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In the thrilling sci-fi novel STARFALL MARTIANS RISING, readers are transported to a vivid and fully-realized universe full of danger and intrigue. The story is set in the year 2179, in a distant future where humanity has colonized the solar system and established a thriving network of space colonies. The

Release dateJun 9, 2023

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    STARFALL - Carson Kelly






    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN-13: 9798389213661

    ISBN-10: 9798389213661

    Cover design by: Carson Kelly Publishing, LLC

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023939361

    Printed in the United States of America


    Title Page



    Chapter 1: Arrival

    Chapter 2: Into the Unknown

    Chapter 3: The Girl in the Shadows

    Chapter 4: A Glimpse into Lena's Past

    Chapter 5: The New Plan

    Chapter 6: Starfall

    Chapter 7: THE DEPTHS OF TIME

    Chapter 8: The Beginning of a New Adventure

    Chapter 9: The New Crew

    Chapter 10: MARTIANS RISING

    Chapter 11: The Return to Earth

    Chapter 12: Reunion

    Chapter 13: A NEW DAWN

    Chapter 14: A New Frontier

    Chapter 15: THE LOST COLONY

    Chapter 16: HOMECOMING

    Chapter 17: Preparation for the Unknown

    Chapter 18: The New World

    Chapter 19: The Lone Explorer

    Chapter 20: The Future of Mars



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    In a distant future, humanity has made great strides in space exploration and colonization. However, the challenges of living in the cosmos still persist, and the dangers are greater than ever. In Starfall: Martians Rising, we follow the journeys of four individuals, Kit, Lena, Ayana, and Karsyne, as they face the trials and tribulations of living in space, fighting for their survival, and protecting the fate of the human race. From Mars to Xeonerth, these characters will encounter new worlds, new dangers, and new allies. They will learn to work together, rely on each other, and fight for what they believe in. But will it be enough to save humanity?

    Chapter 1: Arrival

    The red planet loomed large on the viewscreen of the starship, its barren surface dotted with craters and canyons. Kit, the ship's lone passenger, gazed out at the planet he had once called home, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. It had been years since he had set foot on Martian soil, and he wondered what changes he might find there.

    As the ship began its descent into the thin Martian atmosphere, Kit prepared himself for the landing. He ran through the mission objectives in his mind, reviewing the data and technology he had brought with him. He was a former explorer, with years of experience navigating the treacherous terrain of the planet. But this time, he was on a different kind of mission.

    Kit had received a distress signal from his old team of explorers, a team he had parted ways with years ago. The message was cryptic, and gave no details about the situation, but Kit knew he had to go. He owed his former team a debt, and he had a feeling that this might be the only way to repay it.

    As the ship touched down on the rocky terrain, Kit gathered his supplies and stepped out onto the Martian surface. The familiar crunch of red dust beneath his boots brought back a flood of memories, both good and bad. He took a deep breath and set out towards the coordinates provided in the distress signal.

    The journey was long and treacherous, the Martian landscape unforgiving and hostile. But Kit was determined to find his old team and help them in any way he could. As he neared the coordinates, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks.

    In the distance, he saw a large plume of smoke rising into the Martian sky, a telltale sign of destruction. Kit's heart sank, and he quickened his pace, the weight of his mission heavy on his shoulders.

    As he approached the source of the smoke, he saw the wreckage of a Martian exploration vehicle, its twisted metal frame and charred remains a testament to the violence that had taken place. Kit drew his weapon, a powerful laser gun, and advanced cautiously towards the site.

    Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the nearby rocks. Kit turned and saw a small group of Martians, their eyes wide with fear and their hands raised in surrender. Kit recognized them as members of his former team, and he knew that this was only the beginning of the battle.

    Kit, we never thought you'd come, one of the Martians said, relief evident in his voice. We're under attack by an unknown force, and we don't have the firepower to fight them off.

    Kit took in the scene before him, assessing the situation. He knew that he had to act fast, before it was too late. He gave the Martians a determined nod, and readied his weapon.

    We're not giving up without a fight, he said, his voice steady and determined. I'm here to help, and together, we're going to take back our planet.

    The Martians looked at Kit with a newfound hope, and with a roar of determination, they charged towards the source of the attack. Kit followed closely behind, his weapon at the ready.

    The battle was fierce and unrelenting, the Martians fighting with everything they had to protect their planet. Kit used his years of experience to lead the charge, taking out the enemy with precision and skill. The fight lasted for hours, and the Martians were battered and bloodied, but they never gave up. As the battle drew to a close, Kit looked out at the smoldering landscape around him, his heart heavy with the weight of the loss. But amidst the chaos, he saw her. Lena.

