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Vision of the Creator: / the Book of Information \ Prophecy / Healing \ Written Through a Seer of God / Revealing the Unknown \
Vision of the Creator: / the Book of Information \ Prophecy / Healing \ Written Through a Seer of God / Revealing the Unknown \
Vision of the Creator: / the Book of Information \ Prophecy / Healing \ Written Through a Seer of God / Revealing the Unknown \
Ebook702 pages11 hours

Vision of the Creator: / the Book of Information \ Prophecy / Healing \ Written Through a Seer of God / Revealing the Unknown \

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Isaiah 2:4
“And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” AKJV (Psalms 67:4).

The Holy Bible is the most widely distributed, least understood book in the history of creation. Due to early understandings and handed down traditions of world renowned teachers, the Holy Bible was falsely interpreted in many areas (James 3:1-6). To this day, many of the past, incorrect teachings are still being upheld and taught (2 Peter 3:15-16). The spreading of misinformation, throughout the world, has failed the masses (Jeremiah 8:8-16, Matthew 7:24-27, Romans 2:24-25).
Since the beginning of time, mankind has searched for the meaning and purpose of life, to gain understanding of the very purpose of existence (Acts 17:21-23). Knowing the true destiny of humanity enlightens the conscience in the way of true reality (Luke 11:34-36). Discovering the very origin and voyages of life, removes all non essential searching. Oneness with the origin of life, brings one to a place of true comfort and healing for the entire body (Proverbs 3:7-10, 22).
Humanity is more than ever before seeking connectivity and oneness with alien spirits of higher dimensions, energies, forces of the earth, universe and realms beyond (Deuteronomy 4:19, 2 Chronicles 28:22-23, Daniel 12:4, Romans 1:25). The existence and condition of the creation before the earth was created, the realm beyond the universe, the fulfillment of the destiny that awaits mankind, causes of the human condition, are made known. Is GOD MALE AND FEMALE? etc. This book clearly and thoroughly brings out the revelent facts of such topics and much more (Jeremiah 33:2-3).
This book, without leaving any doubts, reveals how to invoke and have proper communion with THE CREATOR, how THE CREATOR is blessing, saving, glorifying the Gentiles (Romans 3:29-30) and how GOD chooses HIS first fruits (Leviticus 27:32).
Inspiration received is to provide true doctrine which leads to understanding (Luke 24:28-32), regarding matters such as transcendency through fire, the milllenial ages, the last days etc. Understanding numerical values, patterns and alignments etc, as written in the Holy Bible, unlocks essential information regarding the physical and spiritual purposes for life on earth, relationships between humanity and the unseen spirit, alien world, the generations, closing of the ages, the afterlife (John 18:36, Acts 1:9-11, Revelation 3:21).
For the first time in history, many unknown mysteries of THE CREATOR, hidden from ages past, are made known (Isaiah 46:9-10, Ephesians 1:3-10). THE VISION OF THE CREATOR consists of the revealing of HIS very CHARACTER and works, through HIS creation (Psalm 22:19-25, Jonah 2:2-10). Proof of what the writings of the Holy Bible actually reveal, through the SPIRIT of the letters, is obtainable in this must read book (Matthew 23:34, Ephesians 3:1-9).

Revelation 21:4
“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” AKJV (Psalm 22:27-31).

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 5, 2023
Vision of the Creator: / the Book of Information \ Prophecy / Healing \ Written Through a Seer of God / Revealing the Unknown \

Marco Carbone

Mark is an ordained, elect disciple of Jesus Christ. His office is to interpret scriptures and minister the life of Jesus Christ to all nations. This full colour book is an expression and product of over 15 years of everyday personal study, with the Holy Spirit. One of many inspirations Mark received, is to prove to the world, the original writtings of the Holy Scriptures, are from the Creator, for all mankind. This book is testimony of God richly rewarding them who remain faithful to their calling. God has rewarded Mark with a great amount of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Mark shows us what is actually happening around us and the very purpose for our existence. The time for full unlocking of the Holy Scriptures has arrived. Never before has such a vast amount of true information been released. Without a doubt, the most inspired and most abundant revelations from God. If one desires to finally understand the very character and workings of the Creator, this is the book.

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    Book preview

    Vision of the Creator - Marco Carbone


    / The Book Of Information \ Prophecy / Healing \ Written

    Through A Seer Of GOD / Revealing The Unknown \



    Copyright © 2023 Marco Carbone.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    WestBow Press

    A Division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan

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    Bloomington, IN 47403


    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Scripture taken from the American King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5915-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5914-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5916-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022901831

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/30/2023


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    My desire is to acknowledge the supernatural help received, writing these revelations. Without the will and help of our loving Heavenly FATHER AND JESUS CHRIST THE HOLY SPIRIT, such revelations would have never been possible. Nearly 17 years ago, I was ordained to read, study, interpret scriptures of the Holy Bible, in solitude with THE HOLY SPIRIT. Upon my return from visiting Israel, in 2009, I was inspired to write The Four Corners Of The Earth and The Generations reports. During those times I temporarily left trying to understand the scriptures and HEAVENLY FATHER immediately, gently and patiently brought me back. Through time, THE HOLY SPIRIT confirmed HE chose me for the releasing of scripture, as my heart desires to study [Psalm 37:3-5], to fulfill the lot HE has given me to do. This work is a testimony to the fact GOD choses, works with the weakest things of this world, as HE did with HIS set apart disciples [Acts 4:13-14]. Thank YOU FATHER!


    / The Book Of Information \ Prophecy / Healing \ Written Through A Seer Of GOD / Revealing The Unknown \

    Visions Of Light, Through The Vision Of GOD, A PERFECT CREATOR, A Perfect Plan.

    < Spiritually And Physically Communing With THE HOLY SPIRIT, Through The Scriptures >


    New Beginning

    Applying The Word

    Rightly Divide The Word

    Exercising The Words Of GOD

    Proving And Explaining Bible Scripture

    Exposing Erroneous Doctrines Of Dead Spirits

    The Dangers Of Receiving Baptisms From Mankind

    HOLY FATHER Please Bless All Souls Of World Religion

    Revelation 4:8 AKJV

    And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy (Flesh), holy (Soul), holy (Spirit), Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

    Chapter 1

    The Covenants | Divorce Of The Covenants | Sin, Death, Hell | Natural Selection | Rod And Staff Of GOD | Promise Given To Abraham | Israel / Christianity \ Jerusalem | The 144000 | Birds Of The Air | Right And Left Hands And Arms Of THE CREATOR

    Chapter 2

    Flesh, Soul, Spirit | Open Portal | Carry Over | Physical, Spiritual Glorification Of The Garden Of GOD | Physical, Spiritual Blood \ Flesh, Soul Covenant Of JESUS CHRIST | The Fish Hook |

    Chapter 3

    | Offerings From The Altar Of Burnt Animal Sacrifices | Scapegoats Of The Covenants | New Light Bearer | O Daughter Of Zion | 1st And 2nd Millennial Ages | Hell Fire Opens Up | Great White Throne Judgment | Stretching Out Humanity | Wall Of Separation | Border Of The Universe | Conquering Fragmentation Of The Body | First 2 Horses Of Revelation | World Religion Witchcrafts | Physical, Spiritual Establishment | Physical, Spiritual Expansion | Ages / Generations | Order Out Of Chaos Of THE CREATOR

    Chapter 4

    Powers Of Darkness | Cradle Of Civilization | Fragmentation | Baptism Of The Dead | Mixtures | Land | Egypt | Thorns, Thistles, Brambles |

