herself, I have some of the best news to tell you guys.  He reached over to grab her delicate hand and brought her to stand next to him.  He then wrapped his arm around her tiny waist, pulling her body closer to him.  I tried to control my breathing at the scene before me. I would love to say that, he looked at her and then back at us, smiling even brighter, "I asked Kenzie to marry me and she said, yes."

    HE WHAT?!

    Please don’t tell me that I just heard what I just heard. 

    He wasn't...

    He’s not...

    No, that's not...

    It couldn't be...

    As I heard the sounds of his family cheering and praising the big announcement, the sound of my heart shattering into a million pieces could be heard just a bit louder.

    He couldn’t...he just can’t be.

    Oh, I really hoped that Elijah had great reflexes, because I felt like I was about to drop any minute.


    He just couldn’t be getting...married?

    Brave Face



    I asked Kenzie to marry me and she said yes.

    Jacob’s words still echoed in my head like a freight train, as I sat on the steps of the patio, outside in the backyard of the Thomas residence.  I had to leave the house, even just for a moment, just to get some fresh air and to collect myself.  I needed to clear my head, but with the way my head was still screaming at me, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t working.  I could still hear his words.  Taunting me. Teasing me.  And right now, I wished to God that my head would just shut the hell up for once.

    I had always known somewhere deep in the back of my mind that this day would come.  But I never expected it to be today.  Jacob had never been a one woman type man.  Two years ago, before his now fiancée, I couldn't keep up with his love life.  The man changed relationships more than he changed his damn underwear.  It was just the life he lived.  With the, "I'm a hot and semi-famous rockstar life, it was impossible to sustain an actual love life.  And then he met Kenzie.

    I always thought that I would still have the time to finally muster up the courage, so he would finally know how I truly felt about him before he made a decision on who he wanted to be with.  I guess it was just all wishful thinking on my part. But being the cowardly chicken that I was, I never had a chance to.

    And now I never will.

    You doing okay? I heard the sound of Elijah's voice, as he came and sat next to me on the steps.

    How do you think I feel, Elijah?

    "Peachy."  The lie easily rolled off my tongue.

    He then leaned towards me, playfully bumping his shoulder into mine.  Mickey, you’re great at a lot of things, but lying ain’t one.  I knew he would see right through my bullshit.  "Look, I know about your feelings... I immediately shoved my hand over Elijah’s mouth, before he could blab my business to the entire backyard, even though he and I were the only two around.  But you never knew who could have been listening.  He then reached up to pull my hand away from his face.  I know about your real feelings for Jacob, he whispered, so I know that you’re a little hurt right now."

    I scoffed.  A littleHow about the size of the iceberg that sunk the freaking Titanic hurt.

    I turned to look at Elijah in his moss green eyes. "What do you want me to do, Eli?  Jacob’s my best friend, and he just asked his girlfriend to marry him— I’m sorry, his fiancée."  As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I felt my heart sink further into the pit of my stomach.

    Elijah sighed, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him, and I just laid my head on his shoulder.  I’m sorry, Mickey, but you know I’m here for you if you need anything?  He leaned to place a kiss on the top of my head.  "I still can’t believe that he actually asked her to marry him.  My brother. A married man?  Impossible."  He commented, and I nodded in agreement with him.

    I know what you mean, Eli. I know exactly what you mean.

    What’s going on here?  Both Elijah and I pulled apart and turned to look at the sliding glass door that led to the backyard.  Jacob, sans his new fiancée, Kenzie, was now standing before us.

    I’ll see you on the inside.  Elijah whispered to me, before placing another kiss on the top of my head, and then standing to his feet.  No, Eli, don’t go. I don’t know how I can face him by myself now. Congrats, big bro.  He patted Jacob’s arm and walked back into the house.

    So, Jacob released a heavy sigh, squatting to take Elijah’s spot right next to me, this is where you disappeared to?  I’ve been looking all over for you. He leaned toward me, placing his forehead against my temple. I just told you the biggest news of my entire life, and you just vanished.  What’s up?

    I tried to swallow the massive lump that was forming in the back of my throat, before I released a shuddering breath.  Nothing’s up, Jake.  I shrugged nonchalantly, pulling myself away from him slightly.  His physical warmth was dizzying.  I just saw you there with your family and Kenzie.  I just figured you’d get to me eventually.  I then looked down at my now twitching fingers.

    What are you talking about, Mickey?  I could feel his confusion right over my shoulder.  I turned myself over to face him.  Those blue eyes of his danced with more questions, as he reached up to push a few strands of my hair that had fallen out of my ponytail, behind my ear.  Oh, God, just kill me nowWhy put me through this tortureI mean the knife is already in my heart. Why don’t you twist it just a little further? Just get it over with.  "You’re my best friend, Mick. Have been since we were kids. I know you more than I know half of my family in there."  He nodded toward the house, where his family had still been milling around.  You would be the first person I go to.  But when I went

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