    She was tending to the wounded, her expression focused and determined. Kit's heart swelled with admiration for her. He knew then that he had to get to know her better.

    Over the next few days, Kit found himself drawn to Lena, watching her from a distance as she worked tirelessly to help the survivors. He was struck by her strength and resilience in the face of such devastation.

    It wasn't until a few nights later, as the survivors gathered around a bonfire, that Kit finally mustered the courage to approach her. He introduced himself and struck up a conversation, and soon they were lost in deep conversation.

    As the night wore on, Kit found himself becoming more and more enamored with Lena. Her intelligence, her passion, her unwavering commitment to helping others. He felt a deep connection with her, one that he couldn't explain.

    As the night came to a close, Kit knew he had to see Lena again. He asked her if she would be willing to meet him for dinner the following night, and to his relief, she said yes.

    And so began a whirlwind romance between Kit and Lena. They spent every moment they could together, exploring the ruins of their once-great city, discovering new places and experiences.

    But as they grew closer, they began to realize that their love was not without challenges. The war had left deep scars on both of them, and they found themselves struggling to move past the trauma they had experienced.

    Despite the challenges, however, Kit and Lena were determined to make it work. They had each other, and they were determined to make it through whatever challenges lay ahead.

    Chapter 2: Into the Unknown

    Kit and his team were now a few days into their journey, traveling through the vast expanse of space in their spacecraft, the Starfall. The ship hummed with the sound of the engines as they hurtled through the void, the stars and galaxies stretching out before them like an endless sea. Kit had spent much of his time exploring the ship and its technology, marveling at the intricate systems and designs that allowed it to travel through space.

    As they continued on their journey, Kit began to feel a growing sense of anticipation and excitement. He had always dreamed of exploring new worlds and uncovering the mysteries of the universe, and now he was finally on his way to do just that.

    But as they approached their destination, a feeling of unease began to gnaw at the back of Kit's mind. The planet they were headed for was shrouded in mystery and danger, and he knew that the journey ahead would be anything but easy.

    As they descended through the atmosphere of the planet, Kit watched as the landscape below came into view. The planet was covered in dense forests, craggy mountain ranges, and vast oceans that stretched as far as the eye could see. It was a world of stunning beauty and danger, and Kit knew that they would need to be careful if they were to survive.

    As they landed on the surface, Kit and his team stepped out of the ship and looked out at the unfamiliar world before them. The air was thick with the scent of plants and earth, and the sounds of strange creatures echoed through the forest.

    Kit led the way, his eyes scanning the landscape for any signs of danger. As they walked through the forest, they encountered a variety of strange creatures, from towering beasts with razor-sharp claws to small, darting creatures that flitted through the underbrush.

    But despite the dangers, Kit couldn't help feeling a sense of wonder and excitement as he explored this new world. He was determined to uncover the secrets of this planet, no matter the cost.

    As they continued on their journey, Kit and his team encountered a variety of obstacles and challenges, from treacherous terrain to deadly creatures. But through it all, they remained determined and focused, driven by their desire to explore and discover.

    And as they pressed deeper into the unknown, Kit couldn't help but wonder what other secrets this world held, and what new discoveries lay just beyond the horizon. The journey ahead would be long and dangerous, but he was ready to face it head-on, determined to uncover the mysteries of this strange and wondrous world.

    Chapter 3: The Girl in the Shadows

    As I walked through the dark, deserted streets, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. It was a feeling I was all too familiar with, and one that had kept me alive in this harsh world. But tonight, the feeling was different. It was stronger, more intense.

    I quickened my pace, trying to shake the feeling, but it only grew stronger. I turned a corner and saw a figure standing in the shadows, watching me. My hand went to the knife at my belt, but as I got closer, I saw that it was a girl.

    She was dressed in rags and had a haunted look in her eyes. Her hair was tangled and dirty, and she looked like she hadn't eaten in days. But despite her appearance, there was a strength in her that I couldn't help but admire.

    Who are you? I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

    My name is Lena, she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

    What are you doing here? I asked, studying her carefully.

    I'm looking for someone, she said, her eyes darting around nervously.


    I can't tell you, she said, her voice shaking.

    I could sense that she was in trouble, and my instincts told me to help her. But I also knew that in this world, trust was hard to come by.

    Look, if you want my help, you need to tell me what's going on, I said firmly.

    Lena hesitated for a moment before speaking.

    I'm looking for my sister, she said. She was taken by the Black Hand.

    The Black Hand was one of the most notorious gangs in the city. They were ruthless, and they didn't take kindly to strangers poking their noses into their business.

    I can help you find her, I said, my heart going out to the girl. "But you need to be careful. The Black Hand doesn't take kindly to

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