    Chapter 5

    How Dead Spirits Of The 4th Dimension Deceive Humanity | Religious Walls Of Babylon | Captivity Of Humanity | Space And Time | 1000 Years Of Great Burning |

    Chapter 6

    3 Days Of JESUS CHRIST In The Heart Of The Earth | Covenant Of Regeneration | Soul Ties | Vessels Of Wrath, And Honor | Overspreading Contaminations | 1000 Years Of Atonements | The First 4000 Years | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Watch | Opening Portals | Fragmentation | Birds Of The Air, Beasts Of The Field | Expansion, Establishment Of The Universe | Original Vampires | Shapeshifting |

    Chapter 7

    | 1000 Years Of Atonements | Final White Throne Judgment To The 4th Dimension | Salvation Of O Israel | Transcendency Of Death And Life | The Carry Overs |

    Chapter 8

    | Consulting With The Dead | Mediums | Birds Of The Air, Beasts Of The Field | Carcases Of Dead Beasts | Unclean Until The Evening | Flies, And Bees | Controlling Mechanisms Of The Entire World | Greatest Legacy Of All |

    Chapter 9

    | Baptism With, And Without Physical Water | Natural Selection | Origin Of Cult Religion | The Glorification | Having No Fear Of Death | What Is Perfection | Conquering Death |

    Chapter 10

    | The Appearing Of The Body Of The First Adam | Land, Water, And Dry Land | My Baptism Testimony | Stages Of Salvation | Workings Of The Flesh, Soul And Spirit | What Is The Conscience | 2 Consciences, 2 Bodies | Heart | Soil | Spiritual Blindness | The Place Of Planting The Seed | Mind And Conscience | Healing Of The Body | The High Places And Bare Heights | The Stretching Out Of Humanity | Mental Illness Defined By GOD | Genocidal Mountain Of Subjectivity | The Middle Wall Of Partition | More On How To Naturally Overcome And Conquer Fragmentation | Rod And Staff Of GOD

    Chapter 11

    | Uniformed by Fear | False Cures | The Greatest Killer | More On The Ploys Of Fraudulent Baptisms Of The World | Not Being Afraid |

    Chapter 12

    | Inventors Of Religions | Bait And Switch | Drink Offerings Of The East Winds Of Death | Stages Of Developments |

    Chapter 13

    | New World Order Baptism Of John | Plan Of GOD | Closing Of The Ages | Symbology Of The Lack Of Knowledge Of Adam, And Eve | Self Righteousness Of The 1st Covenant | Former And Later Reigns | Arriving To The Fullness Of Time | Completion Of The Covenants | Establishment Of The Throne Of THE KING OF LIFE

    Chapter 14

    | Flood Of Noah | Water And Blood | Uprising Of The Sea | Fountain Of Holy Water | Order Out Of Chaos | Patterns Of Salvation | Inauguration Of JESUS CHRIST | Diamond In The Swamp |

    Chapter 15

    | Inventors Of False Religions | Advantages Of Fallen Angels | How The Creation Fell | How Demons Control World Religions | How GOD Is Blasphemed | The Blasphemous War Against GOD | The Yoke Of Mankind | False Truth | Dark Sentences | Secret Chambers Of The Underworld | The Armies Of Demons | The Model Church | Sons Of The Sorceress | Works, And Goals Of Fallen Angels | THE RED HEIFER

    Chapter 16

    | 4 Parts Of Humanity | Gift On The Altar | How The Laws Were Established | Odour Of GOD And THE HOLY SPIRIT | No Sex In Heaven | Male And Female | The 4 Winds Of The Earth | The 4 Winds Of Heaven | The Royal Bloodline | Between The Two Ages | Baptism From John VS Baptism From THE HOLY SPIRIT

    Chapter 17

    | Physical, And Spiritual Water Baptism | The Trap | The Burning Bush | Seeking Healing From GOD | The Great Millstone | Water Of The Dust Of The Tabernacle | Positioning Oneself To Receive Healing From GOD | Polished Doctrines Of The Grave | New World Order Of LUICFER Satan The Devil(s) | The Religion Of GOD | Spreading Of Death | Brass Claws, And Iron Teeth | The Caging Of Humanity | COVID Underworld |

    Chapter 18

    | Space Of Transition | The Falling Away | Pouring Out Of THE HOLY SPIRIT \ WORD OF GOD | Increase Of The Nations | How To Properly Have Communion With THE FATHER | How To Experience THE CREATOR | Streams Of Living Waters | Completion Of The Works Of THE HOLY SPIRIT With Humanity | Age Of Accountability |

    Chapter 19

    | A Thorn In The Flesh | Conquering Fragmentation | Expansions And Contractions | Greatest Duty For Humanity | Spiritual Baptism | Washing Of The Feet | Conquering Unholy Fires Of Dead Spirits | Legal Authority Of THE CREATOR | Conquering Through Free Will | How Blessings From GOD Are Received | The Right To Try | Breaking Strongholds | Grain, And Cereal Offerings | Agreements With THE CREATOR | Heart To Heart Connectivity With GOD | Martyrdom | Times Of Great Tribulation | Imposters | Time To Meet THE BRIDEGROOM

    Chapter 20

    | False Feel Good Sensations, And Powers | When LUCIFER Satan The Devil Is Seen For Who He Really Is | Illuminated Ones Of GOD | God’s Of The Nations | Rebuilding The Ruins | Spiritual Baptism | Mouth Of The Eaters |

    Chapter 21

    | Workings Of Artificial Fear | Pressuring, And Weakening Of Humanity | Final Demands Of Earthly Religion | Beginning And End Of Sorrows | Eternal Security | Water Baptism | Removal Of The 3 Horns | Ultimate Place Of Gathering | New World Order Revival Of GOD | DAY AND NIGHT | The DRAGON And LEVIATHAN Of Death | Legal Authority Of Devils | Baptisms Of LUCIFER Satan The Devils | Watercourses Of Egypt And Assyria | Root Of False Science | Hay, Wood, Stubble | Thistles, Thorns, Briars | When Perfection Arrives | THE ULTIMATE MESSIAH, OMNIPRESENCE OF THE CREATOR

    Chapter 22

    | Imprisonment Of GOD | Father And Mother Of All Wickedness | Crown Of Pricks | Unleashing Of Wickedness | Frog Demons | Discernment | Mount Esau Dominion | Associations Of Brokenness | Brooks And Towers | Victory Over The Mountain Of Death |

    Chapter 23

    | Why Man And Woman | Establishment And Expansion | Why Did Eve Sin First | The Authority Of Man And Woman | The Veil | Vow Of THE NAZARITE

    Chapter 24

    | Witchcraft Spirits | Inventors Of False Religion | Distress Of Nations | False Temple(s) Of Nephi | Ark Of The Covenant | Lampstand | Table Of Show-Bread | Golden Altar Of Incense | Tabernacle Of Moses | Green Trees | The Clefts Of The Rock | Matters Of Most Importance | Crossing Over The Thresholds Of Excommunications Of This World | Traditions Of Man | Patriotism Of THE CREATOR

    Chapter 25

    | Baptized In The Cloud And Sea | The Signal Raised Of GOD | Public Acknowledgement Of GOD | The Spiritual Building

    Chapter 26

    | New World Order Baptism Of John | Baptism Of JESUS CHRIST | Mediums Of GOD | Who Is JESUS CHRIST? | What Is Perfection? | Yoke, And Burden Of GOD | The Present Condition | Undermining The Power Of GOD | Wisdom In The Mind And Soul | Invoking GOD | How To Receive Blessings | How To Have Victory, Taking Communion Properly | Water Baptism Of Life And Death | One Third, One Third, And One Third | How GOD Sends HIS Glory Throughout The World |

