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The Spirit with No Color
The Spirit with No Color
The Spirit with No Color
Ebook81 pages1 hour

The Spirit with No Color

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The book narrates the true story of a child who grew up in Beirut during an era of war. During that chaotic period, she found comfort and hope in nature. Her love for nature later took her to the Idaho forests to study forestry. A canceled flight led to her being stranded in Paris for the day. An unfortunate event put her on the path of love where she met the man of her dreams. Together they ended up exploring countless countries and eventually marrying in a place that is dear to both of them.

As a true believer in love, she fought cultural and ethnic (racial) norms to be with him. At the same time, she dedicated a good part of her time to caring for her aging parents, whom she loved beyond words. The loss of her parents was too traumatic for her to handle and threw her into a fragile mental and emotional state, which was compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the biggest heartbreaking moment was yet to come.

Release dateMay 23, 2023
The Spirit with No Color

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    Book preview

    The Spirit with No Color - Zeina Iyamah

    Table of Contents



    Sometime in the Future

    Child of War

    Subsequent Wars

    The Tree Doctor


    September 11

    Unexpected Encounter

    Later in Paris

    Marrakech, Morocco

    Tunisia, Tunisia

    The Union

    The Last Valentine's

    Abu Dhabi An Enchanted Land

    Dallas New Sweet Home

    The Pandemic

    The Breakdown

    The Spirit with No Color

    The Greatest Disappointment

    Peace at Last

    About the Author


    The Spirit with No Color

    Zeina Iyamah

    Copyright © 2023 Zeina Iyamah

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88763-415-9 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88763-416-6 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    To my beloved David

    We all have a story to tell.

    I've always observed people around me, whether on the busy streets of cities I visited around the globe or on subways, planes, and ferries; and I always wondered what each of these people held in their past and their future.

    Where did this old man come from? What struggles has he endured on his journey here?

    How about that young woman? How did her childhood portray her present, and where is she heading next in life?

    Surely the homeless people I see on the streets of New York and in the subways did not embark on life thinking this is what would become of them. But here they are, broken by life, people, and circumstances.

    How will world events shape the future of this smiling innocent baby who is unaware of what's lurking around? So many stories, some are more intriguing than others.

    Some stories are left untold, buried in the wraps of time, while others are meant to be told when time decides, and time has now decided to reveal mine.

    Sometime in the Future

    It was a warm day in June; Latifa was joining the five-yearly class reunion that her alma mater held. A big ceremony was being held on campus to pay tribute to the golden jubilee alumni. Fifty years is a long time, she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror. So much has happened during those years that have scurried by like a ghost. So many dreams have soared and tumbled, accomplishments that made me proud, love has come and gone, separations broke hearts, and reunions brought back happiness.

    Latifa finished fixing her hair and makeup and slipped on a royal blue organza dress with capped sleeves and a hem hitting just below the knee. She paired the dress with the blue sapphire pendant and matching earrings that Vince had helped her pick years ago. They had met that day in downtown Beirut for a Saturday brunch.

    She remembered how happy they were walking around, cozying to each other while soaking up a much-needed February sun to stay warm. She dragged him inside one of the jewelry shops in the jewelry market (souk). They walked around looking at the dazzling creations and the glittering stones. There was something intriguing about precious stones. Their formation was a fascinating manifestation of God's glorious creation. She tried a few and was inclined to buy a crescent-shaped pendant studded with red rubies. The blue sapphire square-shaped pendant was Vince's choice. She used to look at it every night for months and months before finally deciding to take it out of its box and wear it. Up till now, she could sense Vince's powerful presence whenever she wore it.

    Mixed feelings scuttled across her mind as she stepped outside the house. The chauffeur held the car door for her as she climbed inside.

    Good evening, madam, he said, you are looking glamorous tonight. What a nice dress! he exclaimed.

    Even at this age, she found herself grinning secretly when she hears such compliments.

    The car arrived at the American University of Beirut's (AUB) main gate, which is adorned with age-defying trees that witnessed countless generations of students coming with dreams and ambitions and leaving with a new outlook on life and well-equipped to face its challenges.

    She walked through the gate and was greeted by an old gateman. She looked at him and smiled. There was something so peaceful about him. A blessed soul, she thought. Not too many in this restless world.

    She continued walking, taking in the smell of pine trees that lined the way and looking at the few stars that were peeking through the clouds. She finally reached the assembly hall where the ceremonies were being held. The place was buzzing with life. She was led to where all those being honored were sitting. All of a sudden, she was fighting back tears as loneliness engulfed her. All those I held dearly in my heart are now gone, and soon I would too, she thought to herself. Selfishly enough, she had wished to be the first to go. She has always realized how painful it would be to lose a beloved one.

    Everyone stood for the alma mater anthem and sang along. Then the speeches began. She had rehearsed her speech over and over. She wanted it to be perfect. She looked at her wristwatch; she remembered her beloved Vincent. The dials were diligently moving, trying to go somewhere, but just like the stars and planets around us, it was moving around but coming back to where it started. One day, it would all come to a halt, she thought.

    After the president and vice president of the university gave their speeches, her turn came. She took to the podium to give her speech.

    Dear fellow alumni,

    We gather today to celebrate yet another milestone in our life. I joined this campus more than fifty years ago. As the years went by, I could see how we are refined as human beings as life continues to mold us. But whatever life throws at us, we

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