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The Scriptures: The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World: How the Nonfictional Word of God Can Be Applied for Everyday Living in Times of Chaos and Unrest
The Scriptures: The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World: How the Nonfictional Word of God Can Be Applied for Everyday Living in Times of Chaos and Unrest
The Scriptures: The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World: How the Nonfictional Word of God Can Be Applied for Everyday Living in Times of Chaos and Unrest
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The Scriptures: The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World: How the Nonfictional Word of God Can Be Applied for Everyday Living in Times of Chaos and Unrest

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We currently live in a world of tremendous chaos and confusion, with many not knowing what to believe as truth and what is simply made up to satisfy the lust of the flesh or the pride of life--the same things that have plagued mankind since Adam and Eve. And the Bible and the scriptures are no exception, with many in today's society wondering if the Bible is still relevant and how they apply the scriptures to their lives. This book does just that: by breaking down scriptures that apply to some of the issues and concerns we as Christians face or may be facing every day. To some, the scriptures can be intimidating, based on one's Biblical knowledge, but the topics in this book are explained in terms that even the beginner can understand. Also, you'll find that various versions of the scriptures were used to enable the readers and enhance understanding; hence, the title, The Scriptures: The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World. It is written in a style that allows you to utilize topics as daily devotionals, Bible class study topics, or as personal encouragement or inspiration.

Hopefully by reviewing how the scriptures are applied to everyday occurrences, we can also avoid some of the distractions and trappings that befall us and cause us to question our faith or God's word. The topics are nonfiction, just as God's word is nonfiction and never-changing.

The readings in this book are a great gift to light the path of those who are new babies in Christ or for those who may have strayed from the path of righteousness. Either way, it is a great reminder of how the Lord works wonders in our lives and helps all of us separate ourselves from the wiles of the devil that are dividing our communities, our states, our country, and the world.

Release dateMay 26, 2023
The Scriptures: The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World: How the Nonfictional Word of God Can Be Applied for Everyday Living in Times of Chaos and Unrest

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    The Scriptures - Rilous Carter


    The Scriptures

    The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World: How the Nonfictional Word of God Can Be Applied for Everyday Living in Times of Chaos and Unrest

    Rilous Carter

    ISBN 979-8-88685-550-0 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88685-551-7 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Rilous Carter

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Combatting a Toxic Mind

    Our Faithfulness Is What Matters to God

    Yes, We Are Our Brother's Keeper

    Jesus's Divine Authority

    Are We Guilty of Telling God How to Do Things?

    The Christian Birthright

    Repeating the Sins of the Past

    Yes, God Is Faithful

    Do We Have a Zeal for Everything Except God?

    God Cares How We Worship

    Refuge in God and Not Man

    Considering Sins of Omission

    Are We Living for God's Plan?

    Excuses: The Rationale We Make to Ourselves

    Unity: Not Just a Cute Idea

    Our Greatest Need in Life

    Hypocrisy Has Always Been an Issue

    God Alone Is the Lawgiver and Enforcer

    Believe in Christ or the Big Lies

    What's Going On?

    Controlled by the Holy Spirit

    The Resurrection…More Than a Once-a-Year Thing

    We're Never Alone…with the Right Attitude and Heart

    Why Is Love Not the Goal of All?

    Are We Angry with God or Ourselves?

    Patience: A Key Characteristic for Christians

    Are We Forsaking Commandments for Personal Liberties?

    After the Storm, Are We Better or Bitter?

    Going through the Real Trials of Life

    We Need a Strong Relationship with God to Avoid Sin

    It's a Matter of the Heart

    Humility: A Core Christian Value

    What Is Christian Love?

    Behavior in an Immoral Culture

    Do I Still Have a Passion for God?

    Do Not Allow Satan to Disarm Us

    Disaster Preparedness

    Self-Confidence or Self-Deception

    Don't Be Obsessed with Negativity

    What's Love Got to Do with It?

    Living in a Broken World

    God's Mercy Is Not an Excuse for Sin

    Cultivate Genuine Joy

    Fear of Persecution Can Cause Sin

    Is God Pleased with Us?

    It's All up to You

    Lord, Don't You Care?

    You Know Better

    Is Pride Our Greatest Problem?

    A Christian Fortress

    Rejection of Christianity

    Our Conduct in This Fleeting Life

    The Weeds of Life

    Giving God Our Best

    Who Are We Anyway?

    The Importance of Hope

    We Need God's Guidance

    Racism: A Pretext for Something Different

    Walk Habitually in the Light

    The Bridge of Salvation

    How Did We Get to This Chaos?

    Rejection Can Cause Death

    Everyone Needs Encouragement

    We Need the Power and Spirit of the Lord

    Don't Let Temporary Worries Steal Your Joy

    Doing Good during Crises

    Utilizing Our Gifts to Glorify God

    Learning to Lean on Jesus

    The Refuge of God

    Seeking God Rather Than Worry

    With Jesus, We Never Travel Alone

    Heroes Are Made in His Image

    Seek Counsel from the Lord

    The Devil Never Goes on Vacation

    Planning Time for God

    Understanding God's Word

    Foolishness Begins in the Heart

    A Vague or Mildly Affective Faith

    Theological Study Is for Everyone

    God Uses Adversity to Mold and Shape Us

    We Are Built to Withstand the Storms

    It's All about the Finish

    Lost in Translation

    Thin Line between Love and Hate

    Christians Unmasked

    The Risk of Being Bold for Christ

    Our Hope Is in God

    Doing the Good Work

    Relationships in Difficult Times

    Do Not Become Desensitized to Sin

    Are We Following God at a Distance?