    Chapter 27

    | Baptisms That Invoke Dead Spirits | Nursing Fathers And Mothers | Ants, Grasshoppers, Locusts | Souls Of The Dead | Seat Of The Gods | Secret Place Of The Most High GOD | Protection From Curses | Conversations With Dead Spirits | Alien Military Taking Over The Planet | 666 Plus A Hand – Breath Of Death Captivity | More Regarding How To Be Healed, Overcoming And Conquering Fragmentation | Snare Against Mystery Babylon | Language Of Canaan | Earthly Birth Place Of Jerusalem |

    Chapter 28

    | False Doctrine 3 Kingdoms Teaching From Mormon Religion | How Wicked 4th Dimensional Spirits Deceive Humanity | Gold, Silver, Bronze | Prison Of All Humanity | Gradual Process Of Life | Shedding Of The Flesh | Lowering The Standards Of GOD | First Eyewitness Account | Corruption Of The Written Code |

    Chapter 29

    | The Other Sheep | The Many Mansions | Fires Of The Earthly Wilderness | Fullness Of The Gentiles | Seeds Of Noah | The False Assumption Of Worldly Religion | Fullness Of Earthly Religion | One GOD One Kingdom

    Chapter 30

    | No Compromise | THE CREATOR Proved HIMSELF Worthy | GOD Visits The Places Of Hell In Every Age | Purpose OF GOD

    Chapter 31

    | How THE CREATOR Selects HIS First Fruits | Those Who Enter Into The Kingdom Of JESUS CHRIST | THE FINGER OF GOD | How To Get Saved | The Tithing Of The Herd | Successful Water Baptism | What GOD Is Searching For In This Age Of Covenant |

    Chapter 32

    | A New Name | The Lot | Hope Of Glory | The Accursed Thing | Garments Of The Privy Chambers | Crest Of The Waters | The Rainbow | Removal Of LUCIFER Satan The Devil(s), GOG And MAGOG |

    Chapter 33

    | Rebuilding The Ruins | Glorification | Program Of GOD | Judging | Spiritual Applications Of The Physical Law | Beast, And False Prophet | Why Wickedness Prospers | Why Such Great Resolve Of Wickedness | 4 Angels Bound At The Great River Euphrates | THE BARE ROCK | The Projecting, And Programming Of All Sin, Death, And Hell | Plan Of Salvation | Plan Of LUCIFER Satan The Devil | Predestination Can Be Changed | Beast(s), And False Prophet(s) | The Son Of Man / PHOENIX | Garden Of Eden | FOOTSTOOL OF GOD | Gifts To THE CREATOR

    Chapter 34

    | The Pulling Down Of The Crystal Ball | Sea Of Glass Of LUCIFER Satan The Devil(s) | GOD Is A Horticulturalist | The Gold Standard Of GOD | Process Of Perfection | Greatest Woe Of Offense | From Age To Age | The New World To Come | Covenant With The Greatest Guilt | Kindling Of The Wrath Of GOD | Global Components | Polarization Of The Planet | Natural Selection Of LUCIFER Satan The Devil | The Invisible War | Sleeper Cell Soul Ties | The Cure |

    Chapter 35

    | Stage Magicians | The Proving Ground | Fraudulent Outward Appearances | East, And North Winds | Sand Of The Sea | Caterpillars | Empty Shells | Coastlands | Islands | Militarized Vessels Of World Religion | The Beast System | Secret Chambers Of The Rocks |

    Chapter 36

    | Praying To The Lords Of Baal | Blaspheming The Priesthood Of MELCHIZEDEK | 2 Out Of Body Experiences | Secrete Privy Chambers Of The Underworld | Conversations With Dead Spirits Of The 4th Dimension |

    Chapter 37

    The Smoking Furnace, And Burning Lamp | Covenant With Death | Time And Space | The Mouth Of The Eater | Military Enrollment Of Dead Spirits | Fragmentation Of The Planet | Convergence Of Space And Time | 1st, 2nd, And 3rd Worlds |

    Chapter 38

    | Final Transformation | 7 World Ruling Principalities | Mountains, Hills, Plains, Valleys, Ravines | Scepter Of Egypt | More Regarding Ploys Of Fallen Angels \ Demons | 1st Covenant Age Right To Try |

    Chapter 39

    | Leaves Of The Trees | Spirit Of The 12 Disciples | Carry Overs | The 10 000 Years | Sequences Of The Ages | 8 Ages \ 7 Generations | The 7 Seals, Trumpets, Bowls And Generations | Realm Of Timelessness | Deceptive Lifestyles Of Prosperity |

    Chapter 40

    | Age Of Accountability | Millennial Children | 4th Watch Of The Night | Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, And Sky | Translation Of Transcendency | Times Of Separation | GOD Finishes HIS Works | Repeated Patterns | Spirit Of Burning | Smoking Furnace And Burning Lamp | Mortal Sin | How To Pray For The Salvation Of Our Loved Ones And Others | Garden Of GOD | Exotic Precious Seeds | GOD Kills, And Makes Alive | Other Spiritual Reasons For Afflictions | The Complete Overthrowing And Conquering Of LUCIFER Satan The Devil |

    Chapter 41

    | GOD IS Doing Something New | Putting Off The Old Nature | Freedom Of The Earth, Universe And Heaven | Lamp Of GOD | Labouring For What We Shall Be | No Need For LUCIFER Satan the Devil | THICK BLACK SMOKE OF THE CREATOR | Vanishing Away Of Sin, Death, And Hell | Fog Of Confusion | Diversity Of The Kingdom Of JESUS CHRIST | Why GOD Created In Weakness | Prayer | Healing | How To Properly Have Communion With THE CREATOR

    Chapter 42

    | 1st, And 2nd Millennial Ages, Sequences Of The Events | Covenant Of Peace | In - Between The Ages | Blessings, And Salvation Of Ishma-el | Twinkling Of Light In The Evening | The Space of Transition |

    Chapter 43

    | Day | The Great Chasm | Cloud By Day, Fire By Night | Twinkling Of Life | Covering Of The Night | Vision Of THE SECOND COMING OF THE MORNING STAR | Valley Of The Shadow Of Death | Narrow Road | 2 Mountains | Stone Pavement | Ends Of The Valley Of Decision | Sequence Of The Ages And Generations | Genesis Chapter 1 Quick Decode | Stamp Of Glorification | 2 Portions Of Joseph |

    Chapter 44

    | No Physical Kingdom Dominion Before THE RETURN OF MESSIAH | Death By The Letter | GOG, LEVIATHAN, ABADDON | MAGOG, DRAGON, APOLLYON |

    Chapter 45

    | Divide, And Conquer | Mixed Bloodlines | Form Of Godliness | Hand -Breath Of Wickedness | Virgin Daughter Babylon | Genocidal Mountain Of Subjectivity | Mark Of The Beast | 666 Hand And Forehead | Cold And Hot | Full Shekel Of The Sanctuary | Wisdom Of Preparedness | GOD Does Not Plow And Sow Forever | Martyrdom Of The Living | Subjection To Slavery | The Way Of Escape |

    Chapter 46

    | Seven Heads | Ten Horns | The False PHOENIX | LEVIATHAN | Bees | Flies | Rising And Flooding Of The Nile River | Claws, And Teeth Of The 4th Beast Kingdom | GOG And MAGOG | 4 Points Of The Compass | Navigating The Cross Of JESUS CHRIST | Places Of The Rising, And Setting Of The Sun And Lunar Cycles |

