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The Fly Who Saved the World
The Fly Who Saved the World
The Fly Who Saved the World
Ebook162 pages2 hours

The Fly Who Saved the World

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Joe wanted to live the life he had been enjoying his entire life so far, breakfast whenever he woke up, sleep while the sun shone, and a few naps throughout the night when he knew no one else would eat his food. However, life has a funny way of only making things like that possible after some hard work has been done, which is why Joe woke one day to a world going crazy.

With his friend Hugo the frog, Joe set off on an unwanted adventure away from their cozy pond, encountering a snake that likes birds and a bird that likes bugs. Entering the big city for answers, the trash started to pile up and it did not take long for everyone to smell something wrong in the air. Joe never thought he'd have to deal with any humans, but his adventure soon means that he may very well be the only one who can save them.

Follow Joe, his friends and a few very confused people solve the problem of their town, why are there towers of trash on every street corner? What happened to the all the animals that would thrive in them? How did a one man being scorned change the world?

What should Joe do to enjoy living his life in the laziest way possible?

Release dateMay 18, 2023
The Fly Who Saved the World

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    Book preview

    The Fly Who Saved the World - Giuseppe Cristiano

    Giuseppe Cristiano

    The fly who saved the World

    © 2021 Seagull Editions s.r.l.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - Joe...........................1

    Chapter 2 - Joe...........................6

    Chapter 3 - Joe..........................14

    Chapter 4 - Hugo.........................23

    Chapter 5 - Joe..........................31

    Chapter 6 - Joe..........................39

    Chapter 7 - Hugo.........................48

    Chapter 8 - Hugo.........................55

    Chapter 9 - Steve.........................60

    Chapter 10 - Joe.........................68

    Chapter 11 - Hugo........................73

    Chapter 12 - Houdini.....................78

    Chapter 13 - Joe.........................83

    Chapter 14 - Houdini.....................87

    Chapter 15 - Steve........................91

    Chapter 16 - Steve........................96

    Chapter 17 - Joe........................101

    Chapter 18 - Hugo.......................106

    Chapter 19 - Houdini....................114

    Chapter 20 - Houdini....................118

    Chapter 21 - Hugo.......................123

    Chapter 22 - Joe........................128

    Chapter 23 - Joe........................133

    Chapter 24 - Joe........................140

    Chapter 25 - Houdini....................145

    Chapter 26 - Houdini....................150

    Chapter 27 - Joe........................157

    Chapter 28 - Joe........................162

    Chapter 29 - Garby......................168

    Chapter 30 - Garby......................172

    Chapter 31 - Hugo.......................179

    Chapter 32 - Hugo.......................184

    Chapter 33 - Houdini....................190

    Chapter 34 - Houdini....................195

    Chapter 35 - Joe........................199

    Chapter 36 - Joe........................204

    Chapter 37 - Sally.......................210

    Chapter 38 - Houdini....................214

    Chapter 39 - Helen......................219

    Chapter 40 - Joe........................228

    Chapter 41 - Sally.......................234

    Chapter 42 - Helen......................241

    Chapter 43 - Joe........................247

    Chapter 44 - Joe........................255

    Chapter 45 - Joe........................264

    Chapter 46 - Helen......................273

    Chapter 1 - Joe


    It was almost a normal day for Joe when he woke up, the sun was just reaching its apex and he felt his little body getting hot. He slowly stood up and stretched his six legs one at a time, making sure to have that comfortable snap as each was pushed to its maximum length. He took a look around him and saw that there was almost no one around him.

    Which was perfect, it meant he could take his time finding something to eat and then quietly disappear to the closest shady spot he knew about. He flew up and saw a delightful brown pile only a few feet away from where he went to sleep, a pile that must have been made by a passing animal. Flying barely a few inches above the ground he was surprised when there wasn’t even a small mite busy doing something on the grass.

    He ignored this, seeing as it would be a lot of work to try and think about where everyone was, instead he enjoyed his nice steaming brunch. It wasn’t as fresh as most flies would prefer but after some digging, he got into the thick of it. After having his fill, he calmly stood around and looked at the world around him.

    It was a clear sunny day and the small field he called home was filled with lush green grass, he barely ever needed to leave and in all his time being alive he had never even tried. The furthest he had gone was to the nearby pond, where he met a few friends but also spent every afternoon relaxing, trying his best not to be noticed.

    Thinking of what the day may hold if he stayed too long on something so fresh he quietly went off towards to pond, hoping that his best friend would be there. He knew he would be there since he’s never anywhere else, the two had met more out of their shared laziness than anything else. Sighing deeply, he used the extra energy required to fly over the short hill that surrounded the pond.

    To his relief, as he reached the top of the hill he saw that there was no one else than Hugo the frog at the pond. Naturally, his friend was sleeping in the shallow part of the pond, as he flew closer the big frog stirred and stretched out each limb. Joe hovered near him for a few seconds until his movements slowed down then landed between his eyes. It was the best place for Joe to sleep, Hugo’s body was always covered in a bit of slime which meant they could both bake in the sun while sleeping without drying out.

    Once Hugo had completely stretched every part of him Joe felt the low rumble of his voice slowly croak out, Afternoon Joe, did you see anyone on the way here?

