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How to Create an Extraordinary Life for Yourself
How to Create an Extraordinary Life for Yourself
How to Create an Extraordinary Life for Yourself
Ebook202 pages1 hour

How to Create an Extraordinary Life for Yourself

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This one particular book has the potential to become one of the most important books that you will ever read. I now boldly state this claim with absolute confidence because in this book there is an immense amount of vital information. Not only are there numerous topics with brief explanations in this book, but also there are numerous actual hands-on techniques that can be easily practiced. If this immense amount of vital information is properly utilized, there should be no reason why anyone can't create an extraordinary life for themselves. I now challenge you to read this book in its entirety at least once and determine for yourself if what I am now boldly claiming is of truth or not.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 28, 2023
How to Create an Extraordinary Life for Yourself

Richard Franza

I am a spiritualist who has been practicing certain techniques over the course of the last eight years. I am developing myself spiritually, had a wonderful life-changing experience, benefitting in so many other ways, and had come to a realization that I am a practicing yogi mainly because of practicing these techniques. I wish to share these techniques with others so that they can have an excellent opportunity to possibly experience what I am experiencing, a much better life, and become a practicing yogi if they are not one already.

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    How to Create an Extraordinary Life for Yourself - Richard Franza

    Copyright © 2023 by Richard Franza.

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    1) An Extraordinary Life

    2) Understanding The Nature Of Reality

    3) An Expanded Awareness

    4) Our Divine Birthright

    5) Our True Purpose In Life

    6) It’s A Jungle Out There

    7) Not Approaching Life Properly

    8) Relying Upon Our Intuition

    9) The Art Of Self-Mastery

    10) The Spiritual Awakening Process

    11) A Spiritual Lifestyle

    12) The Art Of Self-Discovery

    13) Self-Empowerment And Enlightenment

    14) Transcending The Ego

    15) The Subconscious Mind

    16) The Universal Energy Field

    17) Liberation Through Detachment

    18) A Strong Belief System

    19) Unlimited Potential To Create

    20) The Power Of Repetition

    21) A Positive Outlook

    22) Taking Back Our Power

    23) Entering The Stream

    24) The Flow State

    25) Present Moment Awareness

    26) Influences Of Celestial Bodies

    27) A Light In The World

    28) The Aura

    29) The Chakras

    30) The Law Of Karma

    31) Raising Our Vibrational Frequency

    32) Being A Student Of Life

    33) Being An Observer

    34) A Natural High

    35) Improvement of Mental Condition

    36) An Ease Of Physical Discomforts

    37) Developing Into A Spiritual Master

    38) The Theory Of Reincarnation

    39) Working On Ourselves

    40) Performing Activities Of Enjoyment

    41) Maintaining Good Health

    42) Wishing Everyone Well In Life

    43) Having An Attitude of Gratitude

    44) The Art of Meditation

    45) Focusing On Our Inner Self

    46) Seeking The Kingdom Of Heaven Within Us

    47) The Glorious Golden Age Of America

    48) A Philosopher In Life

    49) Cherishing Our Natural World

    50) The Initial Struggle

    51) The Suggested Techniques

    I) Being In A Constant Meditative State

    II) Focusing On Your Inner Self

    III) Reciting Positive Affirmations

    IV) Using Your Imagination

    V) Performing A Ritual

    VI) Performing A Self-Analysis

    VII) Performing A Self-Hypnosis

    VIII) Opening Your Heart To Love

    IX) Staring In The Mirror

    X) Self-Talk

    XI) Writing And Reciting A Positive Statement

    XII) Reciting A Daily Affirmation

    XIII) Opening Your Chakras

    XIV) Focusing On The Universal Energy Field

    XV) Gazing Out Into Space Above

    XVI) Writing A Journal

    XVII) Performing A Morning Exercise

    XVIII) Performing A Bedtime Exercise

    XIX) Staring Out In Front Of You

    XX) Intoning A Mystical Sound

    52) The Possible Benefits

    53) The Possible Pitfalls

    54) Embrace This Lifetime

    55) Conclusion

    56) Twenty Life-Changing Suggestions

    57) Certain Facts About Me

    58) A Closing Quote

    ‘The time has come for you to begin the probable long journey towards creating an extraordinary life for yourself. From now on refuse to settle for an okay life, refuse to settle for a life of mediocrity if a life of mediocrity is what you are now settling for.’