    Chapter 47

    | Four Corners Of The Earth | Goat, Ram, Lamb, OX, Turtledove, Pigeon Offerings | NW, NE, SE, SW Corners Of The Altar Of Life And Death | 4 Angels Of The Great 4th River Euphrates | Winds Of Death | Faces Of The Heart | Flesh \ Soul \ Spirit \ Stages Of Developments | Prayer Of Jabez | 4 Winds Of Heaven And Earth | 2 Horns Of Revelation 13:11 | Mouth Of The Beast, False Prophet And Dragon | WIND OF THE FIRST AND LAST KING | DOUBLE – EDGED SWORD OF THE CREATOR | 2 Political Parties | Bethel And Ai | Physical, Spiritual Shapeshifting | THE NOSTRILS OF GOD | THE BREATH OF LIFE | Breastplate Of Aaron | The 144000 |

    Chapter 48

    | 7th King | Beauty Of Perfection | Little Horn | 4th Reich | 8th King Administration | Degeneration Of The Citizens Of Babylon | Last 70 Year Prophecy | Beast Out Of The Sea And Earth | King Of Assyria | 4th Beast Kingdom | Tyre And Sidon | North And South Horns Of LUCIFER Satan The Devil | The Libyans And Kushites Not Of GOD | Complete Take Over Of The World Economy Of Egypt \ Ephraim | The Snare Of Egypt | Weakening Of The Nations | Completed Image Of The Beast | Ships Of Tarshish | Heart Of Babylon | Kings Mowings | Rising Of The PHOENIX / Son Of Satan | The Right To Try |

    Chapter 49

    | 14 Years Of Leviticus 26 | Last 2 Weeks Of Daniel 9:27 | Bible Numerology | Centre Of The Lampstand | The Midnight Cry \ A Final Case Study For No Pre-Tribulation Rapture | Last 49, 50, And 70 Years | 4th Beast Kingdom | 3rd And 4th Reich / 8th King | Final 10, 7, 3.5 Years | .5, 3, 3.5, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14, 28, 56 Year Cycles | New World Order Totalitarian Take Over Of Wickedness | Brief Trumpet Sequence Of Revelation | Time Of Birth And Baptism Of JESUS CHRIST | Age Of JESUS CHRIST When Murdered | BC To AD Carry Over Of The 7, 10 Years And Jubilee Year | Alignment Of The 4 And 8 Year Cycles |

    Chapter 50

    | Last 3 Jubilee Years | Sabbath / Jubilee Year Cycles \ Numerical Chart | Summer And Winter House | Carry Over Of The 6th And 7th Year | 3 Years Of Leviticus 25:21-22 | 7 Years Of The Lampstands | In - Between The Hebrew Calendar | Numerical Cycles | Revolving Patterns And Recurring Numbers | Cause Of Chaos In The Minds Of Mankind | Dry Land | 3 Hours \ 3 Years \ 3 Days \ 3 Woes Of Darkness | Great Spiritual And Physical Tribulation | Sequence Of The Closing Of The Age | King Cyrus | Was, Is Not, And Is | Throne Of Elam | Daniel Chapter 11 Quick Decode | The One Hour | Happenings In The Last 7 Years | 4 Angels Of The Great River Euphrates | The Sea Of Glass | Get Blessings | MOVEMENTS OF THE ALL SEEING EYES AND 4 WHEELS OF THE CREATOR

    John 7:7 AKJV

    "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because

    I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil."

    Isaiah 43:26 AKJV

    "Put me in remembrance: let us plead together:

    declare thou, that thou mayest be justified."

    Chapter 1

    / Altar \ Alter / Of The Covenants \ The Hope Of Glory /

    Isaiah 50:1 AKJV

    Thus saith the Lord, Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement, whom I have put away? Or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.

    Full understanding of the written word of GOD can only be received through THE HOLY SPIRIT. In Isaiah 50:1, mother refers to THE HOLY SPIRIT. Wicked powers of darkness of the 4th dimension greatly influence the spirits of self-willed humanity. Wicked spirits caused great destruction in all past ages / generations, including this present age of Covenant with JESUS CHRIST. Sin, Death and Hell of the 4th dimension is influencing the flesh, souls, spirits of humanity [Revelation 6:1-8], nurturing, alienating the creation from THE CREATOR. Mankind is knowingly and unknowingly serving fallen Angels. The inhabitants of the world are greatly deceived [Revelation 12:9], even to the degree of physical, spiritual marriage with the powers of darkness [Daniel 2:42-43, Malachi 2:11], all in various degrees [Ezra 9:1-2 see Revelation 2:20].

    GOD divorced all false worship from the Altar / Alters of HIS Covenant with Judah and the worship of false Gods from the Altar \ Alters of Samaria \ Isra-el [Deuteronomy 32:15-20]. In Jeremiah 3:7-8, "And I said After she has done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliden Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also." AKJV. Many leaders of the 1st covenant eventually ruled over all aspects of society, in the fullness of the ways of dead spirits of the 4th dimension [Jeremiah 7:18, Jeremiah 44:19, Matthew Chapter 23]. Due to such disobedience, the Covenant Children ultimately reached a place where they murdered their MESSIAH [Psalms 2:1-3, Isaiah 53:1-9, Matthew 27:22-26, Luke 22:2].

    The covenant promise GOD made with Abraham, was of the desolate one [Galatians 4:27], symbolic of THE FATHER bereaved of the souls HE created [Hosea 13:8]. The desolate one refers to the disciples who walk with GOD, without the camp, as did JESUS CHRIST [Isaiah 53:3, Hebrews 13:13]. The Covenants with Moses and JESUS CHRIST are used to shape the Promise of Abraham [Genesis 22:15-18, Hebrews 2:16, Hebrews 6:13].

    In John 21:6, 12, 15, Abraham was not like the Fish \ Members of the Covenant, who gather in ways not pleasing to GOD, such as they that chased after JESUS CHRIST, to receive carnal blessings of this world, without seeking spiritual blessings from THE FATHER. Carnal blessings of this world eventually perish, but the spiritual blessings from THE HOLY SPIRIT endure unto eternal life [John 6:26-27].

    Abraham and Moses were as scapegoats \ he-goats before the flock [Jeremiah 50:8, Genesis 13:8-9, Numbers 12:3, 7-8], being righteous, humble, obedient servants, wanting to please GOD without compromise [John 8:40, Romans 10:5], they held on to THE ROCK of all ages [Deuteronomy 32:28-31, Matthew 7:25, 1 Corinthians 10:4].

    In Numbers 20:10-13, Moses was charged to willfully strike THE ROCK twice, representing the Members of the two Covenants striking the Flesh and Souls of JESUS CHRIST [Mark 15:10, 15, John 19:34, Hebrews 6:5-6], all in various degrees [Luke 11:34-36]. The sins of the Covenant Children caused much spiritual, physical bloodshed, so GOD would not allow the Children of the law of Moses to enter into the Land of Promise \ Heaven [1 Chronicles 22:8].

    When the Children of Israel were taken out of bondage, they rebelled against GOD in the wilderness and gave worship to the image of a golden calf, it became their Captain, Champion Idol God(s) for returning back to Egypt [Exodus 32:1-4, Nehemiah 9:15-17]. In Hosea 8:4-6, the golden calf was also worshiped when Israel \ Samaria and Judah were separated into two different nations. Due to afflictions from dead spirits, the Covenant Children of Israel were being increasingly alienated from the THE CREATOR [Isaiah 59:2]. The newly formed nation built altars to give worship to false gods of the Asherah, sacred poles and groves etc. [Deuteronomy 12:1-3, Jeremiah 11:10], physical, spiritual gods of the universe, including Baphomet the male and female God, Goddess of mystical religions, such as Satanism and many other false gods thereof [Amos 8:13-14 etc.].

