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Into the Mind of a Hopeless Romantic
Into the Mind of a Hopeless Romantic
Into the Mind of a Hopeless Romantic
Ebook25 pages16 minutes

Into the Mind of a Hopeless Romantic

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"I Thought You Loved Me" tells the story of a young Nova struggling with life on her own Just when things look up, her entire world stands still with just two pink lines. A new baby, a crappy boyfriend, and a best friend she loves with all her heart. She has a big decision to make.

"Snowy Goodbye" tells the story of high school sweethearts Danica and Aryn. They never spend much time apart. Aryn leads Snowmageddan this year, but after the season's over it's off to college. Things might get a little rocky with this change of pace.

Every girl dreams of her sixteenth birthday. Hollie is no different, despite having a dad that never lets her out past dark. This year she wants only one thing; to see her sister perform. In "Sweet Sixteen Success" she just might get what she wants.

In "Memories Last a Lifetime" a mother mourns the loss of her son years later. It's time to move on, but how will the surviving twin handle it? Maybe it's time to say goodbye to that old family house.

Finally, "The Last Good Summer" takes you into the mind of a 9-year-old Damien. He just moved away with his family, and he's adjusting well. This sweet snippet will get you feeling nostalgic.

Release dateMay 30, 2024
Into the Mind of a Hopeless Romantic

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    Book preview

    Into the Mind of a Hopeless Romantic - Danielle Bassi

    I Thought You Loved Me

    Tiny paws of a Pomeranian scratch at a closed bathroom door. Sobs seep through the cracks. The pup lets out a sympathetic whine, huffs, and lays in a puppy puddle beside the door.

    Nova sits hunched over the toilet. Her arms hold onto the bowl for dear life as she retches once more.

    Who’s the one having a crisis here, huh? Nova’s voice comes muffled from inside the bathroom. Pop punk music nearly drowns the sounds as she finishes. She wipes her mouth and sighs. She sniffles, flushes the toilet, and stands up. Hands shake violently as she opens the door.

    The pup sits up and lets out a happy bark. Nova scoffs, pats her on the head, and walks over to the edge of her bed. She plops down and pushes golden locks behind her ears. Oceanic hues glance at her cell phone on the charger. She taps it, then shakes her head.

    Nothing. Typical.

    Nova tosses her phone aside. Pumpkin, the pup, now sits in the corner of the room, bone at her paws. A few moments pass, and Nova’s phone lights up. Her alarm interrupts the blaring music from the Bluetooth speaker. Her eyes

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