    Richard Franza

    My Best Wishes to You in Life

    At hand, a golden chance to create, yes, a golden chance

    To create an extraordinary life for yourself,

    In this eternal dance

    We must take advantage of every single advantage

    That is offered to us;

    What more to you must I discuss?

    Oh yes, I must now say to you

    That on this day you ought to do

    What it takes to make

    This extraordinary life for yourself through and through.

    This invaluable book is the key that is needed

    To greatly assist you in creating this extraordinary life,

    It doesn’t matter what life is presenting to you now

    When it comes to problems and strife,

    Go right ahead and forge forward towards

    Making a dream come true for you somehow.

    Go now and read on,

    See for yourself that the messages in this book

    Are what you needed to hear,

    Listen closely to the messages in this book

    With an open ear,

    Listen and clearly hear

    My words to you that I wish to share.

    My best wishes to you in life.

    Richard Franza

    This book is

    dedicated to all of my wonderful family members and dear friends of mine. They are all very special to me. A special dedication goes to my wonderful parents, Rocco and Judy, whom have departed from this Earth for good. My wonderful parents will always be cherished in my heart. May they be resting peacefully together wherever they may be in life.


    I t gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to share this book with you. I want you to know that I am very fond of this book. I am hopeful that you will also be very fond of it. This one book contains an immense amount of vital information that can be of great assistance to you towards creating an extraordinary life for yourself. I had covered a great deal of important issues in this book with the inclusion of numerous techniques to practice in order to create this extraordinary life for yourself. I strongly suggest to you to pay close attention to my messages that are in this book. And, keep in mind that an extraordinary life is usually not freely given to anyone on a silver platter. In order to have any chance of being blessed to receive an extraordinary life, you probably need to work at it for quite possibly a very long time. Always remember that anything good in life takes a long time.

    At this moment in time you may be wondering to yourself about me in the sense of who is this guy, telling me that I can create an extraordinary life for myself if I was to put into practice certain techniques and also apply into my life certain ideas. Well, if this be the case, I truly don’t blame you for this. After all, I am currently a nobody from Brooklyn, New York. Why should anyone listen to me and put into practice what I am preaching? Well, all that I can say to you at this moment in time is that I had personally discovered a way to create an extraordinary life for myself. What I have been doing over the course of the last ten years is truly paying off for me. I wish to share with others such as yourself a way that they can also work towards creating an extraordinary life for themselves. If I can create an extraordinary life for myself, so can anyone else. I am no exception to the rule.

    The journey for me in creating this extraordinary life for myself had started about ten years ago. About ten years ago I was a crack cocaine addict, fairly miserable, an unknower of my true natural self in which there was no chance of me being it, materialistic, and I was also suffering from a mental illness. It was about ten years ago that I was sick and tired of my life and life itself. It was about ten years ago that I wanted to discover a way to not only quit smoking crack cocaine, but also to have much more happiness in my life. It was about ten years ago that I had realized that the first thing that I needed to do was to control my mind before I could do anything else with effectiveness. This is when I had discovered the very first technique of being in a constant meditative state and began to practice it. As time progressed I had discovered other techniques and began to practice them. Within a relatively short period of time after practicing these techniques, I had not only quit smoking crack cocaine, but also I had become desireless towards abusing alcohol and all illegal drugs, much more happier, a knower of my true natural self as I was it on certain occasions, spiritual, and my mental illness had become greatly alleviated. I had a complete transformation in my life. My story is truly a story of success. I had pulled myself out of a deep, dark hole and onto solid ground in the light. I am very grateful and thankful that I was able to transform my wretched life into a life that is surely well worth living. Therefore, if your life is not going as well as you would like it to be going, now is an excellant opportunity to do something about it. You have unlimited potential and the power to create an extraordinary life for yourself. You can choose to start to create this extraordinary life for yourself or to continue to have a life of mediocrity if that is what you are having by not doing anything at all towards making it happen for you. But, as a reminder, I must inform you that my life at this current moment in time is not always extraordinary. I currently have down moments at times in which I am not feeling that good, but at least I

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