    Worldly religion is following the Sparkling Golden Calf \ many false principalities of spiritual wickedness, of which, lead the children of disobedience out from the bondage, decay of Egypt, into the New World Order establishment of complete death of LUCIFER Satan the Devil(s) [Exodus 32:1-6, Numbers 11:1-6, 18-20, 31-34, Isaiah 36:16-18]. GOD subjects and delivers HIS faithful Children from the bellies of the eaters [Isaiah 37:33-35, Jeremiah 39:2-3, Hosea 8:4-10-11-14, John 16:20, 1 Peter 1:3-10].

    False worship caused Judah and Israel to sin. The sanctuary of the covenant became greatly defiled [Isaiah 59:1-3]. Temptations from spiritual birds of the air, of the 3rd and 4th dimensions, entered into the tabernacle of Judah", the flesh, soul, spirit of the covenant became defiled [Jeremiah 7:8-14]. The tabernacle \ Church of Moses was situated in the territory of Judah, in the Land of Israel. The entire Land of Promise was separated away from GOD, due to sins of the people and sins of the 4th dimension. The invasion of false spirits caused great division [Joel 3:2], the Children of the Covenant lost their way with GOD [1 Kings 12:13-17].

    Destructive religious spirits of the 3rd and 4th dimensions caused the house of Israel \ the congregation, to greatly rebel against the house of Judah \ Leaders of the congregation [Genesis 49:10, 2 Corinthians 10:8-13, 3 John 1:9-10]. GOD separated, scattered HIS nation because they wanted to divorce each other, by reason of ungodly wants, false worship, heavy physical, spiritual yokes of control placed upon the flesh, soul, spirit of each member [Nehemiah 5:1-10]. Due to sin from both sides, a great power struggle ensued. The Church and Rulers of the nation were greatly separated, to the shame of the rebellious Children of the Covenant [Jeremiah 7:14-18].

    The word Judah means to praise THE LORD in all ages / generations [Genesis 29:35]. In the 1st covenant age, Israel was commanded to only worship in the City of Jerusalem, in the territory of Judah [John 4:20 etc.]. The men of Judah are the Leaders of the tabernacles of GOD [Genesis 43:8, Genesis 49:10]. The word Israel refers to all humanity who are brought into the Covenant of THE CREATOR, then physically, spiritually wrestle with THE HOLY SPIRIT [Genesis 32:24-28]. The word Jacob refers to the flesh of the Children of the Covenants of THE GOD Of Israel \ JESUS CHRIST of the Holy Bible [Leviticus 26:11-13, Isaiah 43:10-11, John 1:18, Revelation 21:7]. Once Jacob met and wrestled with THE HOLY SPIRIT, he was given the name Israel [Genesis 32:24-28], in order to be consecrated in THE WAY OF THE CREATOR [Leviticus 11:44].

    Judah is the rod \ union \ burden, right arm of THE CREATOR, representing GOD HIMSELF [Exodus 7:1, Psalm 23:4]. Israel is the staff \ grace \ yoke, left arm of THE CREATOR [Zechariah 11:10-14] representing HIS WORD sent to mankind [Exodus 28:1, Psalm 23:4]. Modern day Judah \ King and Israel \ Priest is one consecrated individual [Ezekiel 37:19, Revelation 1:6]. THE WORD OF GOD is sent to lead HIS sheep [Psalm 23:4, Daniel 9:25, Matthew 11:28-30, John 16:13-14].

    GOD prophesied regarding the sacrifice HE was preparing for the people, knowing the fate of the generations of the 1st covenant [Ezekiel 39:17-19-29, Isaiah 45:22-25]. The Children of the 1st covenant could not fully comprehend the meaning of the fiery snake on a pole, set up by Moses, after he led them out from Egypt [Numbers 21:7-9]. The true living sacrifice was fully prepared of THE FATHER at the closing of the 1st covenant age [Isaiah 66:7] and in this covenant age [Revelation 12:1-2]. The consecrated first fruits of this age must partake in the new covenant of continual unity and favour with JESUS CHRIST [Ephesians 4:13-14, 17-19, 1 Peter 5:10]. The principle standard for the first fruits is the ability to serve alongside JESUS CHRIST and the 144000 [Luke 10:16, 1 Corinthians 4:8, Revelation 3:15-22, Deuteronomy 18:15, 18].

    In Revelation 7:1-8, the 144000 are not Jews of the 1st covenant, rather, the greatest of first fruits, from the carry over of the Jews, of the disciples of JESUS CHRIST. Every one who receives a blessing from THE HOLY SPIRIT is a Jew of Israel [Romans 2:29].

    The newly formed nation of Jacob \ Israel continued to give sacrifices to the gods of the universe [1 Kings 12:26-28], mixing their acceptable sacrifices with contaminated offerings [Malachi 1:6-14, 1 Corinthians 1:21], resulting in the complete overthrowing of the covenant, by wicked spirits of the 4th dimension. The physical, spiritual offerings to GOD from the Altar \ Alter of the temples of Judah and Samaria, throughout the world, being without THE HOLY SPIRIT, are greatly polluted before GOD [Isaiah 10:10-12, 1 Corinthians 10:18-20]. GOD is not pleased with sacrifices mixed with worship dedicated to dead spirits and the hope of glory promise of Abraham [Malachi 1:6-8, 10-12, 1 Corinthians 11:27-30, Revelation Chapters 1 and 2]. If not for the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST death would be final [Acts 2:23-27, 1 Corinthians 15:54-55, 1 Peter 4:6].

    In Ezekiel 23:2-4, Oholibah means Altar \ Alters of Judah \ Jerusalem. Oholah means Altar \ Alters of Samaria. GOD divorced all sins of both nations, sins that manifested by reason of physical spiritual idolatry, as led of wicked spirits [2 Kings 21:8-9, Isaiah 36:8, 16-17 also see Jeremiah 3:1, Jeremiah 16:18]. In Jeremiah 16:18, double recompense for the ill-treatment toward the life of JESUS CHRIST and mankind, is fully executed judgments of condemnation, upon the last generation [Daniel 12:1, Matthew 12:37]. When the sins of a nation become fully mature, a time of dispensation comes to a close, then judgment is executed throughout the land, together with the sins of the forefathers [Isaiah 65:6-7, Lamentations 5:7].

    In 1 Kings 12:16, the Children of Israel were separated because of continual strife and contention between them and the ruling territory of the covenant. THE CREATOR separated Israel and Judah to expose the sins of Jerusalem, for them to turn and truly worship HIM [Ezra 10:10-11, Ezekiel 5:1-4]. From the very beginning, GOD brought separation [Genesis 1:3-5, Luke 12:49, 51], even calamity [Ezekiel 6:1-10, Micah 4:10], for the Covenant Children to see their ways, return, conquer their sins and only worship THE CREATOR [Hosea 5:14-15, Hosea 6:1].

    The 1st covenant was weakened by the flesh and soul of the Altar \ Alters of Judah and Samaria [1 Kings 22:10, Micah 1:5, see Romans 8:3]. The Covenant Children were tempted and went astray, giving themselves over to serve false gods [Romans 1:21-25, 2 Timothy 4:3-4], but GOD HIMSELF forever conquered and plundered all dead spirits, through HIS Covenant, with HIS chosen Children, in their 1st 70 year captivity to Babylon [Isaiah 37:26-29, Isaiah 43:14-17 also see Daniel 9:2 and 24]. THE CREATOR HIMSELF was fully preparing all things for HIS complete victory against all Sin, Death and Hell [Isaiah 59:16-17], through the cross of JESUS CHRIST [John 12:32, 1 Corinthians 15:26, Revelation 1:18], knowing such a need would always remain, yet proving HIS creation regarding all things [Isaiah 50:2, Isaiah 59:16-17, Ezekiel 22:30].