    Joe yawned slowly before replying, Not a bug, not an animal or anyone else.

    Odd, I woke up at sunrise, the pond went quiet, the fish are complaining, there’s no one around, Hugo said.

    They both synchronized their next yawn before Joe said, It seems in our sleep we both missed something.

    It would seem we did, but the real question is, should we care? Hugo replied.

    Joe thought about it for almost two seconds, which surprised him greatly, I think not, simply makes our lives easier if we need not hide. Maybe we can find a good spot to sleep today.

    Hugo laughed with a rumble and slowly started moving, he was heading towards a deeper end of the pond, one that was almost in the sun but hidden by long grass. Once Hugo reached the spot they looked over the calm pond, it was quiet and already Joe felt his eyes getting heavy and the need to fall asleep rising.

    Well, wherever they all are, I think it’s best we don’t think about it. I want to sleep and it’s getting nice and comfortable now. Joe said.

    Hugo grumbled in agreement and Joe allowed sleep to overcome him, the wind blowing across the grass and the sun shining through the shade made it perfect. Before he knew it he was off to his favorite place to be, the world of sleep.

    Chapter 2 - Joe


    He was awoken by the sound of things happening around him, the sound of work made it clear he was no longer in the right place. With a great amount of effort, he woke up and tried looking at the world around him without making any obvious movements, in his experience everyone always wanted him to do something once he started moving and that would not be an option if he could help it.

    What he saw made almost no sense, even when he was surrounded by the industrious ants he never saw so many things happening all at once. He saw other flies gathering dirt, bees working on pollinating flowers, ants working on making bridges, beetles building little huts, and larger animals helping wherever they could.

    The pond was busy, with animals and bugs doing things that none of them should be doing. Which was all something Joe had already decided he was going to ignore. Unfortunately, Hugo was stirring beneath him and he had to crawl to where he could safely whisper into his ear. Hugo was already awake and when Joe got near his ear a slight twitch made it clear the frog had been waiting for him to start.

    I’ve been watching them for a while now, we need to do something Joe, Hugo grumbled softly.

    What do you mean, none of them have seen us and they’re all the worst type of bugs, industrious ones, Joe replied.

    The frog sighed softly, They’re building things that look nothing like what a bug should be making. The ants are building boats, like the ones those humans use on the rivers. Hugo said.

    And when Joe took a closer look at the scenes in front of him, he saw that boats were being built, clearly designed to mimic the looks of those used by humans. The bees were using the tops to build places for their eggs to grow and none of the bugs were fighting each other. All working together, instead of arguing, biting, and ignoring each other as they should be.

    You’re going to make me talk to some of them aren’t you Hugo? Joe asked.

    The frog shook as he laughed, One of us must and there are more flies out there than anything else. I see no frogs, which worries me because it is almost tadpole season.

    What exactly do you need me to ask other than what the hell they are all doing? Joe asked.

    That is all I expect you to ask them, Joe, ask them what they are doing and why they are doing it, Hugo whispered.

    Gathering all his energy and feeling his mood dropping to one of absolute grumpiness Joe got up from his comfortable position on top of Hugo’s head. He flew up slowly at first then slowly looked around for a fly that wasn’t surrounded by so many other bugs. He approached it and tapped it softly on the side, it was so focused on what it was doing that it barely seemed to notice that Joe was touching it.

    Giving it a slight shove the fly finally looked at him and Joe could see there was something strange about the bug's eyes. There were several points in its eyes glazed over and even some eyes that seemed not to work at all. It was vibrating as Joe touched it and there was an energy around it that started giving joe a headache as soon as he had noticed it.

    Hi, can you tell me what you guys are doing? Joe asked.

    The fly looked at him with a quizzical twist of its head, but no response came from it. Instead, it slowly started backing away from Joe, clearly trying not to be touched by him again. Joe found this odd and he slowly used more energy to try and figure out what the fly was doing.

    Hey man, what’s up? Is there something wrong? He asked.

    The fly started backing up faster and now it was trying to lead him somewhere so Joe stopped moving altogether. Are you trying to show me something, the man just talks to me, what are you guys building?

    Before Joe could decide whether or not to follow the fly he noticed several hundred other bugs coming closer, the ants had gathered beneath them and to his great surprise, the flying bugs were making a large ball around him. Joe suddenly felt that it may be a good idea that he get away from these bugs because they were not going to do anything well.

    Just as he was about to make a mad break for it a large bee game bumbling through the crowd of gathered bugs, You! You do not follow the orders given to us and you distract another from its purpose, name yourself! it said, coming to stop only a few inches away from Joe.

    Hey now, I’m just trying to understand what’s going on here, you know maybe even find out what my orders are, Joe said.

    To his great chagrin, this just managed to make the bumblebee angrier, We do not need to be told what to do! You must simply know or be eradicated, us fellows must follow the orders. Right now they are to build the fleets!

    Fleets? But we’re all bugs we must simply live. Joe tried saying, an old saying he had been told by his brood mates when they were still larvae.

    No! There is only the fleet, then the world! The master calls us and the orders control us! You must join or be destroyed! the bee shouted and with that, all hell broke loose.

    Joe felt the other bugs closing in on him and he was quick enough to do the only thing that always worked when trying to escape from others, he

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