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Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15
Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15
Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15
Ebook126 pages3 hours

Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15

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The content of this book centers around a crucial theme: "Dealing with the Self-life." Its message will help you comprehend the nature of the self-life and, more importantly, how to overcome its grip on your life.

The author, Z.T. Fomum, imparts the revelation that God, the Lord of history, continually orchestrates events and circumstances to shape our destinies and propel us toward a future marked by divine purpose. You will be challenged to relinquish self-reliance and instead yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the vital role of divine influence in leading a life pleasing to God.

Could it be that you have grown comfortable, complacent, and passive in your spiritual journey? Then this book is a wake-up call for you! Awaken from your slumber, discard your indifferent attitude, and break free from the shackles of the self-life. Then you will embrace a selfless existence that will bring profound satisfaction to the heart of God and fulfill His purposes through your life and service.

May you encounter a radical deliverance from the clutches of the self-life as you read this book!

Release dateMay 31, 2023
Dealing with the Self-life: Practical Helps in Sanctification, #15

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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    Book preview

    Dealing with the Self-life - Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    Dealing with the Self-Life



    BOOK 16



    Yaounde Leadership Course

    22—29 April 1995

    Copyright © 1995 by Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Except otherwise stated, all Bible references are from the New International Version of the Bible

    Published by

    A division of the Book Ministry of Christian Missionary Fellowship International




    1. Called to God’s Perfection

    2. Love, Actions, and Warfare

    3. Dealing with Self

    4. The Flesh or the Spirit


    Back Matters



    Welcome to this invaluable compilation of messages delivered by Brother Zach during a transformative leadership training course in Yaounde from April 22 to April 29, 1995. The content of this book centers around a crucial theme: "Dealing with the Self-life." With deep insight and profound understanding, Brother Zach dedicated his teachings to help the brethren comprehend the nature of the self-life and, more importantly, how to overcome its grip on their lives.

    Throughout these teachings, Brother Zach imparts the revelation that God, the Lord of history, continually orchestrates events and circumstances to shape our destinies and propel us towards a future marked by divine purpose. He challenges believers to relinquish self-reliance and instead yield to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the vital role of divine influence in leading a life pleasing to God.

    Within these pages, Brother Zach passionately calls upon those who have grown comfortable, complacent, and passive in their spiritual journey. He urges them to awaken from their slumber, discard their indifferent attitudes, and break free from the shackles of the self-life. By doing so, they can embrace a selfless existence that brings profound satisfaction to the heart of God and fulfills His purposes through their lives and service.

    As you embark on this profound reading experience, our heartfelt prayer is that you will encounter a radical deliverance from the clutches of the self-life. May the transformative insights contained herein inspire you to live a life fully dedicated to God, finding fulfillment in both your character and your actions.



    Bless the Lord for Cameroon Airlines that we have surnamed Missionary Airline.

    Let us thank the Lord for our missionaries in Nigeria and bless the Lord for their ministry.

    Bless the Lord for our missionaries in Zaire and for their ministry to the people of Zaire.

    Let us bless the Lord for our missionaries in the Central African Republic.

    Let us bless the Lord for our missionaries in Kenya.

    Let us bless the Lord for our co-workers in the nation of Benin.

    Bless the Lord for our co-workers in Angola and for the church in Cabinda.

    There is a young church that is born in Paris, a sister from there is here. Let us bless the Lord for the church that meets in her house.

    Let us bless the Lord for the Nyisomehs, soon to be in South Africa.

    Let us bless the Lord for the Tatuhs, soon to be in Zambia to make a contribution to Zambian conquest.

    Let us bless the Lord for the Menyes soon to be in Ivory Coast.

    Let us bless the Lord for the Tajuhs soon to be missionaries in Tanzania.

    Let us bless the Lord for the Ekwoges soon to be missionaries in Uganda.

    Because Francois is still wrestling with his mother and we need the full approval of his parents before he goes, we shall come to that later.

    I told you that the Lord had sent forth brother Gilbert to Togo. I went to Nigeria and told brother Koumabe because I did not just want to inform him, lest one day when in trouble he says, This thing that I did not know about—which they put upon me. When I told brother Koumabe and he received it well and asked the brother’s qualification for this, I then told him the word from the Lord and sent him to ask brother Gilbert what he felt about it. He sent a fax saying how well he welcomed it. Mr and Mrs Fiogbe—missionaries to Togo!


    Personally, I want to thank the Lord for ministering with Emmanuel this morning. I met him 19 years ago. Who here is not yet 19? Put up your hand. I met Emmanuel before you were born. I would like the wife of brother Emmanuel to thank God for these 19 years of ministering together. I say we are learning to love Him (the Lord). We have made so much progress but there is so much to learn in loving Him. I remember the first time he (Emmanuel) came to my office, boyish, zealous but full of questions. At Tsinga ¹ we had decided that the meetings would go bilingual and in our childishness, we made no arrangement about who was to interpret. It was good that we made no arrangements for we would have made errors. It was then that everybody was looking at brother Emmanuel Bayiha. He started interpreting and he has been interpreting from then till now. That is how God works. There are things we can plan and others we cannot plan. What we cannot plan let us allow the Holy Spirit to lead us. I want you to recognize the hand of God in your life.

    In 1964, I went to visit my father who was sick in the hospital at Acha Tugi. My mother was there taking care of him; she stayed in the hospital to care for him. She shared her sleeping place with me. Two girls were with her. When we started to talk, one withdrew; I talked to the other till late in the night. Then my mother said, What are you talking about? It was Prisca I was talking to. Three days after that, we went to greet her mother. I was nineteen. She asked me strangely, Are you married? By then I was nineteen and was in the sixth form.

    I have been married to Prisca for thirty-one years. Some things you can plan, others you cannot. That is why for those we cannot plan; we rest in the hands of God to lead us.

    Listen, it is not a mistake that Joe Mbafor is the co-ordinating elder of the church in Yaounde. He was six months old in the Lord when I went for the Bamenda crusade, having believed in 1977. I left the work with him to co-ordinate even though there were older believers. So this six to eight-month-old believer has taken care of the work in this city till today.

    Thank the Lord of history who is transforming history into a prophecy of the future. Do you derive comfort from it? God is working through the circumstances of your life to bring you to His greatness. You will not fail because He will not fail.

    A few of us started to meet at sister Emily’s; I do not remember the date; I did not keep the records. The problem is that when we need to write the story we shall need somebody who is a chronicler. Sister Emily thought that it was to be a small number and she wanted to make comfortable chairs for the people when they come but God was thinking differently. I too was thinking differently.

    The first meeting started in brother Ning’s house on 29 October 1975. Yesterday I looked at the names of those who constituted the small beginning. Initially they were Bible study groups but I named them assemblies:

    Olezoa Assembly

    Tsinga Assembly

    And God has led them on and on.

    Bless the Lord who starts in a small way and continues in might and works in might.

    "There is a fountain filled with blood."

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