    In the 1st covenant of natural selection of self-righteousness, Moses was portrayed as a great Man of GOD, to all the inhabitants of the world [Exodus 7:1, Numbers 12:6-8, John 5:45-47], he was given the mind of CHRIST [Exodus 32:10-14] and was glorified after his life in earth expired [Matthew 17:1-3].

    The remnant \ First Fruits of the 1st covenant, were glorified after responding favourably to the Gospel, during the 2nd day of JESUS CHRIST visiting the heart of the earth [Hosea 6:2, Matthew 12:40, Matthew 27:50-53, 1 Peter 3:18-19]. The self-righteous acts of the 1st covenant are no longer being used to bear fruits for GOD [Matthew 21:19] and can no longer achieve glorification [1 Corinthians 15:50], yet, from age to age, covenant to covenant, the Covenant of Promise made with Abraham remains [Romans 4:16, Galatians 3:6-8, 15-17-18, Hebrews 6:13-16].

    Although the age of the 1st covenant is past, GOD is using the old covenant for menial purposes today [Romans 9:21-26]. Due to hardness of heart of the Children of the 1st Covenant, GOD is not fully upholding the Covenant of Torah made with Moses [Deuteronomy 32:49-52], rather, HE IS upholding Jacob and Israel \ Jerusalem, through the blessings of the covenant promise made with Abraham [Genesis 22:17-18, Luke 1:72-79, Acts 7:2-8].

    In this age, the glorification for both covenants is of JESUS CHRIST, the glorification of Jerusalem [Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:2], not the Law of Moses, rather the new covenant with Isra-el \ Christianity [Isaiah 19:24-25, 1 Peter 4:16]. True Israel \ Christianity is circumcision of the heart [Jeremiah 6:10, Romans 2:29, Acts 7:51], wherever one happens to be. The covenant of spiritual, physical baptism of JESUS CHRIST is what GOD requires for all souls, the glorification belongs to Jerusalem [Luke 13:34-35, Galatians 4:26].

    In Acts 7:8, GOD is upholding the present covenant of circumcision, of a good heart \ spirit towards GOD. [Romans 2:28-29]. The new and better covenant is based in the obedient acts of the 3 Patriarchs, Abraham [soul], his sons Isaac [spirit] and Jacob [flesh], of which represents one individual of the Body of JESUS CHRIST. GOD blesses all who spiritually, physically do good works, though faith in THE CREATOR, led of THE HOLY SPIRIT [James 2:21-26].

    The blessings GOD gives to humanity, is based in Genesis 12:1-4, Genesis 26:3-5, Luke 14:33, such blessings are available for the entire creation, through the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST [John 12:32]. JESUS CHRIST is the perfected body of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [see Isaiah 44:23, Zechariah 11:8, also Romans 7:4-6, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, Hebrews 7:16, Hebrews 9:11-12]. The covenants are used to shape the promise made with Abraham [Genesis 17:7, Jeremiah 18:6].

    Through JESUS CHRIST, GOD made a better covenant, based in natural selection of the righteousness of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, working through the self-will of humanity. Natural selection is no longer based on the spirit of the self-righteousness of humanity [Philippians 3:9]. GOD no longer mediates the 1st covenant [see Luke 12:13-14, Hebrews 8:6-13]. In Hebrews 8:13, GOD IS treating the 1st covenant as obsolete, ready to vanish away without the Kingdom of GOD. GOD is keeping the gentiles \ rebellious Jews of the 1st covenant, in part, but they must receive blessings as Abraham did when he left his entire worldly place of habitation [Matthew 21:19], to walk with THE HOLY SPIRIT in perpetuity [Hebrews 11:8-10, Revelation 18:1-5].

    Followers of the 1st covenant can still receive more blessings from THE HOLY SPIRIT \ THE GOD Of Israel [Joel 2:12-18] but, GOD divorced the self-righteousness of the flesh, soul, and spirit of all humanity [Matthew 21:19, Romans 8:3-8, 1 Corinthians 15:50]. The entire creation must be made humble before THE CREATOR [Zephaniah 2:1-3].

    In Exodus 30:15-16, the 1st covenant was based in physical, spiritual natural selection, of the self-righteousness of the creation itself before GOD [Philippians 3:9, Luke 18:24-26]. The present 2nd covenant is based in physical, spiritual natural election of the righteousness of GOD, working through the creation, not of our own works, rather good works sown only through THE HOLY SPIRIT [John 3:5, John 15:5-6, Philippians 3:9, Ephesians 2:8-9-10].

    In the times of the 1st covenant age, humanity throughout the world failed to conquer their own sins, therefore no one can boast before GOD regarding their own works, whether it be them that are with, or without the Covenant of JESUS CHRIST. Self-works of the 1st covenant cannot transcend into eternal life [John 15:4-6, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5]. Salvation in this covenant age is only through the righteousness of THE HOLY SPIRIT JESUS CHRIST working salvation in humanity, not of our own righteousness [Isaiah 64:8, John 14:6, John 15:5, Ephesians 4:3-7, Philippians 3:9, Acts 4:10-12 etc.].

    The creation proved to be unable to conquer Sin, Death and Hell. The sinless body of JESUS CHRIST became the only answer [Isaiah 5:4, 16-17, Ephesians 2:15-16, Colossians 2:18].

    In 2 Corinthians 12:9, THE CREATOR will completely heal HIS land, through the physical, spiritual transcendency of JESUS CHRIST [1 Corinthians 15:50-55], all will receive a much higher level of existence [1 Corinthians 13:12]. GOD scattered HIS Children throughout the world, bringing healing, salvation [Romans 11:26] to display HIS wisdom and power [Romans 9:21-23]. GOD spiritually, physically scattered HIS Covenant followers throughout the world, to conquer all unholy spirits of LUCIFER Satan the Devil, throughout the entire creation [Deuteronomy 31:21].

    On the Day of Pentecost, the salvation of GOD was first proclaimed since the beginning of time [Acts 2:1-4, 41]. In John 15:16 and Acts 1:8, GOD sends preachers of righteousness from the clefts of HIS Mountain \ Kingdom [Exodus 3:1, 12], so HE may bless all who hear, agree with HIS WORD [Luke 10:16]. GOD IS once again proving to the entire creation, without spiritual blessings from THE CREATOR, we cannot transcend to immortality [John 15:5-6]. Good works of the self-righteousness of humanity, cannot transcend to immortality without blessings, and sanctification with GOD, works pleasing to GOD will invoke blessings from GOD [Leviticus 2:9-10, Esther 8:5-7, Romans 3:29-30].

    Churches of GOD are to lead, rule over the entire planet, after THE RETURN OF MESSIAH [Revelation 5:10, Revelation 19:11-16]. All individuals of the Spiritual Blood \ Soul Covenant of JESUS CHRIST [Revelation 1:4-6], must be raised up with THE HOLY SPIRIT only, to minister inside and outside the camp [Hebrews 13:11-13]. All must be made perfectly ready for the arrival of JESUS CHRIST, through the work GOD commands for each individual to do [Mark 13:34-37, Luke 21:34-36 also see Matthew 5:16, 2 Corinthians 4:6].

