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Insomnia: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to End Sleeping Disorder without Pills and Enjoy Effortless Sleep
Insomnia: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to End Sleeping Disorder without Pills and Enjoy Effortless Sleep
Insomnia: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to End Sleeping Disorder without Pills and Enjoy Effortless Sleep
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Insomnia: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to End Sleeping Disorder without Pills and Enjoy Effortless Sleep

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Insomnia is a sleep disorder that many people deal with each night. It doesn't have to be this way, though. There are many natural remedies that can help them to find sleep once again. Generally, there are other underlying causes that are to blame for a sleep disorder. By finding out the root of the problem, we can figure out exactly what to do

Release dateJun 2, 2023
Insomnia: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to End Sleeping Disorder without Pills and Enjoy Effortless Sleep

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    Insomnia - Cathrine Kowal

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 An Introduction to Insomnia

    Chapter 2 What is Insomnia?


    Types of Sleep Disorders

    What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

    Risk Factors for Sleep Apnea

    Sleep Apnea Treatments

    Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome

    Periodic Limb Movement Disorder

    Restless Leg Syndrome


    REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

    Circadian Rhythm Disorder

    Biophasic Sleep

    Chapter 3 Causes of Insomnia

    Chapter 4 The History and Facts About Insomnia

    What Effects Does Insomnia have on our Health?

    Facts About Insomnia

    Effects of Insomnia on Health

    Chapter 5 Natural Ways to Find Sleep

    Essential Oils for Sleep

    Cannabis and CBD For Sleep

    Meditation and Relaxation Tips




    Chapter 6 Effects of Depression on Sleep Cycles

    Chapter 7 When to See A Doctor

    Chapter 8 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Insomnia

    Medications or therapy?

    Who Gets CBT Benefits?

    Find Your CBT Therapist

    How Online CBT Works

    Chapter 9 Getting Better Sleep

    Sleep Hours and Your Body

    Chapter 10 Wrapping It All Up

    Snacks to Have Before Bed

    Do Not Eat These Foods Before Bed

    Chapter 1

    An Introduction to Insomnia

    Sleep is one of the most important things that we need in life. Without a good night’s sleep, imagine to how you feel throughout the entire day. Are you in a good mood? Are you grumpy and unable to complete the functions of your job? Do you snap at your co-workers for no reason at all? Is there no amount of coffee that can make you feel better? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you probably know exactly how insomnia makes you feel. You are not the only one that has suffered from insomnia, but there are some great ways to fight it without drugs.

    Our sleep is incredibly important to us and it is a huge part of what helps us to get through the day. If we are unable to sleep, our lives will lose so much. Functioning at work and school will take quite a hit if you are losing sleep. Once you have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, it is important to get the help you need as soon as you can. That is why we are here to explain to you all of the ways to get relief from insomnia.

    Millions of people suffer from insomnia each night and some of them have never been able to find relief. What causes insomnia? How can we treat it? If you have stayed up all night thinking of everything on your to-do list, what you forgot to do at work, concerns for your life, or your children, you may need some extra help with your insomnia. You are in luck! There are many natural ways to fight off insomnia and make you feel much better when you try to go to bed at night.

    Chapter 2

    What is Insomnia?

    Insomnia is considered to be a sleep disorder. A sleep disorder is usually characterized by the inability to stay asleep once you get to sleep, the inability to get to sleep, being always tired even though you have gotten hours of sleep the night before, nodding off during the day, and a lack of energy that goes from day to day no matter how much sleep you get. This sleep disorder is one that can hit anyone at any time. Men and women are both susceptible for insomnia.

    The characteristics of insomnia are that it keeps people awake at night or it can be the reason why they cannot fall asleep at night. There are different types of insomnia from acute to chronic. Acute insomnia or also known as short-term insomnia can be classified as insomnia that will last less than three months. This type of insomnia is the easiest for doctors to classify because it is generally brought on by a specific event or change in life. For example, many people who lose a loved one will experience acute insomnia. The grief of losing someone they love can cause them to stay up at night with all of the what if’s running around in their minds. There are other types of sleep disorders associated with acute insomnia. These are called circadian sleep disorders. These are a type of sleep disorder that happens when the circadian rhythm in your brain changes. The circadian rhythm can change due to many reasons such as jet lag, altitude, and a change in work. There are a few types of circadian rhythm sleep disorders that will be visited in the next chapter.

    Chronic insomnia is another type of insomnia that is characterized by not being able to sleep at night due to factors such as stress in life, problems with relationships, issues at work, or issues at school. The symptoms of chronic insomnia include waking up in the middle of sleeping, becoming irritable, not being able to function during the day, trouble concentrating, and having issues with memory. Sometimes chronic insomnia can last a few months, but some sufferers have had it for years.

    The main focus of insomnia sufferers is getting better sleep at night since insomnia causes very poor sleep for them. For those who suffer from insomnia will often feel incredibly unsatisfied with their sleep cycles and patterns. It can be extremely tough for those who have insomnia to even get through their entire day.

    There are numerous types of sleep disorders and we will touch on quite a few. Insomnia is the primary focus of this book, but we want to educate our readers on just how many sleep disorders there are.


    We will discuss quite a few sleep disorders in this book. A group of them is called dyssomnia. Sleep disorders are often put in different categories such as hypersomnolence, which is daytime sleepiness, and insomnia that is the inability to get to sleep. There are categories that dyssomnia is broken into as well. They can also affect our sleep patterns. These are intrinsic sleep disorders, extrinsic sleep disorders, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

    Intrinsic sleep disorders are often connected with inner sleep mechanisms or sleep-related medical disorders. Psychophysiological insomnia is often placed into this category. It happens when you know the reasons that you are not falling asleep. This means that you are constantly worried or anxious when you are trying to fall asleep. This is when you begin to get stressed out because all you are concerned with is why you can’t sleep. Many people will stare at their clock or the time on their phone during this type of sleep disorder.

    Extrinsic sleep disorders are usually caused by conditions of your body on the outside such as your habits, allergies, or the environment. One of the reasons that people lose sleep with this type of disorder is due to altitude or allergies. When your body experiences changes, it can interrupt your sleep or your ability to fall asleep. If you have just moved to a place at a higher altitude than you are used to, it will take you a week or so to get used to it. This could cause you to sleep too much or too little. Try some natural sleep remedies for this and you will soon see that you will get adapted to the elevation. If you have noticed that every time you eat salmon or pork, you have a very difficult time sleeping, you should get tested for any allergies. Chances are these foods are not agreeing with you for a reason, so it is important to find out why so you can start sleeping

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