    Our Daily War against Evil

    Why Are We Complaining When We Are So Blessed?

    Calming Effect

    Dealing with Deception

    About the Author


    Research over the past decade shows an alarming trend in the church—that there has been a continuous dropout rate of people of faith. This has been especially alarming among young adults, eighteen to twenty-nine years old, where 64 percent said they have dropped out at some point. This is up from 59 percent in 2011, and many have indicated they have dropped out for good. One of the challenges has been people of faith questioning whether the Bible, the Word of God, is still relevant. And if so, how does it apply to my life today?

    Distractions away from God is a major issue as we now have unprecedented access to ideas and worldviews, as well as a prodigious consumption of popular culture. As one of our ministers recently stated, We wrap our minds around so much fiction these days. But we need to read more nonfiction. And the Bible is just that—nonfiction and the true Word of God.

    This has also been amplified by a pandemic, social unrest, systemic and overt racism, and a contested presidential election. So how do we connect our faith in Christ to the actual world we live in? The problem is that we can get so caught up in the issues themselves and look to man to solve them for us. However, the Bible tells us there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). As for man, humans are innately selfish and looking out for their own personal interests. The Lord God even stated that man's intent of the thoughts of his heart are continually evil, and He was sorry He had made man on the earth (Genesis 6:5–6). Only if we are able to apply the Word of God as a guide for living can we navigate ourselves out of this mindset.

    This book addresses these issues that have been or maybe currently faced, and it applies scripture to give us a better understanding. Whereas many have abandoned the traditional Bible for the latest electronic gadget, these have also made God's written word more accessible. We simply need to know how to apply it for daily living and to fight off the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). In these readings, scriptures have been directly associated with some of the dilemmas we have faced and will hopefully give us encouragement. These readings can also be a great gift for those who have dropped out of the church or who have thoughts of dropping out. And let's not forget about those who may be contemplating becoming a member of the body of Christ. Oftentimes, we may not be able to or have time to explain the scriptures, but these readings can be an easy solution for us.

    Finally, it is a way for us to motivate and encourage ourselves daily, thus building the durable faith that is required to sustain us in a turbulent and sinful world. We pray you get as much joy out of reading it as I did when writing it.

    Combatting a Toxic Mind

    Have you thought about the plurality of the toxic environment we seem to constantly live in these days? And it's not just because of the pandemic. It seems that we hear of mass shootings two or three times a week across our nation and in our own neighborhoods. Then there is the toxic rhetoric that is continually spewed by politicians and has been adopted by a large percentage of our citizens, even though they have proven to be erroneous and used only for political gain. But in the midst of all this, we have been alone with our thoughts for longer periods of time than ever before. As a result of this toxic environment, many have also been experiencing toxic thoughts—creating both fear and doubt. Although we may consult others for remedies to overcome these toxic mindsets, one of the best remedies is the oldest, and that's the Word of God. And as Christians with renewed minds, we should follow Paul's advice in Philippians 4:8:

    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (ESV)

    We are currently in a war—a battle—and although we are spiritual beings, we are still in physical bodies, and bodies get tired. We become irritable, and this impacts our thought life. And the more we think these negative and toxic thoughts, the more we believe in them and not the power of God. But we can only get back on track and stay on track when we habitually rely on prayer and God's grace. This is done by setting our minds on spiritual things and not things of the flesh, as stated in Romans 8:5–6:

    For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. (ESV)

    Instead of our sinful nature—that worldly being within us—we must rely on the Holy Spirit to control our thoughts and actions. For it is only through the Holy Spirit that we have the power necessary to defeat the ruler of this world, Satan himself. We should all ponder the words that Jesus told his disciples in John 14:26–27, 30:

    But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (NKJV)

    I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. (NKJV, emphasis mine)

    Have a blessed day.

    Our Faithfulness Is What Matters to God

    You've probably heard people say we're all in the same boat or we're all in this together to describe how the pandemic has transformed our lives. Yes, we may be on equal footing knowing that a pandemic does not discriminate, but if we're being honest, it does impact us all in vastly different ways. This could be in the areas of jobs and careers, to schooling for our kids and grandkids. And while some are living in extreme fear, others are unburdened by the threat of health issues. However, the one area where we are assured we are all equal is in the eyes of God. In His eyes, we are all special and equal—after all, we were all created in His image per Genesis 1:27: So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (NKJV).

    So our positions and/or bank accounts do not matter to God. What matters to God is our faithfulness during times of trials and tribulations. It is important that we maintain our belief that God is sovereign, even in times like this…even when the world seems out of control. For if we can witness that God is in control when it looks like God isn't in control, then we are demonstrating a faithfulness that other people will stand up and notice. Paul discussed such faith in his instructional letter to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:13–15:

    I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in His testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will display at the proper time—He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (ESV)

    We exhibit our faith when we live our lives with His commandments as a guide, thus ensuring others will notice that we are serving the one true God. If we look at the big picture, we will see that God has continued to bless us, in spite of our faults and shortcomings. This includes times when our faith was weakened and we think things are hopeless, and the devil wants us to lose hope and to start losing faith, but we must remember that God's love never fails. We simply need to heed what Moses conveyed to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 31:8: It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed (ESV).

    So we pray we all give thanks to the Lord today for His many blessings as we are able to open our eyes, are able to breathe, place our feet on the floor and walk, have food, clothing and shelter, are able to greet our love ones, and are able to freely worship in spirit and

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