    Blessings from GOD is the only transcendency available for the entire creation [Hebrews 5:7-9]. The self-righteousness of the creation, without THE CREATOR, was overthrown in the wilderness [1 Corinthians 10:5] by LUCIFER Satan the Devil(s) [Isaiah 10:12-14]. Dead spirits do not please GOD. Sinful souls that die without GOD remain dead in the afterlife. Dead spirits of the 4th dimension, refusing to go to their judgment [1 Timothy 5:24], are dead, against GOD, but kept alive for a time of menial use. From age to age, wicked spirits of humanity are used as a witness against themselves and the cruelty of LUCIFER Satan the Devil, unto the final Great White Throne Judgment, against all Sin, Death and Hell [Psalms 82:6-7, Daniel 7:8-12, Revelation 20:7-15, Revelation 21:8].

    LUCIFER Satan the Devil(s) gained an overwhelming stronghold over the Children of the Covenant. Both nations were unable to release the spiritual captivity; therefore, the 1st covenant was not able to accept THE MESSIAH. The covenant was defeated by Sin, Death and Hell. LUCIFER Satan the Devil would not repent during the Ministry of JESUS CHRIST, so there was no worldwide salvation granted until after the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. After the murder [Mark 11:18] and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, the 1st covenant way for salvation was annulled [Hebrews 7, 13]. GOD IS now using that covenant for HIS menial use [Romans 9:22-23].

    At the end of one’s physical life and at the close of this age, all sins will be thrusted down into the lower parts of the earth. Sins of mankind are greatly multiplied, magnified due to the works of wicked spirits of the 4th dimension [Isaiah 43:2, 6, Ezekiel 13:22, Ezekiel 28:7-8]. The great multitude of souls will face punishment of eternal separation from GOD, all in various degrees [Psalms 63:9, Matthew 8:12, Ephesians 4:9].

    THE CREATOR requires more from HIS Children in this present Spiritual Blood \ Soul Covenant age of JESUS CHRIST [Matthew 12:41-42]. In Ezekiel 35:12, Judah and Israel were spiritually, physically separated away from truly worshiping GOD in the Tabernacle of Moses. The Children of the Covenant willingly worshiped, served false gods of the 3rd and 4th dimensions at the Altars \ Alters of Judah and Samaria [Jeremiah 2:20, Jeremiah 5:19, 1 Corinthians 10:18-20].

    JESUS CHRIST came in the world at the time of the ending of the 1st covenant, it was not the time to execute condemnation [John 3:17], rather to begin the process of judging and condemning the world, according to the new standing covenant of THE HOLY SPIRIT with mankind [Matthew 24:29-31, Revelation 19:11-21]. In John 9:39, "and Jesus said, for judgment i am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind" AKJV [Matthew 12:37].

    THE FATHER sent HIS SON JESUS CHRIST to offer up HIMSELF, if the need still existed. JESUS CHRIST was not suicidal, the perfect humanistic attributes of THE LORD requested if at all possible, for such a cup to be removed from HIM [Matthew 26:31-32-39]. THE FATHER was determined to reap a much greater harvest of souls, HIS VISION is salvation through the sacrifice of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST [Isaiah 53:10-11, Colossians 1:19-20].

    Chapter 2

    1 Thessalonians 5:23 AKJV

    And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Humanity consists of flesh, soul and spirit [1 Thessalonians 5:23]. Flesh is the exterior of the house, the soul is the interior part of the house, our spirit communes to and fro within our being \ tent [1 Corinthians 2:10, Romans 8:16]. In Hebrews 8:2, tent in the Holy Bible refers to our entire being, flesh, soul, spirit wonderfully knitted together [Jeremiah 10:20]. The flesh, soul wrestles against one another, in the struggle against decisiveness. The flesh, soul of humanity is constantly being challenged, causing an individual to be pulled to either side. The flesh, soul is engaged in a physical, spiritual tug of war [Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:25].

    Due to external and internal forces, humanity is resisting the rule of GOD [Luke 9:55]. JESUS CHRIST provided a permanent way to conquer the snares of death [John 11:26, Hebrews 9:8]. Through the death and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, a portal of restoration, salvation was opened for all humanity, through a better covenant [Hebrews 8:6, 10]. The grace of GOD equips HIS people with the power to engage in direct spiritual warfare, against the powers of darkness [2 Timothy 2:1-5, Revelation 3:21 also see Acts 2:40, Hebrews 12:3-6].

    In the 1st covenant, LUCIFER Satan the Devil(s) gained an overwhelming stronghold over the Children of the Covenant. Due to lack of service from both nations, the physical, spiritual captivity of the creation could not be released, for such reasons; the 1st covenant was not able to accept THE MESSIAH. The 1st covenant was defeated, therefore salvation for the entire creation was not granted until after the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. After the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, the 1st covenant way for salvation was annulled [Hebrews 7, 13], GOD IS now using the 1st covenant for HIS menial use [Romans 9:22-23].

    The 1st covenant was weakened through witchcraft of the flesh, soul and spirit of the Altars \ Alters of Judah and Samaria [1 Kings 22:10-11, 20-23, Micah 1:5-7, 1 Samuel 15:23, Romans 8:3]. The Covenant Children were tempted and went astray, giving themselves over to serve false gods [Romans 1:24-25]. GOD HIMSELF forever plundered and overthrew all dead spirits, through HIS Covenant with HIS few chosen Children, in that 70 year captivity to Babylon [Isaiah 43:14-17, Isaiah 45:1-4, Revelation 1:18], and then completely conquered all things at the cross [1 Corinthians 15:26].

    THE CREATOR proved to the entire creation, all sins of humanity left alone, without THE HOLY SPIRIT to intervene, cannot be fully recognized and conquered by any created being [Proverbs 29:15]. At the fullness of time, GOD forsook the 1st covenant [Matthew 21:19, Galatians 4:4-5], to bridge \ carry over and establish a better covenant [Hebrews 8:6-9] with the entire creation [Colossians 1:20]. In this 2nd covenant age of spiritual washing / regeneration [Titus 3:5], the door is open for all humanity to enter into a physical, Spiritual Blood \ Soul Covenant with THE FATHER, for all to be completely sanctified as individuals [Matthew 22:9], according to the requirements of the standing covenant [Acts 13:47, Ephesians 6:13-18].

    GOD gave instructions to continually knock at THE DOOR with a good conscience / thoughts toward THE CREATOR [Deuteronomy 4:29, Matthew 7:7]. GOD looks into the hearts / thoughts of all humanity [Psalm 53:2, Matthew 15:19, Mark 7:21], to impart blessings. GOD desires for all mankind to partake in direct communion with HIM [Isaiah 48:10, Matthew 22:14]. The election is permitted to experience a continual personal relationship with THE CREATOR [2 Chronicles 29:11, Genesis 17:1-5].

    In Hebrews 7:3, the 1st covenant was of physical, spiritual natural selection, based in the self-righteousness of the creation itself, from where the perfect body of JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOUR AND HIGH PRIEST was to be prepared, through all the good works sown of the flesh, souls and spirits of that covenant [1 Corinthians 12:2-3, 12]. Only through the intervention of GOD was victory over Sin, Death and Hell made possible, unto the manifestation of JESUS CHRIST [Ezekiel 36:23]. In Jeremiah 30:9-11, the physical and spiritual body of JESUS CHRIST was the first to reign in Heaven [Isaiah 43:6, Revelation 22:13]. GOD THE SON secured salvation for the entire creation [Hebrews 9:12], HE is given authority from THE FATHER to physically, spiritually execute all judgments at HIS RETURN [Isaiah 11:1-4, John 5:26-27].

    The perfect physical body of JESUS CHRIST was offered, then glorified as the Tabernacle and Temple of all Covenants [Mark 14:15-16, 22 etc.]. THE HOLY SPIRIT was offered in - between the two covenants, etc. [Luke 23:33 etc.]. JESUS CHRIST became a physical, spiritual scapegoat sent out from the Altar of Sacrifice, to minister, bless all nations [see Leviticus 16:6-10, 21-22, Jeremiah 50:8].

    JESUS CHRIST was the only one able to completely glorify GOD, through faith and good works with HIS own flesh, soul and spirit [James 2:14, 17]. JESUS was birthed into the world in accordance with all the good works sown of HIS Covenant Children, led of THE FATHER [Ephesians 5:30, 32, Revelation 12:1-2]. GOD THE SON came to heal all willing souls [Luke 16:17-18] and to physically, spiritually defeat all Sin, Death, Hell, which is to say LUCIFER Satan the Devil(s) [Romans 6:11-12, Colossians 2:15]. THE NAME JESUS CHRIST was sent to destroy all false God’s of the Altars \ Alters of Samaria and Nineveh, etc. [Nahum 1:11, John 4:9, 22, Romans 14:11].

    The 1st covenant was used for the glorification of the physical creation, they too were to expand and establish themselves with THE CREATOR in spirit and in truth [Numbers 28:9, Isaiah 58:1-14]. Judah was right to insist that all were commanded to only worship in the physical, spiritual City of Jerusalem, within the territory of Judah, according to the Covenant made with Moses [John 4:20-24]. Judah means leader(s) of the tabernacle [Genesis 49:10], to obtain a soul likeness of Moses [Exodus 7:1].

    In Genesis 49:9-10-12, Mark 9:2-4 and Hebrews 7:14, the ultimate place of worship in this Covenant age of THE HOLY SPIRIT is with THE LEADER, AND HIGH PREIST from the tribe of Judah dwelling in Heaven [Hebrews 7:14, Hebrews 12:22-24, Revelation 5:5]. The covenant of this age is based in the glorification of the spiritual creation [Romans 2:28-29].

    Israel \ Christianity is being tested by fire, used as a fishhook and a trap, against the Mouth of the Eater [Jeremiah 50:24, Nahum 3:12, Revelation 12:15]. GOD will completely overthrow, conquer the powers of darkness, physically and spiritually, at the close of this covenant age, through the cross of JESUS CHRIST [1 Corinthians 15:16]. No one is ever to sin for righteousness to abound [Romans 6:1-2], rather we are to completely destroy Sin, Death and Hell with the righteousness of THE HOLY SPIRIT working through us [Luke 10:17-20].

    Presenting good libations of THE HOLY SPIRIT to GOD, mixed with sin, is not pleasing to GOD [Malachi 1:7-14, 1 Peter 1:15-17]. Only the tenacious soul of the lion of the tribe of Judah, JESUS CHRIST, was able to fully conquer Sin, Death, Hell, providing the entire creation a way to escape complete death [Isaiah 59:16-21, Luke 4:18-20, Hebrews 9:11-12]. GOD IS restoring and glorifying HIS Garden, requiring all to eventually renounce, defeat, escape the works of Sin, Death and Hell [2 Corinthians 6:17, Revelation 18:4], through blessings of HIS covenant of peace with THE HOLY SPIRIT JESUS CHRIST [Ezekiel 34:25, John 14:27]. The Covenant of peace with THE CREATOR is available to all souls in every age \ generation [Numbers 25:10-12-13].

    Chapter 3

    Hebrews 2:14 AKJV

    Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took partook of the same, that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil,

    JESUS CHRIST THE HOLY SPIRIT, became an intercessor for the entire creation [Isaiah 59:16, Hebrews 9:24 see Mark 9:14-16]. In Acts 1:20, JESUS THE CHRIST became the new light bearer, ambassador of GOD [John 12:32, Acts 1:20, 1 Corinthians 15:28]. JESUS CHRIST was offered for the entire world [1 John 2:2], HE WAS \ IS a physical, spiritual unblemished sacrifice of GOD THE FATHER, for the full establishment and expansion of HIS entire Kingdom. In Colossians 1:15-20, JESUS CHRIST is reconciling all things to HIMSELF, according to the purpose of HIS cross. All are invited to partake in the Marriage Supper of THE LAMB [Matthew 22:8-9], but there is a dress code [Ephesians 6:11-18]. GOD is destroying death through HIS Covenant Children, HE is searching for those who will deny themselves, for the purpose of serving with HIS mostly spiritual military [2 Timothy 2:3-4].

    In Hebrews 13:11-13, all first fruits to GOD must spiritually, physically prove themselves faithful to GOD [Revelation 17:14], as martyrs and witnesses [1 Corinthians 2:6-8, Revelation 11:7-8, Revelation 12:11] while sojourning in Babylon [Hebrews 11:9]. GOD SAID there is an easy way, or a hard way to overthrow the powers of darkness [Deuteronomy Chapter 28]. The creation chose the hard way, because the workers of LUCIFER Satan the Devil were not overthrown [1 Corinthians 10:5] and they would not repent [Revelation 16:9, 11].

    Due to the hardness of humanity, GOD set in motion a perfect way to extract the most salvation possible, through many tribulations [Judges 10:14, Matthew 24:21, Acts 14:22]. Wickedness must be fully exposed for GOD to righteously execute eternal judgments [Proverbs 16:12, Revelation 16:5]. In Micah 4:10, "Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies. AKJV. O daughter of Zion", refers to all spirit beings of Zion, the Holy City of GOD in Heaven [Psalm 48:2, Galatians 3:26-28], redeemed to THE ALPHA AND OMEGA \ JESUS CHRIST [Leviticus 26:11-13, Revelation 1:8]. Whosoever is fully sanctified in the spiritual, physical offering of themselves to THE FATHER, should be glorified as first fruits, that is to say, consecrated in the Image of JESUS CHRIST [Romans 6:5, Romans 12:1-2].

    The last remnant of souls will be harvested in the 2nd millennial age, after the Marriage Supper Of THE LAMB [Revelation 19:7-9, Revelation 21:1-4, 26, Revelation 22:1-3, Isaiah 2:1-4, Ezekiel 47:22-23]. Hell will give up its captives [Isaiah 43:6] after the great multitude makes atonement for all personal sins [Luke 12:58-59], including the Israel not of GOD [Romans 9:6, Romans 11:14-15, 20-23-32]. The 5 foolish Virgins of this covenant age [Matthew 25:1-10], are not chosen as first fruits. All who die in their sins, must pass through the fires of the adversaries, while separated away from GOD for an eternity / 1000 earth years, all in various degrees [Psalm 90:3-4, Revelation 20:7-15].

    Offerings from the Altar of Burnt Animal Sacrifices, were symbolic of the condition of the entire congregation of the 1st covenant [Exodus 29:38-45, Amos 5:21-27]. In the 1st covenant age, all the offerings from the Altar \ Alter of Judah and Israel, whether of blessings or curses, were sent outside the camp, throughout the world [1 Kings 12:16-17, Jeremiah 26:6]. THE CREATOR uses the good offerings of the Altar of Sacrifice to administer blessings of HIS covenants, HIS physical, spiritual presence of honor, glory, blessings, power, salvation for all nations [Deuteronomy 10:17-18, Exodus 29:37, 43].

    Through free will, Judah and Israel set up shrines for Baalzebub \ Beelzebub, at the high places [Judges 6:25, 2 Kings 1-2]. Due to physical, spiritual worshiping of false Gods, all the inhabitants of the earth are to be stretched out as far as earth is from heaven, located at other side of the universe \ firmament \ expanse [Genesis 1:6-8, Isaiah 40:22-23], unto ends of the earth separation of the sheep, and the goats [Isaiah 42:5-6, Matthew 25:32]. GOD will stretch out the

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